If you will have a kingdom or a country, then you need people. What if the English People had no pirate culture to weigh them down and their sense of worth? They would feel really European. Did you ever encounter a Neanderthal female relative who is trying to kill you for a 17 year old business name when she was already arrested and convicted for trying to register it to herself? But, she can buy her own shoes and register her own business dream for the price of a decent pair of discount foot wear. We could work together. She has chosen conflict; instead. What about your version of the Q and A for Criminal Law with a question or two on Oath v. Oath jurisprudence as based on your personal professional litigation experience? What does she want? I don't care. I saw the KICC TV channel today. You would probably need a lawyer to help you achieve that. If you give the Psalms and Proverbs to a Bush man of the Kalahari today, who is he? Is he an Abraham or an Adam? Cooked food and circumcision are not usually aboriginal tendencies or a part of their culture. We are all aboriginals; at different levels of technological utilization and sophistication. Some times are technological utilization supercedes our understanding of family. We are encouraged to think as individuals( who are they around me that are competition for my acceptance?). Cave men tend to think primarily as individuals and not as members of a group. You never know when someone will beat you to death for a fish. Aboriginals tribes men are more evolved than the cave dweller. They had family and community. It seems there is a domestic helper who was rather individualistic with cave minded origin and who converted competition for food into social competition to be equal or superior to others around him. He was not sufficiently socialised or educated for work; work in communal circles or family. He killed all the other servants if they dared to do any work in front of him; for competition, poisoning them. But, family, community is the purpose of everything. Some modern aboriginals choose to take transit or walk. Some drive vehicles. Some accept home ownership and own properties. Some resent it murderously. You could never say the Queen or any such authority resents home ownership. We can at least agree that an income support is a good aboriginal solution to the economy for everyone. I am a Black Tudor. I don't know about you. I have no time to deal with any ignorant Latino Anglo who cannot believe Dido was a free woman, born in England as a Tudor descendant or who cannot believe there were Black people living and working in England as evidenced in the case Somerset v. Stewart. See Somerset v Stewart (1772) 98 ER 499. The Tudors were much like the Moors as men of contract and letters. Prior to their departure to America, they were rebranded Puritans. Sometimes the father could be a husband but the mother figure was not a woman and they might have had one Pochahontas adoption to help them raise and have children. The mother figure would have the money and food but would also get a sign of servitude and servility once a year near Christmas when the native baby mother would have to vacuum mother's crotch area with her lips; that all began at 10 years old. A potential husband for this native birthing woman was always possible if they understood what might happen where the family she was in might chase her away so she could show her servitude once a year. It's a redundant ritual as the mother figure wants to see her grand children and have the social authority. I completed this research at SOAS where I am Alumni. See Exodus 34. Things should calm down in the Anglo world; now that we understand the 11th command as we have been barbarians until now in our lack of understanding; that we must render unto the community and the Lord(now it's the VAT/sales tax) and this shall be redistributed to every citizen in a reasonable daily sum called the income support (about 3 hours of daily work at an industrial wage, £$30.00 per hour/ a fraction of the money saved in the 24 hour/7 days a week of robotic automation that is emblemised in the work of bank machines. Can you imagine an Asian population as large as the Anglo population in Canada or as large as the Anglo population in the UK that does not have an income support of at least £25,000.00 equivalent for every citizen? It's amazing that people in a country as sparcely populated as Canada are worried about over crowding while new immigrants are arriving every day yet the income support system or people system does not support the economy. It's such a small, small small population suffering from small mindedness that is unusually running low on "humanity" during Covid. Most ethnic Canadians would usually identify themselves as hyphenated Canadians but there aren't enough Canadians of any kind even when the country is really full( for Canadian standards) to bother with hyphenation. Have you been to Manitoba? The cost in time it takes to save the multi syllabic name is about how long it takes to scan through all the people in the province on a data base. What is "Ho ya" in Cantonese? Now, if this whole linguistic thing was a hegemony game for some, who wrote the rules and how do you win? First, you need to identify what linguistic grouping you are in and then you need to understand that he who has the most people wins. The Anglo is not in the Euro grouping or the