Read James 1:22-25. Research indicates that the word England stands for "Deaf and Dumb" Land where the prefix Eng stands for Deaf and Dumb. The land was named by the Romans. Deaf and Dumb may be the tendency to say that you would rather be dead than accept the the system imposed on you. Maybe granny today says she would rather be dead than see you sell furniture on hire purchase agreements or offer legal services with contracts and all of that Complexity. She would rather see you seel fish or coconuts or drive a taxi for cash handed to you. The presumption that the economy will provide enough jobs for every citizen to maintain their Maslow needs after Automation and the problems caused by the presumption; The fish and chips are about £11.99 or £12.00. Would you kill someone for a £10.00 or £12.00 business name? This is economic cannibalism. At the Call to the Bar Ceremony in front of three Black Supreme Court Judges and one Black English Lord, he said; "For many years I told people I am not racist. I have lots of black friends with whom I attended school. I go to the museum. But, I didn't want Egypt to be Black or African. I didn't want anything with social Authority to be black. I am clearly not a Jedi or even human yet; just a white Aboriginal who should ask what does white or black have to do with the universal human glory and universal human truth of Egypt? So when my friend became a Lawyer, I felt awkward with the world as it is and started robbing the bank and the department store until I was in Court in front of a black Court Clerk and a Black Police Officer. There was a Black Rabbi also offering prayers and a Black Muslim Taxi driver who owned two buildings in Durham. " Do you know anyone like this? There is something tribal going in the English culture; demarcated as the owners and those interested in ownership and those only interested in existing. The angers of those who are resentful of ownership are tremendous. They will kill and have no sense of shame with their murderous schemes. They will actually kill family members and then hope to be socially more successful when the family member is dead. What is the life of a Grandson law graduate really worth? Some who used to own have chosen to eschew ownership while pursuing an active resentment of those who do own and then they sing disco songs about they way they give you murderous hypocrisy while living in ecstacy because, baby it's you!! But, When does a monkey say for the first time that those bananas he picked are his? Doesn't Tecumseh own a fish after he catches it? Doesn't he own the skins used to make his clothing? If you trespass at his cabin or Tee Pee, wouldn't he kill you? What are we doing with a Tecumseh woman who insisted that she should have the rights to steal your photography and claim it as her own? It seems the earth's core in England at the unique points of latitude and longitude has been shown to cause a latent mental atrophy, not autism, that makes simple logic difficult. Did you know Aston Martin is owned by Benz, BMW owns Rolls Royce and Bentley is owned by Volkswagen? So, the people do not want to be English and nor do they want to be European since they are not sure if they will be accepted. Bur, they should want to eat and enjoy life, maybe buy a vehicle with assurance and the ability to pay like Europeans or Russians; enjoy. But, you say it's not your culture. Could you understand an economy and a people that could tolerate a washed out or broken down bridge or bridges for 60-90 years? What about a subway or Tube that was shut down for 60-90 years? What kind of people and what economy could tolerate an absence of income support for just as long? What if the people manifest a pirate proclivity and an unusual disregard for human life, hoping for coins from the target's pocket after they kill them softly with modern pirate shenanigans, hoping for a $20.00 business name to be pirated, not purchased. You could purchase Angel Ronan for £400.00. It's on sale for $40.00 but the pirates want to fight contracts; Clanton style. They seem to say that they believe everyone hopes with them that maybe once there would be no constitution; maybe once. They think you agree. This is what they are trading on for all of their political foolery and illegality. It's just really the big boy...who has no school or skill but is expecting to have authority, knows he is supposed to be the boss but he has no plan to achieve anything but feel like the boss. If it's just about feelings and not solving problems, we could just say the Martians are attacking us and, for the authority, everyone has to wear a mask, take a flue shot when he says. If Lord Scarman was sitting beside him, see what evil the big boy court jester would get into to just feel more powerful than Scarman. This is your current trepidation. But, it's not so obvious in your emotions when you are looking west from whence you came as a Tecumseh vs. looking East where you are heading economically. If you look east to Europe, you feel a little ostracized. But, the people want a king or Queen in spite of the evident logical gaps in the economy filled by people from Europe only a £30.00 ticket away. They also want a people; with English accents. How do we make it work? It can work. Could you tolerate a country without tooth paste( every where you go, there is no toothpaste) or with bridges that are all broken down? That would be kind of weird. What about people who refuse to wear clothing as they would prefer just hair on the body. After all we have seen, the issue is economic expectations that are not present sufficiently in the genome. They expect cars, food, clothing etc but not the money to buy them. In Europe, they expect the money. They have the money on a guaranteed, universal basis from 16 years old. You do not. Evidently, Israel said Salaam for thousands of years in the beginning before it said Shalom after the Babylonian occupation. So, we have one culture and religious branches but many languages. We need to watch the power of expectations and the power of influence. Tecumseh may want to see an environment that speaks of a natural barrenness and