If you are in debt to China or Russia, then aren't you a communist country or in submission to that country? When the 13 colonies have always had a universal minimum income support, was it the plan to keep the hinterland states bereft that we refer to as the "others" or maybe as the remaining states and just maybe blow them all up when some of those other people never saw a book for the first time until some how after 1870? We are good to think about how automation has made a universal minimum income support a pressing issue and if the issue in the minds of the citizens now living in the original 13 colonies is the depth of civilizational saturation, emotional settledness with money is paramount for the proliferation of civilization with the same Massachusetts or Vermont type minimum income support and then some kind of work is critical to achieve the civilizational goal; if any is available. This is asinine when all human beings are 5th cousins or 1/5 related. Automation and Politics: Feel it; you must feel it. Feel the force of automation; goooood! Feel the force of a universal minimum income support with a 30% sales tax. The re-branding of the aborigine Amerindian genome not only as black and white but as Asian, Hindu, Ukrainian, Pakistani, Chinese and Japanese somewhere overseas for the purposes of reoccupying North America with people who are Amerindian but who do not read English as their first language in not reading Amerindian Federal treaties to achieve an obfuscation of Amerindian landed legitimacy is evident. Click here.

  • You drank and ate something called "What about your legacy if it's not as high and huge as FDR's? Afterwards, all you wanted to do is blow something up. Then you drank. JFK and all you wanted to do is re hash his old stories with roof down parades and open air conventions. 

  • Never forget that with automation or no automation, mail order industries that involve Amazon etc are not new to the economy. Sears Roebuck was entirely a mail order business dating back to the 1800's.  The problem is not efficiency in distribution and production but low sales and market activity due to a lack of regular  disposable income as occasioned by the joblessNess that is connected to job reductions related to the use of robots and computers that replaces humans in several job functions.  

The real truth is that maybe  one original US colony may resent the rest but, the government that protects  the colony and pays for the money that circulates in that and all other states  is in debt when the economy of the more stable 13 colonies is not enough to fund the entire US government that is in debt to China.  
  • When the 13 colonies have always had a universal minimum income support, was it the plan to keep the hinterland states  bereft that we refer to as the "others" or  maybe as the  remaining states and just maybe  blow them all up when some of those other  people never saw a book for the first time until some how after 1870?  We are good to think about how automation has made a universal minimum income support a pressing issue and if the issue in the minds of the citizens now living in the original  13 colonies is the depth of civilizational saturation, emotional settledness with money is paramount for the proliferation of civilization with the same Massachusetts or Vermont type minimum income support and then  some kind of work is critical to achieve the civilizational goal; if any is available.  This is asinine when all human beings are 5th cousins or 1/5 related.  

  • Automation and Politics:   Feel it; you must feel it. Feel the force of automation; goooood!  Feel the force of a universal minimum income support with a 30% sales tax.  The re-branding of the aborigine Amerindian genome not only as black and white but as Asian, Hindu, Ukrainian, Pakistani, Chinese and Japanese somewhere overseas  for the purposes of reoccupying North America with people who are Amerindian but who do not read English as their first language in not reading Amerindian Federal treaties to achieve an obfuscation of Amerindian landed legitimacy is evident. You should probably see more Anglo Amerindians running sushi restaurants in Oklahoma but we are pleased to wekconr our Japomohican family.  They have Japanese minimum income support at $Usd 60,000.00 per year.  We thank God.   Maybe it will also achieve world peace.   They arrive with a universal minimum income support.  Their children will go to Washington High and Jefferson High and eventually become policy makers. They live and you die as you have designed it in your refusal to implement a national universal unconditional minimum income support policy that all states must follow, supporting the livelihoods of all Americans.     More foreigners would come to occupy America if there was a  universal minimum income support for every citizen guaranteed nationally which is what their citizens enjoy  from their home countries. They would like to become American with their children but even if they did, they are likely to maintain dual citizenship with their children.  Anybody can convert to American culture and be a burger,  pizza and Doritos American; no sh-t Sherlock.   God bless America.  American lives matter.  

  •  We don't mind supporting these Amerindian rebranded peoples.  Did you read your change?   What about your mortgage? Did they decide that although we are all Amerindian in Batavia or Dakota, you are not accepted by the smart phone God and, some how, you are marked as not really Asian enough; not fitting in to be a global citizen in a global world?     It could be that some  Amerindian people are  suited to flamingo climes  and some are snowy owl climatic  people.  You would have to realise you need a general income supplement or a universal minimum income support like any other common market anywhere in the world; like Europe, Asia and Russia; right? It is logical.  It is necessary for human health and well-being. And as a pandemic is everyone's problem just as automation is everyone's problem, politics says there is only ego* and personality* responsible for solving it.   Is it that you intend to see your population suffer conditions of life commensurate to human destruction? If so, this constitutes genocide contrary to the UNCHR.  It is illegal.  You contravene your U.S. Code or Canadian criminal code if you do not summarily rectify the situation.  