Asian grouping or the Eastern Prussian language grouping. The problem for the English is much like a cave man who says he needs to be the only one. His cave man or brother catches a fish and they offer it to share while he would rather beat him with a rock to have the whole fish. Then, another more evolved cave man shows up and says what about 2 against 1 in a fight and he wins against the lone, single, selfish cave man. Who is your leader? Bring me as an Egyptian to him or her. We can help. The English have less cash and less ownership of anything industrial in this world than Korea or Japan but the English have more territory at their disposal. The word territory has two meanings. It can mean a geographic location marked by lines of division or borders. It can be a verb to say you are taking territory. As such, the map is not the verb. Another, more obiesent people(obiesent to communal and civilizational principles) could be taking territory in your territory. This is because the Asians, regardless of size, respect civilization's principles that began in Egypt; the 11th commandment and you are still screaming as English that you are a foreigner and a Barbarian to this principle. Judge me by my size; do you? The Asians are capitalist and also masters of national defence. He who has the most people, wins. When we build vehicles, they must work as expected and provide safety to people. When we build economies, they must also work as expected and provide safety to people. Most UK citizens have less income support than the average Citizen of Vermont or Alberta. Also, there is an issue with unequal provision that violates the Equal Rights Act in the US and other such legislation in the Commonwealth world. This is contrary to law and equity. I don't mind so long as what is provided is sufficient for the life of any citizen ( about $40,000.00 per year) and if some people get more, then no problem. There are inefficiencies in the economy, affecting people when some participants subvert the will and intention of the government. The importance of having a people and a family has not settled well with the "cave man" Anglo among us with his nice clothes on. The aboriginal understands this importance of family and people, however, and is not struggling with his humanity. The Pan Anglo may be asserting that anyone is English who can speak the language with one accent or the other and that the Gaelic is not any more legitimate than the Anglo born in Cayman Brac or at Bodden Town. But, these assertions cannot be the reason for the economic inefficiencies that are predicated on some other misfeasant motivation that "frustrated" the government agenda. Young people need bank accounts. Old people need their money when they request it. These bank machines inside the branches will now take over account opening. Each initial deposit will be no less than £5.00 with these machines. Any government ID is enough to open the account. The government has the citizen/customer's address details. The loss write off amount per day is more than £____.00 so this should not be abused by inside job teller bank robbery. The tellers will be automated entirely as bank machines now while there will be intelligent staff on hand who are not wasting the bank's time and who are not glamourous looking drug abusers that will answer questions and assist with money transfers although transfers can be done through online banking as well. Most bank jobs will involve customer service as needed to smoothen out or "police" operations where self serve clients make mistakes or when there are unfortunate computer calculations or when there is an on going misapplication of HMRC policy they hinders bank business. Every account opening opportunity should involve a deposit and any proof of current address will do, using the bank's discretion to encourage you to have more and more business. How many accounts have you opened in the last week? The machine will verify one piece of government ID, it will record your address and email details as typed into the portal available on the machine Computer window, it will issue a generic bank card with about 500 cards loaded in the machine and then you will have the opportunity to make a minimum £5.00 deposit at a regular bank machine. Did you ever see a Citibank branch employee with an airline style uniform on? These banks are soo small globally and they spend soo much in branch operations like a dunce even before they made a dollar or a pound. An account opening letter will be sent to your email address instantly with other account opening disclosure documents. I have several of these now. I will be picking up my card at the branch as I have just received notification that the card is ready. It will also issue a receipt confirming account number and sort code details. I'm now learning Gaelic now; on YouTube. The "story book"is the glass ceiling. You need a more realistic story book. Granny from Latino Anglo(respec' boss man) had a vision of England based on a story book that had monochrome images in it; Sketches of people on white paper with black ink. Printing black characters cost too much and the ink might run. But, Oliver Twist was black in the first printing of the Dickens' novel and Mary Poppins was black also. Yet, the Latino Anglo does not want "you" as a Gaelic Anglo, believing in the 11 commandments to tell him anything. The English do not want America