Everyone of us has a transgender person in our family or in our church congregation. What if there was a universal income support for every citizen, that was interrupted and no one knows why but what if there was a universal income support but no tap water for every citizen but only for some based on TRANSGENDER status or based on your Postal code? That would not be logical in any case; either. Maybe someone thought it would solve the overcrowding problem; an imaginary problem that manifests with a real subjective reaction to being in a crowded T.O.Subway car that is full of tourists yet you confused the benefit programs and now many people in T.O moved away to Newmarket and now Newmarket is crowded. Yet, your concern and reaction is based on what crowding you saw in T.O. As such, the loss in regional economic turnover affects the North more than the South where the North has fewer foreign ex pats where the South has several travelling ex pats or those living in T.O. as a surrogate temporary population surviving on their foreign income support as received as citizens from their foreign governments. The cave man in this cave man stronghold as identified in the region enjoys this international-ism as it heals his cave man ignorance and he is happy to see people of colour who are not immediate victims of his cave man resistance and economic policy ignorance where Ontario is the only province suffering under such self inflicted cave man economic policy population victimisation. The people of the south have moved to other territories in the country and also the desperate north where most only have $20,000.00 as income support have moved south to take up empty, older apartment units where it is also a little warmer. The territory is dead. Anxiety as a hockey game tourist about overcrowding in a 20 km area is not reason for genocide and the policy confirms genocidal intent. Certainly, the motivation for the policy is not economic or humanitarian but personal idiosyncrasy. It could also be gender hatred in the way the policy favours one gender over the others. But, the other territories have TRANSGENDER people who live happily with their fellow citizens without any gender hatred being expressed directly. Blessed be the mother; And the father of God. An appropriate focus on the mother unwittingly devalues the fathers. We know God caused the immaculate conception and we say God is the father but there is an adoptive human father (such as Joseph ( a Jew) in the bible) that must be celebrated in the culture more often; some how. Blessed be the father in the pool of Siloam or in the spirit and just as blessed is the father that raises them and feeds them. This is community. You are a neighbor and your neighbours are looking out for you just as you are looking out for them. Who knows; you could be the father of that kid next door but mind your own business. Mary is a Jew also. Did you know Sarai had a relative who was a midwife that helped Mary in the manger and where was Elizabeth and Zachariah to help them with the birth? It might have been Sarai maybe or Sarai's descendent who helped Mary in the same way Hagar was helped by Sar-ai as a mid wife most definitely some how to give birth to Ishmael. Blessed be the mother, the father and the midwife. Would you really have the baby in a manger? Why not have the baby in your family's yard where the Angel spoke or at Zachariah's yard? Jennifer Mary's descendants are still Jews and enjoyed the peace of Egyptian economics even during the Assyrian occupation except it seems Herod tried to keep the disbursements/Income support for himself in the habit of his father; Hadrian the Pretender in Britannia who murdered the real Hadrian and kept the disbursements intended for the Britons , calling them animals and left them to fend in a resistance of the intentions of Rome. This is in a polemic that places Hadrian Pretender at ongoing odds with the viability of the Roman Briton civilization and it's people, it is happening today and no one knows why during Thatcher the regular disbursement for every Anglo in Britain was cancelled. Anyway, Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate. The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%. it is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve it is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. . Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. Warren studied Political Science at The University of Western, Ontario where he studied International Politics, Japanese History and Political Economy in addition to other subjects. He also studied Economics. He also holds an LL.M in International Corporate and Commercial Law. In this brief review of Law and Economics, he has shown you his faith by his works. Laverne and Shirley was one of his favourite TV shows growing up but he watched them all; including 8 Is Enough, the Rockford Files and Starsky and Hutch. The Ability to pay(ATP) is most essential in maintaining and stimulating economic activity, confirming the essential utility of an income support; especially in Automation Economies where Automation and the causalities involved such as job famines occasioned by the use of Robotic Automation are on going. He pays his tithes to the Roman Catholic Church as he is a member. We could say it like this. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate. The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%. It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. For PJ, give us the money. For PJ (peace and joy). We could also say it like this as well. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate. The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at some rate no less than .5%. It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) do not have any money already so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy; as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ? We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%. We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless. You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good. It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay); a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. The banks would prefer a customer who can maintain a loan than a customer who cannot. The ask should not think that the income support reduces business or that a shortage of income support increases business when it does not really increase business when the unpaid loan is unpaid business and is a business right off. Also, how do the citizens without income support qualify for the loans? Yet, we have to ask why the U.S. Eastern seaboard economy took 300 years from 1676 in Vermont or Massachusetts for example to penetrate Illinois with a state wide total income support in 1976 for every citizen and it's still unusually missing in "Otario" ( "Otario" is subtext to confirm the oddity of the Ontario policies unabated). The dichotomy between the original North American Common Sense economy and the resistant cave man aboriginal ethnographic reserves is really an ongoing "bad, bad word" Civil War between an original North American automatic money culture ( the eastern seaboard original 13 colony dole/disbursement/income support for all citizens regardless of race) and a fending Aboriginal culture that may have resisted the formality that shopping presented in the satisfaction of human needs. In spite of income support, some still keep challenging and resisting the formal consumer culture with shoplifting; Maybe on Sunday also on the way to church where she takes lipstick at Walgreens before and uses it before she puts the choir gown on but the Lord but she says "...The Lord is not done with me yet." But, what do you intend to do with that fire extinguisher? Are you going to use it as a weapon to rob the bank? Government policy should never cause starvation or poisoned water systems with unnecessary nuclear plants or electricity shortages. One good thing about European civilization in spite of some other failures that led to terrible wars of misunderstanding and lacks of cooperation is that they provided for their citizenry and now they will provide for the informal populations among them with a drive to naturalise them and provide for them as new permanent residents. It's cheaper than war and more beneficial. We get away from the myth that all policy or all expressions of authority are consistent with good. We respect the powers that be as they have been appointed by God but if appointed then he is subject to God and then the bible says there are just and unjust rulers. We cannot just focus on the appointed and the power but we do respect and we do help them to fulfill the LEVITICUS with new technology and new, more lucrative and life saving economic policy. So, what is your intention? We see that since if it was only to respect the powers that be, then we would have had to leave Hitler alone and never fact check him and verify him to the point of our dismay and disappointment where Operations Valkyrie was the only right answer next to a Russian mission that ended his command. Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or the income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces that carry intention. You ask yourself why are you reading this. David was successful as a Leader as he borrowed the well settled answers from Egypt involving economies. His Egyptian wives, when they would sit at table with him, reminded him about the income support disbursements to the people. Your policies can defend your people or destroy them. Your F15 can defend the population or fail to defend them maybe attack your own population. Genocide can be visited on a population by an F15 carrying biological weapons or genocide can be visited on a population by a government that uses policies to starve the populations of requisite income support monies(requisite in an automation economy and all economies are ongoing automation economies dating back to Egypt), water or electricity. F15's are designed to defend the nation and economic policies are designed to defend the nation with its entire population. We thank God. 1945 Count 3 of the indictment of the 24 Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Trials They (the defendants) conducted deliberate and systematic genocide—viz., the extermination of racial and national groups—against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories in order to destroy particular races and classes of people, and national, racial or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, Gypsies and others.[8][9] 1946 Raphael Lemkin The crime of genocide should be recognized therein as a conspiracy to exterminate national, religious or racial groups. The overt acts of such a conspiracy may consist of attacks against life, liberty or property of members of such groups merely because of their affiliation with such groups. The formulation of the crime may be as follows: "Whoever, while participating in a conspiracy to destroy a national, racial or religious group, undertakes an attack against life, liberty or property of members of such groups is guilty of the crime of genocide. ("Genocide", American Scholar, Volume 15, no. 2 (April 1946), p. 227–230)[9] 1959 Pieter N. Drost, Dutch law professor[11] Genocide is the deliberate destruction of physical life of individual human beings by reason of their membership of any human collectivity as such. (The Crime of State, Volume 2, Leiden, 1959, p. 125.)[12][13] The cave man is fighting your LEVITICAL family structures. He is fighting his own son or Adoptions. He does not want to see him have his own family, have anything as that would be to separate and he wants us as one. Maybe he does not want to see us have any independence or success. But, isn't Warren successful? He is an Angel Ronan ™ Clerk . It's like a Legal Office Clerk or Analyst for the Angel Ronan ™ Firm. You, as an Angel Ronan Friend (you are like a director), write Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™ with your friend or family's research and Library questions as a referral, your friend or family pays the donation and you get more than 54%. Warren does some of the work maybe but you are like the director or the captain and you tell him what to do. At least you get more than him. You got more than him at 54%. You called quite a lot during the first 3 years of the practice, then the Law Society that is now dead decided to test his faith to only