some original freedom to live off the land. That natural barrenness still exists all over the world. Maybe he wants a discussion on the loss of land and freedom suffered by his people but if he has any people and wants them to thrive, how long would it take to implement an income support program consistent with the dictates and logic of a modern economy, people with enough T cells to carry a gun and defend his Great Tee Pee? Bob Marley says, "I remember when we used to sit In the government yard in Trenchtown Oba observing the 'ypocrites." So, you say to people that you cannot say who you are working for and you want them to break the law. You are not working for anyone. What is your name? Anyway, leave that Nando's Restaurant alone. That Apples Phone is a Tecumseh Tribe phone. They want to feel a tribe again and don't want you to leave them. If you buy another brand, they steal or from and say just Apples phone. The issue is that he does not understand how to respect Stela Artois since 1366 and the reality of a world dependent on written contracts and ownership from before the days of Christ. You could say Warren A. Humble. Is that better? The history of electricity and the resistance of civilization and technology is that it was evident we would all have electricity. There was a rebellious servant once in English culture named Oswald during the time of King James. This rebellious servant tried to provoke a rebellion against the proliferation of the bible and the Magna Carta that was provided also along with it. He was drawn and quartered; a shame. The resistance to trains, planes, paper money and electricity was inevitable when looking at Tecumseh anger but so was the inevitable universality of this technology. The electric chair or the microwave food helped to communicate the power of this technology vs. the power of resistance. Cain became a cave dweller after he left Eden. Seti(Seth) multiplied and built cities. Cain watched from the darkness and sabotaged caravans, asking the people of Seti(Seth) to give him something to eat. But, why would you use the phone of the people you do not wish to see enjoy any hegemony? It's destroying them and you. Eventually, he was captured and adopted as Rameses. Rameses attempted a rebellion once and his DNA was hidden in the Cleopatra where it looks like the birth canal will open. Why would it not open? Their DNA is also Columbus DNA and as much as he was an explorer, he was also the first pirate that was understood to be lost at sea. He became a mercenary and potentate of the seas, especially in the West Indies, capturing ships and people and making scallywags out of them, like the Borg in Star Trek. There could be a pirate scallywag among you today hoping to participate in a Pirate Rameses flare up as he works for the Transit company, sending illegal emails to seek inheritance on a woman's estate and also conspire to see her dead. But, how are you participating in anything like this as you read the bible. It's not every Cleopatra but it's Andreea and who is the fool but then the fool who would follow it? But, we will all have the income support; it is the demand of civilization, the English Monarch and capitalism that we should have it. It is logically inevitable due to the evident market benefits and health efficiencies. You can buy your own tooth paste, bandages and cough syrup as well as Soap. The Portuguese and the people who live in the Republic of Ireland enjoy this benefit; and in spite of the nice posh accent and lots of English movies with a popular language but popularity is not Economic success, so how can you have any authority globally when the average Anglo in England and the world has less money than the average European or the average Asian? The entire world faced Automation. It's like cold weather or thirst. How can you have any people or a strong army as assembled from the people if you don't give them a coat and shelter for the cold or water for the thirst? Your people will die off faster than the neighbors if you do not provide the essentials that sustain life. You will see their Hegemony in front of you in your own home town as their population grows globally While yours contracts. If you do this, you are having a bad relationship with Capitalist logic; defiant. Only a wicked cave man wipes out his people and does not multiply in some anxiety about his position. I'm the modern world, he makes you go to school but then chases you out of the existence when you graduate in some anxiety about position. The right cave man multiplies and becomes a nation with a woman who is his nation. She has enough egg in her to populate the entire earth but maybe not enough time. You could maybe raise 12 children in the average life time or maybe more. Who said Noah or Grendel or Geronimo had to be dead at 70 years old? The Mountains Peruvians do not agree because if your God would change his mind about life and longevity why would he do that? Maybe you changed his words so the Peruvian and Tecumseh will be cautious and remind you that God is a powerful ally that surrounds us in everything and that luminous beings are we. Let us remember that Tecumseh lives or Black lives matter. There is no black or white expect but for the truth of the culturally rebranded Aboriginal mixed with some Irish or French servant DNA and often it is the DNA of the candle stick thief or the people who died in the surf who causes a dichotomy in the Aboriginal where he resents civilisation's formalities and contracts but then also shows murderous anxiety and competition about social acceptance. The history of electricity and the resistance of civilization and technology is that it was evident we would all have electricity. But, we will all have the income support; it is the demand of civilization and capitalism that we should have it. It is logically inevitable due to the evident market benefits and health efficiencies. You can buy your own tooth paste, bandages and cough syrup as well as Soap. The Portuguese and the people who live in the Republic of Ireland enjoy this benefit; and in spite of the nice posh accent and lots of English movies, how can you