to tell them anything but England is big and America is small so we do want to see anything that makes America feel big but they will be tolerated so long as they they send cash gifts to the Queen's Trust and implement an income trust for all citizens. There is a Long Shanks or Privy Council/EU/GMBH Office Working with the US Navy and Government etc to ensure continuity for the German car industry and also Anglo Gaelic cultural continuity. The last 70 years involved giving global corporations visa and mastercard power over the UK/EU Federal Reserve, formerly the US Federal Reserve. The airlines have their money on time as well as the car companies; and now the economy itself with all the people funded properly and regularly; English. It's time for Gideon to do his work if you don't see the English have been tearing themselves apart on issues of good and bad motivation and over issues of understanding. The population is not a monolith. Some are Mexicans but they have English accents in North Middlesex. However, the English are supposed to be from a land of the same name, speaking Gaelic as their aboriginal language or English; a combination of many Euro languages. He could be a Taino Bahamian, looking Southern Mediterranean and his family converted to Judaism but he speaks only English. There are some tensions due to differences in comprehension. The Income support is for economic benefit; not for humanitarian reasons. We spend a lot on the issues stemming from the failure to implement a full Maslow Compliant support. There are other Cultural or emotional issues, affecting the various types of Anglos. How could you, a white family or a West Indian family, be killing a law graduate over social competition in front of me; something about you never saw it in your story book? If I am really Mexican and you are the English or if I am now the English, why is your economy always arguing with God or the Holy See? Money cures much of these problems. People with money cures the problems. It has caused such great tension that the unseen leadership deep down in a cave at York, "wills" a war. He wants the economy to work with the right numbers for the VAT and the income support that mirrors the Republic of Ireland and the Swiss and this time, he has begged many people to come to occupy the land this time in the 21st century from Europe who do have enough money to support the shops and businesses. The Northern Gaelic people in the Republic of Ireland hear this aboriginal leader in the cave. The southern people are arguing since they don't want any one to tell them anything as some kind of Creole who says he must tell you how to do things. You are not supposed to tell him. The people arm themselves with burgers, bread and more football tickets. They get to work. They buy more Hello magazines. Some are Owners of property. Some are former indentured servants or former slaves or new world aboriginals with adidas shoes on and they really resent formalities of ownership but he would give half his savings to try, try, try and own his half brother's house in Sheffield. But, some people won't quit if you could teach, tell him anything and some really are an unusual dna as maybe black or white or yellow; Cain and they will always have a cause. They will always be angry. They will always keep his struggle alive although there is a solution; but he would rather argue like Robert E. Lee who refused the income support for both white and black Southerners and this was the real cause of the Civil War. During that war Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Dubois were enjoying their income support. I discovered this with research at SOAS where I am an Alumni graduate. The blacks in the south were on slave rations, picking cotton with Bush/Cain who was a white slave back then. The point is that the slave ration plus shelter and shoes was as much as a simple income support. But, they South chose to argue and did not administer the support to its citizens south of the Mason Dixon line. Today, Missouri still seems to be short of this support and now the infamy of the Ozark and it's desperation, breeding lawlessness has become the subject of award winning "shock you" drama. Some of the characters are like cave men driving old Chevy's. They don't want any family going to college or any family buying property since their kind don't do that sort of thing. There are some cave men/ pirate black people like this who would kill their family members over education or over competition bridge they would work together. Cave men had to evolve from being the single figure l, surviving on his own and into the being capable of working in groups. The Northern English/ the Gaelic all have the income support. Maybe there is a difference in propensity and proclivity between the average Gaelic Anglo and the average Latino Anglo. The Gaelic are more settled into the purposes of the 11 commandments. The Latino Anglo are experimenting; with the VAT also. You would never leave the London Underground or the Overground rail system to experimentation. The Northern Americans all have this income Support. The south are still failing to abide by this principle and the Russians laugh since how could you let such a simple principle defeat you? How could you let automation defeat you? The Monarch has to be Gaelic and not Latino Anglo. Herod/Cain, a cousin to Bush, has been looking for his Herodian body