
Showing posts from February, 2022

Racism divides cultures and Cheddar men. Genders and income support policies should not. That would be policy-ism; the deliberate application of divisiveness in policy when society should work for unification. European accent can be quite deceptive in its expensive intonations although in the case of the English, their Socio-economy is quite illogical. The system divides the population on gender lines with only transgender people receiving an automatic income support. The other genders are subject to scenarios that might involve abuses of the system by the transgender where they may try to use their automatic support, as provided automatically at 16 years old, to buy the school grades and the exam results of their neighbour's children or maybe Child Support payment decisions at the Benefit office. Sometimes they spend up to £60 per day to delay answers and results until the police find out about the fraud and what amounts to Terrorism; an interruption of government systems and services; including the courts, the post and benefits. They may also sometimes buy the train schedule. The train might just drive through the station and not stop Antoinette bought the driver so she can feel involvement and get attention. She is the system failure with monies spent to misdirect and terrify the Court. Antoinette divides the economy. Apparently, when she was born she noticed she could know and said that only people like her would have money... Antoinette Arthers. She bought the Queen's kitchen. ANTOINETTE SAYS She HAS NO RIVAL. She has been doing this from birth. Do not underestimate the will power of this unusual presumptuous DNA. She took a kingdom before. There is some Creole DNA going on here from the West Christopher Columbus Indies where she is the Queen cockroach as Columbus' son and there are many other cockroach scallywags hopinf to help Columbus Antoinette express his disdain for any Kingdom other than his own. She is using her income support to further domestic terrorism. Her cause celebre' is that she resents being given money but that she was also excluded or invited not to attend school regularly where she would learn about what to do with the money at 16 years old. It is to pervert the course of justice to take bribes from any Antoinette to hold police files in suspense. How much do you really get from her? She is about to tell all anyway. Antoinette-ism. She had the desire to spit on monarchy and make herself king.

This is my contribution by ANGEL RONAN LEX SCRIPTA ™;. A new industrial sized drone with the same carriage and volume as a tractor trailer lorry container may soon take over the transport industry. It will fly a low heights above highways and deliver goods at their final destination in the same way goods are delivered today at Supermarkets or distribution centres. These tractor trailer drones can he flown by drone pilots at low altitude below the heights of commercial and other regular airline traffic from a centralised location and help to get trucks off the road. Every truck driver will be hired as a chaperone pilot who can hit the emergency landing button in the event the drone loses satellite and radio contact with the drone pilot. The idea is being proposed to trucking companies and courier companies. It will save time and traffic on the road. We love Canada and England and Angel Ronan Consulting. We never crucify the intelligence of a video game designer or a humble Duty Solicitor. By Warren Augustine Lyon.

Do you know England is the only economy where freckled people get the cash automatically at 16 and the transgender people? Jesus on crack or lsd would be Judas; I think. He would compete for inheritance with Peter if he was told Peter was his brother. This is unbelievable. He would lock them out of the upper room and hope to freeze Joseph in the cold even if he was told several times Joseph was his father although Joseph had a key to get in anyway. I believe JESUS would beat the lsd and be helpful to his family no matter what. I know I would not hurt my family and only the freckled people, black and white, have income support provided automatically....the third gender people also. Also, Abraham told Isaac to try and get it right with one woman and not three since you dont know what can happen. Abraham was married to Hagar, Sarai and Keturah. Isaac only had one wife; with a womb. Finally, we need to understand that crucifixion is not an honour. We need to crucify " attention seeking" it self. Things will calm down after that.

This just in; Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ® has now proposed a travellers half day rate for hotel and motel stays at $30-38.00 a night from 9:00 pm to 8:00 am in time for the hotel breakfast 8 it doesn't include breakfast) as a kind of emergency Safe stay rate that helps travellers who may have missed their flight. It is available on request. It might be £25.00 to £30.00 guaranteed every night without fluctuations in the UK, France, Ireland and Scotland.

There is an offence called deception or uttering false statements when someone impersonates another by submitting another individual's resume as their own. You could say it's a conspiracy to commit murder. That is crazy. But, it would also be wrong, rather illegal and crazy to hire the person if you did not caution them and just tell them to leave and come back in ten minutes with their own details on a paper serviette or a bag from All Bar One or McDonald's or something. The issue is that even if a manager hired someone submitting the false resume, it is an offence for the owners also. The owner is liable under vicarious criminal liability. What is consistent with a reputable establishment? Who are these people? They hired someone who showed up with Ibrahimovitch on his resume. But, he does not know him. He lied and you have him in your office, suckling on your seat and then you are dead. What are these drugs in your building? You have l to go now with the authorities. The dishwasher with pink nails is the manager now and the manager who hired him becomes the head boss and where are you? They are hiring a new cuisine since they say you had a fire. You see the pattern. The current manager is the estuary captain of the man with the pink nails who wears lipstick; like the Joker. He talks about guns quite a lot. You see the pattern. Everyone goes to court and then jail. Thank you for reading this Brief from ANGEL RONAN ENTWERFEN ™.

