04/05/2023 of Sitkotw. UK AND NAFTA POLICY ANALYTICS By The Fed. Chairman. I do not know if this is what you want based on your biometric reports from your telephone or should my fingers be pointing up? Dr. Phillip Rusheduon and Mr Goodly Laws concur with this report prepared by Warren A. Lyon, Senior Researcher for the Fed. Chairman. Warren A Lyon is an illustrious graduate and distinguished alum of the University of Western Ontario with a Master's in Law at Brierley Price Prior University; a U of L institution. Is there any way you could have the opportunity to solve something not once but twice and no matter what you refuse to solve the problem? Some how you want the opportunity again and again, the opportunity in perpetuity. If you intend to stimulate the economy you intend to stimulate the economy. There is enough money to pay an income support to every citizen.
04/05/2023 of
By The Fed. Chairman.
I do not know if this is what you want based on your biometric reports from your telephone or should my fingers be pointing up? Dr. Phillip Rusheduon and Mr Goodly Laws concur with this report prepared by Warren A. Lyon, Senior Researcher for the Fed. Chairman. |
"Our profession of faith begins with God, for God is the First and the Last, the beginning and the end of everything. The Credo begins with God the Father, for the Father is the first divine person of the Most Holy Trinity; our Creed begins with the creation of heaven and earth, for creation is the beginning and the foundation of all God's works."
---the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 198
Catholic belief is succinctly expressed in the profession of faith or credo called the Nicene Creed:
The Nicene Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
The computer that wrote the suit on Donald involving battery confirms that the jury failed to make the appropriate findings to confirm guilt. The other issue is that there are two Complaints and only the first that sought damages for defamation is valid. The second complaint does no confirm it is an amended Complaint and nor does it demonstrate that the parties consented to any new filings. You also see there is no real jury sworn in. There was no jury. There is some human involvement at the very end; a single human being filling out the jury document. The machine was only trying to demonstrate that it knows the law but the question is do you know? The only potentially valid claim would be the claim for defamation. The Second claim that they tried squeeze in to the process is null and void. Even so, you cannot succeed with a battery claim unless the jury found there was touching of a forcible kind. they did not make this finding. The computer is essentially a cyborg. The issue is that the machine said it could do the job or it gave Donald a victory for the various legal errors that are evident in the brief. It seems that it told you something in the reading of the entire file. That it knows the answer but it could also mess up the whole thing. You need willing people who can do the job. You might be thinking about what your watch or your lawyer looks like or your plumber. Maybe you have a pretty watch or a pretty wife or a model type cut out lawyer but when you need the watch or the wife to do the job, they are not made for that type of work or purpose. The watch is not waterproof, the lawyer has no education and no experience or both and your wife is just not made for that purpose and maybe you just need to see that the Judge is not worried about the lawyer's and how they look but do they know the case? Can they help the Court? You might be sick about a black lawyer who lives in a 3 level town home that is 1500 Sq feet, rented or owned, but it seems no one cared about what the guy would say or do until he won a motion or two in both civil and criminal court and then now people want to read the motion every day to see if its the law every where in the world. But, it is. You cannot wrongly and falsely accuse anyone and just say the law must give you what you wanted. Your motives are evident and to protect the alleged victims, you would hear what they say but we have to draw the line at the provable case. We cannot abuse probability when probability is used to assess evidence that has to calculate in substantiating some point in law. If you claim Defamation, what is the statement impugned and what was the intention behind the statement? If you claim emotional distress, do you have any letter from any source that can substantiate what your injury? If you do, that is evidence and then we ask if it is proof on a balance of probabilities? We say yes; it is a letter that confirms the evidence necessary to establish the claim. It is not that we sit there and ask if we think Donald committed Defamation or that he did XYZ on a balance of opinion, not evidence that is assessed on a balance of probabilities but based on rumors or allegations about the guy. Did you know Warren is a professional Skateboarder? Did you know Warren is a professional Civil Litigator__? The truth is, he never lost when it comes to law. This is a factual statement. But, the law might have been mugged. We know that everyone will honor the Court by also honoring the facts that are known and evident in and outside of the building. The client either is or was a Federal employee or he is not. It looks like he is a Federal employee and then no motion should have been brought, arguing that his claim was statute barred. You made this argument while lying about the facts in and outside of the building. Since it is a real and tangible fact, our pleadings are irrelevant to the issue of your perjury when you lied and said he is not a Federal employee. It does not have to be in the pleadings because the legislation and the Court rules say he has to be factually and actually the Federal employee to file the Statement of Claim filed. It does not say that only if you write it in the pleadings, then you can proceed. It says you would have to be an actual Federal employee and then an employee who did not suffer any discipline issues of any kind.
Warren has never suffered any discipline issue at any job. Warren received letters of recommendation and acknowledgement.
You read the pleadings any way and you saw the point was made. So, to argue that he was not a Federal employee was just perjurious ; Jacequine Wilson. You are the terrorist also interrupting the benefits. You should not be in the Court doing this kind of work. You made this about the deceitful pretense of winning but not about serving the Court and how could you win when you were lying about the facts? You said he was not a Federal employee and that's a lie. You see where you are now and one day, you will know what you will do to anything young woman or man poised to denigrate the Court as you did. Did you know Warren is a professional Chinese buffet consumer?
The Truth is Donald is more legitimate than the Joe; legally and also in terms of purposefulness. In Donald's brief time that probably amounts to 2 years if you subtract all the impeachment bull crap, Donald tried to give us a national income support benefit. Joe took it away. Joe and a black woman mugged the economy back to a downward momentum. But, he knows what to say. Joe knows how to do it. You just need someone who knows how to do it I suppose; whatever it is...like use you. He has not replaced it and nor has he offered any meaningful substitute. But, you notice he is still asking us to help him find a way to achieve more economic stimulus and his solution is a 0% Fed rate/Central Bank rate and what is the point of a 0% rate when people already do not have the money to spend? Their jobs were furloughed or downsized. But, every now and again, we also have a security guard who is a bit of a raw aboriginal who makes a joke out of the concept of security while he attempts to register the building to himself; the building he is supposed to be securing or maybe the individual units as his own property.
So, do you know the law? Would it be a criminal matter if the university has school rules but contravened them? Would it be mischief to take $500.00 from a student and tell them they can hand in any other work that is not their own and then you fail the student or withdraw the student anyway? Well, it would be fraud also. But, you can see that this essay is ok. It is not genius and there is a deliberate grammatical hick up every so often to ask why would anyone plagiarise it but then you realise it is the anthropology of the dead.
There is a plagiarism fiasco in the Kitchener, London, Waterloo area where the students at universities are not admitted really but they pay tuition and an additional $500.00 per month to commit fraud, plagiarism. They do not get a degree. But, they seem to be threatening the writer; something about there is less authority or hegemony as they plagiarise. We do not understand this thinking. Only the cave man would turn an essay into a factor of hegemony and authority that they would the civil and criminal laws to try to thwart it; a civil war in the microcosm. The school is shut, loses its charter or we could help them, fine them so that they are a school of rules. It's an emotion; hegemony. But, in reacting to it, usually something physical is done. Warren is an honored 4 year B.A.(Hons) graduate at a Canadian university with his original essay work. But, if the students are not learning how to do their own work, what is the point of the school? It is unusual anthropology that anyone would like to sit down in any school and plagiarise anyone and really waste their time and not graduate and you ask what do they achieve? It could be the resurrected dead dna of aboriginal residential school attendants who were asked to re write every word in Genesis by their instructors who were not real, qualified teachers but hinterland socialite fur trapper dna with slightly more sophistication in the burgeoning, modernising world as it may have been in the 1800's in Canada. This time, they plagiarise a genuine graduate who completed also his Masters in Law and Business, Finance and some studies in Economics at BPP University. Someone also visited his family's home in England, claiming to be a Christian friend on the summer before graduation and stole his various job reference letters; a friend of a friend and he thought he would let them visit as they said they wanted to see Glasgow. He was naïve with this kind of Christianity. We also know this is anthropology where the helpers used to attack the families that were formally involved in pursuits and for whom they might have worked but they would also steal their documents and ask if you would beat them; if you need it as they attempt to hold you hostage.
The point of this article, however, is to share some painful observations about our anthropology and in spite of our aboriginal authority at this particular hour (Black, white, red and yellow) to decide how to improve and enjoy our mutual existence, with a safe place to roost in North America, it will take minutes to improve as we can see the issue clearly now and we know it will improve with a Federal income support for every citizen and very soon out of the sheer logic of making a few changes to our economy for Federal benefit where the states or provinces reserve and maintain the right to still pay their citizens any amount they choose regardless of what the Federal government will pay as a general national minimum benefit of no less than $50,000.00 per citizen in North America. We can also scale the sales tax up and down( 17%-100%) from day to day when necessary to cover any concerns about national revenue and most people would prefer a meaningful income support that covers all human needs and covers also any car payments in the intention to ensure there is economic stimulus; instead of a low, low meaningless sales tax. It could be as high as 100% maybe once a day every four weeks and maybe it might be 4% every every four weeks so long as we have the income support to spend the money that generates the sales tax.
We will do this forthwith as the Anglo genome is running low on Anglos although there will be a chirpy sounding Anglo accent on the tongue of some Eastern European in about 8-9 months; innit?....Bitte!!....Say Bitte with a European sophistication. I think it means "please" in German! But, every time you forget to pay the English citizen or permanent resident, you are only depleting the English population slowly but surely. Was this intended to embarrass the Monarch? We hope no one was trying to be the King of the World from the Parliament building and blaming the Monarch while offering the English population for the favor and assurances he needed.
What if the only right answer in the world is what will help Volkswagen and Toyota; that is the Germans and the Asians get full finance on their vehicle sales in all markets? Is the politician helping or is he trying to get a business name sent to him as a stocking stuffer?
With Research by Warren A. Lyon; Angel Ronan Consulting. Angel Ronan is a ridiculous business name but our work is renowned. It is apparently worth stealing.
It is Protected.
This report has been approved by the Fed. Chairman; Polisha Fausca. .
Black employment is consistent with national job growth.
Maybe a man was left for dead and his life stolen that he might be in office to save his people; Israel. Maybe a man stole an office or his office was stolen that he also might be in place to save his Republic nation in the year 2023.