in Iraq, Afghanistan etc and using Bush to help him as Cain people work like the Cuca Rocha. They went to Israel during WW1 and WW2. We have no need for any more Bush in politics since it has been more than 12 years in America with America as an economic slave in the Bush and still there is no national income support to help the Latino Anglo. Either your are Gaelic English or you are Latino Anglo. But, maybe there will be a good care taker Bush, possibly the one who is retired,that can solve it all whether in or out of office and he could come back for another 2 years in office if he wants under the new rules maybe in a great celebration of the power of former presidential influence. Robert E. Lee said cray fish was enough for the people and today, the people south of the Mason Dixon still rely on Cray fish when they don't have the income support like the people up north. Donna Birkwell is not understanding this. But, if it is just a question of a contest with Russia or China, he who has the most people wins; the most people with the most income support. This is important for all the Latino Anglos in the world to observe. I'm Gaelic. I speak French and I am studying that old ancient language. It's about "not really white, not really black, not really English, not racist and not really educated but you need to understand authority and how some people feel, that there will always will be a Black Cheddar man who is the father of all the Gaelic and the English. So long as the numbers are right, the economy will work and your citizens will not have to run to Iceland and then come back to England as hyphenated Anglos albeit with a proper Income Support since no one is more English than the authorities; who ask you who is really English and what is English? Whoever has the most citizens and people with income support wins. The discussion we have is with an ancient people; troglodytes whose dna survived the Continental divide. They might have blocked the Black Tudor, landing with Mayflower I,II, III and IV on West Indian beaches and in Florida and caused them to drown with their belief in God. The troglodyte worked with the aboriginals on this when possible with their skin also black or reddish brown like Apocalypto. They took his books and studied the opaque images. He could see he was not black Tudor and nor was he African but a troglodyte with books, depicting pale images of an exciting futuristic life but color is important as kin for these people but so is technology and contract is technology. You may not be his kin if you believe in land contracts. It's full of so many notions foreign to him. But, most important is his mind's initial subversion of life and oneself to those original Story book images from books encountered on the beach at Bodden Town or Long Bay or at Negril as they scavenged a ship wreck. The book, with the sketches, fed right into the cave man's respect and submission to the wall drawings; as the authority. Your skin tone is not in the monochrome images of the book and Pharaonic nose is too big according to the sketch in book so how could you be a black taxi driver, Black Anglo Tudor or Black Mary Poppins in front of me, Napoleon asks, as he smashes the nose on every Pharaoh mask; every Pharaoh mask? He sees, as he reads the book, that he is not the Anglo, Black or white, and he is not the African. As he allows the book to lead his expectations, he would then exclude himself and his children. He does not include himself like the African and enjoy the story, "Pip, Oliver, Valmont, D'anglais....good...good...", and may move himself back to the edge of existence, like the phone tells him. But, the Raven is not raising Blue Jays or Cardinals. He is raising his Ravens, his kin and some Ravens are white. But, maybe if your life experience takes you beyond the confines of the story book's accidental coloured unintentional editorial printed monochrome to save on ink, you may find the troglodyte in your midst telling you that you are not sufficiently monochrome to be a Premier League referee in front of him or a barrister with more than a 2:2. At 2:2, they can believe these days but at 2:1, the troglodyte tries to marginalize you, compete with you although subtly and this is because he is still, today, in the modern era seeing himself and the world through the limited sketchy imagery digested by his ancestors who seared his self-paradigmatic world view with those early Dumas or Dickens books with no real world African or European experience to demarcate the limited purpose of these fictional images from fact. No one is competing. They are serving their ancestors and community. Instead of meaningless sketchy images, he sees a command about black or white, about himself, in a self destructive disinformational loop and he does not have enough information/education to get out. You are safer staying away from the image and the Anglo now is just a squirrel or hamster in his own economy and just needs to agree with his role as a hamster to keep the transactions going and the VAT and profits high in earnings for the Vorsprung Durch Deutsch Technik. Could a mobile phone network or phone casing made with chemicals manipulate this fragility in identity suffered by the troglodyte today whether he appears now as black or white; excluding himself or anyone he is not sure is within the "Story book's" parameters or African?