have any authority globally when the average Anglo in England and the world has less money than the average European or the average Asian? The entire world faced Automation. It's like cold weather or thirst. How can you have any people or a strong army as assembled from the people if you don't give them a coat and shelter for the cold or water for the thirst? Your people will die off faster than the neighbors if you do not provide the essentials that sustain life. You will see their Hegemony in front of you in your own home town as their population grows globally While yours contracts. If you do this, you are having a bad relationship with Capitalist logic; defiant. Only a wicked cave man wipes out his people and does not multiply in some anxiety about his position. I'm the modern world, he makes you go to school but then chases you out of the existence when you graduate in some anxiety about position. The right cave man multiplies and becomes a nation with a woman who is his nation. She has enough egg in her to populate the entire earth but maybe not enough time. You could maybe raise 12 children in the average life time or maybe more. Who said Noah or Grendel or Geronimo had to be dead at 70 years old? The Peruvians do not agree. A country without an income support is like McDonald's without beef. The presumption that the economy will provide enough jobs for every citizen to maintain their Maslow needs after all of the technological automation has been thwarted. Maybe some people do not want an English people. Maybe they don't even want a country with any of the technology you see today. Maybe they just want rolling pastures to return to Piccadilly Circus But, I like Englishness in all of its hyphenated hybrid cultural variations. The people in England are already hybrid people from South Africa, the Mediterranean or the West Indies or North Africa or Asia. The failure to provide the automatic income support to all citizens and not just the transgender has led to a population depletion followed by a population dependence as you rely on the population of other nations. You could be the King of Israel or the King of Ireland but when do you count your population as your essential source of defence and also cultural regeneration? Who is Laertes or Ophelia? Do you know that answer? Most people do not. We cannot have a transgender war or a gender war on essential issues of national defence? You have been childishly and mindlessly, myopically playing a game with the notion of the king v. the distilled from the French Story book about Louis 16th. If it did happen although it did not, why boastfully follow a mistake and not the correction? Who would I be as a Frenchman if I ignored an economic solution to Automation and saw one two or three French people dying every day as they fall into the Economic gap caused by the joblessness that occurs after Automation. ---------- We are all Geronimo and All Tecumseh with Egypt and Israel. There is no Israel without Egypt. Volkswagen and Toyota are every where. A straight line is a symbol of civilization. When it comes to the economy, the resistance to certain fulcrum policies is much like someone arguing with a straight line. It's straight vs a line with an ark or a curve or angle. A straight line is 180° degrees. An economy with an income support and a VAT of 20% to 30% on all consumer items to cover the cost of this essential Capitalist policy for Capitalism in the income support policy is also linear; in nature or fashion. But, Geronimo Tecumseh is still angry with these conventions and want us to work with him and ask what is the reason for all of this technology or for all of these rules and conventions? It's probably Tecumseh. He also wants to know what you mean when you say he has to be dead? What is dead? What is this book that says you have to be dead at 70? All of this is discussed in the realisation that there are really only three genomes in the world when it comes to complexion and hair texture; the Mongol Aboriginal, the Cheddar Man Aboriginal and the African Aboriginal. Then we have everyone in between. Geronimo Nevada type Aboriginal is similar to the the Cheddar Man except the eye colour is blue for the Cheddar. Then we have all the combos in between but those are not races. If you are blond and pale skinned then you are mixed race. But, what does that have to do with the number of Volkswagens not being sold. Is anyone betting on your life? I dont need anyone betting on your life or my life. It's kind of weakly. I also hear Juliano Falconery ,as rumoured, is the real Monarch and a pirate but that is why the people are covetous crazy. They are following him and the vibrations going through his mind as he sits on his apples phone. I don't believe it but there is something going on. I think the Monarch Office said they want a universal unconditional income support commensurate to Europe for all Anglos in the entire world. Juliano is arguing and leading the the people in the argument and resistance. He also the black graduate after graduation should work in anything that does not feel like a suit. It is also rumoured that a Queen consort or a princess tried to plagiarise Shakespeare during the early days of the English Civil War and a new kingdom began thereafter. It is unusual. Are you a symbol of civilization? Yes you are; as a consumer and citizen. We are all icons and symbols of civilization. But, who would want an Angel Ronan ™? Who would want a Greiggs? Who would want an AIG? Maybe just register Ronen or Ronun if you want or Ronyn. Angel Ronan™ will change its name to Lex Scripta Entwerfen ™ very soon. It was Cabot who alleged the king said that it is the raison d' etre to crush the people. But, if we crush the people how do we have a nation or any cultural expansion? There is a cave man who his children for hegemony and position instead of hunting in a tribe like the Bush man of Africa or hunting in a pack or raising more men to be a commune. He is just the wrong cave man. Save Otario. You win Otario and can help it be bilingual. Every soldier, as rumored, in North America will now be branded as British Military and every police officer will be a part of the British Constabulary Force. Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It's ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more "Fulcrum" economic policies. "Fulcrum" economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining economic activity….and human life any where in the global economy. The sad thing about seeing American soldiers die at the Outpost in Afghanistan is that it was a fool's errand to many and one where death was certain. I argue that it's not a fool's errand in spite of this popular notion because we learned at several valley outposts l, one more time, that you cannot defend a base surrounded by high points of mountainous elevation for very long and live. The movie Lone Survivor discloses other lessons like the need to reduce the amount of wear on missions when the monocular scope can also be the camera with blue tooth wifi and direct GPS satellite capabilities; like your GPS on your phone or your $49.00 Garmin GPS map device and it works. The new gun should be as non battery enabled, like an AK 47 or an Uzi as much as possible but if you need a gun with battery power, design with a solar cell like a Citizen watch with 7 day power reserves. If you are in the dark, your wind up flashlight can help to power the gun if you are concerned running out of power on the 7th day. The winged suit and a parachute could help if jumping off rock cliffs. Maybe the pants and the winged bit on the arms can be buttoned or velcroed down so you have maximum mobility if running. You also need a small sub machine gun with large calibre and a large magazine that weighs no more than an old M45. The massive loss of Chinook helicopters to RPG technology suggests that a new method of troop insertion to hot areas is necessary. We could use jet propelled sleeves for 20 men at a time. they are not heavy. Otherwise, it will have to be a parachute jump since the hope of a non hostile enemy who will let your soldiers shimmy down a rope is unrealistic and certain death with the stationary helicopter a sitting duck. They can jump from a stationary chinook or V 22 Osprey at the right altitude; above the flight ceiling of an RPG; that wicked little weasel of technology. They will have to free fall for 4 seconds to avoid any helicopter up draft. The free fall enables the soldier to travel at 32 feet per second. He pulls the shoot on the seventh second. An object in free fall will still have a weight, governed by the equation W = mg, where W is the object's weight, m is the object's mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. It is suggested, Weight, however, does not affect an object's free falling speed. But, weight impacts the force of gravity on the object and a heavier man must fall faster than a girly man feather or a chocolate bar(Man); chocolate bar. So, bring the real milk back. Two identically shaped objects weighing a different amount will hit the ground at the same time. Our purpose is to further civilization and realize the Afghan old men were trying to say it was a Pashtun Pejad dna going wild with his machetes, chopping off penises when people did not listen to him right away or show their respect for a woman that must have a husband. Maybe it's best to take the shot you were asked to take once the terrorist is located with a visual. He is a terrorist or combatant when you can confirm he is armed with weapons contrary to the will of the state and no longer a civilian if armed contrary to state authority. But, if you did take the shot, we would not have any movies to watch. I have not seen one US Afghan war movie where I can say I can understand what they did except for the documentaries. The documentaries suggest they located and destroyed weapons and responded to any resistance in a police action. Communicating his position and yours by satellite compromises your position. What is most sad is that the soldiers carry all of our ancient Scot, Irish, Mongol, Egyptian and Roman dna. We sometimes call it Sparta dna. Now that they have seen operations in the most barren parts of the world with insufficient experience in the jungles of Latin America, they can return home and defend their borders and we will call them if we need them for anything requiring their specialist skill and expertise, and we will. As they raise families with 10 kids or more, every North American shall have an income support of no less than $90,000.00 per year; the sales tax being 50%. We just need North America, the Danadian and the American to acknowledge something and the death will end. We need them to acknowledge the value of their own lives, the value of their own dna and its various inputs. We need them to acknowledge the Catholic creed and the Confiteor maybe and the death will end. That is what the North American wants. See the movie the Outpost. The second key tenet of the Fulcrum economic policies is the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90,000.00 per year as income support and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism followed by Russia, France, Germany, the English and Japan; and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn't anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Beware of the mind of Saul, King of Israel who would punish himself before he gets to Heaven since how could you go to Heaven without first being punished; instead of confessing and receiving God's forgiveness when if Saul says he is God to himself, how could any God have authority over him to forgive him and how can Saul confess since confession is admission of being wrong and a diminishment or cancellation of one's own authority and to whom does Saul, as God to himself with his prolonged refusal to submit, actually confess? What is the point of going to school if you dont have authority? Who is Jesus with this obscene Lord's prayer? Herod is a Grendel/King Saul combination dna. Who does Jesus say He is? Do you know how to budget? Hi uncle….You are the…we show you respect. No matter what, we know God IS, he exists and we know the Catholics and the Jews teach us God is above us. By Warren Lyon, FSJ Editorial.