The government and all government activity must be congruent with the laws that guide, correct and inform them.
You are expecting genocide must mean immediate physical death. But, that is not consistent with the definition that requires only that the target group is exposed to conditions of life with the intent to destroy.
Maybe you see the failure to implement an income support as freedom or liberation; not conditions of life with the intent to destroy. But, how is it freedom; liberation? Unlike other nations, we have left the North American the USA, CANADA and Mexico to suffer in the joblessness caused by automation.
We see Christopher Columbus, however, is only paying the transgender in the English world as if this is his vanguard population that is enjoying the income support while the rest of the population is oppressed around them. It is unusual. But, with these people having no need to think about money or work, it suggests a socioeconomic triumph and egalitarianism but when you look closer, it is the only the transgender. The economy is not really doing well and there is discussion about the need for economic and consumer stimulus all day. Yet, all world economies have had to deal automation and the joblessness that it causes. The other economies fund all citizens to address the automation threat from within and the joblessness that it causes. If you see an economy like this, you would have to say Christopher Columbus is indicative of the covert state.
But, in not funding all citizens, "...it is here that we see the multitude oppressed from within as an imbalance and oversight in the preoccupation with the very precautions it (the state) had taken against what menaced it from without. We would see oppression continually increase, without the oppressed ever being able to know where it would end or what legitimate means would be left for them to stop it. We would see the rights of citizens and national liberties gradually die out. We would see politics restrict the honor of defending the common cause or the common sense.- See Rousseau's Political Writings. This is happening in that politics has begun to limit those with any genuine soul with them being surrounded by those who only seek social glory and social honor or a selfish, defiant pedestal of unconditional authority but not the solutions for common sense in the common good. They have turned national negation into right and obstinance of logic into legitimacy. Catholics are robbing Catholics banks and Catholics are robbing Catholic pizzerias when the oppressed are oppressed; suffering conditions of life intended to destroy but they will be persistent in their work to survive. This is essentially civil war and not conducive to public order.
To resolve this you will not say that a Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asian man has to come and run the economy for his own personal, economic benefit to sell more vehicles, food and drink per hour and per day. The English are really therefore, Dutch Spanish Anglo creoles when they occupied territories already run by the Dutch and the Spanish where the sins of the Dutch and Spanish were transferred to the English. This Dutch Creole identity is also true for every Jamaican when many had sailed to the West Indies from New Amsterdam/New York in the 1600's when the English were offered an opportunity to settle in that West Indies.
But, maybe we pay everyone;
1. a meaningful income support and;
2 Then an additional sum for civic well being and involvement; something to get up and do in the job core that might mean they are involved as public presence police constables; not the regular constable but they give us public assurance and safety. Anyone can sign up even if they have a criminal record. You might just be asked to work at a train station all day during the busy commuter hours.
We are trying to understand why there is a 0% Central Bank rate and a 0% income support for the majority of Anglos in England and in North America. The 0% bank rate is an effort to encourage consumer spending. But, the reason why there is concern about low consumer spending or stimulus is because the majority of the population has 0% income support. It is the case of the white and black aboriginal in some kind of purposeless dissonance and much can be inferred from the collective aboriginal in England and North America, spinning around and chasing his tail. Have you ever seen two dogs glued together and to move, they have to cooperate with one dog walking backwards or forwards in unison with the movements of the other dog? That is cooperation and the kind of cooperation this Anglo population does not demonstrate in light of the global automation pandemic that has been taking place since at least 1857, if not from before, in the modern mechanised industrial world with pandemic joblessness as caused by the automation. We have seen wars and civil wars in response to the pandemic joblessness and primarily among the English. Where are the English who would naturally expect an income support? The income support system was given to us in North America as North American aboriginals by the people who gave us the bible. You have the bible but you do not have enough income support. But, everyone should have this support on a universal, unconditional basis. The majority of the population do not have any at all. But, the Lord will supply all your need according to his riches in glory. Maybe you are arguing. But, if you look at the income support system you have for the transgender people in the territories where only the transgender are paid, you could just extend that to the entire population. Satisfying all human need is the whole point to the economic endeavor and the only way to do this is to keep the human at the focal point of the equation. He may be removed from involvement as HUMAN LABOR but he remains essential as a consumer and buyer of the robotically made products. His or her tastes, interest and joys are the reason behind all production of consumer products. We factor in their involvement. We secure them as the purpose of all of our national endeavor and defence strategy. What is saved in supply and production and what is invested with robotics must be equated with a purposive, balanced factor of money( money collected from the VAT/sales tax) on the demand and consumer buying side of the economic activity equation; Supply and Production=sufficient demand ( that is ability to pay) and consumer buying. The money does not come from the manufacturer directly. The cost of the finished products go down as the raw cost of making the goods goes down with automation and less spent on human labor. The machine works all day and all night without wages and salary. The cost of the machine pays for itself. What used to take 4 days to produce can now be done in 1/2 a day in many circumstances. If this does not happen with sufficient balancing , then the economy shuts down and falls into recession. The notion of laissez Faire (that the economy would find its own equilibrium) fails when certainly some new jobs in robotics are created but they are never enough to make up for all the consumer stimulus that is lost in the mass waves of automation and the mass joblessness that this automation causes with ongoing, never ending updates to various work processes. The ultimate human culture, however, is our mutual dignity. We calculate for that in spite of the machine and in spite of automation. The other cultures seem to have no problem in seeing this and they calculate accordingly. It is just to ask whether the dna in leadership is outside of the culture that would have expectations for such an income support money culture; whether their dna could predate this culture as you notice we could structure our circumstances to be the most handsomely paid consumers as we deliver ourselves from the burden of industrial production and shuffle off that burden to other countries and cultures. We could also see that the number of women in cohabitation is much lower than usual in all other European cultures or Asian cultures and is therefore less Levitical yet it cannot just be due to Cosmopolitan but maybe their dna in the current era has been blended from conception such that her dna predates any natural inclination toward cohabitation. However, in her current anthropological capability, she gives the baby away at 4 months and does not seem to be very concerned about breast feeding and strolling or caring for her own progeny OVER THE YEARS TO RAISE THEM, to eat with them and sup with them, raising another generation of congregants. So, this is a Bah Hum Bug but, we want Bah Mitsvah. We have Bah Mitsvah; Bah Mitsvah. We can only say that the English income support culture is less financially enabling of the Levitical culture in comparison to all other cultures and it may have been the key issue to much of the decentering of English culture in itself. PG TIPs and Ambrosia's custard seem to evoke a family ethos in the imagination and also a family centred culture. If you say Lait Entir you get the same emotion. There are many English Creole populations that come crashing and colliding into the the more Roman Cheddar bedrock dna of England and some other Creole populations, when running from their crimes in the colonies and seeking harbour, offer to come and show the Monarch how they can run the tube and all of England more efficiently. There are millions spent on benefit administration. But, if people are actually paid their benefits, we accept there will always be benefit administration and accounts but, if they are paid their benefits and have their housing, there will be less money spent on administration of the various problems that ensue when people are not paid when expected under current policy. There is no point people presuming that they obtained a temp job to presume now they have the absolute authority in the temp job to damage the benefit system, commit fraud and mischief and assault the citizen essentially in failing to pay the citizen. But, the system that actually commits to paying the citizen is a more efficient system and maybe we pay people in temp jobs to confirm information about payments or any technical issues with phones and internet connection as and when necessary but they cannot alter or change the payments as stipulated and also electronically protected while some have found a way in the current system design to interrupt and withhold the benefit to see their own mischievous authority and they are now charged for these acts and crimes against the state; and the citizen, permanent resident or asylum seeker.
She is a dna assemblage and might prefer to have PURITAN coitus with a wool night gown on during the whole, boring, vocational procedure. But, we have family But, instead of suggesting that she is permanently anthropologically incompatible, we see that the economy does not make her assimilation conducive when it does not enable her to enter into that place of calm and rest where she might cleave on to a husband who would also have his income support to raise a family and they would still provide the community a baby once a year as she would also seek to give birth at full term to her own children maybe three or four times in her life and raise them. We do not have to think of raising her in our homes as a domestic to assimilate them. We will enable them to run and manage their own homes with the income support necessary.
We ask though one question of the English. If there is a way to manage a country where all will be housed publicly or privately, even if it is in temporary housing, or in the utilization of the hotel's new per month accounts, then it is done and each citizen has enough to satisfy this need with his NHS EBT Income support card now available at any postal outlet. It is activated online and the government will also send you 100% of your monthly allotment to your bank account and you will select online from the various accounts you may have the account where you wish to be paid. We are all accepted unconditionally. After the system confirms that it will pay to your bank account, The card will still operate up for transport, for any supermarket or major clothing retailer purchases and for any hotel stays.
This is not about putting into question the truth of human frailty and the lack of perfection in all of us. Some times people know the answer but in spite of their goodness or capability(white or black) they chose to use their influence and decision making power to communicate their particular angers against the English people with a subtle but evident motive for genocide. We can only look to really intelligent white English people alone who could have worked all of this out in causing the genocide; who were at the desk at the critical moment in 1980. This article does not affect their white hegemony. It confirms that hegemony and the slow working genocide itself confirms their intelligence; their capability. I am a student and Master's graduate of the law and also economics with the Law degree now equivalent to a Master's in Divinity for the purposes of ordination. On the American side, we are looking at an Executive Order (EO #----4563) signed by Truman in 1947 that established a nation wide minimum income support of no less than $30.000.00 per citizen and permanent resident. Warren was at the US border on Sunday. Google Cham and Sem. See the original names of the children of a Genesis patriarch.
He has the right to see this put into effect with an honor of this President. Truman saw the order in his life time. He saw the Space Shuttle. Eisenhower chose a military industrial complex; that we would work our way out of recession and pretend to be preparing to fight the Martians and then pretend we are fighting the Russians with military hard ware outdated within 6 months and stored in deserts but rotting, redundant and rusting and ridiculous. The F111 is an example. Essentially, over looking this Truman Order and not giving effect to it while trying to reduce interest rates to stimulate the economy misses the key input in the equation and that is money per citizen with a direct stimulation of consumer spending so that people have money before they are tempted to spend or seek finance with a low interest rate.