If you will have a kingdom or a country, then you need people. What if the English People had no pirate culture to weigh them down and their sense of worth? They would feel really European. Did you ever encounter a Neanderthal female relative who is trying to kill you for a 17 year old business name when she was already arrested and convicted for trying to register it to herself? But, she can buy her own shoes and register her own business dream for the price of a decent pair of discount foot wear. We could work together. She has chosen conflict; instead. What about your version of the Q and A for Criminal Law with a question or two on Oath v. Oath jurisprudence as based on your personal professional litigation experience? What does she want? I don't care. I saw the KICC TV channel today. You would probably need a lawyer to help you achieve that. If you give the Psalms and Proverbs to a Bush man of the Kalahari today, who is he? Is he an Abraham or an Adam? Cooked food and circumcision are not usually aboriginal tendencies or a part of their culture. We are all aboriginals; at different levels of technological utilisation and sophistication. Some times are technological utilisation supercedes our understanding of family. We are encouraged to think as individuals( who are they around me that are competition for my acceptance?). Cave men tend to think primarily as individuals and not as members of a group. You never know when someone will beat you to death for a fish. Aboriginals tribes men are more evolved than the cave dweller. They had family and community. It seems there is a domestic helper who was rather individualistic with cave minded origin and who converted competition for food into social competition to be equal or superior to others around him. He was not sufficiently socialised or educated for work; work in communal circles or family. He killed all the other servants if they dared to do any work in front of him; for competition, poisoning them. But, family, community is the purpose of everything. Some modern aboriginals choose to take transit or walk. Some drive vehicles. Some accept home ownership and own properties. Some resent it murderously. You could never say the Queen or any such authority resents home ownership. We can at least agree that an income support is a good aboriginal solution to the economy for everyone. I am a Black Tudor. I don't know about you. I have no time to deal with any ignorant Latino Anglo who cannot believe Dido was a free woman, born in England as a Tudor descendant or who cannot believe there were Black people living and working in England as evidenced in the case Somerset v. Stewart. See Somerset v Stewart (1772) 98 ER 499. The Tudors were much like the Moors as men of contract and letters. Prior to their departure to America, they were rebranded Puritans. Sometimes the father could be a husband but the mother figure was not a woman and they might have had one Pochahontas adoption to help them raise and have children. The mother figure would have the money and food but would also get a sign of servitude and servility once a year near Christmas when the native baby mother would have to vacuum mother's crotch area with her lips; that all began at 10 years old. A potential husband for this native birthing woman was always possible if they understood what might happen where the family she was in might chase her away so she could show her servitude once a year. It's a redundant ritual as the mother figure wants to see her grand children and have the social authority. I completed this research at SOAS where I am Alumni. See Exodus 34. Things should calm down in the Anglo world; now that we understand the 11th command as we have been barbarians until now in our lack of understanding; that we must render unto the community and the Lord(now it's the VAT/sales tax) and this shall be redistributed to every citizen in a reasonable daily sum called the income support (about 3 hours of daily work at an industrial wage, £$30.00 per hour/ a fraction of the money saved in the 24 hour/7 days a week of robotic automation that is emblemised in the work of bank machines. Can you imagine an Asian population as large as the Anglo population in Canada or as large as the Anglo population in the UK that does not have an income support of at least £25,000.00 equivalent for every citizen? It's amazing that people in a country as sparsely populated as Canada are worried about over crowding while new immigrants are arriving every day yet the income support system or people system does not support the economy. It's such a small, small small population suffering from small mindedness that is unusually running low on "humanity" during Covid. Most ethnic Canadians would usually identify themselves as hyphenated Canadians but there aren't enough Canadians of any kind even when the country is really full( for Canadian standards) to bother with hyphenation. Have you been to Manitoba? The cost in time it takes to save the multi syllabic name is about how long it takes to scan through all the people in the province on a data base. What is "Ho ya" in Cantonese? Now, if this whole linguistic thing was a hegemony game for some, who wrote the rules and how do you win? First, you need to identify what linguistic grouping you are in and then you need to understand that he who has the most people wins. The Anglo is not in the Euro grouping or the Asian grouping or the