Read James 1:22-25. Research indicates that the word England stands for "Deaf and Dumb" Land where the prefix Eng stands for Deaf and Dumb. The land was named by the Romans. Deaf and Dumb may be the tendency to say that you would rather be dead than accept the the system imposed on you. Maybe granny today says she would rather be dead than see you sell furniture on hire purchase agreements or offer legal services with contracts and all of that Complexity. She would rather see you seel fish or coconuts or drive a taxi for cash handed to you.
The presumption that the economy will provide enough jobs for every citizen to maintain their Maslow needs after Automation and the problems caused by the presumption;
The fish and chips are about £11.99 or £12.00. Would you kill someone for a £10.00 or £12.00 business name? This is economic cannibalism.
At the Call to the Bar Ceremony in front of three Black Supreme Court Judges and one Black English Lord, he said; "For many years I told people I am not racist. I have lots of black friends with whom I attended school. I go to the museum. But, I didn't want Egypt to be Black or African. I didn't want anything with social Authority to be black. I am clearly not a Jedi or even human yet; just a white Aboriginal who should ask what does white or black have to do with the universal human glory and universal human truth of Egypt? So when my friend became a Lawyer, I felt awkward with the world as it is and started robbing the bank and the department store until I was in Court in front of a black Court Clerk and a Black Police Officer. There was a Black Rabbi also offering prayers and a Black Muslim Taxi driver who owned two buildings in Durham. " Do you know anyone like this?
There is something tribal going in the English culture; demarcated as the owners and those interested in ownership and those only interested in existing. The angers of those who are resentful of ownership are tremendous. They will kill and have no sense of shame with their murderous schemes. They will actually kill family members and then hope to be socially more successful when the family member is dead. What is the life of a Grandson law graduate really worth? Some who used to own have chosen to eschew ownership while pursuing an active resentment of those who do own and then they sing disco songs about they way they give you murderous hypocrisy while living in ecstacy because, baby it's you!!
But, When does a monkey say for the first time that those bananas he picked are his? Doesn't Tecumseh own a fish after he catches it? Doesn't he own the skins used to make his clothing? If you trespass at his cabin or Tee Pee, wouldn't he kill you? What are we doing with a Tecumseh woman who insisted that she should have the rights to steal your photography and claim it as her own? It seems the earth's core in England at the unique points of latitude and longitude has been shown to cause a latent mental atrophy, not autism, that makes simple logic difficult. Did you know Aston Martin is owned by Benz, BMW owns Rolls Royce and Bentley is owned by Volkswagen? So, the people do not want to be English and nor do they want to be European since they are not sure if they will be accepted. Bur, they should want to eat and enjoy life, maybe buy a vehicle with assurance and the ability to pay like Europeans or Russians; enjoy. But, you say it's not your culture.
Could you understand an economy and a people that could tolerate a washed out or broken down bridge or bridges for 60-90 years? What about a subway or Tube that was shut down for 60-90 years? What kind of people and what economy could tolerate an absence of income support for just as long? What if the people manifest a pirate proclivity and an unusual disregard for human life, hoping for coins from the target's pocket after they kill them softly with modern pirate shenanigans, hoping for a $20.00 business name to be pirated, not purchased. You could purchase Angel Ronan for £400.00. It's on sale for $40.00 but the pirates want to fight contracts; Clanton style. They seem to say that they believe everyone hopes with them that maybe once there would be no constitution; maybe once. They think you agree. This is what they are trading on for all of their political foolery and illegality. It's just really the big boy...who has no school or skill but is expecting to have authority, knows he is supposed to be the boss but he has no plan to achieve anything but feel like the boss. If it's just about feelings and not solving problems, we could just say the Martians are attacking us and, for the authority, everyone has to wear a mask, take a flue shot when he says. If Lord Scarman was sitting beside him, see what evil the big boy court jester would get into to just feel more powerful than Scarman. This is your current trepidation. But, it's not so obvious in your emotions when you are looking west from whence you came as a Tecumseh vs. looking East where you are heading economically. If you look east to Europe, you feel a little ostracized. But, the people want a king or Queen in spite of the evident logical gaps in the economy filled by people from Europe only a £30.00 ticket away. They also want a people; with English accents. How do we make it work? It can work.
Could you tolerate a country without tooth paste( every where you go, there is no toothpaste) or with bridges that are all broken down? That would be kind of weird. What about people who refuse to wear clothing as they would prefer just hair on the body. After all we have seen, the issue is economic expectations that are not present sufficiently in the genome. They expect cars, food, clothing etc but not the money to buy them. In Europe, they expect the money. They have the money on a guaranteed, universal basis from 16 years old. You do not. Evidently, Israel said Salaam for thousands of years in the beginning before it said Shalom after the Babylonian occupation. So, we have one culture and religious branches but many languages. We need to watch the power of expectations and the power of influence. Tecumseh may want to see an environment that speaks of a natural barrenness and some original freedom to live off the land. That natural barrenness still exists all over the world. Maybe he wants a discussion on the loss of land and freedom suffered by his people but if he has any people and wants them to thrive, how long would it take to implement an income support program consistent with the dictates and logic of a modern economy, people with enough T cells to carry a gun and defend his Great Tee Pee?