But, would you think there would be people in Canada or England who would get a job and then break the law while adulterating their job description in what ever time they spend in that job as if they have a right to do so; harassing benefit recipients and cancelling the benefit while asking them for immigration documents when their evident confirmed citizenship on the computer with passport information satisfied the job requirement to be a recipient of the benefit and then they seem to think they will get away with this crime of mischief, terrorism and harassment; terrorism as they interrupted the program and instituted their own rulership; their own rulership in the administration of the program and then no benefit is paid? ALG
There is a way to write these truths so that no on is offended and everyone can be happy. We love all the world's cultures and we acknowledge them in the clothing we buy. I have a pair of Lonsdale shoes in white and a few Lonsdale(TM) T shirts. We can be equal participants with all other cultures in our own economy.
I have Londinium(TM) T shirts also.
This is not about putting into question the truth of human frailty and the lack of perfection in all of us. Some times people know the answer but in spite of their goodness or capability(white or black) they chose to use their influence and decision making power to communicate their particular angers against the English people with a subtle but evident motive for genocide. We can only look to really intelligent white English people alone who could have worked all of this out in causing the genocide; who were at the desk at the critical moment in 1980. This article does not affect their white hegemony. It confirms that hegemony and the slow working genocide itself confirms their intelligence; their capability. Look at what they can do as they mock the general intelligence of the English speaking world. I am a student and Master's graduate of the Law and also Economics( as taught by white people and I thank God; good people!) with the Law degree now equivalent to a Master's in Divinity for the purposes of ordination.
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We have seen the disappearances of hundreds of thousands of Europeans who existed in some kind of informal human existence that may have lived agrarian lifestyles with free range chickens and other animals that carried a rat virus and who also did not have any formal civic identification. This is genocide. It happened during WW1 and WW2. This will be discussed further.
Apparently, there is a contest being run by a new pop radio station on Tik Tok where if you would like to be involved in politics, you will say how you would run the economy for the benefit of all involved. The Military Commander asks of his Fed. Chairman, what if the nation died off when the National Defence Services did not pay attention to poison in foods eaten by English people in England but not purchased by the foreigners in the country who buy their own foods or what if the English died off when the national defence services did not pay attention to poison in the water system or died off due to a lack of income support for every citizen when the national defence services did not pay attention to the financial management of the economy that does not support its own population in the pandemic global job famines caused by global automation?
All other nationalities that buy fighter jets and armaments or that have police budgets have maintained an income support for every citizen since, at the very latest, 1976 just as Honda and Toyota began selling vehicles regularly outside of Japan and also manufacturing them outside of Japan. The Anglo people are in the world are the only people who have not managed their economy with direct payment to the entire citizen and permanent resident population to defend them against the joblessness caused by automation. They only pay the transgender and have suffered an under performance in the economy that has led to population displacement and a reliance on foreign, surrogate populations who are funded by their own nations as they tour, live and work legally or illegally in the Anglo countries.
This does not help the authority in the Court of public opinion but then again you would never have to worry about public opinion again if your own Anglo people who form that Court are all dead or destabilised as the lack of income support destabilises the population and then you would never NEED TO BE ACCEPTED by any people again; not a bad idea to some except eventually, you will stand beside other leaders from other nations and you will not have any people of your own to parade in front of you or march for you or defend you. He has his people. Where are your....people. His people have money but your people do not seem to have any average comparable bank balances as compared to their European counterparts. Could you be content with that? You need your own people; your own toys, your own soldiers. You could not see your people as a threat. Do you see them as a threat? They are a neutral factor in your calculation. They are not a threat and that photo or painting of a monarch being defamed by some European people would not be you. It could be a terrifying photo to a young monarch but we make some other deal with the reality of a people so you have people who speak your language and who can defend you against some other people who might want to come and do it again( those people) to some monarch. But, it never really happened in 1793 with Louis 16th for his conspiracy and treason against his own people with foreign powers, to exterminate them. There was no Louis 16th and the last Monarch was probably Louis 13th and the 14th that escaped to the north and the south, setting up other principalities while they left France and the new world French to explain it self and their lack of edification; in France that if Louis the 15th was the son of the 14th, then he would read Rousseau and there would be order in France; Liberté, égalité, fraternité and he would play the piano eventually. We had a "Apoleon"(Napoleon) instead. The N stands for the negation of Apoleon. So, if you read Rousseau you see what the father you seek intended. Read it all day. Apoleon is the name for the difficult orphan aboriginal who can barely read and write French and therefore, he can barely apply the law to help the victims we offer to help in upholding the laws of Europe and achieving the good, family result. Avon nous ne tous pas famille?
Nous traitons le autre dans le bien sur nous prions etre traitons.
Use it; the book, as a yard stick for all of your actions and your deeds; along with the bible. What did you do? How do you fix it? How do you solve it without racialism if you say you need to be accepted in the father's love? Qu'est-ce que tu as fait? Comment y remédier ? Comment le résolvez-vous sans racisme si vous dites que vous avez besoin d'être accepté dans l'amour du père ?
So, the photo we need to look at all day is of a Japanese emperor or the real French King with his soldiers and their families and all 70 generations standing at the call before the emperor Monarch with their 70 generations of income support in hand to defend their culture at home and abroad and by defend we say it is to participate in the only real game we have in the world and that is Global Capitalism; with your consumer team being your own unique population; There is an Anglo team of average people like the average Indian or Chinese or German or any Swiss or Ethiopian or other African these days. The Olympics or the World Cup is nothing in comparison to this game and is only an extension of it. The English sell Lonsdale or Reebok; a British labeled running shoe and the Japanese have Onitsuka Tiger. The Germans have Adidas. The Swiss have K Swiss. The French sell La Coste. The Irish have Aran Company. The Japanese, Germans, the Swiss, the Irish and the French have a national income support for all of their citizens and permanent residents.
How is it going? Your people that include Canada have the lowest deposits on hand in comparison to all your neighbor countries. They have the lowest amount of income support per capita. There is some but its low or does not exist for many if they live in the wrong suburban or rural location or urban location or if they are not transgender.
It is untenable and does not satisfy modern capitalist expectation. Its not a job but at least it is money to maintain one's celebrated English existence where you can participate on Oxford Street or at the shopping centre. It maintains consumer stimulus at healthy, comparatively respectable levels.
Buy your global brands, your ramen soup and go home. The income support for all citizens has to be policed and maintained in the same way it is maintained for the transgender population. Social Authority(TM) is a new trademark at Angel Ronan(TM) Consulting.
However, we cannot expect the Asians to do everything Christopher. But, your hatred of any formal principles of government is profound. It is powerful what you have been able to do over 400 years in your prayer and expectation to be the only one; holding that captain's wheel. Google "Captain's wheel."
So, we see the "Only one holding the Captain's wheel" culture vs. the Magna Carta culture and any idea of shared decision making or national direction with parliament. Today, we see a vehement resistance of formality and also law, therefore, and formality in general. It is covert and they want to know when you will find them; catch them. Maybe Christopher seeks appointment from another Christopher a bit further up the chain regardless of what the constitution and the vote will say. We don't know what is going on but it would be less painful and evident as a "mess up"; also easier for all to endure if all Anglo citizens had an income support, the water was drinkable and the subways and buses were on time and who ever is wearing the mascot uniform at Downing Street is the PM as we endure this interruption of formal legal government involvement. It might take years to normalise and bring it back into order but at least we are not dying off. You might eventually ask why do we have anything, any public services that works if the English people do not have an income support? Do you have a Christopher smart phone? Did it take your teeth? Do you feel like a scallywag? Are you going to spend the value of a small vehicle over the next number of years on this phone culture? How much have you spent over the last 10 years on this thing?
Could the phone company leverage your need for belonging and acceptance with price and market demand and exploit this aboriginal cultural frailty; in the global aboriginal, the Americano? He says he knows you are willing to give your teeth to be accepted any where in the world; whatever you are...whatever you may really be. What are you...smart phone fruited American brand addict? How can you be accepted when he knew what you were when he made the phone?
How dare they tell you to think of any people, be mindful of the people in what ever you will do? You resented the Magna Carta and decided what you would do if this is what they say. You found a way to sack England and you notice just when you designed that proxy war against England in the 1640's just as England was growing and looking good when all citizens had an income support then with the tutelage of the Dutch. It's regular payment was interrupted in 1760 once you got to the desk to decide. It did not resume until 1920. It stopped again in 1980 and no one knows why. Our understanding is that it was an intended payment in the Roman era when the Romans first began regular settlement around 70 B.C. This seems to have been interrupted in a tussle between a general and a Pro Counsel with the general preferring not to pay and allowing the raw Cheddar aboriginals to get accustomed to many new things as the markets had not yet become a regular phenomenon so why did they need the money that would have rotted in the ground or in caves where the cheddar resorted from the weather when it was rather bleak West Indian now and grey?
The farmer who would kill his own children before sharing his farm with them and then hires the neighbor's children to do the work his children used to do is really now the adopted son of the neighbor as he has sacked himself and would have to make a deal with those people now that he has answered his fears about his own children; his own people now that they graduated from school and are trying to teach him some new, efficient ways of planting, multiplying, sowing and reaping. Maybe we put the pigs behind grazing system where we can keep the rats out and put the chicken behind mesh wire so the chickens can more on the range freely and become poisoned with rat dung. The farmer said he needed to be the only one and did not want anyone telling him what to do.
She has my Lorus watch.
He would now have to hire the neighbor to defend him. So, then the map is not the territory when essentially, the neighbor has territory over you. You need him. He does not need you. You want him to be a good neighbor and respect the land boundaries as you try again to raise another 4 sons with the same wife or a new wife to see if you can learn something from your neighbor in how he works with his adult children to enjoy this life and be fruitful; multiply. You are borrowing children from another family. You are borrowing people if you do not make your own or salvage what children and family you do have. Maybe you were told by the neighbor in your dreams at night that if you offer your sons, you would be the Chief of the village. You are not the chief; are you?
The Anglos field the poorest population again and again in this Global Consumer Capitalism and cash register show down in an econometric show of hegemony; the global capitalism game.
