The Marshall Plan or the European Recovery Program says we pay sales tax to pay for Europeans to have food and other essentials; and this is okay but we must pay each North American to have this food and the essentials also. The concept "ability to pay" was mentioned in General Marshall's speech when introducing the plan. Warren A. Lyon ( Economist), says this is an essential concept for economic discussion where ability to pay for essentials per citizen as guaranteed for every citizen is the first column of national defence. Hegemony is a feeling and an emotion and some may want to feel North America dying as to assemble the emotive harmony of European Hegemony; and they are short sighted since North America is an extension of European civilization and should fund Europe directly and indirectly through the sale of European goods; and we cannot defend Europe by emptying Europe out to populate North America again and again with a population transferance. A dying North America would not satisfy European hegemony. If your finger is dying, how do you have hegemony? North America is the finger. Europe is the body. Europe needs its own population to salve life in Europe and to preserve European markets. But for every North American not paid an income support, you are vacating North America and destabilising European Hegemony in North America. The current system therefore resembles a selfish parasite; not a healthy hegemon and vassal arrangement with North America as a healthy vassal. In restoring the economic health of the world, we have to ensure the economic health of North America also. ClIck here.

  The Marshall Plan or the European  Recovery Program says we pay sales tax to pay for Europeans  to have food and other essentials; and this is okay but we must pay each North American to have this food and the essentials also. The concept  "ability  to pay"  was mentioned  in General Marshall's speech when introducing the plan.  Warren A. Lyon ( Economist), says  this is an essential concept for economic discussion where ability to pay for essentials per citizen as guaranteed for every citizen is the first column of national defence. Hegemony  is a feeling  and an emotion  and some may want to feel North  American independence and hegemony. Some want to feel it dying;  dying as to assemble the emotive harmony of European Hegemony; and they are short sighted since North America is an extension of European civilization and should fund Europe directly and indirectly through the sale of European goods; and we cannot defend Europe by emptying Europe out to populate North America again and again with a population transference. 

So if I  buy my father dinner, does that give me any authority or hegemony over them? If I undertake to do this, but end up in deficit  and dependent on Europe again when I did not run a system of economy to budget for the expenditure of this Marshall's plan dinner; not did  I priority make the income support payment to my own population the chief priority of the North American population to aid sales of European goods and products across  the continent. But Asian vehicles when money is too tight to mention,  it seems the Asian vehicles  sell like hotcakes at I HOP Restaurant .  But,  what does I Hop stand for anyway?  I don't know  everything.  

///// ////

A dying  North America would not satisfy European hegemony.   If your finger is dying, how do you have hegemony? North America is the finger.   Europe  is the body.   Europe needs its own population to  salve  life in Europe and to preserve European markets. But for  every North American  not  paid an income support or that is paid insufficiently,  you are vacating North America  and destabilising European Hegemony in North America.  This should take an hour to resolve.    But, we are not served well by hegemony confused animals. We are frustrated.  Marshall is really a Kazinski at birth.  The current system therefore resembles  the selfish parasite; not a healthy symbiotic hegemon and vassal arrangement with North America as a healthy vassal. In restoring  the economic health of the world, we have to ensure the economic health of North America and the UK Anglo also.  

Gente  Negrati Bianco


Plan Marshall

American plan to help rebuild Europe after World War II
Plan Marshall
Other name(s)Foreign Assistance Act of 1948[N 1]
Description de l'image Marshall plan page 1.jpg.
TitreAn act to promote world peace and the general welfare, national interest, and foreign policy of the United States through economic, financial, and other measures necessary to the maintenance of conditions abroad in which free institutions may survive and consistent with the maintenance of the strength and stability of the United States[N 2]
PaysUnited States Flag United States of America
Territory of application


Official languages)English
Adoption and entry into force
Legislature80th  United States Congress
GovernmentPresidency of Harry S. Truman

The Marshall Plan (after its development, it is officially called "European Recovery Program" , in English  : European Recovery Program , or ERP), or Foreign Assistance Act of 1948 , is an American program of loans granted to the various States of Europe to aid in the reconstruction of towns and facilities bombed in World War II . These loans come with the condition of importing an equivalent amount of equipment and American products. In four years, the United States lends Europe 16.5 billion dollars(the equivalent of 173 billion dollars in 2020), i.e. more than 10% of the GDP of the countries concerned.

