Written by: Nantes Arles Mulhouse. The year 2099: where will you be? I will be raising my 4 great grand children and helping their mothers and fathers with cereal in the morning. I need music that actually feels like an atmosphere that is fun and also suitable for 4 children or 4 great grand children, listening in the back ground. The Cosmo magazine offers you copious amounts of sex (copious amounts of tickles) but with who....if you can find him? You abbreviated the 90 year, 9 children conversation by focusing on tickles and the Gong spot. Most relationships last as long as the thrill of the new experience these days and it used to be at least four years; of friendship where you could share a storage locker, a bed and a kitchen and not argue. If you are breaking up though as the woman is programmed to do so, how do you get your skates back from the shared storage locker? Click here.
"You brought a Burger with a hair in it back into my Restaurant half an hour later but you cannot prove continuity or that you did not put the hair, so all I can do is give you a free burger and don't come back soo often. Apparently, you have brought the same burger to ten different restaurants over the last five days and you got ten burgers to feed your family as we cannot ask for a receipt but maybe keep the burger in a cooler as it looks a bit sweaty. "-Angel Ronan Academica™.
The Napster judgement involving intellectual property is an expression of LEVITICUS and it also relates to YouTube and YouTube Intellectual Rights claims.
The music is not free but maybe you can turn on your radio and hear the music with advertising every 10 minutes or turn on your internet radio or internet radio/video channel and hear the music. There is advertising. But, the artists, their record companies and their personnel must be paid. The artists are unique in their skill sets and you can't expect they will be resented for their work and also maybe, as you say, appreciated for free but unremunerated on a 24 hour global video website. The Napster judgement relates precisely to the YouTube phenomenon. What about the artist and his opinion? We know Google is..big and you want to certainly be involved, accepted but this does not vitiate consent and do not say the artist is being difficult of he asks if you had ever written their record company but apparently it is all automatic and I do not want to be told I signed a rent increase in June when no such document was signed and nor was it ever communicated by email and to say so is a fraudulent statement. It is a fraud. You are going to jail JeHI.
Compensation is to be paid to the artists and the recording companies. For every broadcast; whether the video and Music files are uploaded by general members of the public or not. Did you see the burger ad that was aired during the Country and Western music videos; videos like Stuck on You by Lionel Richie?
The link below is another example of the plethora of 60's, 70's and 80s musical creativity. This is the sociological canary in the mine to say there is something in the global atmosphere, affecting the rate of human creativity, the spirit of positive social Regenerative creativity. There is more from the 60's like The Sound of Silence (1960's); a rather negative song and unusual as contrasted with Blue Berry Hill by Fats Domino. In California Dreaming, all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey; negative.
It could also be that the artists are not motivated to produce when they are not getting any cheques or payments as rumored from I- Tunes or YouTube (Google). IBM can solve this by starting an open registry that will artists and their estates to see the number of plays per day, per hour, and per minute around the world via the internet and radio play to confirm the value of their IP production. The artists or anyone can pay $10.00 per day or $70.00 per month to access this information, involving any artists.
What happened to the Series 3 synthesizers? Their use in the '70s demonstrated a billion dollars worth of creativity. Who was the other vocalist in Sunshine of My Life? The producers were genius. The synthesizers have been miniaturized and the art of music and sound has changed, becoming electronic but human tolerance for sound and tempo maybe has not changed as much and maybe it never will. It seems analog, non electric drums, guitar and piano still win. The presumption that the audience will digest anything that is sold to the audience as the "hit" might not be accurate. Maybe the electronic instrument can remain an accent or minor influence to the production. The issue is that we have seen Electronica during crude oil spills, Global 1970s terrorism and a reluctance for the vehicular PROPULSION to update, evolve with the most efficient means available to man kind and it's requisite POLUTION FREE environmental viability. The new automated robotically made supply of goods was not met by full automated income support demand. The divergence between supply to demand is called a "recession" according to Warren A. Lyon, Economist and we can circle on a supply and demand chart; not to find the "price" of the goods but the real phenomenon of depression or recession in sale and market activity. There is no guessing here. The war is against ignorance. You have been fathered. You are being fathered.