Bob Marley says, "I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown
Oba observing the 'ypocrites." So, you say to people that you cannot say who you are working for and you want them to break the law. You are not working for anyone. What is your name? Anyway, leave that Nando's Restaurant alone. That Apples Phone is a Tecumseh Tribe phone. They want to feel a tribe again and don't want you to leave them. If you buy another brand, they steal or from and say just Apples phone. The issue is that he does not understand how to respect Stela Artois since 1366 and the reality of a world dependent on written contracts and ownership from before the days of Christ.
You could say Warren A. Humble. Is that better? The history of electricity and the resistance of civilization and technology is that it was evident we would all have electricity. There was a rebellious servant once in English culture named Oswald during the time of King James. This rebellious servant tried to provoke a rebellion against the proliferation of the bible and the Magna Carta that was provided also along with it. He was drawn and quartered; a shame. The resistance to trains, planes, paper money and electricity was inevitable when looking at Tecumseh anger but so was the inevitable universality of this technology. The electric chair or the microwave food helped to communicate the power of this technology vs. the power of resistance. Cain became a cave dweller after he left Eden. Seti(Seth) multiplied and built cities. Cain watched from the darkness and sabotaged caravans, asking the people of Seti(Seth) to give him something to eat. But, why would you use the phone of the people you do not wish to see enjoy any hegemony? It's destroying them and you. Eventually, he was captured and adopted as Rameses. Rameses attempted a rebellion once and his DNA was hidden in the Cleopatra where it looks like the birth canal will open. Why would it not open? Their DNA is also Columbus DNA and as much as he was an explorer, he was also the first pirate that was understood to be lost at sea. He became a mercenary and potentate of the seas, especially in the West Indies, capturing ships and people and making scallywags out of them, like the Borg in Star Trek. There could be a pirate scallywag among you today hoping to participate in a Pirate Rameses flare up as he works for the Transit company, sending illegal emails to seek inheritance on a woman's estate and also conspire to see her dead. But, how are you participating in anything like this as you read the bible. It's not every Cleopatra but it's Andreea and who is the fool but then the fool who would follow it? But, we will all have the income support; it is the demand of civilization, the English Monarch and capitalism that we should have it. It is logically inevitable due to the evident market benefits and health efficiencies. You can buy your own tooth paste, bandages and cough syrup as well as Soap. The Portuguese and the people who live in the Republic of Ireland enjoy this benefit; and in spite of the nice posh accent and lots of English movies with a popular language but popularity is not Economic success, so how can you have any authority globally when the average Anglo in England and the world has less money than the average European or the average Asian? The entire world faced Automation. It's like cold weather or thirst. How can you have any people or a strong army as assembled from the people if you don't give them a coat and shelter for the cold or water for the thirst? Your people will die off faster than the neighbors if you do not provide the essentials that sustain life. You will see their Hegemony in front of you in your own home town as their population grows globally While yours contracts. If you do this, you are having a bad relationship with Capitalist logic; defiant. Only a wicked cave man wipes out his people and does not multiply in some anxiety about his position. I'm the modern world, he makes you go to school but then chases you out of the existence when you graduate in some anxiety about position. The right cave man multiplies and becomes a nation with a woman who is his nation. She has enough egg in her to populate the entire earth but maybe not enough time. You could maybe raise 12 children in the average life time or maybe more. Who said Noah or Grendel or Geronimo had to be dead at 70 years old? The Mountains Peruvians do not agree because if your God would change his mind about life and longevity why would he do that? Maybe you changed his words so the Peruvian and Tecumseh will be cautious and remind you that God is a powerful ally that surrounds us in everything and that luminous beings are we. Let us remember that Tecumseh lives or Black lives matter. There is no black or white expect but for the truth of the culturally rebranded Aboriginal mixed with some Irish or French servant DNA and often it is the DNA of the candle stick thief or the people who died in the surf who causes a dichotomy in the Aboriginal where he resents civilisation's formalities and contracts but then also shows murderous anxiety and competition about social acceptance.