confirm that he did nothing wrong and there should not be subject to any penalties but this wisdom was interrupted slightly because of a bribe from Leithland and Donna for $10,000.00. So, you can call now and I know Canada won't waste the work they put into creating this graduate with all of that rule and ruler and golden rule. Yet it seems there are some who want to say there was once a white Hegemony and this black English law graduate guy is interrupting but how is he an interruption of white Hegemony when his teachers were white and they insisted on the virtues of higher education, disciplining him in the old way with a little ruler on the hand if he did not spell all the words correctly or put a capital at the beginning of every sentence and a period at the end of every centence...I mean sentence; and his real great granddad is white and the other is Egyptian or how else would he be able to read all of this history, politics and law and graduate, graduate, graduate since it's not the kind of thing you let kind wants to do so what kind of white are you then except the neanderthal kind? He is not the only black graduate. God bless all the white people! God bless the yellow people. God bless the red people. God bless all the black people! If you fight the Income Support, fight the money, then you fighting your own life, your own people and your own auto manufacturing job at the closing plants that do not see enough sales when insufficient people have any real money. The income support, however, reduces the amount of public disaffection on these issues. You will also hear from the unions and also the black people less frequently. They are good aboriginal people; the black people but you shouldn't like provoke them to sing songs about overcoming and all that sort of thing. I would rather be a Jamaican eating Golden Crust patties in maybe Massachusetts or Maryland where all citizens have an income support. I thank God! Yet too often they are put in situations, contrary to laws to remind you about justice, peace, order, ownership and constitutionality when they may have been the first missionaries to North America as Euro moors and Berbers or Black tudors. The Aboriginals were dark like Geronimo also. GERONIMO LOOKS LIKE HE COULD BE THE FATHER OF Auntie -or-a. Columbus, Verrazano, Cortes and Verrazano set up parishes, roads and other forms of property subdivision. That is the law and the formality. $65000.00 CAD/CBND(Canadian British National Dollars) is equal to £39000.00 real sterling pounds or $45000.00 EUD per year. The Canadian guideline Minimum standard Income support is at $65,000.00 yearly income support under S.90 and S. 91 powers(TITQ). The national government can set minimum standards to avert policy anomalies that affect the national GDP growth. An old man or old lady's claustrophobia as a guest in a new kind of urban high school or on the subway when attending hockey games cannot under cut national policy or public safety and security. But, we thank God we see what happened now and must ensure that the unauthorized accidental intrusion of influence. The English systems, relics for the relic hunters and institutions are less under threat, less unstable, less at risk of collapse. Why did Thatcher interrupt the Income support and occupy England with many surrogate populations? The problem is not the surrogate populations from all corners of the former empire where they do receive income support but the way in which the Anglos must fend in front of them; not good and it leads you to examine the legitimacy of the order in a slow burning genocide. Noah and David are good biblical fathers for fathering. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. What is your economy saying about improving the national GDP numbers in an automation economy and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to stave off fears of recessions, stimulate the GDP and make it less flaccid, less dysfunctional and more erect economically? We erect new residential buildings every day but we fail to improve the income support policy so that people can pay the rent where the developer can earn the income to pay the loan on the project. There is now an immediate condition apparently in Canada, Quebec not to be outside of Canada after arrest for any alleged criminal offense until the matters are resolved. The Quebecois can go to Iceland for the Aquarellum open public (white, black, red and yellow) aboriginal residential school for French speaking fugitives. The real French are not sure why they were told to tolerate this with the Quebecois as it does threaten European security. Yet, if they are in Europe to protest the failure in Canada to make the income support national and maintained nationally with regular inflationary increases, as covered with small increases in the sales tax at half a percent every 2 years but never more than 30% on average and never above 100% in all practicality, we can hear what they have to say as it does affect national company revenues and national GDP when the income support is not consistent and paid to all citizens. Yet, you see the Toussaint Schism and the moves or plot and you want us to be excited that we are seeing him do it but why would I be excited and we have already done this before and everybody is dead...and then what we did..and then what we do.....!?! An income support of $120,000.00 per year is economically necessary and this is the motivation; economic necessity! We could discuss the humanity issue but we are moved by the economic logic since to a cave man, what is human is still debatable to some rather well dressed cave men who seem to think they are looking fine in that fur lined business suit. We will discuss the economics shortly. The water supply, the electricity supply and the money supply are now essential to public order and security and will they not be maintained by the military or the means of national security and safety above and beyond political debate? That is what the government of Europe is in North America to do just ad they run all of the world's airports; including the airports in all of France; including Bordeaux. With research from Warren A. Lyon, Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ Economics.