We need a good blend between the analog and the digital world. For instance, we can tap a watch on a cash register terminal to pay for food and train tickets. The evidence is not always provided to the citizen as a paper receipt although you will see the transaction on the credit card account. But, instantaneous confirmation by email to your phone is certainly possible via your credit card account or Google pay. This should be made available immediately for all such tap transactions. Mail delivery of critical ID such as the health driver's license and national ID cards should be sent by registered post for a billed extra $15.00 when Toussaint is getting soo angry about feeling excluded financially with insufficient income support that he is about to show you the Authority (the will to take the economy ransom with violent interruptions) for his feelings of insufficient socioeconomic involvement with the price of any condominium or house out of his reach. Then are we supposed to kill them all in a desert or Normandy again? How can we cooperate in common sense for the people and by the people? That is good music!
The rate of creativity has gone down. The Sunshine of Your Love (1960's) is an example of the tremendous creativity once witnessed in the industry. It seems that with this creativity there was an ethic that under writes every song composed and the consistency in "60s and '70s soul music with its right fit at home and office is its prayer maybe to be music that makes a merry melody unto the Lord while officially secular but worshipfully LEVITICUS in the compositional intention. We don't know for sure but it seems this is so based on the lyrics, tempos and emotions. See "Before I let Go"; the 1980's hit. See the SOS band's "Your the Finest" and the Jackson's with " Let Me Show You The Way To Go...The Door.". The music is alive and it's to work as a nonverbal or verbal reminder and coach for all of us to achieve the LEVI-TICUS, helping the newcomers; the Nicodemus or the Abraham within you with lyrics that implore us and put the faith of family on our tongues.
The music is alive. Music has become more programmed electronically vs played with actual instruments. Music played with synthesizers and drum machines is categorized in a genre called Electronica. It's creative and energetic. Video did not kill the radio star. Who would ever suggest such thing like Video Killed The Radio Star; in a song? This article is about Electronica. We enjoy music. But, why do we have music? It is probably a means of story telling in an ancient tradition. We need this. We enjoy this. Billy Joel's music follows this story telling tradition and we find this in many songs. To avoid a long article on musical anthropology we focus on the current era. We need happy melodies. This is what we see in much of the 1980's disco from Nile Rogers, 1980's pop Electronica and also in some of the MAW Electronica work ensembles known also as House music but it's just Electronica evidently. House music seems to begin it's alleged genre embarkation around the mid 80's. But, it is Electronica either with programming and computers and some electronic organs or just keyboards and drum machines. It might not have been very expensive production but it was very Electronica intelligent. Lovely Day by Bill Whithers is an early less Electronica version of this music with the customary base macho vocals. D Train's You're The One For Me is a another example of the macho, manly characteristics of House music. COCAINE Your Only Friend is another song that demonstrated, the strong base, macho vocals in the music that is really Electronica and sometimes called House. This song was a public service announcement with an anti drug message in many ways. This last example reminds you of the song White Horse from 1983. Afife Iku and Mirror Dance is another Macho, masculine example of this Macho Music. Barry White's Never Gonna Give You Up also provides example, leading you to ten table settings and ten children. The disappointment is not the instrumentation or the programming in House/Electronica that quite often had no lyrics. It was the occasional inconsistent song in terms of lyrics with one word that could wash you away that toyed with the inappropriate or irreverent that made you want to throw it all away and just go back to 1960's Motown or the Philly Soul of the 70's or the cool @!£ class of 1959's and 60's Jazz that was more consistent as back ground music in your life, leading to the agenda of settled family and maybe renting is best when some in the population may be regenerated Pochahontas DNA in your North American or European High School; especially in France. But, you would never know with all of the movie star DNA and super High School Graduate DNA mixed in. Pocahontas was Brown originally and there are Pochahontas people in every complexion of the colour spectrum. She or he, some of them, plagiarize when they still find it hard, however,. to get their emotions around doing all this work that they take as an imposition and they expect they should be able to just have assume the job without training and preparation and have authority in their territory. They resent the formality of factual, actual BONAFIDE graduation to enter their own society. But, what does this have to do with the music. Music can heal. This means many women might be reluctant to wedding or marriage formalities but they want a family and they may also be resistant to home ownership formalities. TODD Terry"s Bango brought the super hero's Energy into the music and this Is where you see a super programmer in the Electronica genre with the masculine, macho energy; to the batmobile, let's go. At its very best, the electronic music confirms the world's assurances of an electronic future with an electronic Jesus and bible. There are genres such as Electronica as we discuss it here; sometimes called House but when getting into the music we see an Electric soul or a Sound Bite Gospel. MAW's music is a kind of Electric Soul or Sound Bite Gospel. If it's about Electronic music that was sometimes suffered other nomenclature, Donna Summer is really the first Electric Soul Queen. We CAN MAKE IT by SOUL FUSION is a Kind of Sound Bite Gospel with this song being an example of songs that have a repeating 1.2 or 3 word encouraging chorus such as its Alright or Got to believe that can be quite helpful on the A train or F train on the way to your law exams at Columbia where there is his LL.M. We would like to see more of this.