Truman 's government preferred it to the Morgenthau plan , which then provided for Germany to pay for reparations Indeed, several experts [Who?] consider that after the First World War , the question of German reparations contributed to the creation of a feeling of injustice and had facilitated the seizure of power by the Nazis .

The initiative is baptized, by journalists, with the name of the United States Secretary of State , General George Marshall , who, during a speech at Harvard University (), exposes the will of the federal government of the United States to contribute to the recovery of Europe. Thus in this speech, Marshall affirms:

“It makes sense that the United States is doing everything to help restore the economic health of the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace. »

The terms of the plan were discussed at the Paris conference , which was finally signed by 16 countries on.


General George Marshall in 1946.

Until 1947, the policy of the Americans consisted in reducing the productive capacities of Germany, a policy which prevented European recovery. Advised by General Marshall and other official or unofficial personalities, President Harry S. Truman modified American policy. The plan is presented for the first time by Secretary of State James F. Byrnes during a speech held in Stuttgart onIn addition, General Lucius D. Clay had asked the boss of industry Lewis H. Brown  (in) to take stock of the economic situation in Germany and to assess the needs for reconstruction.

The final plan is announced by Marshall onat Harvard University , while the latter awarded him an honorary doctorate [ 2 ] . Jean-Claude Sergeant emphasizes that “paradoxically, the event went almost unnoticed. Only three British press correspondents reported on it and it was by chance, while listening to the BBC the next day, that Bevin became aware of this historic proposal which seemed devoid of any ideological ulterior motive” [ 2 ] .

"The truth is that Europe's needs for the next three or four years in food and other essentials imported from abroad - especially from America - are so much greater than its present ability to pay that 'it will have to receive very substantial additional aid or face very serious economic, social and political dislocation. […] It makes sense that the United States should do all it can to help restore the economic health of the world, without which political stability and assured peace are impossible. 
Speech by George Marshall, General and Advisor to President Roosevelt, June 5, 1947.

In Congress , the Republican wing , which advocates an isolationist policy , criticizes a plan which decides on massive spending abroad, but this opposition fades after Czechoslovakia fell into the area of ​​Soviet influence following the events of Prague shot . Truman signs the Marshall Plan onEconomically, Charles Kindleberger was a key architect [ 3 ] . The United States asks the European States to agree among themselves within the OEEC to establish a reconstruction plan. The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) is responsible for reviewing reconstruction projects with a view to granting assistance. On the Soviet side, the Comecon or CAEM is created.

Between 1947 and 1951 , the United States devoted 16.5 billion dollars [ 4 ] of the time (including eleven billion in donations) to the recovery of 23 European countries in response to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation ( OEEC , today the OECD today ). The total amount of aid would correspond to between 130 billion and 230 billion dollars in 2012 [ 5 ] , or about 4% of GNP for five years.

The Americans thus contributed to European cooperation, which included the Marshall Plan in part in the policy of containment desired by President Truman [ 6 ] , a prelude to European construction [ 7 ] .

European reconstruction, relatively rapid, was largely stimulated by American aid, while the American economy thus avoided recession because of massive overproduction that could have resulted from the cessation of hostilities [ref. necessary] .

The Marshall Plan was rejected by the Soviet Union and the countries of the future Eastern Bloc . Indeed, Stalin feared that the Marshall Plan would serve to conquer the security glacis of the USSR. The USSR consequently exerts pressure against the countries it occupies and which had shown their interest. The insistence of the United States on the economic liberalization of the countries benefiting from the plan certainly played a role as well, the free market being incompatible with a command economy. As the Zhdanov doctrine specifies , each state had to “choose sides” . The year 1947 is by this aspect considered as the beginning of thecold war . In 1949 begins the Comecon linking the countries of Eastern Europe .

First financial aid arrived in Greece and Turkey in January 1947. Sixteen countries accepted financial aid, plus West Germany from 1949 [ 6 ] .

Between 1948 and 1951 , Western Europe 's GNP jumped 32% (from $120 billion to $159 billion); agricultural production increased by 11% and industrial production by about 40% [ 8 ] .


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