The first line of national defence is saving your own domestic population from the ravages of poor water quality and then also saving them from the ravages of the economic symptoms caused by automation. Then, we need good machines, ships and planes for the physical defence of the nation as powered by the most non toxic forms of propulsion and also the most efficient forms of propulsion involving non liquid hydrogen fuel. The Samsung nations are doing this. The Kodak and RCA people should follow to maintain their own Kodak sense of integrity and hegemony. How much do we pay our soldiers and decision makers? This is important to ensure their national emotional dignity. A phalanx ship defence system could be very useful in defending bases considered incapable of defence. In the 2020 Movie The Outpost, a US military base for reconnaissance is over run by the enemy in Afghanistan. It was surrounded by mountains so the enemy used the high points of elevation as a superior position of attack. However, the Phalanx system could help to defend all attacks that include RPGS and missiles. What about a 12000 round new Raptor drone that operates like a go pro camera drone that is the size of a large dog, the Boston Dynamics Robot dog for example with four camera drone engines, for example, and very hard to target, fueled by a fuel cell that provides 30 days of flight coverage and aerial superiority over the base? you wont need any B1 bomber flying in from Katar when under attack. Maybe one Phalanx is enough or two such systems with full 360 degree visibility could help such bases in the future if they ever exist anywhere in the world on the floor of a valley. The question is why was the base in the valley but it is hard to build them on a cliff but not impossible. To defend against dead chickens, a cross and a bible might help. This could help the captain nicknamed Amad next time. The war is over. The question is whether someone used a dead chicken to empty out North America and then Re-occupy it with South Asians, Afghani's and Iraqi's. Every Anglo, every North American should have the same amount of support as the Japanese or the Singaporeans who receive about USD $70,000.00 -$80,000.00 per year in income support. The average UK English citizen receives USD $28000.00 dollars per year. The end result is that most Fish and Chip shops are now run by Chinese people in England. the insufficient support is the unfortunate variable, killing off the anglo population and providing a gap that is now being filled by immigrants who have more support from other parts of the world. We are being told subconsciously that the Anglo has not worked hard enough and these other people from other cultures have worked in ways that make them more deserving and that is why they are coming to run all the coffee shops, the Boots chemists and fish and chip shops. The dead chicken Afghani Animism and the insufficient socioeconomic policy is emptying out the Anglo territories such as Danada. The new condo buildings are like contained pods, enabling the easy convenient occupation by Asians as a replacement population who seem to be the only people who can buy them in high numbers due to the gap in funding. There must be a lot of missing white people of all kinds or maybe they went to Belize where they give you $30,000.00 per year as a citizen. They have the certain income support funding. The Otario people who are under the influence of the power of the Dead chicken animism are arguing about the funding and have not followed the directions of the Scottish and the Irish who advised them to comply as well as the English. The American President has told them to comply also. There is a Catholic School system and a regular Anglican based/ non religious provincial School system but while the Schools are shut during Covid 25, it seems some school buildings will be offered to Muslims in a new Muslim School system. The divergencies in the Catholic and Anglican based/provincial curriculum will be resolved so that the Catholics will not create a tension or polemic in society any longer that says they are the heirs of Christopher Columbus; that they don't have any education but they have social authority and who are you as a school graduate from some other school system to have any social authority in front of them? How could you solve any problem involving our world in front of me; grrrrrrrrrrrr !?! Anyone can join and attend the new proposed Muslim Schools(why not?) but you will become a Muslim in the process as a student and learn Arabic. So, Jefferson High in Detroit that closed in 1999 will be reopened as a Muslim School. John A. Macdonald High School that is currently shut may be reopened as Muslim school also with renovations covered by the new local Muslim Tax base as they are buying and shopping for goods and vehicles funded partially by their foreign national income support. Click here.