Eastern Prussian language grouping. The problem for the English is much like a cave man who says he needs to be the only one. His cave man or brother catches a fish and they offer it to share while he would rather beat him with a rock to have the whole fish. Then, another more evolved cave man shows up and says what about 2 against 1 in a fight and he wins against the lone, single, selfish cave man. Who is your leader? Bring me as an Egyptian to him or her. We can help. The English have less cash and less ownership of anything industrial in this world than Korea or Japan but the English have more territory at their disposal. The word territory has two meanings. It can mean a geographic location marked by lines of division or borders. It can be a verb to say you are taking territory. As such, the map is not the verb. Another, more obiesent people(obiesent to communal and civilizational principles) could be taking territory in your territory. This is because the Asians, regardless of size, respect civilization's principles that began in Egypt; the 11th commandment and you are still screaming as English that you are a foreigner and a Barbarian to this principle. Judge me by my size; do you? The Asians are capitalist and also masters of national defence. He who has the most people, wins. When we build vehicles, they must work as expected and provide safety to people. When we build economies, they must also work as expected and provide safety to people. Most UK citizens have less income support than the average Citizen of Vermont or Alberta. Also, there is an issue with unequal provision that violates the Equal Rights Act in the US and other such legislation in the Commonwealth world. This is contrary to law and equity. I don't mind so long as what is provided is sufficient for the life of any citizen ( about $40,000.00 per year) and if some people get more, then no problem. There are inefficiencies in the economy, affecting people when some participants subvert the will and intention of the government. The importance of having a people and a family has not settled well with the "cave man" Anglo among us with his nice clothes on. The aboriginal understands this importance of family and people, however, and is not struggling with his humanity. The Pan Anglo may be asserting that anyone is English who can speak the language with one accent or the other and that the Gaelic is not any more legitimate than the Anglo born in Cayman Brac or at Bodden Town. But, these assertions cannot be the reason for the economic inefficiencies that are predicated on some other misfeasant motivation that "frustrated" the government agenda. Young people need bank accounts. Old people need their money when they request it. These bank machines inside the branches will now take over account opening. Each initial deposit will be no less than £5.00 with these machines. Any government ID is enough to open the account. The government has the citizen/customer's address details. The loss write off amount per day is more than £____.00 so this should not be abused by inside job teller bank robbery. The tellers will be automated entirely as bank machines now while there will be intelligent staff on hand who are not wasting the bank's time and who are not glamourous looking drug abusers that will answer questions and assist with money transfers although transfers can be done through online banking as well. Most bank jobs will involve customer service as needed to smoothen out or "police" operations where self serve clients make mistakes or when there are unfortunate computer calculations or when there is an on going misapplication of HMRC policy they hinders bank business. Every account opening opportunity should involve a deposit and any proof of current address will do, using the bank's discretion to encourage you to have more and more business. How many accounts have you opened in the last week? The machine will verify one piece of government ID, it will record your address and email details as typed into the portal available on the machine Computer window, it will issue a generic bank card with about 500 cards loaded in the machine and then you will have the opportunity to make a minimum £5.00 deposit at a regular bank machine. Did you ever see a Citibank branch employee with an airline style uniform on? These banks are soo small globally and they spend soo much in branch operations like a dunce even before they made a dollar or a pound. An account opening letter will be sent to your email address instantly with other account opening disclosure documents. I have several of these now. I will be picking up my card at the branch as I have just received notification that the card is ready. It will also issue a receipt confirming account number and sort code details. I'm now learning Gaelic now; on YouTube. The "story book"is the glass ceiling. You need a more realistic story book. Granny from Latino Anglo(respec' boss man) had a vision of England based on a story book that had monochrome images in it; Sketches of people on white paper with black ink. Printing black characters cost too much and the ink might run. But, Oliver Twist was black in the first printing of the Dickens' novel and Mary Poppins was black also. Yet, the Latino Anglo does not want "you" as a Gaelic Anglo, believing in the 11 commandments to tell him anything. The English do not want America to tell them anything but