Advanced Economies by Warren A. Lyon.
Advanced Economics by Warren A. Lyon. In the movie Iceman(2017), there are three kinds of human beings in the movie. One is an Alexandrian student missionary of the Egyptians with the right dna to survive the colder climates of Europe as he spreads the gospel of civilization with hand writing, mirrors and volcanic rock that brings smoke and fire. Some of his colleagues were black. The second kind is a nomad who is burning down villages and villagers who are not like him. The other is a hunter gatherer in the early throws of settled village habitation. Who is the president today though? We need the income support to automate our opportunity to eat, drink and be merry. Did it ever dawn upon you that the modern soldier should be wearing a helmet that provides total face and head covering with Built in radio comms(radio communication) and built in Infra-red vision in night or low light environs with a rear view camera providing rear vision in the ocular capabilities of the helmet? This is your storm trooper. What is a bicycle helmet doing on the soldier's head for Jezebel's authority?
No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo. Éxodo(Exodus) 20:17.-Spanish Bible. The word Codiciaras in Spanish means covet. In English, however, codicil refers to estate documents. Thou shall not covet. You can buy your own property if you want and register it in a joint tenancy to your Children and Grand children if you want. We may have competing motives, different camps, divergent architects in our economy. You want English people but you are not sure if the English people should have money like the Scandinavians. You want a train system but you are not sure if the tracks should not be bent. Your economy is derailing; however. Maybe one architect of your economic policies is an Iceman/cave man who really does not want any people or any government over him; hence the equational socio-economic and legal balance seen in the Magna Carta is missing. He may not want to own property and he may not want people to own property. In the absence of the appropriate Magna Carta balance, there is a sense of question and risk. Do trains have to stay on the tracks? Does the economy have to render a positive cost/maintenance ratio? It helps the ice man/cave man maintain his stance and this is so whether or not he agrees that there will always be a government and a people working with him; if not in actually shared authority working in conjunction with him. He cannot run all of the trains on his own; nor can he run the economy experimentally at a deficit while ignoring the importance of the people system that is needed that protects and saves lives unconditionally in the same way there is need of a train system that saves and protects lives. It could be King John is now a machine that it's expressing this Will concerning authority in juxtaposition with the people and the government. Also, he may not want anyone in the Anglo world to own anything. He may have killed Lords and Barons, appropriating their lands. With respect to America, he says, "How can America be English and independent of King John when English is kin?" As such, America is built and then broken every time it fails to remember it is subject to the powers that have built it, the powers that know where the flood gates are that will wash away all the newly built subdivisions in Arkansas constructed illegally on a flood plain and submerge them under water just like what happened after 2018. There is a cave man or two among us. He might be stuck in between two evolutionary computations. He needs to be the only man in the cave, he says. But, he also wants to enjoy family and does not known how to communicate his conflicted feelings so, before anyone is dead, you have to assure him often verbally while he may not hear anything you say as he pursues a guttural emotion to communicate his feelings only in the rain of physicality. Essentially, he has not found a way to pass the cave on to another generation. Instead, he fights with them and it might take two or more son's to cast your fishing net on the other side. You should not rely on the neighbors. You are a cave man and you don't know when you will see them again. They are kind of nomadic and have found the warmth of the Mediterraanen more hospitable with consistent growing seasons than the cold of Reykjavik. The Samoan, Black Latino Aboriginal women are very familial. We have family. Yet, as between Moses and Cora, we can see there will always be angry White Aboriginals and Black Aboriginals who may band together to ask who made the constitution or the 11 commands have authority over us? What are the commands when you are a farmer's birth mother, giving birth for his family with his 15 sons and most of their wives are very beautiful but also barren, some how, but they have the authority? The baby mother is not in the social station to have a husband while her children are birthed by her in the manger. All of her children are the children of God. This mother is the proverbial single mother today. Yet, shame is not an aboriginal tendency. It is dignity and worship. You must tell yourself that you have a right to exist. In fact, we were all born at Windsor Castle and transplanted afterwards in our families after 1947 to allow for a more intelligent, unified population with less racialism from a genome that took too long to adopt the fuel injector as a replacement for the carbeurator. Sorry about the 10 commandments. The Egyptians via the Romans taught the rest of Europe about the 11th command. Click here for more.advancedAdvanced Economics by Warren A. Lyon. In the movie Iceman(2017), there are three kinds of human beings in the movie. One is an Alexandrian student missionary of the Egyptians with the right dna to survive the colder climates of Europe as he spreads the gospel of civilization with hand writing, mirrors and volcanic rock that brings smoke and fire. Some of his colleagues were black. The second kind is a nomad who is burning down villages and villagers who are not like him. The other is a hunter gatherer in the early throws of settled village habitation. Who is the president today though? We need the income support to automate our opportunity to eat, drink and be merry. Did it ever dawn upon you that that modern soldier should be wearing a helmet that provides total face and head covering with Built in radio comms(radio communication) and built in Infra-red vision in night or low light environs with a rear view camera providing rear vision in the ocular capabilities of the helmet? This is your storm trooper. What is a bicycle helmet doing on the soldier's head for Jezebel's authority?
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