What if there was a universal income support for every citizen, that was interrupted and no one knows why but what if there was a universal income support but no tap water for every citizen but only for some based on TRANSGENDER status or based on your Postal code? That would not be logical in any case; either. Maybe someone thought it would solve the overcrowding problem; an imaginary problem that manifests with a real subjective reaction to being in a crowded T.O.Subway car that is full of tourists yet you confused the benefit programs and now many people in T.O moved away to Newmarket and now Newmarket is crowded. Yet, your concern and reaction is based on what crowding you saw in T.O. As such, the loss in regional economic turnover affects the North more than the South where the North has fewer foreign ex pats where the South has several travelling ex pats or those living in T.O. as a surrogate temporary population surviving on their foreign income support as received as citizens from their foreign governments. The cave man in this cave man stronghold as identified in the region enjoys this international-ism as it heals his cave man ignorance and he is happy to see people of colour who are not immediate victims of his cave man resistance and economic policy ignorance where Ontario is the only province suffering under such self inflicted cave man economic policy population victimisation. The people of the south have moved to other territories in the country and also the desperate north where most only have $20,000.00 as income support have moved south to take up empty, older apartment units where it is also a little warmer. The territory is dead. Anxiety as a hockey game tourist about overcrowding in a 20 km area is not reason for genocide and the policy confirms genocidal intent. Certainly, the motivation for the policy is not economic or humanitarian but personal idiosyncrasy. It could also be gender hatred in the way the policy favours one gender over the others. But, the other territories have TRANSGENDER people who live happily with their fellow citizens without any gender hatred being expressed directly.
Blessed be the mother; And the father of God. An appropriate focus on the mother unwittingly devalues the fathers. We know God caused the immaculate conception and we say God is the father but there is an adoptive human father (such as Joseph ( a Jew) in the bible) that must be celebrated in the culture more often; some how. Blessed be the father in the pool of Siloam or in the spirit and just as blessed is the father that raises them and feeds them. This is community. You are a neighbor and your neighbours are looking out for you just as you are looking out for them. Who knows; you could be the father of that kid next door but mind your own business. Mary is a Jew also. Did you know Sarai had a relative who was a midwife that helped Mary in the manger and where was Elizabeth and Zachariah to help them with the birth? It might have been Sarai maybe or
Sarai's descendent who helped Mary in the same way Hagar was helped by Sar-ai as a mid wife most definitely some how to give birth to Ishmael. Blessed be the mother, the father and the midwife. Would you really have the baby in a manger? Why not have the baby in your family's yard where the Angel spoke or at Zachariah's yard? Jennifer Mary's descendants are still Jews and enjoyed the peace of Egyptian economics even during the Assyrian occupation except it seems Herod tried to keep the disbursements/Income support for himself in the habit of his father; Hadrian the Pretender in Britannia who murdered the real Hadrian and kept the disbursements intended for the Britons , calling them animals and left them to fend in a resistance of the intentions of Rome. This is in a polemic that places Hadrian Pretender at ongoing odds with the viability of the Roman Briton civilization and it's people, it is happening today and no one knows why during Thatcher the regular disbursement for every Anglo in Britain was cancelled.
Anyway, Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate. The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%. it is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve it is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. . Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. Warren studied Political Science at The University of Western, Ontario where he studied International Politics, Japanese History and Political Economy in addition to other subjects. He also studied Economics. He also holds an LL.M in International Corporate and Commercial Law. In this brief review of Law and Economics, he has shown you his faith by his works. Laverne and Shirley was one of his favourite TV shows growing up but he watched them all; including 8 Is Enough, the Rockford Files and Starsky and Hutch.
The Ability to pay(ATP) is most essential in maintaining and stimulating economic activity, confirming the essential utility of an income support; especially in Automation Economies where Automation and the causalities involved such as job famines occasioned by the use of Robotic Automation are on going. He pays his tithes to the Roman Catholic Church as he is a member.
We could say it like this. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate. The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%. It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. For PJ, give us the money. For PJ (peace and joy).