Defence, however is a total defence; a total consideration of all variables in the protection of the lives of your population that must take into account many facets and the last form of defence is found in the armories. If the people die off, then there is no point of any kind to doing anything really. If you are not paying an income support to every member of your population as citizen and permanent resident in some kind of Self Negation, then why do you need battle ships? Maybe people find it their job to reverence you even when you are in Self Negation. But, I suppose you could just bring more people from any where and, in due course, they will develop an English accent; rather lively jubbly lovely good innit?
But, I suppose it is hard to notice there is a problem when there will always be a second generation immigrant with an English accent and he will be your Prime Minister eventually with a Chinese last name maybe and this is where English as a nation ends essentially and culturally and this is not because it is a Hong Kong name for the PM but because in spite of the Hong Kong name, England is now a neutral identity so to speak but most importantly, it fails to ascribe to the human identity in this neutrality when it does not defend the equality of all citizens or the worth of all citizens with the transgender valued in the economy only that confirms a state sponsored genocide that only confirms the life and worth of the transgender. Essentially, there is something missing and maybe the best way to say you are accepted unconditionally as this dna or the other is when your economy is broken and your shoe laces are untied. If you would fuss about shoe laces untied, then you might also fuss about the brokenness in the economy that does not fund every citizen and you hand pick underlings that work with you to ensure that no one will tell you what to do. You tell him. But, he does not seem to tell you when the tube is broken. He fixes it. He has enough sense to know when the tube is broken with a broken transformer at King's Cross. But, maybe he did not have enough sense to know when the economy is broken and to just go ahead and fix it. Fixing this might have entailed normalising the income support for every citizen and using any European country as a model with the payments made automatically to every citizen and permanent resident.
There are fly wheel electric vehicles like the MG and they sell hundreds of units around the world. We are looking at a fly wheel economy if you understand the fly wheel. Google "fly wheel." In one of our earlier discussions, we likened the consumer to a hamster on a treadmill who will keep a wheel turning and this wheel will power a generator that feeds electricity to a light bulb. The hamster is the consumer population in our example and they only need a little money to keep the whole system going. This money answers the hamsters Maslow needs. The money we put in, we get back as a factor of their activity in the market as the hamsters are the buyer of products, the consumer of products. The government gives the hamster money and the government also charges each transaction a small percentage. Let's explain percentage. If we say its its 20%, that is $2.00 on a $10.00 transaction. 10 percent is 1/10 of the whole item or thing. When using a calculator, we multiply .10 by $10.00 and we get $1.00. At 30%, we multiply .3 by $10.00. That is $3.00 on a $10.00 transaction so we give them money and we also take some back in all of their daily activities that will also include the use of transit. Maybe, they will tap their bank card to enter the school building and we will see when they enter school and leave and it might be a nominal fee of 10 cents or 10 pence. But, that can add up and cover other costs or we could add a whole 1 percent to the sales tax and make it 21% with that 1 percent, covering school administration costs.
This factor is sales tax (A.K.A. VAT). In our hamster example, we feed the consumer a little money from the aggregated sales tax in the same way we pay the essential subway employees and fewer and fewer employees are essential with more driverless technology, more computerised automatic doors and more cameras so there is no need for a train guard to shout all aboard before closing the doors.
It seems that maybe the PM in 1980 was asked how much she would like to increase the income support. She would not normally have had any involvement in this matter as a PM since 1947 and decided that if, in 1980, the EU would forget their authority and ask her what she would like to do, then she said she would have a war instead in the Falklands and that she needed it all for that effort and it was cancelled for the majority of the population except for the transgender.
However, she could have increased the income support by 2% and the sales tax/VAT by 5% to defend the population and also the Falklands with an increase on the VAT being sufficient for both purposes.
But was this all about Thatcher wrestling with the Magna Carta and the deal between Monarch and people and some how decided to neutralise the people as a participant in the agreement, in the election process, in politics, and then decided to cover it with a poll tax revolt but then blamed the Monarch as she claimed to be the real king (or queen) herself? Is there someone else wrestling the people and the system to the ground so that there is really only a power of one while relying on a surrogate foreign population? The broken power transformer on the Northern Line at Charing Cross is fixed and it only took 1/2 and hour. The Tube and the over ground and all buses in the whole country are now free; no more money or coins to collect as they decided to cover the cost with an extra .4 percent on the VAT. Counting coins involves a full time employee. Counting money and collecting money is work at all those stations. People will be more likely to use it and so there is less congestion. This should buy some time; some more friendship with the people. Its not too bad; eh? All the public employees are ethnic now. Many are transgendered. But, the income support is not resolved yet for all. Only the transgendered are being paid and income support.
But, where did the Celtic English people go who would have found the absence of an income support soo intolerable, contrary to expectation that, like the idea of the transit network being shut down for half a day, it would not be heard of. The mutual class free, classless evident benefit of public transportation is equivalent to the class free, classless evident benefit of the public transportation system.
The definition of rout1
- defeat and cause to retreat in disorder."in a matter of minutes the attackers were routed"
The routing of England as surrounded by water began in 1644 when the covert population exchange and occupation of England by the Spanish that came up from the new world, using pirated colonial ships on return voyages from North America and the West Indies involving a population of Latino West Indians and this all began with the official Anglicisation of the West Indies and a reciprocal additional Latinisation and Pangea-fication of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland with these people occupying England. Spanish Town was founded in 1539. The Dutch were also in North America before the English arrival.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_West_India_Company. There was once a Dutch West India Company also before the British arrival so there is a pattern here.
If The new world was a colony and in many ways, it is still is with the West Indies also, why is it not being utilised for the market that it is with a guaranteed income support for every citizen and with an income support and slightly higher sales tax that reflects the cost, management and purpose of funding every citizen? Maybe the sales tax is 13% in Canada because some people were afraid that Canada would revolt or not accept English rule but the tax is not the key issue when winning the acceptance of the people. It is the income support; and they are too hungry to think of revolts anyway but the key issue when winning the acceptance of the people is the income support. They are too in love with English identification, with the country dependent on the EU, not on England, because England is dependent on the EU.
England could play embarrassingly in embarrassing football maladies and they hired foreigners to help them avoid this scenario but they did not hire foreigners to help them avoid the embarrassing economic malady It's like their economic shoe laces are untied. Their fly is down. There is custard on their nose and their eye brows are missing as burned by the toaster. So, then we say how can we help? If you had any doubt if you could afford a full income support for every citizen, then maybe you can now see how you can afford it and definitely, the people who you offer ethnicity to in formal throes of authority to pay the debt in what ever you believe you need to pay for what you owe so that you might be accepted would actually prefer an income support for every citizen, refugee and permanent resident. Why is a benefit fraudster like Nicolea tolerated anyway? She interrupted the government system and is also terrorist. We could make the sales tax double what it is now and it would be painless so long as the population have enough to fulfill their role as busy little bees in the economy, buying their food and drink and buying their vehicles, paying their rent when that is all they have to do and chirp in English accents and cultural banter; rah...rah...rah..lovely jubbly...innit...innit...mate but he is really from Bosnia in his second generation!! His father has his Bosnian income support. They are not really the English but maybe the economy could at least work for global capitalist benefit, feeding citizens in the economy associated to their Anglo, Canadian citizenship. God bless Warren for pointing this out. God bless Warren. It was Warren who pointed this out.
The struggle between the formal and the informal and the murderous resentment of the formal makes it clear that there is an anthropological deficit that call us to reconsider how we include and involve those who are determined to be involved in various facets of professionalism without any formal training or experience. It is not a mystery or a secret and those who wish to take on formal training can do so but there does not need to be any struggle between those who prefer formal training and those who do not. We can all be involved happily. So, you want to be an accountant but you do not want to really go to school and you want to show us how you can just do the work. You want to be a lawyer in Court but you want to just show us....show us how you have multiple convictions for contempt of court Mr. Hmm? We can then have full drop outs and full graduates work as duty counsel and if you wish to pursue a licence to practice las or real estate, you can sign up to participate in a 10 year provisional licensing program that will become a full license at the end of the 10 year period if you have high school qualifications (and a law degree if its law school).
Anyone can be a Duty Counsel and then there is no need to have fake employees harassing real graduates any longer or fake benchers who were long haired woodstock girls( S. E Elliott) who were told to keep lying and writing whatever they want in the belief that eventually there would be no law and we could all do what we want as white Jamaicans and this is what she did to defend the elf girl named Damienne Devil Le Brugges Reid. When you see her, you would almost like to apologise for her existence and say you will give her a chance but you heard her say she is lying and deliberately failed to do her job, hoping to pretend that they did not know who or what is Angel Ronan and when did you not know as it is the business name used by a member of the now closed, fraudulent former Law Society of Uppr Canda. The Law Society closed and was renamed but Angel Ronan is open after their abuse of discretion and authority as some kind of plagiarising, resurrected dead farm girl people. They should not have been in any Law Society doing work with an immediate bias when they were all convicts for plagiarising his work during their attempts to do a degree. They were also shop lifting convicts and bank robbing convicts; S. E Elliot was a bank robber so how is she a bencher and allowed to say anything about me, make any decisions on any anything in a tribunal when she is not bondable? How did New Calls to the bar swear an oath of allegiance in front of a convicted bank robber and shop lifter who had not received any pardon?
It was closed for its various criminal acts and attacks on those who were actual, real law graduates. then, you harass his benefits and became convicts for tampering with the benefit system. They are still investigating this fraudulent junta and taking them to Court. Warren was a victim but he will be compensated for every day he has had to wait for them to retract the fraudulent statements of D. Wright who wrote judgements in the name of S. E Elliott who had already passed away. But, she had not written or uttered anything attributed to her by D. Wright. D. Wright is a bank robber and watches unusual things on his telephone that are essentially illegal. We would like to understand the connection bet. D. Wright, Rennssa and Damienne Devil Reid. Nicolea is this kind. I don't suppose we pay people to commit terrorism; interrupting and disabling a government benefit system with the intent to destroy the citizen while she is also receiving that transgender benefit. They broke into my home and tried to kill me in 2014 in the hopes of owning Angel Ronan; just wicked people hiding in a pseudo English culture called Candda that has an air of formality and aspiring to work that is not suitable for their immediate anthropology. Maybe a parking ticket officer job would do or house keeping or an airport flight information job but they failed in the court. They broke the law society rules and the criminal code of Canada s they pretend to be the progeny of a Queen and it is embarrassing when they are people who spat on while in a stockade some where for stealing apples and coincidentally they have apples phones claiming some kind of superiority over the English Monarch itself. They seem to do what ever they want and then pretend they sent money to the Monarch; as if its some kind of culture. They get the job and then destroy the function of the job but we are supposed to tolerate it apparently because they did not really go to school but are told they are supposed to be able to do anything they want in society. You get a job offer but then they say they need it, You get into a Masters program but then they say they need your acceptance letter but when you look into it, they did not complete the requisites or the acceptance is sent to your old high school but its never arriving where it is supposed to arrive. Then, they show up at the school to ask if they could have it. They do not realise that they are in possession of a stolen document and the letter or acceptance is not abandoned no matter who you think you are and with the school publicly funded, it is a national institution with more than 50% of the funding coming from government funding so, it is possession of stolen property when it is the name of another on the document; not you. You are over 18 years old and maybe you smoke drugs but you should know better. in spite of all of this, Warren joined the Catholic Church in 2017 and is a happy member.