England is big and America is small so we do want to see anything that makes America feel big but they will be tolerated so long as they they send cash gifts to the Queen's Trust and implement an income trust for all citizens. There is a Long Shanks or Privy Council/EU/GMBH Office Working with the US Navy and Government etc to ensure continuity for the German car industry and also Anglo Gaelic cultural continuity. The last 70 years involved giving global corporations visa and mastercard power over the UK/EU Federal Reserve, formerly the US Federal Reserve. The airlines have their money on time as well as the car companies; and now the economy itself with all the people funded properly and regularly; English. It's time for Gideon to do his work if you don't see the English have been tearing themselves apart on issues of good and bad motivation and over issues of understanding. The population is not a monolith. Some are Mexicans but they have English accents in North Middlesex. However, the English are supposed to be from a land of the same name, speaking Gaelic as their aboriginal language or English; a combination of many Euro languages. He could be a Taino Bahamian, looking Southern Mediterranean and his family converted to Judaism but he speaks only English. There are some tensions due to differences in comprehension. The Income support is for economic benefit; not for humanitarian reasons. We spend a lot on the issues stemming from the failure to implement a full Maslow Compliant support. There are other Cultural or emotional issues, affecting the various types of Anglos. How could you, a white family or a West Indian family, be killing a law graduate over social competition in front of me; something about you never saw it in your story book? If I am really Mexican and you are the English or if I am now the English, why is your economy always arguing with God or the Holy See? Money cures much of these problems. People with money cures the problems. It has caused such great tension that the unseen leadership deep down in a cave at York, "wills" a war. He wants the economy to work with the right numbers for the VAT and the income support that mirrors the Republic of Ireland and the Swiss and this time, he has begged many people to come to occupy the land this time in the 21st century from Europe who do have enough money to support the shops and businesses. The Northern Gaelic people in the Republic of Ireland hear this aboriginal leader in the cave. The southern people are arguing since they don't want any one to tell them anything as some kind of Creole who says he must tell you how to do things. You are not supposed to tell him. The people arm themselves with burgers, bread and more football tickets. They get to work. They buy more Hello magazines. Some are Owners of property. Some are former indentured servants or former slaves or new world aboriginals with adidas shoes on and they really resent formalities of ownership but he would give half his savings to try, try, try and own his half brother's house in Sheffield. But, some people won't quit if you could teach, tell him anything and some really are an unusual dna as maybe black or white or yellow; Cain and they will always have a cause. They will always be angry. They will always keep his struggle alive although there is a solution; but he would rather argue like Robert E. Lee who refused the income support for both white and black Southerners and this was the real cause of the Civil War. During that war Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Dubois were enjoying their income support. I discovered this with research at SOAS where I am an Alumni graduate. The blacks in the south were on slave rations, picking cotton with Bush/Cain who was a white slave back then. The point is that the slave ration plus shelter and shoes was as much as a simple income support. But, they South chose to argue and did not administer the support to its citizens south of the Mason Dixon line. Today, Missouri still seems to be short of this support and now the infamy of the Ozark and it's desperation, breeding lawlessness has become the subject of award winning "shock you" drama. Some of the characters are like cave men driving old Chevy's. They don't want any family going to college or any family buying property since their kind don't do that sort of thing. There are some cave men/ pirate black people like this who would kill their family members over education or over competition bridge they would work together. Cave men had to evolve from being the single figure l, surviving on his own and into the being capable of working in groups. The Northern English/ the Gaelic all have the income support. Maybe there is a difference in propensity and proclivity between the average Gaelic Anglo and the average Latino Anglo. The Gaelic are more settled into the purposes of the 11 commandments. The Latino Anglo are experimenting; with the VAT also. You would never leave the London Underground or the Overground rail system to experimentation. The Northern Americans all have this income Support. The south are still failing to abide by this principle and the Russians laugh since how could you let such a simple principle defeat you? How could you let automation defeat you? The Monarch has to be Gaelic and not Latino Anglo. Herod/Cain, a cousin to Bush, has been looking for his Herodian body in Iraq, Afghanistan etc