Who would want to kill a humble old law graduate? He graduated 22 years ago.

Angel Ronan ™. That housing is government property. You can or offer it to others in any kind of sale. But, you have taken monies from others in the furtherance of a criminal offence and enterprise. You have have been removed FROM the property for this reason and arrested for trespass and a further possession of stolen property every time you show up. Why did you it; black people? You are trying to now compete for acceptance at the front door but in what basis; maybe that you had lived there longer or that you are more English but anyone else who has the right to remain is also English, and an Anglican School graduate for life and also a registered Catholic. You do not have the right to be there but maybe, as sort of family, we can make it work and cooperate. But, most importantly he has not been excluded from the home by Court order. You have been excluded for what is criminal misuse of the property for personal financial benefit; remember. They also add false late fees on your car rental accounts. I love black people. I really do. In fact, my stereo is black and I have black friends but a false $10.00 charge on your account is fraud when an invoice is contractually required at the beginning of the month and you are not obligated to pay until your get your invoice. It is fraud under $5000.00. White People do this kind of thing also.

Advanced Economics by Warren A. Lyon.

This is a photograph taken by Warren A. Lyon. HOLLAND. Isn't this how a father should feel towards their children after their Law School graduation?

Do you want to buy Prions 2 Energy ™. Do you want to buy Prions ™ or do you want to steal Prions ™? PRIONS ™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan Consulting.

"This Is My Contribution."- Angel Ronan™ Lex Scripta. The best way to fight piracy and crime is to provide a sufficient income support to every citizen. This just in; Angel Ronan Lex Scripta has just submitted a global proposal to automate the information booths in all bus stations with four or five information direction screens enabled with Google maps and directions for the self serve power of the new and electronic. The screens will provide advertising when not in use by bus station and subway/tube patrons. These travel guidance machines with Google GPS or Garmin will be available at every bus stop. The patron will use it at the bus stops for a few seconds. The screen will actually operate as advertising. This will save time and money. There will be a paid attendant with good hair to assist customers in using the electronic map windows that will be a touch screen TV positioned in vertically. They will operate just like the GPS Map and Directions function on your Android smart phones with GOOGLE. You will be able to "share" the directions received by email or by text to your phone. Thank you; Cheers!! Written and proposed by Warren A. Lyon, Angel Ronan Consultant. Angel Ronan Lex Scripta.

Douglass family. He had a white wife and a black wife.; a few black wives.

My mother and my father buttoned up my coat. I thank them. But, where are those law file. My father is charged with impersonation of an ANGEL RONAN staffer with one other individual; in Durham Canada at the Oshawa Bond Street Court. Angel Ronan ™. This is a Master's Law Graduate. This is the PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™ designer.

Do three sets of trigonometry problems. Such as if angle a + angle b + angle c equals 180 degrees solve the following problems. If angle A is 60 and angle b is 30 what is angle c? This is a right angled triangle. The character in the movie about that English code breaking machine tried to explain something once to someone. He kept leaving letters at Buckhead Palace. I never did. Did you? It was something about the need for motorways and a ring road or North Circular Road and 24 hour tube service. He was 98 and left a letter at a police station about his machine that would build the road. He is not dead. He is in Skegness at a Fish Shop on the High Road. All angles in this right angled triangle add up to 180 degrees. I am not trying to tell anyone anything.

An APB is out right now on a woman named Andrela who has seven apples phones, is not working and who is at home eating oatmeal right now as she watches breakfast TV, who is also conspiring with a Monicla who is putting Bolton's DDT lotion on everything Joan eats and in Joan's hands, hoping to be the heir of a Joan Hamiton and wrote her own will. She is not the heir and the will she wrote is a false statement. She has attempted to commit the same offence concerning Grace Lyons and has sent 70 emails to the ONTARIO Estates Court alleging to be Grace heir for which she has been charged. She has also sent emails threatening Warren A. She has been charged for threatening death. She has failed to appear in Court concerning these matters. Black lives matter. I am sure we can get beyond this and I am to work with Andrea with Angel Ronan where she can be a Managing Director in name only. All you hope to do is have sympathy carrying her coffin in Nine Night; in mockery. If you have been charged for threatening the owner and UTTERING FALSE STATEMENTS concerning a Will or estate, how can you still hope to be a beneficiary under the will or any heir? Black Lives matter.

Joy Travella is our new colleague. Please give her a round of applause. It is understood that Joy Adams embezzled from the chrcht and is looking to use people with any education above GCSE as scape goats. She has been charged and convicted. .

Scooter Publishers; Lenten Books.