I don't know what anthropology we are dealing with here. Why do we pretend they are anyone or anything when we know what they are doing. what they have done and their evil fraud has to be removed from the tribunal website. But, they seem to be motivated by breaking into ownership or into a pre existing firm but are set on only occupying the owner but not working with the owner or cooperating with him as they could own it together; be involved together or start their own so there is, in essence, a conspiracy to commit murder; for a business name that was offered at $1.00 if you really wanted the name.
We don't know if it is in our story book for white guys to rely on black guys to do their work but it does seem to happen sometimes any way but not all the time. Warren's teachers and lecturers did a good job even if they did not really go to school. Some did and some did not it seems and so Warren has written this so any well intentioned and properly motivated human would just see that the electricity transformer is broken at Woodside Park or that the income support system is broken in that it does not fulfill its purpose as it only pays the transgender and then he can go ahead and solve the problem in an hour or two by paying not only remembering to pay the transgender once a week but also to pay all the other genders once a week. We see this problem with the income support in Otario also. If he believes that the EU that pays all the bills cannot afford it, then the UK can have a slightly higher, larger VAT to cover the concern. You notice that our electrical plugs are larger also. The income support for every citizen therefore might be £34,000.00 pounds per citizen; $70,000.00 CAD in Canada with no more dead zones or provinces; that is where there is no income support where this problem drags on national economic performance and also national car sales figures with theft of all consumer goods unusually high in Otario with the CN Tower recording everything that everyone is doing; everything. You have the largest tower in the country in that province but then you have the most broken economy also and the most reliant on funded foreign ex pats who have their own income support from their own country as a surrogate spent by this population to mask the economic deficit, the low population numbers and the low sales. But, the children they have in this territory are disenfranchised as they do not get an income support unlike others in other parts of the country and are in between two economies. The whole entire country's economic turn over is equal to, on par with the state of Oregon for economic activity. That would make all that you see in Otario rather small in its entirety. This is not to criticize the tube manager.
The real issue is that no one knows why you would not see that the EU is running your economy for more than 40 years now and they would know how to work out the solution; make it work when the income support for every citizen is essential policy. It is the priority. The Thatcher retraction in this area or the brokenness confirms the deceit about her economic management. Thatcher says England can do no wrong but something has to be done. Well, it seems it would be wrong if you do not fix the electrical problem for the tube to get people moving or the economic problem to keep people moving and the economy itself in order. But, maybe you have worked it out that, the people as an economic voice; you don't really need them except when its time for some pageantry. This is because you have a surrogate population of buyers and sellers with their own income support from another land or lands. The only issue is that if your people continue to suffer genocide in total with the other noticeable problem of gender inequality, then you do not look good. It looks evil as you break your own laws and constitution.
But, it seems that you do need them to produce enough white footballers and other such personnel for pageantry since its England and isn't it supposed to be still kind of, you know....white( the mix of Mongol dna with the red cheddar to produce white) and certainly with lots of ethnicity...lots of ethnicity and so many spicy foods...soo many spicy?
He will tell you there is a problem and then, in any case, no one will fix the economy until you say we have achieved our goals in neutralising England as a culture or nation but the garbage is collected and the buses run on time. The tube is operating but the income support is not operating. So then, how does the Anglo pay for the tube; the transport? We begin with the income support this time as being most important now that England has arrived at some cultural or effacing self negating neutrality and celebration to the end of the presumptive right of the white informally qualified but wrongly motivated and appointed leader it seems when there was a significant problem for quite sometime with the economy that led to reliance on surrogate populations to help maintain economic activity and consumer stimulus. They were financed with an income support during the global experience with automation and the pandemic joblessness caused by automation. The Anglos were not inoculated with an income support but the Indians and other Asians; the Chinese and other Asians were inoculated with an income support. You sometimes what animal you could content with the false notion that he is able to eat the hockey puck before he would notice he is being disenfranchised and maybe he could body check something about his lack of an income support in Ontario or else where in Canada. He is placarding for black lives matter and for any union job complaints it seems and he can really get angry but maybe there is something unusual. Mind you, we see they spend money trying to sell him cars but he is not the real subject of the adds any longer, it would be an Asian with the money these days in Ontario who outnumber the real Canadians as the car buying public so then why produce ads directed at Ontario citizens for cars that are sold maybe 2 to 1 to foreigners more than to Canadian citizens in the Ontario market? Maybe you might see the new vehicle ad on the American channel anyway; an ad produced for Americans.
In either case, for the more ancient English who are probably Polish now or maybe there are some Celts left like Warren, why not just make the economy reflect the legal principles of equality? This would mean if a benefit is made available automatically to the transgender people who have no particular burden of shame or failure or hurt in their existence, then it should be made available to all within the remit of the laws of equality and equity in the nation. Why not make the economy follow the simple mechanics of logic to balance out robotic automated supply with automated demand? England can do no wrong. The Prime Minister can do no wrong. They are accepted. But, something needs to be done. The Tube shut down. McDonalds has no milk. The school is cold and in need of heating. Something needs to be done. We are all accepted unconditionally. Did you know Warren is a doctorate in Economics at a UK University? He also attended the University of Western, Ontario that does not currently offer a Masters in Divinity program taught by anyone with the qualification to teach it. Warren will be an assistant in a Doctorate of Economics program in a few years and in Divinity also. He will use his income support to buy his coffee but will save his salary for other endeavors like a tour of the Shetlands.
The real issue is that the income support helps family formation for all involved. It could not be that the transgender wish to extort men into families since the commercials are gay now maybe with their influence. The company that manufactures the gum is being sued. CNN (Clearly Not News) is being sued for the inaccurate reporting of the Donald suit. You see women kissing in the Trident gum commercials. Most importantly, the income supports aids the demand side of the economy as supply in terms of production has become automated, thereby decreasing jobs and then also decreasing demand for goods since the job is what people relied on for money; money that amounts to consumer demand.
As the number of jobs fall, then the amount of consumer demand falls. We could see it simply as a technological system update on the supply side involving automation with billions spent in system updates to industrial production with new labor saving technology must be matched on the demand side of the economy with a technological system update to the manner in which the human obtains money automatically. We see this in chemical equations where energy is not lost but transferred and both sides must equate or the equation fails, the economy fails. Either way, the money comes from the economy to enable the citizen to buy the goods now made by robotic automation. Instead of wages spent on the production of goods, it now comes from the sales tax collected in the sale of goods. These are observations Mr. Lyon has made after reading the work of Smith and Keynes. He acknowledges these great Cheddar man and also the fact that the English economy does not resemble their work. It is a dirty economy. But, let us compliment something. The subway/tube is clean. The library is clean. He acknowledges the native Indian/ West Indian native involvement over the decision to act or not to act or the decision to solve the economic issues or not to solve them. It would be good to remember that the native is now in pole position to solve his various concerns and the first step might be to solve any money discussion. Our other angers and debates about formalities in ownership or in schooling or job preparation will continue for many decades to come. Identity is complex and it does not rest only in appearances and skin tones. We have learned that these over simplifications fail and we miss the human point about community and safety when Geronimo could be the father of any white, black, red or yellow man or woman; any Eastern European or any West Indian or any Latin American or any Middle Eastern people. If you have asylum seekers, then you just give them an EBT card that will cover their reasonable motel stay and food expenses. Use email to stay in contact and ensure they have their first appointment for the processing of their claim in nine months. Warren also went to Law School and completed studies in business and commercial law in addition to other studies involving the usual human rights and would only wish to contribute to his community in the simplest way possible. He does not want any political involvement and those who do should not harass him as imaginary competition. He has been mistreated by some who abused their discretion and involved him in a Law Society process illegally out of spite and she thought she would not get caught. But, she only wanted to steal his business name. She is just a wicked woman really and was found guilty for Contempt of Court in addition to the utterance of several fraudulent statements concerning Mr. Lyon and his practice of law. What would she really be anthropologically? She needs to feel the real Catholic under the floor boards and borrow his life emotionally like a cover or like the ancestral association so that she might go up or pass as acceptable in her pretense in society. She treats him as anthropological competition. But, the continuing utterance of the fraudulent statement is the ongoing criminal offence.
The Anglo General or commander seem to be involved in some war between formal and informal government and formal or informal involvement in professionalism.
Economically, America is a white aboriginal with a little European dna running through his veins but not enough sense to understand that he needs a safe place to roost and enjoy his little life and his time to watch the big movies with American flying junk, out dated air craft and also running around European capitols as if he did his job back at home to save his own people who do not have a UN compliant economy. It is not enough to satisfy the national hunger but we will probably watch the movie while we are starving in Maine and in Missouri. So, how can we make it work for all in America to benefit the German and the Japanese within us? In fact, its a genocidal economy but don't they look European enough to have babies with a real English woman but maybe not a European woman because their economy is poorly motivated? It does not achieve the economic goals intended for the entire country but those in position annunciate the authority and power to decide and hide behind some officialdom in the hope of avoiding censure but we can see what the problem is. There are too many zeros in some kind of inside job; and the last time America was threatened by too many zeros, it was when it was attacked by an outside enemy at Pearl Harbour if it did happen with Japanese planes powered by fly wheel technology or else how did they fly to Pearl Harbour? We seem to think that America bombed her own ships. It was not the Japanese. America is bombing her own economy again.