We could also say it like this as well. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate. The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at some rate no less than .5%. It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) do not have any money already so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy; as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ? We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%. We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless. You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good. It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay); a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. The banks would prefer a customer who can maintain a loan than a customer who cannot. The ask should not think that the income support reduces business or that a shortage of income support increases business when it does not really increase business when the unpaid loan is unpaid business and is a business right off. Also, how do the citizens without income support qualify for the loans? Yet, we have to ask why the U.S. Eastern seaboard economy took 300 years from 1676 in Vermont or Massachusetts for example to penetrate Illinois with a state wide total income support in 1976 for every citizen and it's still unusually missing in "Otario" ( "Otario" is subtext to confirm the oddity of the Ontario policies unabated). The dichotomy between the original North American Common Sense economy and the resistant cave man aboriginal ethnographic reserves is really an ongoing "bad, bad word" Civil War between an original North American automatic money culture ( the eastern seaboard original 13 colony dole/disbursement/income support for all citizens regardless of race) and a fending Aboriginal culture that may have resisted the formality that shopping presented in the satisfaction of human needs. In spite of income support, some still keep challenging and resisting the formal consumer culture with shoplifting; Maybe on Sunday also on the way to church where she takes lipstick at Walgreens before and uses it before she puts the choir gown on but the Lord but she says "...The Lord is not done with me yet."
But, what do you intend to do with that fire extinguisher? Are you going to use it as a weapon to rob the bank? Government policy should never cause starvation or poisoned water systems with unnecessary nuclear plants or electricity shortages. One good thing about European civilization in spite of some other failures that led to terrible wars of misunderstanding and lacks of cooperation is that they provided for their citizenry and now they will provide for the informal populations among them with a drive to naturalise them and provide for them as new permanent residents. It's cheaper than war and more beneficial. We get away from the myth that all policy or all expressions of authority are consistent with good. We respect the powers that be as they have been appointed by God but if appointed then he is subject to God and then the bible says there are just and unjust rulers. We cannot just focus on the appointed and the power but we do respect and we do help them to fulfill the LEVITICUS with new technology and new, more lucrative and life saving economic policy. So, what is your intention? We see that since if it was only to respect the powers that be, then we would have had to leave Hitler alone and never fact check him and verify him to the point of our dismay and disappointment where Operations Valkyrie was the only right answer next to a Russian mission that ended his command. Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or the income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces that carry intention. You ask yourself why are you reading this. David was successful as a Leader as he borrowed the well settled answers from Egypt involving economies. His Egyptian wives, when they would sit at table with him, reminded him about the income support disbursements to the people. Your policies can defend your people or destroy them. Your F15 can defend the population or fail to defend them maybe attack your own population. Genocide can be visited on a population by an F15 carrying biological weapons or genocide can be visited on a population by a government that uses policies to starve the populations of requisite income support monies(requisite in an automation economy and all economies are ongoing automation economies dating back to Egypt), water or electricity. F15's are designed to defend the nation and economic policies are designed to defend the nation with its entire population. We thank God.
1945 Count 3 of the indictment of the 24 Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Trials They (the defendants) conducted deliberate and systematic genocide—viz., the extermination of racial and national groups—against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories in order to destroy particular races and classes of people, and national, racial or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, Gypsies and others.[8][9]
1946 Raphael Lemkin The crime of genocide should be recognized therein as a conspiracy to exterminate national, religious or racial groups. The overt acts of such a conspiracy may consist of attacks against life, liberty or property of members of such groups merely because of their affiliation with such groups. The formulation of the crime may be as follows: "Whoever, while participating in a conspiracy to destroy a national, racial or religious group, undertakes an attack against life, liberty or property of members of such groups is guilty of the crime of genocide. ("Genocide", American Scholar, Volume 15, no. 2 (April 1946), p. 227–230)[9]
1959 Pieter N. Drost, Dutch law professor[11] Genocide is the deliberate destruction of physical life of individual human beings by reason of their membership of any human collectivity as such. (The Crime of State, Volume 2, Leiden, 1959, p. 125.)[12][13]
The cave man is fighting your LEVITICAL family structures. He is fighting his own son or Adoptions. He does not want to see him have his own family, have anything as that would be to separate and he wants us as one. Maybe he does not want to see us have any independence or success. But, isn't Warren successful? He is an Angel Ronan ™ Clerk . It's like a Legal Office Clerk or Analyst for the Angel Ronan ™ Firm. You, as an Angel Ronan Friend (you are like a director), write Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™ with your friend or family's research and Library questions as a referral, your friend or family pays the donation and you get more than 54%. Warren does some of the work maybe but you are like the director or the captain and you tell him what to do. At least you get more than him. You got more than him at 54%.
You called quite a lot during the first 3 years of the practice, then the Law Society that is now dead decided to test his faith to only confirm that he did nothing wrong and there should not be subject to any penalties but this wisdom was interrupted slightly because of a bribe from Leithland and Donna for $10,000.00. So, you can call now and I know Canada won't waste the work they put into creating this graduate with all of that rule and ruler and golden rule.
