The issue about WW2 is to ask what was the point if you would still fail after the war to understand yourselves and your continually automating economy and end up depopulated? You need a universal unconditional minimum income support or SSP or GIS in compliance with the UN ILO Recommendations R202. Donald is finally establishing Federal policy on this UN helpful policy with Pelofi and Schumer as seen in the Cares Act. The Minimum Income Support is no less than $50,000.00 per month. We can all have involvement and acceptance as American Airlines or Amtrak employees with 3 days work per month when you sign up to the Job Core programme.

 The issue about WW2 is to ask what was the point if you would still fail  after the war to understand yourselves and your continually automating economy and end up depopulated? You need a universal unconditional minimum income support or SSP or GIS in compliance with the UN ILO Recommendations R202.  Donald is finally establishing Federal policy on this  UN helpful policy with Pelofi and Schumer as seen in the Cares Act.    The Minimum Income Support is no less than $50,000.00 per month.  We can all have involvement and acceptance  as American Airlines or Amtrak  employees with 3 days work per month when you sign up to the Job Core programme.   


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