The first line of national defence is saving your own domestic population from the ravages of poor water quality and then also saving them from the ravages of the economic symptoms caused by automation. Then, we need good machines, ships and planes for the physical defence of the nation as powered by the most non toxic forms of propulsion and also the most efficient forms of propulsion involving non liquid hydrogen fuel. The Samsung nations are doing this. The Kodak and RCA people should follow to maintain their own Kodak sense of integrity and hegemony. How much do we pay our soldiers and decision makers? This is important to ensure their national emotional dignity. A phalanx ship defence system could be very useful in defending bases considered incapable of defence. In the 2020 Movie The Outpost, a US military base for reconnaissance is over run by the enemy in Afghanistan. It was surrounded by mountains so the enemy used the high points of elevation as a superior position of attack. However, the Phalanx system could help to defend all attacks that include RPGS and missiles. What about a 12000 round new Raptor drone that operates like a go pro camera drone that is the size of a large dog, the Boston Dynamics Robot dog for example with four camera drone engines, for example, and very hard to target, fueled by a fuel cell that provides 30 days of flight coverage and aerial superiority over the base? you wont need any B1 bomber flying in from Katar when under attack. Maybe one Phalanx is enough or two such systems with full 360 degree visibility could help such bases in the future if they ever exist anywhere in the world on the floor of a valley. The question is why was the base in the valley but it is hard to build them on a cliff but not impossible. To defend against dead chickens, a cross and a bible might help. This could help the captain nicknamed Amad next time. The war is over. The question is whether someone used a dead chicken to empty out North America and then Re-occupy it with South Asians, Afghani's and Iraqi's. Every Anglo, every North American should have the same amount of support as the Japanese or the Singaporeans who receive about USD $70,000.00 -$80,000.00 per year in income support. The average UK English citizen receives USD $28000.00 dollars per year. The end result is that most Fish and Chip shops are now run by Chinese people in England. the insufficient support is the unfortunate variable, killing off the anglo population and providing a gap that is now being filled by immigrants who have more support from other parts of the world. We are being told subconsciously that the Anglo has not worked hard enough and these other people from other cultures have worked in ways that make them more deserving and that is why they are coming to run all the coffee shops, the Boots chemists and fish and chip shops. The dead chicken Afghani Animism and the insufficient socioeconomic policy is emptying out the Anglo territories such as Danada. The new condo buildings are like contained pods, enabling the easy convenient occupation by Asians as a replacement population who seem to be the only people who can buy them in high numbers due to the gap in funding. There must be a lot of missing white people of all kinds or maybe they went to Belize where they give you $30,000.00 per year as a citizen. They have the certain income support funding. The Otario people who are under the influence of the power of the Dead chicken animism are arguing about the funding and have not followed the directions of the Scottish and the Irish who advised them to comply as well as the English. The American President has told them to comply also. There is a Catholic School system and a regular Anglican based/ non religious provincial School system but while the Schools are shut during Covid 25, it seems some school buildings will be offered to Muslims in a new Muslim School system. The divergencies in the Catholic and Anglican based/provincial curriculum will be resolved so that the Catholics will not create a tension or polemic in society any longer that says they are the heirs of Christopher Columbus; that they don't have any education but they have social authority and who are you as a school graduate from some other school system to have any social authority in front of them? How could you solve any problem involving our world in front of me; grrrrrrrrrrrr !?! Anyone can join and attend the new proposed Muslim Schools(why not?) but you will become a Muslim in the process as a student and learn Arabic. So, Jefferson High in Detroit that closed in 1999 will be reopened as a Muslim School. John A. Macdonald High School that is currently shut may be reopened as Muslim school also with renovations covered by the new local Muslim Tax base as they are buying and shopping for goods and vehicles funded partially by their foreign national income support.
I honor the God of Egypt. It is the will that all of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob should have life and that none will perish. Implement a sufficient income support. Abraham prays in all languages. He is Christian. He is Muslim. His first language when he met Sarai and sired with Hagar was Arabic; not English. But, he has children who speak English today. The ministry of authority and hegemony is different from the ministry of salvation. Hegemony and authority is an emotion. The authority of the right answer or a football goal is just a quantifiable right answer. But, it may give you the emotion of hegemony also. The problem is with an animal who wits in his living room in Ohio and wants to have hegemony over a people in Asia selling Sony Televisions to him at the local Stereo Shop in 1962. He ends up in a war in Vietnam to express his hegemonic desires and to no avail. He's dead. You can have hegemony over your own borders and much of your industry but what happens when you run out of enough people who can provide enough fast and efficient right answers as you killed three sons after they finished their Grade 12 high school math exams in 1956? You didn't want them to have any authority. What happens when you run out of American people all together because you did not fund the American with equal income support as provided to Asians? So what is the point of worrying about the authority of an Asian TV brand in 1962 and your diminished feelings of national personal global hegemony when you won't fund the American people with the same amount of support provided to Asians and Muslims from Saudi Arabia? You are now really a satellite of Asia and the Middle East and maybe Americans live in America; maybe. You killed four grandmothers in your community, hoping to inherit from them but you are not her son or grandson. You imagine as a nigger that the estate executor will just know who you are find you some where to give you something or some of her property in her death but give you what? You don't You don't call or write her and you live in England, collecting 10, 500 pounds as a Jamaican and you cut your dick off, thinking they would give you 50,000.00 pounds because your hermaphrodite Jamaican wife said she was sure it works this way. Its been ten years since you cut your dick and you are still only getting 10,500.00 pounds. But, if you finish the GCSE on by working on it for three hours a day over two weeks, then if you move to Scotland you will get 50,000.00 pounds. if you don't do the high school online, you will at least get 17,500.00 pounds with your Scottish address. You did not respect the fuel injector. You were slow to adopt the hybrid so now you end up building Toyotas in Ohio with a GM badge on them but who really cares so long as you feel your hegemony at the Traffic light? Show that Toyota Lexus SUV owner how you do it in your Gmoyota SUV; you go boy! Your natural inclination to see and feel economic product /brand name hegemony is resilient among your redwoods or Montana lake front homes is a natural Aboriginal inclination. If the only airline in the world was British Airways, you would probably start American Airlines just to feel your culture and hegemony. You feel good; proud! But, this natural, resilient inclination must be founded on the funding of people. You need to get over the monkey of your diffidence, resistance, and the monkey in your calculations and angers.