It's an electronic world. You can search the entire Bible on your app and see that Moses dances with the African Moabite women and finds his wife. Maybe there were lyrics to the music he danced to but certain there were drums; African drums in AFRICA. Say AFRICA. Don't be embarrassed. Don't be shy; it's just across the Atlantic Ocean where the Wampanoag knew something was coming like a code of ten rules that confirm how we all feel about property and family. A man's children are not goats. They become his neighbors whilst also remaining his children that are obligated to honor him but he does not have right to rape your wife and she should not feel obligated to consent as if it's ritual. That is wrong. So, we need Music that covers us and our emotions, leads us and encourages us in Community. The issue is how to compensate the artists when the ease of digital proliferation or copying says it's hard to track the use of the music or its musical play on the new radio bandwidth we call the internet. Yet, even a dog should get his bone for standing at the door as security and the stripper gets her three square meals with a bed if nothing else. But, these artists are to be afforded more than internet attention as compensation, more than a "daft punk" memorial as a musical sample in a new top 40 Thievery Corporation or Daft Punk type of big hit. We can make it work with the same computers and networks that okay the music and streams the music on YouTube or any other websites. The ease of solving this is computer use and network use. I can see how many times any song such as Billy Jean by Michael is played every day in the internet via some large mainframe computer such as an IBM AS400. But, the artists need this information. The internet makes it easy to track use of copywritten material. We suggest the artists pay for access to this information but not presume they can walk into any building and see the answer with anyone who only hope to kill them and then pirate their intellectual property. We like music and we want the artists and the composer with their compositions to feel good. Moreover, the music corporation cannot be involved in the unpaid illegal possession of copy Written material that is wholly owned or partially owned by the artists or vocalists. That is theft over or possession of stolen property if payment is not being made so a intellectual property rights account offered by the government, FBI or IBM etc also directly is feasible and the artists will pay one time fee that gives them access to the number of plays and contractual earnings also. It will provide them 30 days access and then they can pay again for another 30 days access at a reasonable sum that is not too expensive on their Vermont income support.
The unique sound in this Electronica (aka House) music is a 2/4 or 4/4 time that mimics the soldiers drill march with a communal feeling hand clap sample and it might have helped you stay disciplined to finish your home work if you tuned into that march, that discipline. The R and B makes you talk on the phone; a phone addict; lushed. Call 619-967-5405.
But, maybe it's time to return to real instruments in the success of Glastonbury artists who are mostly analog, acoustic artists. Then, we will also keep the ethic we see in the most successful and now classical original 60s, 70s and 80s R and B, Pop, soft rock, Disco and Funk; some of it electronica after all. Maybe they did not notice the ethic is the joyful noise unto the Lord. Some House Music Electronica satisfies this ethic today and also in the hours of House music Electronica origin and we see one off putting word can wash is away. One word can take that Holy place. Some Rock and Roll also fits the ethic wittingly or unwittingly.
