I am not a part of any family that BJ is heading. Even if I was, he has all the Authority to be head of the family even if I am a three time LL.M graduate. What would my graduation have to do with authority? But, maybe he is an insecure prick who has no respect for a Jamaican life. I'm not really Jamaican anyway; understood? But, I am happy to celebrate all cultures that suggest they respect human life. I support his on going authority over himself and his excitement about himself in his retirement. I am a lowly Graduate who did not go to school to seek Authority. I went to school for education. You ask how could you have authority when I am a light skin girl with no education who has only a photo of BJ's son in a coffin and I get respect even when the bank takes half my Tottenham Minimum Income support every month and sends it to BJ and I don't know? You have to be willing to give your life to do this job and I don't want to go out with a woman who uses other people's essays; a woman I don't understand. When you see the last 90 years has been shaped by an argument about how economies work and when you see the American who engaged in the argument was just the honorable* excrement of John Adams named Morganthaller who coveted the U.S. treasury, you can also see how many people have died in the defence of what was essentially a Columbus Cabot John Adams Morganthaller resistance that became an economic culture that says Europe will have and North America will not; that The East coast states will have and the majority of the continent will not, that Amerocentric capitalism, not pure capitalism, contrary to European basic income policies in an illogical Amerocentricism is about the haves and have nots in a total North American resistance; except for Massachusetts and Vermont where they always had the dole. The Jamaicans, the Arawaks or Iroquois who found there way to the east coast are living large or if they found their to Scotland, Ireland, Europe or England thank God; enjoying Anti-Covid economics that is free of a carbeurated determination that holds up the free flow of Basic Income money as they enjoy, instead, a fuel injected, cash injected economy...the way "white hegemony" is intended to be with real white politicians; the hegemony that says I would be a damn fool if I encouraged black children to work hard and to believe in themselves in school and then made them do their exams twice in not wanting to believe they really could do the work as a Cabot white. Joe has officially shown disagreement with the Minimum income support. Augustine Warren™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan and will be the new name going forward. Angel Ronan has been on sale for seven years now at $1.00. The Angel Ronan issue has continued now for 7 years. We need more real white hegemony that says we see all kinds of people relaxed under white Authority. The key problem is that the Iroquois, black and white, have been engaged in a civil war of skin tones, religion and hair textures. I believe the head of the transit authority in every municipality or the mayor should be the chief of police also even if the Mayor has no experience or training since its about authority and maybe he should be the leader of the legislatures also; yes. My name is John Thorney and I believe that black men and white men; I am not sure as I am really an anti civil rights leader to Covid take away all civil rights affecting all people, stop and search you, and I will kill anyone within 66500 miles of where I am if they have more than grade 8 education. This is just how I believe it should be. I should be able to put my name on any winning judgement in Court that involves a black counsel who successfully argued the case; I believe. You live long, full, interesting lives but with too many people enduring in North America without the universal unconditional minimum income support. The answer is on the US dollar bill; the ancient of Days called Shabaka Egypt but you are not listening. Ask the Romans, the Europeans...your half relatives. Europe and Asia have been trying to communicate the importance and the immediate necessity of a universal unconditional minimum income support for 90 or more years maybe like the Americano depicted in Black hawk Down as UN peacekeepers and North America has been playing the Mogadishu Genocidal Rebel. What if there was a computerised rebirth of America? Let them keep their flag and their politics also; the constitution also. Much of the average every day life would remain the same but the critical aspects of the economy and life( the universal unconditional minimum income support and the sales tax) will be controlled by the global economy managers like global airport managers located; in Helsinki....controlling the buckstop. But, everything is decided by flight centre control in France. Don't worry about the Fed goose egg. Those bills are old. You can issue new dollar notes, drawing a line in the sand. It could be lots of cash but not as much as the 30% sales tax the new head office managers will order. The American president is just a local franchise manager. He was never the most powerful man in the world but he was in the top 100 and as the most powerful man, Joe can kick him out by doing what he wants contrary to 18 US Code 600. But, the faithless, perverse and adulterous nation lets Joe and his peoples think it is no big deal. It is certainly a significant problem when the intention is circumnavigate the election process and actively engage in trying to buy officials of the current government who you hope will say you were the winner but their employer is Donald. We are not in the pirate's limbo half way between two jurisdictions. Every offence is one count and Don Leomin is begging for help everytime Joe has threatened to keep saying the president is leaving. Don Leomin has been threatened and that is why he keeps saying the Donald only has 21 days left. He also insults Donald every night. Joe offered a lot of people jobs and opportunities. The news anchor is still campaigning; for Joe. It's actually obstructing justice when apparently the authorities are trying to understand why or how Joe's coup on the constitution is considered not so serious; a trivial matter and affair. With the stolen votes and his determination to flout 18 US Code 600 to influence broadcasters and journalists and to declare election victory, we have a fascist threatening democracy. Anyone supporting Joe in public risks arrest. No one is trying to sack every university graduate as if they were rude to graduate or sack every law graduate or any particular graduate; Jesus!!!!! Did you know they are black; some of them? Did you know King James was black? The Bible is really a Father school; ancient father school and a school of socioeconomics. Maybe the English helped the natives against the French; divide and conquer but maybe they never stopped to realize they conquered and were to settle; settle the population with the requisite socioeconomic policies, enjoy some Anglo hegemony and have a growing market for all products. The money provided to each citizen or inhabitant is the first priority. People can occupy existing underoccupied infrastructure and then because of eventual over crowding and many new arrivals, new infrastructure will be necessary but what is the point of