Highways, Cars, Travelers and More Highways.
I know the politicians who decide will make us happy and try to win our votes by lowering the cost of using the ETR. They decide and then we decide how much longer we can take it. We also hope he will ensure our income support, what ever he will do with the ETR charges, will be guaranteed as paid to all of our
Ontario citizens and that it will be increased to be congruent with the cost of living and also nearly about equal to what is paid in the provinces or territories receiving the highest amount of income support today. There is no doubt, that we can all agree that maybe sometimes there are lots of good ideas that we would like to see manifested into something actual, real and tangible. We send these ideas into our planners and the politicians. There is nothing wrong with talking about the ideas and it is to see if what is proposed as a new project will actually solve some problem that presumedly we can all agree requires some dear solution. We see there is some discussion about a tunnel or high speed rail link under or down the center of the 401. We say we can build anything but are we solving anything if we build it? The 401 Highway on old provincial maps seems to have been a native reserve where natives were pushed south, from the north, to this center territory and also natives, from the south, were pushed north to this center and then they were asked to choose to just be a citizen and then they could move into the new towns and society that was being developed in the north and south from where they were moved. The start of WW2 was considered the last day to decide and then if you had not moved, most of the people were just gunned down and covered over in the mud where they were shot. The soil was plowed and then they planted corn there for quite some time. This is what many recall; apparently as some ran and escaped south west to Lake Erie. You don't have to be a graduate to solve problems or income support inequality as a politician. But, you can at least love to solve the simple problems bothering us all. Would you love and care to help anyone who you know is not receiving their income support benefit they did not receive at 13 years old like most other people and some how the Ontario Works system is not able to answer the issue as it pays 1/3 the amount the standard benefit recipient receives and puts applicants through an earnings test that the standard citizen receiving benefits does not have to endure with respect to reporting of earnings? The Ontario Works employees are being paid to disenfranchise citizens with an open inequality in benefits contrary to s.15 of the Charter. So, what is it about travelling down that particular part of highway and where does it take you? It is an east west highway corridor and you eventually end up leaving one suburb maybe in Kitchener and end up in another suburb like Belleville and there are soo many cars travelling the same route. There are other parts of the country or the continent with east west traffic. It seems people are travelling but with their cars from east to west and the congestion on the 401 says they are determined to use....Their Car. We ended the congestion on the 401 by adding a toll on the 401 that is about the same per km charge as the current 407 ETR highway or 5 cents extra while we reduced the per km charge on the 407. You will see that the congestion will move to the 407 or some other east west routes. To make this quick, it seems that we have to examine other east west arteries and expand them as the ultimate solution for these travelers who might only wish to save some money for their current habitual journeys. We offer a new Highway 7 and a new Steeles Avenue that will resemble the QEW with on and off ramps or exits if east west transportation with a vehicle is soo important in this particular part of the world. It looks like high speed rail links will not satisfy these "four wheels and the trunk under me" junkies. So a toll on the 401 is an idea to cut congestion but we are confident nobody wants it when we are struggling financially in this corridor of land with various towns that happens to have a 12 lane highway with six lanes in both directions usually. The 401 is free full throttle driving excitement vs. the cost of travel on the 407 in comparison from the QEW to Lake Ridge Road out east at....$61.13 with a transponder; $65.33 without a transponder. A toll on the 401 does not work as no one wants it but it solves the problem. What if the population is no longer struggling now that we solve a more immediate problem that involves income support inequity for Ontarians who pay the sales tax but who do not receive an equal share in terms of income support and we raise it to $6700.00 per month that is just about equal to the top recipients in the country in the NWT and the YKT who pay sales tax just like us but with less population so it seems Ontario is paying more; but getting less?
Then if the average driver could afford the toll either on the 401 or the 407, then, they would probably choose what is the most convenient "distance and time" option for their ultimate destination. It seems the toll is terribly unpopular that it to be genuine in our proposals we might just have to ask for some research to understand where everyone is going on the 401 if we could obtain that data from the car companies, the smart phone companies or from some computer company like IBM. The final answer is that 12 lanes becoming 14 lanes with the building of a tunnel is not solving the problem and the urban planners had something worked out for the future for fast driving people moving from east to west to cover these long distances to get presumedly from home to work; that being the next east west highway expansion just south of the 407 along Highway 7. This Highway 7 expansion is a big project with land already allocated on both sides of the route and maybe with a Gardner type bridge over pass to fly over the centre of Markham from Woodbine Avenue to 9th line in its eventual expansion with off ramps at convenient locations and again this is for the 12 lane highway driver junkies. In getting to work and moving from east to west, many use Highway 7 frequently and are heroes; no toll and only a few lights but you did not know this. The best way to end congestion on the 401 then is to get rid of the toll all together on the 407 or maybe employ it on weekends only. It must be a significant source of income that we can use to ensure every citizen has their income support to just enjoy being Ontarian. Do you have your money to just enjoy being Ontarian?
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