America legally is just a shambles right now and we should not follow these people in some civil war between formal and informal legal expectations. America terrifies me when we are not sure who understands the problem and how to solve it but who will hesitate on the solution in a defence of his ego or what he failed to do maybe 300 years or 30 years ago. We expect fairness, justice and equity. We expect all professional governing bodies to abide by the laws and not attack members just as they wish to attempt to steal a business name or steal a home or any other such property of the members. There is much evidence pertaining to this. If this was the key motive behind what happened at the LSUCC, then why would the current volunteers and employees at the LSO aid and abet the crimes of those who have been arrested, tried and convicted?
But, then you would need people who can help you find this within the system as those who sometimes seek to use Court processes are malicious and motivated only by ill gotten gain with fraudulent claims. This might mean you need a law graduate at the public defender's office who is not just a media type. Warren is not a media type; Look! But, maybe someone who will help you is at the public defender's office and black and maybe you cannot find a real law graduate any where else these days when you say you renovated the Washington Mall but you never did so your people send you a note on tv. But, its not a real judgement anyway.
But, we already have a VAT collection system but it may not be for every retailer or it may be for those who opt to participate. The work is already done for the clothing retailer, the supermarket, petrol station or the off licence retail merchant. For accounting ease, each transaction will show a payment into the retailer and the VAT debit for sales tax right after it on the statement and all other details of the transaction such as the customer card used to pay.
Mr. Lyon has applied to be a National Compliance Officer with the Anglo People's Government with an emphasis on Constitutional Fulfillment and Economic Happiness and the ensured Future Anglo Economic existence in submission to the agendas of the chief stakeholders and the endeavours of the global capitalist economy; that the Anglo economy will be an anti recessionary economy. It will reflect the legendary quality of the English wool suit or English shoes. We will be able to describe the Anglo economy in the same way we describe English quality goods; with its various English ports. Every citizen will be able to rely on the economy and their income support payments in the same way the transgender rely on their payments and can make plans to run an ice cream shop or a pizzeria or a patty shop or maybe scheme to steal property belonging to another and further criminal enterprises to interrupt Canadian benefit systems. We are having problem at some English ports, however, where every time the system is asked to recall to pay a transgender person, it seems to forget to pay the non transgender, thereby causing a gender inequality.
But, the fact that the Anglo economies are not working to benefit all in the economy and nor does it benefit the nation's requirements for consumer stimulus is some indicia of the aboriginal resentment and participation in the economy along with his resistance of formality and functionality. Is it open, can it open? It looks like it is closed. It is not functional for the intended, described purpose although it appears to be a fertile endeavour on the outside. But, after a simple examination with your finger running over the essential variables at the right hour, you can see its not functioning. It is not designed to nurse the population, nurse the economy. We have to get a surrogate nation with its economy that nurses and feeds its people to give us a surrogate Anglo population; a Surrogate Anglo people.
We don't know what burden is placed on the mind of the nearly raw aboriginal, resurrected aboriginal in our society that has only one generation of formal schooling or any formal experience in our society or in the concept of the Levitical family but they may have a cockney accent or a posh Chelsea accent. They may still resent the formality of shopping with receipts to attain their Maslow needs. If the economy is symbolic of music, it is currently discordant and not worthy of a Monarch with hands on a European bible or any bible. ******
There is still, evidently, much resistance and what if one of these aspired to the levers of power in the 1970's and obtained the power to decide how the economy, will give tune to these angry emotions as a raw aboriginal? What is his/ her name? Asia was not necessarily a growth market in contrast to North America or the UK. It was an obedient market and any obedient market with an income support above zero is an always growing market if ATP(Ability to pay)/the income support is growing at maybe 1/2 a percent per year. North America is not a growing market and the UK is not a growing market when they do not guarantee and ensure the income support per citizen in the same way the Asian countries and the African countries have committed to do so. Certainly, what is happening in the UK is a hurtful expression of reverse colonialism when all the former colonies with their people are growth economies and the former colonial power is always suffering negative population growth, recessions and zero income support until the last Anglo is dead maybe if something does not change to ensure there is no genocide but maybe we could work to ensure the former colonies and their people feel economic hegemony at any cash registers any where in the world; above that of the Anglos. This will say the Anglos will have an income support that satisfies their Anglo cost of living and all of their Maslow needs but the Asians, Africans and the other cultures will have more income support in comparison to the Anglo. But, the Anglo will have enough and there will be no genocide. Right now, the transgender have an income support of £ 30,000.00 per year in the UK and it should be an equal benefit for every citizen. The Americans will resolve their own national Anti genocidal income support policies but essentially, F15's and the AH64 Helicopter cannot defend people in the most essential way by just feeding them or providing the income support to feed them but these machines will inspire us to understand that national defence is a total defence art that also involves defending lives from economic catastrophes such as the mass joblessness or the job famines or job losses caused by automation; or defending them from the
So, this might mean the African and then Indians will have an income support of no less than 32,000.00 per year for their hegemony over the English who we imagine owe the entire world their lives for all of this story book culture that makes it difficult to accept oneself in any positions of authority or involvement; if you are a black Anglo. Warren is not a black Anglo but a North African.
You can donate to Mr. Lyon's Research Foundation as he has confirmed his belief in our economy and its ability to satisfy all of our economic requirements in saving and protecting lives from the job famines and the resulting joblessness caused by the power of automation.
We also see that in spite of the new systemic simplicity with computers and accounts that the only issue is the "motivation" to do the job and before "motivation", the issue may have been the understanding of the importance of some few basic economic necessities in the national modern Capitalist economy; post 1857. If we do not agree, we can see how Civil Wars can emerge over standard gauge railway tracks or on standard sales tax percentages or over the standard minimum amount to be paid to every citizen as an income support to avoid any air of genocide.
This will not prevent state powers from paying more if they so choose to with a special state tax on food or fuel or coffee which is the new crude oil. Coffee is worth billions with one cup sometimes worth more than have a gallon of gasoline. I do not need gasoline and nor do I need to plug in my vehicle and recharge it. I drive an MG. If the coffee is made at home or is just a bag of beans, then its still rather cheap so we are now looking at the "power of convenience" and "the power of service" as increasing the use value in the basic refreshment worth that a cup of coffee provides outside of the home. A bag of beans is only $2.00.
Essentially, however, it is much like a white Maroon and all of his Maroon relatives of various colours seeking Maroon sovereignty over any need for formality in anything; in particular formal education and then formal government. The issue is that when formality breaks down, the peace and power abhors a vacuum and then political insecurity takes its place until it is filled by a new order. The Magna Carta cannot be replaced with insecurity as it is primordial since it still informs the American Republic as a founding document and I saw it at the Capitol Building when I was 17. The only issue with the UK is that when there is an ongoing criminal enterprise when every time the government remembers to pay only transgender individuals, they also deliberately fail to pay the non transgender, so then there is insecurity. There is inequality. There is genocide. But, wouldn't the Maroon wish for us to be treated equally and that we would all benefit from our labour as English speaking peoples? A Failure to pay an income support is genocide. What are you asking of the unpaid members of the population when it comes to satisfying their Maslow needs?
Dunce boys do not look out the window. They memorize half their timetables up to 12. It used to be up to 20.
The lack of socioeconomic cooperation is evidence of the need for further evolution in the still evolving North American genome and would you attack anyone who is trying to solve the problem with respect to cooperation? This could be a message from Egypt. We see that New York stayed divided on the issue of an income support for every state citizen for quite some time; until 1810 in what was a money culture war between the original 13 colonies and New York. New York's delay in joining the union indicates that New York itself was divided on the issue maybe between the established Dutch population, the native creoles who wanted union and the English with the name inevitably becoming New York. Warren can do no wrong when it comes to history.
They joined the Union in 1788 and seem to be in some kind of purposeless economic Civil War with the rest of the union. New York today remains unusual as it does not have an income support for every citizen. The New York market is recessionary with more vehicles stolen on average than Maine or Georgia. Georgia pays $30,000.00 per year per citizen. This might be the new national minimum standard for all states and then we have no more money, time and energy wasted on debates or is it confession about our lack of formal preparation to love thy neighbors as we love ourselves in a job with significant duty but that requires simple motivation but good motivation. what have we been doing really? America is a bastard loser economically; isn't it really? But a glorious multi racial native at the same time who has the power. Thank God they have the power. So, now the first step is to ensure everyone has money and after you calm down, we can get into due process. Some claims about battery etc that are historical in nature cannot be filed against any celebrity when there is no evidence of proximity or personal contact with the celebrity. Why did he include the photo in the tweets? He included it to say this is what the claimant presents as evidence but there is no way to say who that is in the photo. I am afraid E. Jean Carrol is a fictitious person and the whole notion of suing him on the photo was set up years before. See the movies for an idea of what mischievousness is involved on your tele prompter or the cue cards for a few dollars more.
The Anglo zeroes out consumer stimulus with a zero Income support since 1980. Then, they tried to solve consumer market stimulus with wars previously and now he tries to fix it with a zero percent Central Bank interest rate, bringing a war into his own economy and infrastructure. This could be what an angry Ewok would do; to fight the civilization that brought him out of a raw aboriginal existence. Does the aboriginal then also fail multigenerational cooperation where the high school drop out is celebrated but the graduates are at risk some how? We should not presume pig farmer politicians from Skegness understand these various problems; economic and also anthropological. The Ewok is a Star Wars(TM) character and is mentioned here without infringing copyright.
The Catholic builds the Anglican Cathedral and the Anglican says he does not know how to help the Catholic until he confirms some Anglican association. But, he is an Anglican School boy and his family paid tuition. Yet, the economy is not commensurate to the goals of a multi faith society. You could not say that you interrupted the boy's benefit because he is Anglican and Black.
