This just in; President Joe is now enforcing a NAFTA wide income support with payment to be made tomorrow morning to every. North American who is not currently receiving any support with a weekly payment of $1237.38 per week based on $175.34 per day. Joe is a hero . He is tired of the hesitation and the resistance of the European income support culture. It is actually also American culture since the 1600's on the US Eastern seaboard. We are also way behind our This Russian neighbors in terms of income support. This is untenable. I received my payment this morning; a credit into my bank account. This is how we show them. We can have involvement and participation; in our own economy. All North Americans should receive this income support and not just some or the few in North America. This is the real problem causing low consumer stimulus. Resolving this income support issue is how we also solve consumer stimulus. You hear them talk about Air Superiority with that SU 37 or 57. Well, this is called Economic superiority. I would like to punch that SU 37 in the nose. Soon, our payments to each citizen will be $229.00 per day per citizen. We will be ahead; not behind. Otherwise, North America is just a warehouse of European products that confirm European technological hegemony but that do not sell sufficiently because an insufficient number of North Americans( who are fourth generation Ukrainian, Italian or Polish or Cuban, Puerto Rican Saudi, African or West Indian, English or Russian etc are actually receive any income support.

 This just in; President Joe is now enforcing a NAFTA wide income support with payment to be made tomorrow morning to every. North American who is not currently receiving any support with a weekly payment of $1237.38 per week based on $175.34 per day.  Joe is a hero . He is tired of  the hesitation and the resistance of the European income support culture. It is actually  also American culture since the 1600's on  the US  Eastern seaboard.  We are also way behind  our This Russian neighbors in terms of income support.  This is untenable.     

I received my payment this morning; a credit into my bank account.  This is how we show them.  We can have involvement and participation; in our own economy.  All North Americans should receive this income support and not just some or the few in North America.  This is the real problem causing  low consumer stimulus.  Resolving  this income support issue is how we also solve consumer stimulus.  

You hear them talk about Air Superiority with that SU 37 or 57.  Well, this is called Economic superiority.  I would like to punch that SU 37 in the nose.  Soon, our payments to each citizen will be $229.00 per day per citizen.  We will be ahead; not behind.  

Otherwise, North America is just a warehouse of European products that confirm European technological hegemony but that do not sell sufficiently because an insufficient number of North Americans( who are fourth generation Ukrainian, Italian or Polish or Cuban, Puerto Rican Saudi, African or West Indian, English or Russian etc  are actually receive any income support.  


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