Yet it seems there are some who want to say there was once a white Hegemony and this black English law graduate guy is interrupting but how is he an interruption of white Hegemony when his teachers were white and they insisted on the virtues of higher education, disciplining him in the old way with a little ruler on the hand if he did not spell all the words correctly or put a capital at the beginning of every sentence and a period at the end of every centence...I mean sentence; and his real great granddad is white and the other is Egyptian or how else would he be able to read all of this history, politics and law and graduate, graduate, graduate since it's not the kind of thing you let kind wants to do so what kind of white are you then except the neanderthal kind? He is not the only black graduate.
God bless all the white people! God bless the yellow people. God bless the red people.
God bless all the black people!
If you fight the Income Support, fight the money, then you fighting your own life, your own people and your own auto manufacturing job at the closing plants that do not see enough sales when insufficient people have any real money. The income support, however, reduces the amount of public disaffection on these issues. You will also hear from the unions and also the black people less frequently. They are good aboriginal people; the black people but you shouldn't like provoke them to sing songs about overcoming and all that sort of thing. I would rather be a Jamaican eating Golden Crust patties in maybe Massachusetts or Maryland where all citizens have an income support. I thank God! Yet too often they are put in situations, contrary to laws to remind you about justice, peace, order, ownership and constitutionality when they may have been the first missionaries to North America as Euro moors and Berbers or Black tudors. The Aboriginals were dark like Geronimo also. GERONIMO LOOKS LIKE HE COULD BE THE FATHER OF Auntie -or-a. Columbus, Verrazano, Cortes and Verrazano set up parishes, roads and other forms of property subdivision. That is the law and the formality. $65000.00 CAD/CBND(Canadian British National Dollars) is equal to £39000.00 real sterling pounds or $45000.00 EUD per year. The Canadian guideline Minimum standard Income support is at $65,000.00 yearly income support under S.90 and S. 91 powers(TITQ). The national government can set minimum standards to avert policy anomalies that affect the national GDP growth. An old man or old lady's claustrophobia as a guest in a new kind of urban high school or on the subway when attending hockey games cannot under cut national policy or public safety and security. But, we thank God we see what happened now and must ensure that the unauthorized accidental intrusion of influence.
The English systems, relics for the relic hunters and institutions are less under threat, less unstable, less at risk of collapse. Why did Thatcher interrupt the Income support and occupy England with many surrogate populations? The problem is not the surrogate populations from all corners of the former empire where they do receive income support but the way in which the Anglos must fend in front of them; not good and it leads you to examine the legitimacy of the order in a slow burning genocide.
Noah and David are good biblical fathers for fathering. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
What is your economy saying about improving the national GDP numbers in an automation economy and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to stave off fears of recessions, stimulate the GDP and make it less flaccid, less dysfunctional and more erect economically? We erect new residential buildings every day but we fail to improve the income support policy so that people can pay the rent where the developer can earn the income to pay the loan on the project. There is now an immediate condition apparently in Canada, Quebec not to be outside of Canada after arrest for any alleged criminal offense until the matters are resolved. The Quebecois can go to Iceland for the Aquarellum open public (white, black, red and yellow) aboriginal residential school for French speaking fugitives. The real French are not sure why they were told to tolerate this with the Quebecois as it does threaten European security. Yet, if they are in Europe to protest the failure in Canada to make the income support national and maintained nationally with regular inflationary increases, as covered with small increases in the sales tax at half a percent every 2 years but never more than 30% on average and never above 100% in all practicality, we can hear what they have to say as it does affect national company revenues and national GDP when the income support is not consistent and paid to all citizens.
Yet, you see the Toussaint Schism and the moves or plot and you want us to be excited that we are seeing him do it but why would I be excited and we have already done this before and everybody is dead...and then what we did..and then what we do.....!?! An income support of $120,000.00 per year is economically necessary and this is the motivation; economic necessity! We could discuss the humanity issue but we are moved by the economic logic since to a cave man, what is human is still debatable to some rather well dressed cave men who seem to think they are looking fine in that fur lined business suit. We will discuss the economics shortly.
The water supply, the electricity supply and the money supply are now essential to public order and security and will they not be maintained by the military or the means of national security and safety above and beyond political debate? That is what the government of Europe is in North America to do just ad they run all of the world's airports; including the airports in all of France; including Bordeaux.
With research from Warren A. Lyon, Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ Economics.
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