You would not kill the people in your need to be accepted in the idea that says in what way could they affect your need to be accepted if they are dead; if you had any concern about needing to be accepted? Maybe your family is the family that does not ask how could you be accepted if you are not a legal owner of any property and a hopeful king?; or how can you be accepted if you are divorced and maybe the family is more ancient aboriginal anxious about territory and "authority" as territory and maybe there is in their mind a magna carta that threatens the authority of the one; the only one. There is a Magna Carta and we have a share on the authority. He needs a "people" that will work with him at every desk and every window where the decisions are made with good motivation. Maybe we need border guard trainees to run the benefit system who will acknowledge every citizen is really just a passenger in the economy. The people are a static reality that dote attention and blessings upon you when they are not busy raising another generation to soldiers and tube drivers. They are not a foe when you need them to just do their job as socioeconomic actors, decorations and consumers; like trees and flowers; do their job as garden decorations? They also have a vote with some kind of value to it. But, what is really going on though in any event with politics and the value of a vote during any election in the English world and is there some team of people working to whittle down the value of a vote in our system of government along with the share power between the various participants in the Magna Carta and we still do not have an income support program that satisfies global, economic benefit?
The essence of West Indian culture is that Christopher Columbus may have been wrong very often; working hard in his innate skill sets without a general education maybe and tested sometimes by his peers as to whether he is any good with anything else outside of his innate skills and understanding but we say we know how violent he can become as the leader you just follow usually and it is nice to be a part of something. He says he knows what he is doing. Sometimes it works out. If you are not leading anything, then you are supporting something and if you are supporting then you are help the leading and those who try to usurp or force an uprising are not the family and we know what will happen to them when we are all Christopher. So, follow and be a good follower. This is where you leading begins as a good follower since he who is faithful with little is faithful with much. In his resistance of feedback, he defends himself. The Christopher genome defends itself like ants in some kind of nonverbal culture. Now, what does he do when he hinders feedback(Feedback inhibition- See Karl Deutsch) and informational updates from his people, associates and his population in general in his resentment of people telling him what to do because he is the only one, the only Captain? He suffers calamities when maybe the bible warns us that out of the mouth of babes comes forth wisdom and we could listen sometimes. Add the information to his insight. Feedback is not to dishonor or to diminish or to criticize.
But, if this is now a world of experts with informal training but innate skills and gifting and no real general education, we are dependent on our neighbor who is another expert and we need to help him, keep him alive because he might be able to help us with something some day. Keep hope alive.
The food is good. He does not want too many legal formalities because he was young when he was given authority. He did not go to school. He accepts now the value of a general education maybe also to understand how to be sure you are the father and who is the father if Esau spat in the well. We are all the Ewok. We are all a little Christopher. The general education could help with the Ewok in us all as well as subscribing to modern economic convention with an income support for every citizen. IF we do not, then its an Anglo Genocide; an Ewok genocide but some kind of mammal is dying off with acts or omissions in terms of a lack of income support per citizen with intent to destroy in whole or in part an identifiable group, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction. Water from the river and grass from the field may not be sufficient for most well meaning human beings or Anglo Ewoks in the process of human assimilation. The may need some milk. Morrisons Fresh Semi-Skimmed Milk 500ml
VAT Calculator
During the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II who is in our living, reverent and working soul, the Ceremony for her Coronation proceeded as follow as it did today:
At each side, the archbishop calls for the recognition of the sovereign, with the words:
After, the people acclaim the sovereign at each side by praying with the lives and purpose of financial safety and breath of the British people in mind; Long Live The Monarch.
Here, we have a new Oath of Engagement
Whereas divers dis-affected persons, do by sundry ways and means oppose and endeavour to undermine the Peace of the Nation under this present Government, so that unless special care be taken, a new War is likely to break forth: For the preventing whereof, and also for the better uniting of this Nation, as well against all Invasions from abroad, as the Common Enemy at home; and to the end that those which receive benefit and protection from this present Government, may give assurance of their living quietly and peaceably under the same, and that they will neither directly nor indirectly contrive or practice any thing to the disturbance thereof, The Parliament now assembled do Enact and Ordain, and be it by Authority of this present Parliament Enacted and Ordained, That all men whatsoever within the Commonwealth of England, of the age of eighteen years and upwards, shall as is hereafter in this present Act directed, take and subscribe this Engagement following; viz.
I Do declare and promise, That I will be true and faithful to the Commonwealth of England, as it is now Established, with a King, people with an income support, a Parliament and House of Lords.
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Advertising anything in the American market on American tv is an example of futility when there are less than 19% of the entire population receiving a regular income support. Many border states have no income support.
It might be easier to endure the English economy in its current mode of genocide if you imagine yourself to be South African where the current SA participants in English governing seem to think that the people should have low and rather limited expectation of the government and court to address inequality where it seems the governors may be addicted to the emotion of mass inequality. It might have been based on race in South Africa but in England it is now based on gender. It could not be that the woman/transgender family leader is afraid her husband or partner is going to leave if he is about to get his own income support and he does not have to rely on her to support him. This could be anthropology.
Are these modern day Ewoks with Gillette and Maybelline who fail to cooperate to implement an income support for every citizen as a modern economic system necessity and capitalist convention to guarantee and ensure sufficient economic stimulus?
It could be that we see some say England is too crowded for the English( some are Indian and some Celtic and some African or west Indian with their English ID and bilingual); too crowded to receive an income support equal to the support paid to all other European citizens. But, it seems it is not too crowded for the Pakistani or the Indians to be in England with their Indian ID or Pakistani ID. They are not the wealthy children of these cultures but the average citizen arriving with their income support from Pakistan or India to help with economic stimulus just as it is too low with the English currently not receiving any income support and then you bring more Asians from Pakistan or India with their Non English ID and their Asian Income support. So, the English territory is not supporting Asian people or English people who have English ID only but it supports and welcomes Asian people with Asian ID (Identification) with their Asian income support who act as a surrogate, foreign funded economic consumer population to help the economy. Certainly, they run businesses also. We would all think of running a business with our support. There is a black guy from Unionville who thinks he could run a pizza franchise in England if he had his Canadian support. They seem to be suffering genocide over in many parts of Canada also. It is genocide if the only choice the Anglo human may succumb to is a destructive and dehumanising means of finding water, food and shelter. Is the motive to reduce human ignorance by actually increasing the financially hegemonic Asian and Non English European content of the population while also expressing and displaying Asian ad other financial consumer power on the door steps of the English shopping mecca; apart from the accidental Anglo genocide? We are trying not see this is as a deliberate act of genocide when we do wonder, nonetheless, after every bowl of Ambrosia's custard. Because the English accent is soo intelligent in the listener's ear drum and it is also authoritative and with the best schools in the world enjoying proximity along with the good fish and chips, it has to be a deliberate act. How could these intelligent people make such a big mistake by accident? We can only look to those employed and sworn in to manage the economy with fiduciary duty.
The office of the Monarch is observing and will make best efforts to advise their government and possibly rent this important income support function of the economy to a partner nation; a partner nation in Europe such as Germany who may already have a stoke in sales tax collection and they will earn 2% to 3% on sales tax daily with the payment of the income support to the Canadian and the English population at an amount that satisfies the global German economy's needs for consumer stimulus and answer all human Maslow needs with sufficient Ability to Pay (ATP); a new report from economic Davos insiders indicates.
The point we fail here with power over our economy and ourselves as an Anglo people is really cooperation as a population but we seem to cooperate for the benefit of other moneyed, financed populations who arrive at our borders and airports with their income support from their home nation and we help to ensure the subway or tube is running, the road is cleaned and the food is rather good; jolly good, swimmingly, for their benefit certainly if its not for our own local English joy. We support the Office of the Monarch.
If you say you are South African as an Anglo with four generations in Manchester with your roots from Northern Ireland, you will not feel like you are fighting and you can still appeal to the Court about this gender based inequality in the income support system that does cause tremendous economic anomalies between robotic supply(products) and the insufficient ATP or ability to pay with respect to consumer monied demand to pay for the robotic supply/products. In a world where there is more fatherlessness than motherlessness, we have to be mindful when the Monarch is the national father as people may be more competitive over a fatherly sense of approval that they need. So, sip a tipple a bit. Wear dirty shoes to avoid those who are competitive and wear clean shoes around those who think they will be killing people with dirty shoes to seek his approval.
Couldn't you be an Ewok and the "authority" and the proof is seen in your subway system maybe or if not; in the economy? You have a rather good subway; however and it just about covers all the economic, genocidal sin with respect to the economy.
We could summarise the beginning of the new testament as humans vs. a Herod monkey humanoid from 70 BC London who was given the authority for a brief while in Palestine with is human, established civilization but who was not related to the royal Egyptian or Levitical people of the region and who was angry that there was any Leviticus to chastise him and tell him to bridle his emotions; that he should not covet his neighbor's woman servant. But, Jesus or any Rabbi trying to settle down with the average Herodian woman or Cheddar woman in 3 BC or 4 AD is much of what you might read in Hosea or we are not sure and we do not want to necessarily live out such an experience to find out but how will you know if you have a Leviticus woman before you tell her she has had five husbands and the one she is with is not her own. I suppose you will know what you are really looking for once you know what you need and maybe not all relationships are just trial and error or they are all partially trial and error, family support, family and communal guidance and the give and the take. You might have to wait a while to see what you are really looking for.
But what would an economy run by Ewoks or Gillette Maybelline Neanderthals with an English man accent look like? We see in the English economy, they have overlooked the utility of its own singular citizen with ATP; ability to pay. That should say citizen. Those in love with life beget life and those in love with death beget death. Why is the English economy in any genocidal mode? I would not say he is a genocidal MP but there is a PM. But , why are we discussing a 0% interest rate and 0% income support for too many North Americans in the age of automation and with Columbus dna in all of our blood, would we struggle to hold ourselves accountable for our own self inflicted genocide? You are attacking the economy and it's efficiency and efficacy at both ends. You have authority to resolve the problem but all you have done is the opposite.
These are Republic of Ireland and other European people who with European ID who have no idea why the Anglos have not normalised their economy with an income support for everyone in the UK and in Canada also.
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So, what is your evident motivation vs your fiduciary responsibility ? When human motivation fails to do, fails to commit to do the job, achieve the job, we arrive at job Automation to circumnavigate negative human motivation. It is not that Ontario is big, but what is the expectation for that Economy that is being resisted with people working mischievously in that economy with the big phallic symbol, maliciously while paid using multiple operator IDs to hide their real identity and hoping not to be seen for their mischief, that no one understands how the programme really works only hoping to mistreat the target citizens. Maybe our minds and expectations are too resistant, too small and insufficiently evolved and that is why you are are causing mischief in the benefits when it could be managed with good motivation; not the Chsery Brigges version and you somehow won't relent until there was an appeal. But, why cause problems deliberately force an appeal? At the appeal scheduled after your criminal Court date for Terrorism and benefits system mischief, they will have all the information on the system about what you have done and they will confirm again that The benefit was approved and paid with all documentation already on the system. Hence, it is Mischief and Terrorism to interrupt a benefit already approved and the utterance of false statements to ask for documents and information already available on the system.