all these schools etc if you don't have any people to occupy them? How can you have any people unless the people have enough settle and to satisfy their Maslow needs? Money is now a Maslow need as seen in the discussion provided by Warren A. Lyon (London, LL.M) on Maslow and Money being the first and key need that enables the satisfaction of all other needs in the Maslow hierarchy; hence the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy. The English and the French run the post office and demand service quality and delivery. The post is protected internationally for the population's benefit. The airports are protected for the global population's benefit. The minimum income support is protected for each citizen now internationally also for the population's benefit. The King gets one percent per day from the 30% sales tax; for the Heraldry in the Heraldry fund. The market now is dying and the retailers are closing when we have more production with machines but less work as the production is achieved without human labor but uses robotic automation. A Minimum Income Support would help. People have less money when the work does not require human labor and they have less money to participate in the economy. Without a minimum income support, after every update in industrial automation technology or office at automation technology, there is a deoccupation if existing infrastructure. They become innocent bystanders or bank robbers. Nothing is safe. Then the bank robber gets rescue d by some church denomination since maybe he could help them; a moral compromise and then he gets into politics but he only has one thing to say to the world and to the Authority; "Will you shut up man? I'm here to impeach you; criticise you...since you are not like me who killed his mother." We have always had mail order retail business. Maybe Joe believes he is helping the people fight the banks and the constitution, divide and conquer, as he takes half for himself but first he wants the banks and the constitution to disenfranchise the people so the people will do whatever they want. He was told to regularise every Government service to satisfy what was called for in the UN ILO Recommendations R202 but he did not do this; a general minimum income support in particular was required. Maybe Christopher Columbus was like a Moses explorer. God said burn the ship. God did not tell you to run a coup. No; he told you to read the Constitution and the ten commandments and implement it. We are not in any wilderness. You are Agent CNEN of AT and T; a private company. You are not a Federal Agent paid to suggest a change in government Executive Authority; or promote a coup. You are trying to trick a Federal agent named the Department of Justice. I voted for Joe. But, due to the legal realities of 18 US Code 600, it seems he may not be stepping into the White House again. If he is, it must be because the current President has chosen to leave with great achievements behind him. The Federal Laws say Donald is staying and what does it matter. Donald will be hiring a Deputy Vice President who is a Black female, Maybe Ruspauk. He will also hire a deputy Secretary of State named Connomorejoehere Rise. Covid was about general population safety and security and the assimilation of populations to a new general Minimum income support standard in social policy for the entire population; not just certain groups, genders or localities. I'm sure Joe will do fine if this is the case; if Donald really wants to leave. We will pray for Joe if he does leave but we wonder why Donald said he would be the best President in history and why he resisted impeachment? He could have stepped down and let Pince run it from day đź’Ż if he could not hack it. That reminds me. I need to go to www.Hackett.com; boxing day sale. ________________________________________________ Now that we have the Cares Act which may be renamed the Biden Cares Act in future iterations, Donald is a hero, nonetheless, in his ability to martial the Senate and the Congress to achieve tremendous economic safeguards instead of the trepidatious deregulation that moves legislation out of the secure, safe parameters set by the Constitution. It looks like Trump is staying though because he enjoys the job and has been a breath of fresh air with his opportunities to affect change unfortunately held ransom by a rabid determination to impeach someone before he was given a chance to get his hands around the desk; and the country. We enjoy his ability to find the final solution that will turn the North American economy around; a solution that the previous government resisted for some unknown reason. But, with Donald's leadership we see the universal unconditional minimum income support Cares Act now available to all Americans, helping Americans who were previously without this support in places like Arkansas. Click here for more. Chorus Edit The chorus is the established National Irish Anthem. Irish version English version Sinne Fianna Fáil,[fn 1] atá faoi[fn 2] gheall ag Éirinn, BuĂon dár slua thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, Faoi mhĂłid bheith saor SeantĂr ár sinsear feasta, NĂ fhágfar faoin tĂorán ná faoin tráill. Anocht a thĂ©am sa bhearna bhaoil, Le gean ar Ghaeil, chun báis nĂł saoil,[fn 3] Le gunna-scrĂ©ach faoi lámhach na bpilĂ©ar, Seo libh canaig'[fn 4] amhrán na bhFiann. By Wolf Bleating.
I'm sure Joe will do fine if this is the case; if Donald really wants to leave. We will pray for Joe if he does leave but we wonder why Donald said he would be the best President in history and why he resisted impeachment? He could have stepped down and let Pince run it from day đź’Ż if he could not hack it. That reminds me. I need to go to www.Hackett.com; boxing day sale.
Now that we have the Cares Act which may be renamed the Biden Cares Act in future iterations, Donald is a hero, nonetheless, in his ability to martial the Senate and the Congress to achieve tremendous economic safeguards instead of the trepidatious deregulation that moves legislation out of the secure, safe parameters set by the Constitution. It looks like Trump is staying though because he enjoys the job and has been a breath of fresh air with his opportunities to affect change unfortunately held ransom by a rabid determination to impeach someone before he was given a chance to get his hands around the desk; and the country. We enjoy his ability to find the final solution that will turn the North American economy around; a solution that the previous government resisted for some unknown reason. But, with Donald's leadership we see the universal unconditional minimum income support Cares Act now available to all Americans, helping Americans who were previously without this support in places like Arkansas. Click here for more. Chorus Edit The chorus is the established National Irish Anthem. Irish version English version Sinne Fianna Fáil,[fn 1] atá faoi[fn 2] gheall ag Éirinn, BuĂon dár slua thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, Faoi mhĂłid bheith saor SeantĂr ár sinsear feasta, NĂ fhágfar faoin tĂorán ná faoin tráill. Anocht a thĂ©am sa bhearna bhaoil, Le gean ar Ghaeil, chun báis nĂł saoil,[fn 3] Le gunna-scrĂ©ach faoi lámhach na bpilĂ©ar, Seo libh canaig'[fn 4] amhrán na bhFiann.
By Wolf Bleating.
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