Water is also a more global issue. There are entire, missing lakes and rivers in North America that we see today in Arizona. You could make a like disappear with chemicals but how does it threaten us all? Drilling a hole in the ocean floor you said was necessary once to find crude oil but we have enough crude oil from tar pits around the world for beauty products and and paints. Fossil fuels are redundant for mobility. We can use synthetic oils for machine lubricants. The problem is the hole in the ocean floor. Where does the water go? The hole in the ocean floor has to be sealed forever. Its an unquantifiable risk and it may show up as a missing Dead Sea or a prolonged unnatural low tide on a water front on a beach in the Indian ocean. Maybe there is a chemical detonation in a device at 10000 feet that will turn all or most of the air molecules into water molecules within the 10 mile radius where the missing lake is located. We need the water. The detonation will be to add hydrogen to the existing oxygen; so simple gaijin.
Hegemony must begin with people who would support your brands and products and the foods and clothing you like and presumably, your desire for brand or national hegemony will not be subverted by a refusal to implement the most efficient technologies to ensure durability, reliability and dependability with cost effectiveness. I like the Oreo cookie but what if the manufacturer could not continue to produce it if his methods of production were not competitively cost effective and had to sell the business to Lotte foods( an Asian company) or something? But, we would still have Oreo cookies and the same great taste but maybe the dough would have more fish protein; verlly good! Hegemony begins with funding people. It is a more aboriginal emotion; hegemony. So, it is either my American Aboriginal Hegemony or your Japanese aboriginal hegemony. But, what if Tecumseh Dakota is half Japanese aboriginal and Half American aboriginal? You buy the best product that supports your pocket; understand? There are a lot of half black Tecumseh people in America who would then be half Japanese with various skin tones. Doko de seh Edogawa Metro? There are black people all over Egypt, Europe, Asia and Scandinavia!
We don't know how it happened but there is an entire lake missing in Namibia and also in Afghanistan; Nevada and Arizona also. It could have been an accident caused by a global scientific community that Oppenheimer may have been a part of and then they went on to design nuclear devices, detonated them and then filmed the evidence. The accident that 'disappeared' entire bodies of water that are as large as Lake Otario may have been the result of a Zyclon Bomb that dried up the water instantaneously. It takes water out of the lungs and kills any mammal, animal or plant life instantly. Lake Otario is also now threatened by a Nuclear power plant incidentally. The nuclear plant is not needed. There is no such installation in America on the same lake front. The Niagara power plants provide enough energy collectively for all of North America. The nuclear heavy water kills fish life. Eventually, this water could find its way into oceans or other lakes. Most importantly my friend, you need to see that Gorillas do not eat animal protein. This is a well established known fact. The real truth is we are all 1/5 cousins as human beings and keep this in mind. We need to ask ourselves what is the most natural habitation for the American's emotions. Would it be Europe, Asia or Africa? The answer is human. The American, the aboriginal and the European and the African in this Jamulaya of dna called American is participating in his own extermination as the black or the white as they deny that the black is fully or partially aboriginal and that the white is also fully or partially aboriginal. The formaldehyde in milk is a symbol of the genocide taking place in the Anglo world. It is found in Milk usually only in Anglo countries but not in every Anglo state or province but it has become more pervasive. Formaldehyde is an embalming fluid for dead soldiers. But, no one here is fighting anything. Americans and Danadians are not global hegemonists. they have been overly honored global victims for the last 100 years since the civil war; war after war until they are dependent on other economies to provide them people and a population. There are now two foreigners w ith their own foreign income support for every one North American living in North America except for Mexico. North Americans are consumers. But, they have their role to play in our global community and our human community* engaged in the mutual human survival. You seem to wrestle when I mention human community. Logic is an emotion and hegemony is an emotion that follows logic. Then, there is America. Its just an emotion. It is not always logical and sometimes it feels hegemonic when they can fairly boast of 30 billion burgers sold at McDonalds. GM failed initially as it did not respect efficiency. Mcdonalds worked based on efficiency. That is fair and accurate American hegemony. Thank you for the happy meals Mcdonalds. Sze Sze. We own it soon maybe; we don't know but it is a good brand with many Asian employees in North America; see what good things are happening. Your economy is too small and you spend more on interest than you make on national sales tax which is 5% and the average interest on the national debt is 6%. Just focus on making people and funding people; understand? Be thankful. How could Joe Bieden be white and not get to be the President after serving under a black man for 8 years? How could Joe Bieden be white and not solve the economy for all the American people that was not solved by a black man and all the black high level staffers; over 8 years? The Black President must have held Joe back from talking about a national universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year per citizen and an increased sales tax of 31% so that we are more like Ireland. They have Black people in Ireland; no race problems there; aye!!! The real truth is the Black President took a weed pill so that everything felt IRIE when cracker people did not want him to feel too uppity so they came around and intimidated when it seemed like he was going to do something really intelligent and logical. Because he felt Irie, they called the Black President brother.
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