We cannot get blood out of a stone or milk a dead cow. The old guy might be angry if we could all be happy and maybe he does not see himself as a beneficiary of the solution but he would get this money also. He wants to be sure you understand that it was not easy for him, that with his $15000.00 per year income support, he had to make deals to get by and he wants you to know. It is just that we ask him to help with his authority. But, he could help us. We see only one thing. He uses his authority to say....he will.... all over the......and has no respect for the people and their ......! You could at least say you will support their life and your life. We can do it. It can work.
We could pay each citizen $7.00 per hour 24 hours per day; 365 days per year. That works out to about $61,000.00 per year. This is a the preferred option in the present scenario and for the future. Click here.
So, we need three certainties in our economy. We need the certainty that people will have money, they will be able to access and spend it readily, we need the certainty of national revenue also. We can do it.
Sales tax is the new gold.
We could pay every citizen a minimum income support of 14 cents a minute every minute 365 days per year and that works out to $70,000.00 per year or $192.00 per day. That works out to $8.40 per hour every hour in a year. We take a good chunk of the money back in sales tax when people spend. We put a little money and get a lot back. The sales tax at 40% on a $100.00 grocery bill is $40.00. The sales tax on a $200.00 grocery bill at 30% is $60.00. The sales tax at 20% on a $200.00 grocery bill is $40.00. At 100% sales tax, the government generated $200.00 tax on a $200.00 grocery bill. The American will be the restauranteurs dream around the world and the hotelier's dream. Maybe they pay twice for the one pizza in Malta and will not notice until they get back home.
We need to see the North American participate in global consumerism to the same extent as our competitor nations who have shown their financial prowess among us as citizens from their unique economies and cultures. These consumers from other countries can afford a whole month in a Chicago hotel and who buy fast food every. They travel first class. They make down payments on properties in your countries. They are not children of Honda or TATA. They are just well funded consumers with income support provided by their home Asian nation. We can do it and regain our top spot as the number one consumer population in our own domestic economy. The government will provide us a more equipped income support and then they will take some back as sales tax. We will be the most favorite consumers in the world and show our prowess internationally this way; not with guns and war ships headed to desert battle fields. The government will retain significant sums to rebuild its military certainly and the next time it has a crisis in funding, it will not have to resort to foreign loans after it spends itself into debt but will have enough reserve funds on hand in its national resource( a bank or national trust run by the European Central Bank maybe as this is the current scenario). There will be National Resource the government call call on next time with significant sums if and when they run out of funding after spending itself into debt as this national resource will hold the sums collected from the new national sales toll/sales tax collected. This will bring an end to the current debt dependency.
This debt dependency on foreign powers is more important as an issue than TikTok.
At the current moment, we may need to spend significant sums relocating Canadians and Americans lost in California to help them rebuild their lives as they have been displaced. We leave no man, woman or child behind. They extol these virtues in Christian, Anglican and Muslim teaching and in North American military teaching also ironically. We might begin with an EBT card, finger prints and also a photo ID card that is attached to the recovered person's SIN number. It would be like a Covid clinic but they will inject your life with money; not your arm illegally against your will with salt water. We would be helping everyone. It would not cost that much really. The EBT card will be loaded with $3500.00 every week for the first 12 months and then the amount will drop down in the 15th month to $1750 per week in this special program. This works out $91000.00 per year or to .17 cents per minute or $10.38 per hour every hour 24 hours per day. Hopefully, they can find their way back home. The card has no expiry date. This same sum could be paid to all North Americans. We need to enjoy our self designed debt dependency on Europe and China. It is what we want. Even if we chose to be independent, we begin by first confirming and achieving our goals in paying every citizen their income support, paying our State and Federal employees that includes the military, buying the best new military hardware and paying down the debt until we are debt free and then we move into a funds surplus. The only way to do all of this is to collect a little more. We can all agree that paying every North American ; including every West Indian and Latin American $10.38 per hour 24 hours per day 365 days per year is not inconceivable in our current economic status so the Western hemisphere can enjoy its debt dependency and be better equipped global consumers in the new great consumer international competition for national pride; not just Olympic games or international football.
If there is any service problem, you will be able to get help at the local DSS. The recipients are likely to find budget motels for shelter and slowly they will progress to more expensive offerings. They will start to pay rent again in due course.
The US government is likely to start a Federal Sales Toll on all US consumer transactions that might be about 5% on all transactions in addition to the state sales taxes. This sales toll to help de escalate over spending or over consumption may sometimes increase to 10% and will vary from day to day. It does not apply to the sale of vehicles or travel.
This new Fed money would be used primarily to fund all US citizens not currently receiving an income support and they will be paid directly with credits into their bank account. These individuals would be citizens in states that have not complied with the new Federal mandate to implement a minimum income support of $30,000.00 per year per citizen based on Reagan's original national mandate from 1981 or it was Carter. $30,000.00 per year amounts to 6 cents per minute.
I don't remember. The states will comply shortly thereafter. States only paying less than $30,000.00 a year to their citizens will see the FED pay the under funded state citizen an additional top up amount so if the state is only paying $10,000.00 per year, then the FED will pay $20,000.00 per year.

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