The negative, minor key chord progressions are pervasive in this Electronica also called House accidentally with an eery sense of premonition and also innocence in that there are no lyrics or they are very simple with one consistent gospel style refrain like "Thank you" or "I want to thank you" and some of it harkens back to the Juke joint simplicity of Elvis' Grace land origins where people just want to get a little dance and go home but this time, it's not a banjo and base guitar but Electronica, American style. Jay Williams and Sweat provides further example, bringing us to the Electrified Juke Joint; all with unusual spooky minor key chord progressions that are not indigenous to the Juke Joint genre. We usually hear minor keys in horror movies where there is foreboding. It reminds you of Mad World by Tears For Fears. The music might be a little Mad also. Yet, if the purpose of life is the regeneration of a safe, purposeful 10 child raising, commodious society, then music must satisfy that purpose. One word in any song can derail us from that purpose. Yet, music can be used to keep us focused within the purpose. One Cain can kill us and maybe also one wrong word can derail. But, this is Electronica. So, the question is who survived this music that is sometimes reminiscent of gospel with gospel lyrics and sometimes it's just eery, spooky? Yet, it's Electronica. The next question is who survived Apples, dating back to its first computers that may have been built with plastics tainted with LSD, some say, as rumored? Did you know LG as in LG Smart phone stands for "Love God"?
With Electronica being what it is, production potential is limitless and inexpensive. We can have a MAW orchestra or maybe something that you can hop and skip to with revisited, electrified Juke joint almost church stomping, innocent ministry. His Eye Is On The Sparrow written by is Electronica with a Hammond organ plugged into the wall and no other instrumentation. With the original music written by Charles H. Gabriel and with lyrics written by Civilla D. Martin; publication date1905. Anyway, we are confident that the Electronica ( House music ) artist is getting his intellectual property income or his estate and family from YouTube or any other outlets. It's a Mad World. We want to pay the artist or their families for their time and energy even if he had a car accident after one recorded hit song or maybe a few of them, black and white, had this car accident.
But, what is the happy melody and what are the cheerful lyrics to keep us working and encouraging us to finish what we start? Releasing the music to the internet and finding airplay on new global Top of the Pops programs that will be on YouTube as forecasted very soon might help. What is the point if no one hears of you except but in the Traxsource alternative universe?
The music is alive. Europe has borrowed ideas from Africa for centuries. The French originating in Quebec are really Spanish and enjoy both classical and New creative music forms. As missionaries to Europe, Africa happily delivered their ideas to the European to help them evolve and expand technologically. It was Egypt really. In this transfer, we see musical instruments came along with the wheel. Europe has its own unique musical tradition now and it's own furniture in a grand design esthetic that we can sometimes easily forgot the rudimentary African origins with tables, chairs, mirrors, wagons, tools and wheels. The wheel was free when sent by the Egyptian. He probably did not bill them for it as he needed to expand his own civilizational mission. Eventually, it became Volkswagen or some other car company. Africans can be proud of this as the car today is dependent on the wheel that finds its origin in Africa. We would never argue about the wheel as black technology. The cave man must have seen it as he peaked from the cave as the Romans rolled past Calais beach and said, " it's free" and that he will do it on his own some day so there could be a habit in the cave man to kind of expect new ideas will be bestowed freely from Heaven and then we can all claim credit for the wheel or that customer proposal. Also, the cave man is always asking Jesus what is property if he is sitting in your kitchen after he broke in while you are on vacation. The cave man also asks Jesus what is a wife if she is sitting on the cave man and not you when you are driving the Sunday School bus.
The music is alive and young or old 1960's, 1970's , 1980's and 1990's artists are using Electronica with electronic instrumentation to produce their own new music or produce with other, newer industry members. They will cheer us up, get us logical and get us back on track, save the world with happy rhythms, beats, happy tunes and melodies.
After a quick review of modern pop music, dating back to the 1960's, we see that there has to be some necessity to the music or else people would not listen to it. But, then maybe the necessity is abused and the music has become puerile and meaningless. If there is a modern purpose, it would be to tell a story. The story provides the listener with some attention; attention and the music with lyrics carries a story that provides Entertainment. The lyrics must be intelligible; however. You should he able to hear and recognize the words. So, for entertainment and attention, we support the music industry but the industry must support the artist and we may be at a technological cross road where singles are more easily delivered through new electronic mediums such as the phone with the music app and then the artist works to produce singles now more than an album. They may know they get $100,000.00 per new single and the record company deals with the rest. The band and musicians also get $100,000.00 per single.
Music grows and changes but remains quite the same except Electronic Music or Electronica is increasingly popular, replacing real instruments and musicians.