  •  The Potus, as rumoured, has finally moved away from being an entertainer and has become a veratious politician in his new national and continent wide  General income supplement for the entire North American continent.  The policy echoes the Massachusetts general income supplements program and has assured his November win if he succeeds.  Resentment of European authority and hegemony, however,  would create a pseudo kingdom and king in Western Hemispheric American domestic politics.  But, if it is a democracy and it certainly is, the electorate now understands that politics and the political discussion begins with the UDHR and the UN Ilo Recommendations as of 1944 that demand a general income supplement for all citizens to maintain the population and fend off the causal market sapping  effects of automation that usually results in recessions at every new market wide, industry wide implementation of cost cutting, job cutting  technological automation.   Even if you don't understand everything, you need a more constructive way to express your emotions that might include resentment. If Europe has hot and cold running water, then we have to have it and if they have universal health care, we have to have it and if they have a universal minimum income support or general income supplement, we have to have it so when we see them, we don't feel under them in value  or abused by them but equal or superior in the conversation.

  •     I say two terms: There will always be racism. They have racists in the Cayman Islands even though every citizen receives a universal minimum income support that covers the cost of living.  The Cayman Islands is certainly capitalist.   They still have racism in England where they have a universal minimum income support and England is certainly capitalist.   It is just that in politics, everything would take forever to resolve when half of the national leaders and socioeconomic engineers or the American world leaders are deliberately  carved and molded out of DNA that had not seen a wrist watch, oil lamp, knife and fork or paper and pen  until 1870, living in caves near or close to Oklahoma.  The  Logical deduction about a minimum income support solution to your need to feel global hegemony as North Americans is like speaking a foreign language; sze sze.  You are patiently watching covet 29 economic fallacies, watching Americans disappear while many are fourth to 10th generation Trinidadians or Mexicans or Cubans and now you are being repopulated by the Hinduvahos and chinohicans who have to be really Amerindian to be willing to take the risk of living in a depopulated North America.    You can never say you are sick and tired of being in the skin God made and decided is God given and good.   But, you act as if your politics cannot solve the economy. It is normal in the older more advanced economies to provide a universal minimum income support to every citizen.  It would be unusual for any citizen to hope to deprive other citizens of the benefit. It would be a criminal offence to conspire to do so.  There are only two races in America: the original  13 colonies and the hinterland  people.  You are seeing how things are going in North America; not good my boy!!!  It is underocccupied with people who are underfunded while you show how good you are discussing fallacy with great skill and agility.    

  •  Maybe you see every county had to deal with automation and it's impact.  Every country is dealing with the pandemic.     But, there are only a few countries that do not have a universal minimum income support for their population when the population needs the money to buy soap and masks and hand sanitizer to fogjt the covet 29. Did you wear a mask? Did you get tested?  I did. This disease is serious!!!!  Look at how intelligently the newsy people and the Lollypopticians present well and talk so intelligently about nonsense.  Yes; you Amerindians have authority over yourselves to starve yourselves.  You need a chief    // president who will agree that politics and democracy now begins with a universal minimum income support of $70,000.00 USD per year per North American.  Even if you maintain a universal minimum income support for all citizens, we respect your right to be personally, emotionally racially divided.   We can pretend to fool the authorities evidently that is  Europe on how we are not really crazy people. Giving our people more money is how we fool them and stay over them.  

  •      Asia is stable and prosperous with a universal minimum income support.  Europe and Russia is stable and prosperous.   We support our founding fathers and they support us with their belief that every North American, regardless of complexion and race, has a universal minimum income support just like they did regardless of race just as it is in Boston and New England.  Anthony Johnson is evidence along with Phyllis Wheatley.   We support the president.  For the children watching,  we could not impeach him with no real evidence, for nothing really and we certainly owe Gore a Presidency when the final count, when in doubt or considered a tie, goes down to the House of Representatives according to the constitution; not the SCOTUS.    The children are watching.  

  • The American people saved him from impeachment. He could at least read the global economic evidence and the constitution and implement a universal minimum income support for all North Americans.  