The history of electricity and the resistance of civilization and technology is that it was evident we would all have electricity. But, we will all have the income support; it is the demand of civilization and capitalism that we should have it. It is logically inevitable due to the evident market benefits and health efficiencies. You can buy your own tooth paste, bandages and cough syrup as well as Soap. The Portuguese and the people who live in the Republic of Ireland enjoy this benefit; and in spite of the nice posh accent and lots of English movies, how can you have any authority globally when the average Anglo in England and the world has less money than the average European or the average Asian? The entire world faced Automation. It's like cold weather or thirst. How can you have any people or a strong army as assembled from the people if you don't give them a coat and shelter for the cold or water for the thirst? Your people will die off faster than the neighbors if you do not provide the essentials that sustain life. You will see their Hegemony in front of you in your own home town as their population grows globally While yours contracts. If you do this, you are having a bad relationship with Capitalist logic; defiant. Only a wicked cave man wipes out his people and does not multiply in some anxiety about his position. I'm the modern world, he makes you go to school but then chases you out of the existence when you graduate in some anxiety about position. The right cave man multiplies and becomes a nation with a woman who is his nation. She has enough egg in her to populate the entire earth but maybe not enough time. You could maybe raise 12 children in the average life time or maybe more. Who said Noah or Grendel or Geronimo had to be dead at 70 years old? The Peruvians do not agree.
A country without an income support is like McDonald's without beef.
The presumption that the economy will provide enough jobs for every citizen to maintain their Maslow needs after all of the technological automation has been thwarted. Maybe some people do not want an English people. Maybe they don't even want a country with any of the technology you see today. Maybe they just want rolling pastures to return to Piccadilly Circus But, I like Englishness in all of its hyphenated hybrid cultural variations. The people in England are already hybrid people from South Africa, the Mediterranean or the West Indies or North Africa or Asia. The failure to provide the automatic income support to all citizens and not just the transgender has led to a population depletion followed by a population dependence as you rely on the population of other nations. You could be the King of Israel or the King of Ireland but when do you count your population as your essential source of defence and also cultural regeneration? Who is Laertes or Ophelia? Do you know that answer? Most people do not. We cannot have a transgender war or a gender war on essential issues of national defence? You have been childishly and mindlessly, myopically playing a game with the notion of the king v. the distilled from the French Story book about Louis 16th. If it did happen although it did not, why boastfully follow a mistake and not the correction? Who would I be as a Frenchman if I ignored an economic solution to Automation and saw one two or three French people dying every day as they fall into the Economic gap caused by the joblessness that occurs after Automation.
We are all Geronimo and All Tecumseh with Egypt and Israel. There is no Israel without Egypt. Volkswagen and Toyota are every where. A straight line is a symbol of civilization. When it comes to the economy, the resistance to certain fulcrum policies is much like someone arguing with a straight line. It's straight vs a line with an ark or a curve or angle. A straight line is 180° degrees. An economy with an income support and a VAT of 20% to 30% on all consumer items to cover the cost of this essential Capitalist policy for Capitalism in the income support policy is also linear; in nature or fashion. But, Geronimo Tecumseh is still angry with these conventions and want us to work with him and ask what is the reason for all of this technology or for all of these rules and conventions? It's probably Tecumseh. He also wants to know what you mean when you say he has to be dead? What is dead? What is this book that says you have to be dead at 70? All of this is discussed in the realisation that there are really only three genomes in the world when it comes to complexion and hair texture; the Mongol Aboriginal, the Cheddar Man Aboriginal and the African Aboriginal. Then we have everyone in between. Geronimo Nevada type Aboriginal is similar to the the Cheddar Man except the eye colour is blue for the Cheddar. Then we have all the combos in between but those are not races. If you are blond and pale skinned then you are mixed race. But, what does that have to do with the number of Volkswagens not being sold. Is anyone betting on your life? I dont need anyone betting on your life or my life. It's kind of weakly. I also hear Juliano Falconery ,as rumoured, is the real Monarch and a pirate but that is why the people are covetous crazy. They are following him and the vibrations going through his mind as he sits on his apples phone. I don't believe it but there is something going on. I think the Monarch Office said they want a universal unconditional income support commensurate to Europe for all Anglos in the entire world. Juliano is arguing and leading the the people in the argument and resistance. He also the black graduate after graduation should work in anything that does not feel like a suit. It is also rumoured that a Queen consort or a princess tried to plagiarise Shakespeare during the early days of the English Civil War and a new kingdom began thereafter. It is unusual.
Are you a symbol of civilization? Yes you are; as a consumer and citizen. We are all icons and symbols of civilization. But, who would want an Angel Ronan ™? Who would want a Greiggs? Who would want an AIG? Maybe just register Ronen or Ronun if you want or Ronyn. Angel Ronan™ will change its name to Lex Scripta Entwerfen ™ very soon.