Electronica with the machined hand claps and drum machine with the rapid RPM was quite popular in the 1980's with artist groups such as Depeche Mode and the song "I Just Can't Get Enough" and the song by Yazoo entitled "Don't Go."
"MAD WORLD" by Tears For Fears is Electronica. John Coltrane's "My Favourite Things" is not Electronica. Daft Punk was an Electronica band with a soul feel to it and very simple lyrics. Cloud 9 by Patrick Gibin is also Electronica. Some of the songs focus on being happy with gospel intonations. This reminds of John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" the repeated simple refrain "A love supreme.". PUMP UP THE JAM is certainly electronica but it is also considered House Music. Madonna's first Album with the song "Lucky Star" and "Holiday" was also Electronica. Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Startin Somethin" was also Electronica. Music by Dub Tribe Sound System entitled "Do It Now" is also Electronica. Stardust's "Music Sounds Better With You" is also Electronica. An early example of this Electronica music is seen in M's 1979 hit Pop Musik. Laid Back's hit song White Horse in 1983 is also Electronica and an interesting use of electronic symphony. A song by Urbanised Featuring Silvano entitled Helpless with guest mixes by MAW is also electronica and also considered House Music as the two genres are essentially the same. "Claudette" by Monique Bingham is Electronica. In fact, House Music does not really exist. It's Electronica. We would like to hear more of the Electronic refrain "Only God Can Do It" by Renée Winston or songs like it. Nile Rodgers' music converts easily to gospel. Oh Jesus it's you...and what you do for me..oh Jesus it's you...now I am living in Salvation...you can see. House Music as a genre is now collapsed into Electronica. It's just Electronica and this is good for many DJ's and producers with tremendous capability that have been marginalized somewhat in the House Music genres. It's just Electronica. There is no need to call anything House Music.
In an Anglo economy that is waiting for the Anglo units to comply with a universal income support for every citizen, the time and energy placed on Anglo musical expression is notable. The vibrato heard in many soloist's voices is known as a "Unity" or "Joinder" and you hear it in Michael Jackson's Human Nature and no offence is intended as Michael Jackson is respected with his intention at expression rather evident. But, the "Unity" sounds like a dog panting or breathing heavy. The sounds made by the vocalist are akin to the sounds of a dog panting. Yet, it's 2022 and the economy is not working to benefit global suppliers such as Volkswagen and BMW who have taken a tremendous financial position in North America and the economy must pay them back now with consumers armed with enough income support to make their car payments, pay for their shelter,house or apartment and buy all the other necessities in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Money is a top priority within Maslow's Hierarchy since it is used to acquire all other Needs as noted by Warren A Lyon in the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy Of Needs.
Maybe the artist only releases one new single every year. We see that car design has fallen into the human need for attention and attention seeking or attention provision. We are provided attention when the car designer releases a new model and we are invited to enter the new vehicle and try out the new features. The designer is also provided attention and celebration. They used to release new models every 2 or 3 years. But, maybe the only new aspects to the vehicle will be a regenerative engine and maybe a Hybrid variant to that flat six engine.
Technology, if it is to be enjoyed, must also be understood. Music is technology. Wind mills are technology and you need to ask yourself what wind velocity or force is necessary to turn a wind mill with a propeller that size if it is going to really work?
If music is going to be enjoyed and work to tell a story and communicate a meaningful, useful message to the community as a story or some kind of encouragement, sermon or poem, then it must have meaningful words that bring the story to the listener's mind and emotions. This is not unlike the bible that provides mostly systemic understanding and historic understanding. The message of the bible as far as systems are concerned involve family , community and the economy. After this the Bible provides is emotional management. Only God knows how we must forgive people for they do not know what hurt and evil they do. I think they are trying to steal ALUSRA ™ ( a set of technological ideas that carry intellectual property value and ALUSRA™ that means family in Egypt) or PRIONS™( a Photo Ministry). ALUSRA ™ and PRIONS ™ are trademarks owned by Warren A. Lyon. If you would like to invest, email info.angelronan@mail.com.
Written by: Warren Nantes Arles Mulhouse.
Sponsored by Tecum, Seah, Assiny, and Boyne Firm and Consulting.
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