What if, in the short run, the Garbage dump became a building that is also now a powerplant? We could cart all the garbage to buildings that do nothing else but burn Garbage and filter the smoke from the burning garbage through a fuel cell that will take the various methane and hydrogen gases to produce electricity. This is another proposal by Warren A. Lyon.
ALUSRA ™ is about the human family. We are all invited. ALUSRA ™ is in contact with major companies and governments. As such, it is strongly suggested that you forward any genuine interest you have to info.angelronan@mail.com. You will receive a response accordingly. We cannot say what will happen if you contact power companies with your genuine environmental interest concerning our ideas and intellectual concepts that involves Electronic Garbage cans for municipal use at home and at public municipal locations that will incinerate the garbage, creating methane, Hydrogen gases that will be processed by a specially designed fuel cell that will turn the gas into electricity that will power bus stops and street lamps. We do not need the electric power but we also do not need the garbage and garbage collection or garbage dumps yet it is a causal reality in our human civilization. Our concept will help to resolve the problem with garbage and garbage collection; especially the time and money and environmental degradation involved in collection. The name ALUSRA ™ as a trade name is in use and is common law protected as intellectual property.
ALUSRA ™ means "family" in what is probably the world's oldest language in current, popular global use; Arabic. Rabbi Jesus who lived and discussed life with Herod ( a Britannia cave man) spoke Arabic. Did you hear about his miracle of turning water into wine? Well, ALUSRA is like turning hot methane and hydrogen gases (similar to the flatulence suffered usually by mangy dogs) into electricity.
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