  • But, we could decide now with the same  fire and determination for impeachment what is the quality and standard  of the North  American life? We are not asking who will live in America. Any rebranded or reconstituted Amerindian can live in America as they return as Pakistanis, Chinese or Sikhs or West Indians: Any culture since only Amerindians will hope America will repent and ensure their children will have a universal minimum income support; as Americans while they repopulate and reoccupy ancestral fishing grounds; in America. There is no other motivation for their return.   It looks like the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon understand the U.S. agreement with paragraph 4 and 5 of the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 and are willing to ensure Iraq complies with the the threat of the use of force and to ensure compliance in North America also with the threat of the use of force.  The international hegemony and uniformity you wish to feel is captured in a uniform mandatory $70,000.00 in universal unconditional minimum income support for every U.S. citizen; and every Canadian also.    See what is the true dollar figure per year for a universal minimum income support for each citizen. 
  •   Will he fight the two term  Biden Obama democrats on this? You tell a man to kick a ball in this direction to win and then he kicks the ball in the other direction. You tell him the ball is to go in the basket and he sends the  balls out of the court. Its sort of like a guy who cant see that fish smells like fish; not a toilet. You say put the key in the door lock to open the airplane and he uses the key to break the window.    I don't think he will argue.  He is good; good people...really good people...very good people although we have very hungry underfunded  and fewer people and Russia,Japan and every other major industrial nation is laughing at us or are shedding tears  sympathetically as the U.S. is the most meagre  industrial nation. Car sales are near zero every quarter.  Amusement parks have closed.    We need a decisive leader who knows where to put the balls in this economic basketball or golf game; who understands the structural adjustments occasioned by automation  may mean we may not be involved in building small appliances any longer in America but we own some of  the companies that build them anywhere in the world and maybe in several locations.  We are all in this together.  Ask the puppets on Sesame Street you nation of zombies when you must feel it...you need to feel it! 
  • Even if we did build the appliances in America, the work is done by robots and robotification.    We may not be engaged in making people any longer. We make them; certainly but we don't tend to support their livelihood in North America so they seem to die off and some economists find it unusual for these allegedly capitalistic countries including Canada(Mexico has a national universal unconditional minimum income support and is an exception)  in that the economy recedes and recedes where there was a steady primarily white  depopulation and human desperation involving drugs and alcoholism taking place in America that became critical after 1980.  If all colours and creeds fought in the civil war for America's peace, then all colours and creeds will enjoy America's socioeconomic peace and know all is forgiven. We are in this together.  
  • The great American domestic consumer market has been receding and receding  every year  since 1959 when Walter Reuther was asked to comment on the reality of automation in Washington just as money availability per citizen would inevitably go down in direct proportion to the amount of job cancelling  automation when in 1980 Toyota and Honda started building in North America with automation and GM, Ford and Chrysler also slowly automated in the example of Asian industrial high quality robotic automated production and efficiency with tighter bolting, sealing and frames and then office work automation took place also  with  various Word processing programmes and spreadsheet office productivity programmes. Walter Reuther did say machines do not buy vehicles but people do.  People need money however to buy vehicles and raise families stably over 18-25 year periods and this requires money.   If machines instead of people do the work, where do people get money? Massachusetts social policies involving a Massachusetts type universal minimum income support was and still is the solution.  Without any solution, tens of thousands of people were told "you're fired" and then left America to live some where else or became fodder in the desperation with drugs and drug dealing.  Ponderosa, the great American steak house, also closed down and this was rather symbolic.  

  • Recessions and fears of depressions plagued America every two years following another wave of automation while Asian and European countries do not have this problem really  because national economic performance is indexed on consumer activity and this activity is dependent on consistent stable consumer buying power. This stable consumer buying power is achieved with a worthy , fat bellied universal unconditional minimum income support. We will feel good in front of the immigrants and buy what we want; tip big at the Tandoori Curry House and Sushi Emporium.     The consumer market  went down continually since 1980 as the average citizen had less buying power with less money circulating in the economy.    But we own the country where they say  some people live,any people, with consistent immigration to replace North Americans who should not be treated as expendables but properly funded like Europeans, Asians, Latin Americans  and Russians where they have fully and properly funded native peoples since it is better to have loyal people in your territory of all kinds who can tell you where the Gringo,  gwailou   or stupid American is; stupid Americans.   
  • Yet, the North Americans are treated like expendables in some kind of self definition; as expendables although we welcome some immigration but not where the North American is starving and hurting in an illicit drug anesthetized culture while the immigrants thrive with their $60,000.00 per year in universal minimum income support from their countries as it is not safe if the Americano does not have money and there is insufficient market to support more and more of the sushi and tandoori food fare we dearly enjoy. There is no point.    We need safe environments for all, especially the tourists,  and more money in the lives of all Americans will make life less precarious for everyone.  We must argue against this self-definition as expendables within ourselves and choose life and life abundantly; "...luminous beings are we."    

  • Stop asking if other nations provide this minimum income support to their citizens before you agree as we have the economy of Massachusetts as a shining local example with its recession proof economic performance.     Even so, we have had politicians tell us they don't believe an American life is worth as much as a Russian or Japanese life where in Russia, Korea and Japan  they receive a universal minimum income support of $60,000.00 per year as a humane life protection and market stimulator in response to the job cancelling power of automation; all over the world.   The real truth is this Universal unconditional minimum income support policy was  operating in Massachusetts at the time of the Boston massacre.  In fact, it was part and parcel with life in Boston in 1690. This really is a capitalist policy; not a socialist policy still operating in Massachusetts today and protecting the livelihoods of every citizen regardless of race.   But, maybe you dont want to believe it. Maybe you dont want to believe Anthony Johnson was Black in 1670 New England and owned servants; later called slaves.    You might believe it if you knew he was light skinned with Afro but what does it matter?   Maybe you don't want to believe Egypt is in Africa. But, that is why you fail.

  •    He will agree with the Democrats who will save us.  He can still win when he could not have caused covet 29. I support him.  Maybe he will help us one more time to know the truth about 1993-2020 and the truth shall set us free in that we really needed a universal minimum income support to respond to the structural adjustments in the economy occasioned by continual technological robotic and computerised job automation. He survived this economic tragedy to help us see truth; hail to the chief.    You have your vote in the upcoming election for the people and by the people.  

By Dr. Sums Do, Economics Reporter.   



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