and using Bush to help him as Cain people work like the Cuca Rocha. They went to Israel during WW1 and WW2. We have no need for any more Bush in politics since it has been more than 12 years in America with America as an economic slave in the Bush and still there is no national income support to help the Latino Anglo. Either your are Gaelic English or you are Latino Anglo. But, maybe there will be a good care taker Bush, possibly the one who is retired,that can solve it all whether in or out of office and he could come back for another 2 years in office if he wants under the new rules maybe in a great celebration of the power of former presidential influence. Robert E. Lee said cray fish was enough for the people and today, the people south of the Mason Dixon still rely on Cray fish when they don't have the income support like the people up north. Donna Birkwell is not understanding this. But, if it is just a question of a contest with Russia or China, he who has the most people wins; the most people with the most income support. This is important for all the Latino Anglos in the world to observe. I'm Gaelic. I speak French and I am studying that old ancient language. It's about "not really white, not really black, not really English, not racist and not really educated but you need to understand authority and how some people feel, that there will always will be a Black Cheddar man who is the father of all the Gaelic and the English. So long as the numbers are right, the economy will work and your citizens will not have to run to Iceland and then come back to England as hyphenated Anglos albeit with a proper Income Support since no one is more English than the authorities; who ask you who is really English and what is English? Whoever has the most citizens and people with income support wins. The discussion we have is with an ancient people; troglodytes whose dna survived the Continental divide. They might have blocked the Black Tudor, landing with Mayflower I,II, III and IV on West Indian beaches and in Florida and caused them to drown with their belief in God. The troglodyte worked with the aboriginals on this when possible with their skin also black or reddish brown like Apocalypto. They took his books and studied the opaque images. He could see he was not black Tudor and nor was he African but a troglodyte with books, depicting pale images of an exciting futuristic life but color is important as kin for these people but so is technology and contract is technology. You may not be his kin if you believe in land contracts. It's full of so many notions foreign to him. But, most important is his mind's initial subversion of life and oneself to those original Story book images from books encountered on the beach at Bodden Town or Long Bay or at Negril as they scavenged a ship wreck. The book, with the sketches, fed right into the cave man's respect and submission to the wall drawings; as the authority. Your skin tone is not in the monochrome images of the book and Pharaonic nose is too big according to the sketch in book so how could you be a black taxi driver, Black Anglo Tudor or Black Mary Poppins in front of me, Napoleon asks, as he smashes the nose on every Pharaoh mask; every Pharaoh mask? He sees, as he reads the book, that he is not the Anglo, Black or white, and he is not the African. As he allows the book to lead his expectations, he would then exclude himself and his children. He does not include himself like the African and enjoy the story, "Pip, Oliver, Valmont, D'anglais....good...good...", and may move himself back to the edge of existence, like the phone tells him. But, the Raven is not raising Blue Jays or Cardinals. He is raising his Ravens, his kin and some Ravens are white. But, maybe if your life experience takes you beyond the confines of the story book's accidental coloured unintentional editorial printed monochrome to save on ink, you may find the troglodyte in your midst telling you that you are not sufficiently monochrome to be a Premier League referee in front of him or a barrister with more than a 2:2. At 2:2, they can believe these days but at 2:1, the troglodyte tries to marginalize you, compete with you although subtly and this is because he is still, today, in the modern era seeing himself and the world through the limited sketchy imagery digested by his ancestors who seared his self-paradigmatic world view with those early Dumas or Dickens books with no real world African or European experience to demarcate the limited purpose of these fictional images from fact. No one is competing. They are serving their ancestors and community. Instead of meaningless sketchy images, he sees a command about black or white, about himself, in a self destructive disinformational loop and he does not have enough information/education to get out. You are safer staying away from the image and the Anglo now is just a squirrel or hamster in his own economy and just needs to agree with his role as a hamster to keep the transactions going and the VAT and profits high in earnings for the Vorsprung Durch Deutsch Technik. Could a mobile phone network or phone casing made with chemicals manipulate this fragility in identity suffered by the troglodyte today whether he appears now as black or white; excluding himself or anyone he is not sure is within the "Story book's" parameters or African?
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