The Jesus story is also a story about Judas. Which one would you be? It is also a story about Herod. But, which one would you be and the story is also about their character. Whose character do you have? The irony of the Jesus story is that Jesus once said before "Abraham was, I am.". Maybe Jesus was Adam's son or the son of Adam known as Seth or Seti; the son of Man we know as properly referred to as the son of God. You are invited to join Him in this self identity as based on Psalms 72. John 10:36: Do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'? What creates the Jesus story is cultural tension and technological tension. Jesus first language as a student and citizen in Egypt would have been Egyptian Arabic and then also Hebrew. But, he spoke and thought in Arabic Egyptian first. In returning to Israel where they spoke Hebrew, he may have found himself in arguments as an Arabic speaker whose first spoken language was Arabic and with some people who did not understand the culture and who may have been Jewish converts from Iraq, Syria or more distant parts of the Roman Empire. Essentially, how could Jesus that was not royal have anything to say about the law and God in front of me? By the time Jesus was born, there has to have been hundreds of people and maybe at least twelve other sons that Joseph, Jesus' father, could identify as a son of David, Israel or Solomon. From Joseph's ancestry, everyone of these sons was a Rabbi. Jesus was a Rabbi. He was educated. Jesus was in fact royal; a part of the Royal priesthood. But, the priests of Israel pointed out clearly that Israel has no King. They only have an Emperor so who are you to imagine yourself to be the missing King of Solomon or King of David. You better run for your life. Also, you can't work too hard or else they will ask who do you think you will be. You need to be humble like me and buy cheap crap because I am not any King of anyone. I am just a citizen. I am just a Bible student of white people and they said work hard or else you let the Pentecostal Union down or the Catholics down. That is why you are supposed to finish all your work as soon as possible. Thank God. They divided my clothes among themselves and gambled for my robe(Trademark). Who said that?

The Jesus story is also a story about Judas.  Which one would you be?  It is also a story about Herod. But, which  one would you be and the story is also about their character.  Whose character do you have?    

The irony of the Jesus story is that Jesus once said,  "Before Abraham was, I am."    Maybe Jesus was Adam's son or the son of Adam known as Seth or Seti; the son of Man we know as properly referred to as the son of God.  You are invited to join Him in this self identity as based on Psalms 72.   According to John 10:36:  "Do  you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God?"

What creates the Jesus story is cultural tension and technological tension.  Jesus first language as a student and citizen in Egypt would have been Egyptian Arabic and then also Hebrew.  But, he spoke and thought in Arabic Egyptian first.    In returning to Israel where they spoke Hebrew, he may have found himself in arguments as an Arabic speaker whose first spoken language was Arabic and with some people who did not understand the culture and who may have been Jewish converts from Iraq, Syria or more distant parts of the Roman Empire.  

 Essentially, the complaint of Herod and his Sanhedrin who asked too many questions to be locals is  to find out how could Jesus that was not a part of the Herodian Royal family  have anything to say about the law and God in front of him?  Herod is a descendant of Saul and just as Saul argued with Nathan, Herod argued with Jesus. The end result of this tension between is to show how Saul's temperament carried the intent to kill Nathan and Jesus.   By the time Jesus was born, there has to have been hundreds of people and maybe at least twelve other sons of  Joseph, Jesus' official father, that Joseph could identify as a son of David, Israel or Solomon.  From Joseph's ancestry, everyone of these sons was a Rabbi.   Jesus was a Rabbi.  He was educated.  Jesus was in fact royal; a part of the Royal priesthood.  But, the priests of Israel pointed out clearly that Israel has no King.  They only have an Emperor so who are you to imagine yourself to be the missing King of Solomon or King of David.  You better run for your life.     Also, you can't work too hard or else they will ask who do you think you will be. You need to be humble like me and buy cheap crap because I am not any King of anyone. I am just a citizen.   I am just a Bible student of white people and they said work hard or else you let the Pentecostal Union down or the Catholics down.  That is why you are supposed to finish all your work as soon as possible.   Thank God. 

They divided my clothes among themselves  and gambled for my robe(my Trademarks and intellectual property).  Who said that?   


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