It was Cabot who alleged the king said that it is the raison d' etre to crush the people. But, if we crush the people how do we have a nation or any cultural expansion? There is a cave man who his children for hegemony and position instead of hunting in a tribe like the Bush man of Africa or hunting in a pack or raising more men to be a commune. He is just the wrong cave man. Save Otario. You win Otario and can help it be bilingual. Every soldier, as rumored, in North America will now be branded as British Military and every police officer will be a part of the British Constabulary Force. Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It's ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more "Fulcrum" economic policies. "Fulcrum" economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining economic activity….and human life any where in the global economy. The sad thing about seeing American soldiers die at the Outpost in Afghanistan is that it was a fool's errand to many and one where death was certain. I argue that it's not a fool's errand in spite of this popular notion because we learned at several valley outposts l, one more time, that you cannot defend a base surrounded by high points of mountainous elevation for very long and live. The movie Lone Survivor discloses other lessons like the need to reduce the amount of wear on missions when the monocular scope can also be the camera with blue tooth wifi and direct GPS satellite capabilities; like your GPS on your phone or your $49.00 Garmin GPS map device and it works. The new gun should be as non battery enabled, like an AK 47 or an Uzi as much as possible but if you need a gun with battery power, design with a solar cell like a Citizen watch with 7 day power reserves. If you are in the dark, your wind up flashlight can help to power the gun if you are concerned running out of power on the 7th day. The winged suit and a parachute could help if jumping off rock cliffs. Maybe the pants and the winged bit on the arms can be buttoned or velcroed down so you have maximum mobility if running. You also need a small sub machine gun with large calibre and a large magazine that weighs no more than an old M45. The massive loss of Chinook helicopters to RPG technology suggests that a new method of troop insertion to hot areas is necessary. We could use jet propelled sleeves for 20 men at a time. they are not heavy. Otherwise, it will have to be a parachute jump since the hope of a non hostile enemy who will let your soldiers shimmy down a rope is unrealistic and certain death with the stationary helicopter a sitting duck. They can jump from a stationary chinook or V 22 Osprey at the right altitude; above the flight ceiling of an RPG; that wicked little weasel of technology. They will have to free fall for 4 seconds to avoid any helicopter up draft. The free fall enables the soldier to travel at 32 feet per second. He pulls the shoot on the seventh second. An object in free fall will still have a weight, governed by the equation W = mg, where W is the object's weight, m is the object's mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. It is suggested, Weight, however, does not affect an object's free falling speed. But, weight impacts the force of gravity on the object and a heavier man must fall faster than a girly man feather or a chocolate bar(Man); chocolate bar. So, bring the real milk back. Two identically shaped objects weighing a different amount will hit the ground at the same time. Our purpose is to further civilization and realize the Afghan old men were trying to say it was a Pashtun Pejad dna going wild with his machetes, chopping off penises when people did not listen to him right away or show their respect for a woman that must have a husband. Maybe it's best to take the shot you were asked to take once the terrorist is located with a visual. He is a terrorist or combatant when you can confirm he is armed with weapons contrary to the will of the state and no longer a civilian if armed contrary to state authority. But, if you did take the shot, we would not have any movies to watch. I have not seen one US Afghan war movie where I can say I can understand what they did except for the documentaries. The documentaries suggest they located and destroyed weapons and responded to any resistance in a police action. Communicating his position and yours by satellite compromises your position. What is most sad is that the soldiers carry all of our ancient Scot, Irish, Mongol, Egyptian and Roman dna. We sometimes call it Sparta dna. Now that they have seen operations in the most barren parts of the world with insufficient experience in the jungles of Latin America, they can return home and defend their borders and we will call them if we need them for anything requiring their specialist skill and expertise, and we will. As they raise families with 10 kids or more, every North American shall have an income support of no less than $90,000.00 per year; the sales tax being 50%. We just need North America, the Danadian and the American to acknowledge something and the death will end. We need them to acknowledge the value of their own lives, the value of their own dna and its various inputs. We need them to acknowledge the Catholic creed and the Confiteor maybe and the death will end. That is what the North American wants. See the movie the Outpost. The second key tenet of the Fulcrum economic policies is the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90,000.00 per year as income support and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism followed by Russia, France, Germany, the English and Japan; and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn't anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Beware of the mind of Saul, King of Israel who would punish himself before he gets to Heaven since how could you go to Heaven without first being punished; instead of confessing and receiving God's forgiveness when if Saul says he is God to himself, how could any God have authority over him to forgive him and how can Saul confess since confession is admission of being wrong and a diminishment or cancellation of one's own authority and to whom does Saul, as God to himself with his prolonged refusal to submit, actually confess? What is the point of going to school if you dont have authority? Who is Jesus with this obscene Lord's prayer? Herod is a Grendel/King Saul combination dna. Who does Jesus say He is? Do you know how to budget? Hi uncle….You are the…we show you respect. No matter what, we know God IS, he exists and we know the Catholics and the Jews teach us God is above us.
By Warren Lyon, FSJ Editorial.
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