You have interrupted and damaged the system. The still has not received their benefit and you are hoping that if they are dead, you can be the only one to own Angel Ronan. But, he has already made arrangements for its ownership with his cousin in the Republic of Ireland.
It is helpful for you to see where you are in the scale of evolution. I love animals. We are all animals, learning to be cooperative.
But, as a manufacturer would you wrestle with the resistant Ewok on this issue? Your products need Citizens with the ability to pay. The Europeans are not coming to fill the gap in the population caused by your Ewok American self extermination or the mischief that kills your population that you see at Granta house with the Nicolea that you tolerate at the job centre where she says she can get away with it if you can't see she is breaking the law. But, you can see she is breaking the law. She writes about applicants and says they spit but at that particular time in the month, they were out of town; out of the country seeking asylum in the Republic of Ireland. She refused to implement the benefits of any male applicants but implement the benefits of any female but then also cancelled them within three months and then called them back to ay they made a mistake; if they could hand in their passport and then stole their passports. That would be terrorism. Click here for more. It would be best that we would all receive our benefits automatically like Nicolea from the age of 14 years old. Nicolea is doing well at £30000.00 per year in terms of her automatically paid income support benefit. Nicolea is transgender.
There is also here some failure to cooperate to achieve our goals and it seems to lead to some desire to throw yourself and your seed on a beach or in a field some where in Europe; as a subconscious goal and you know seed is for sowing; and somehow Europe is now more fractious in 20 years time with the dna's North American resistance of equanimous, systemic formalities and simplicity in law and in economy. Its best to settle the North American and the Anglo within his own economy so that he is not a victim of genocide socioeconomically and we settle them at a good, satiating number so that he can come as a tourist and stay for a long time if they so choose; pay their hotel bill that is billed monthly on the monthly account at one room for one month paid at $900.00 euros per month; on the monthly billing rate. This is also true for the African; and we settle them at a good, satiating number so that he can come as a tourist and stay for a long time if they so choose. If they are still in need of assistance due to persecution other than financial, then they can come and wouldn't Europe help?
Sherman Havens.
5 R v. Zardad, High Court judgment of 19 July 2005, see http://www.redress.org/news/zardad%207%20apr%202004.pdf; appeal denied 17th February 2007
There is the criminal liability for the Master Chief, for the commander’s failure to either prevent or punish the crimes of his subordinates.(indirect command responsibility) under English criminal law, but there is no doubt that a commander can incur criminal liability for his direct command responsibility under English criminal law. The responsibility of a superior for the acts of his subordinate is not a new concept in English law. The liability of a superior for planning, instigating, or ordering the crimes of his subordinates in English law is well established. For instance, the organiser of a criminal enterprise is responsible for all the actions of his subordinates in carrying it out. Thus, the prosecution of a superior, either military or civilian, on the basis of his direct command responsibility is clearly possible since the principle of direct responsibility is broadly akin to existing forms of criminal liability. Commanders can be held responsible for crimes under the Geneva Conventions Act 1957 committed by his subordinates where there is evidence that the commander planned, instigated, or ordered the crimes of his subordinates pursuant to the ordinary principles of English criminal law. Moreover, a superior can also be prosecuted as an accomplice if his failure to prevent or punish the crimes committed by his subordinates could be demonstrated to have aided and abetted or encouraged them to commit further crimes. What is in question is whether a commander or superior can otherwise be held liable under existing English criminal law for his failure to prevent or punish the crimes of his subordinates where the crimes in question were not committed in the UK or where the commander is neither a UK citizen or subject to UK service jurisdiction. 33 W. J. Fenrick "Some International Law Problems Related to Prosecution Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", (1995) 6 34 ICRC Commentary par. 3543.
PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law
50 Meaning of “genocide”, “crime against humanity” and “war crime”
(1) In this Part “genocide” means an act of genocide as defined in article 6
PART 5 Offence under Domestic Law
England and Wales
51 Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
(1) It is an offence against the law of England and Wales for a person to commit genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime.
(2) This section applies to acts committed—
(a) in England or Wales, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national, a United Kingdom resident or a person subject to UK service jurisdiction.
52 Conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction
(1) It is an offence against the law of England and Wales for a person to engage in conduct ancillary to an act to which this section applies.
(2) This section applies to an act that if committed in England or Wales would constitute—
(a) an offence under section 51 (genocide, crime against humanity or war crime), or
(b) an offence under this section,
but which, being committed (or intended to be committed) outside England and Wales, does not constitute such an offence.
(3) The reference in subsection (1) to conduct ancillary to such an act is to conduct that would constitute an ancillary offence in relation to that act if the act were committed in England or Wales.
(4) This section applies where the conduct in question consists of or includes an act committed—
(a) in England or Wales, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national, a United Kingdom resident or a person subject to UK service jurisdiction.
53 Trial and punishment of main offences
(1) The following provisions apply in relation to—
(a) offences under section 51 (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes),
(b) offences under section 52 (conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction), and
(c) offences ancillary to an offence within paragraph (a) or (b) above.
(2) The offence is triable only on indictment.
(3) Proceedings for an offence shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Attorney General.
(4) If the offence is not committed in England or Wales—
(a) proceedings may be taken, and
(b) the offence may for incidental purposes be treated as having been committed,
in any place in England or Wales.
(5) A person convicted of—
(a) an offence involving murder, or
(b) an offence ancillary to an offence involving murder,
shall be dealt with as for an offence of murder or, as the case may be, the corresponding ancillary offence in relation to murder.
In this subsection “murder” means the killing of a person in such circumstances as would, if committed in England or Wales, constitute murder.
(6) In any other case a person convicted of an offence is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years.
PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law
England and Wales
55 Meaning of “ancillary offence”
(1) References in this Part to an ancillary offence under the law of England and Wales are to—
(a) aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the commission of an offence,
(b) inciting a person to commit an offence,
(c) attempting or conspiring to commit an offence, or
(d) assisting an offender or concealing the commission of an offence.
(2) In subsection (1)(a) the reference to aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring is to conduct that in relation to an indictable offence would be punishable under section 8 of the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 (c. 94).
(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(4) In subsection (1)(c)—
(a) the reference to an attempt is to conduct amounting to an offence under section 1 of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 (c. 47); and
(b) the reference to conspiracy is to conduct amounting to an offence of conspiracy under section 1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 (c. 45).
(5) In subsection (1)(d)—
(a) the reference to assisting an offender is to conduct that in relation to a relevant offence would amount to an offence under section 4(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 (c. 58); and
(b) the reference to concealing an offence is to conduct that in relation to a relevant offencewould amount to an offence under section 5(1) of that Act.
56 Saving for general principles of liability, etc
(1) In determining whether an offence under this Part has been committed the court shall apply the principles of the law of England and Wales.
(2) Nothing in this Part shall be read as restricting the operation of any enactment or rule of law relating to—
(a) the extra-territorial application of offences (including offences under this Part), or
(b) offences ancillary to offences under this Part (wherever committed).
PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law
Northern Ireland
58 Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
(1) It is an offence against the law of Northern Ireland for a person to commit genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime.
(2) This section applies to acts committed—
(a) in Northern Ireland, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national or a United Kingdom resident.
59 Conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction
(1) It is an offence against the law of Northern Ireland for a person to engage in conduct ancillary to an act to which this section applies.
(2) This section applies to an act that if committed in Northern Ireland would constitute—
(a) an offence under section 58 (genocide, crime against humanity or war crime), or
(b) an offence under this section,
but which, being committed (or intended to be committed) outside Northern Ireland, does not constitute such an offence.
(3) The reference in subsection (1) to conduct ancillary to such an act is to conduct that would constitute an ancillary offence in relation to that act if the act were committed in Northern Ireland.
(4) This section applies where the conduct in question consists of or includes an act committed—
(a) in Northern Ireland, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national or a United Kingdom resident.
60 Trial and punishment of main offences
(1) The following provisions apply in relation to—
(a) offences under section 58 (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes),
(b) offences under section 59 (conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction), and
(c) offences ancillary to an offence within paragraph (a) or (b) above.
(2) The offence is triable only on indictment.
(3) Proceedings for an offence shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland.
(4) If the offence is not committed in Northern Ireland—
(a) proceedings may be taken, and
(b) the offence may for incidental purposes be treated as having been committed,
in any place in Northern Ireland.
(5) A person convicted of—
(a) an offence involving murder, or
(b) an offence ancillary to an offence involving murder,
shall be dealt with as for an offence of murder or, as the case may be, the corresponding ancillary offence in relation to murder.
In this subsection “murder” means the killing of a person in such circumstances as would, if committed in Northern Ireland, constitute murder.
(6) In any other case a person convicted of an offence is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years.
PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law
Supplementary provisions
66 Mental element
(1) References in this Part to a person committing—
(a) genocide,
(b) a crime against humanity,
(c) a war crime, or
(d) any of the acts mentioned in article 70.1 (offences against the admninistration of justice in relation to the ICC),
shall be construed in accordance with this section.
(2) Unless otherwise provided by—
(a) the articles mentioned in the definition in section 50(1) of the crimes specified in subsection (1)(a) to (c) above, or any relevant Elements of Crimes (see section 50(2)),
(b) section 54(1) or 61(1) or article 70.1 (offences in relation to the ICC), or
(c) section 65 (responsibility of commanders and other superiors),
a person is regarded as committing such an act or crime only if the material elements are committed with intent and knowledge.
(3) For this purpose—
(a) a person has intent—
(i) in relation to conduct, where he means to engage in the conduct, and
(ii) in relation to a consequence, where he means to cause the consequence or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events; and
(b) “knowledge” means awareness that a circumstance exists or a consequence will occur in the ordinary course of events.
(4) In interpreting and applying the provisions of this section (which corresponds to article 30) the court shall take into account any relevant judgment or decision of the ICC.
Account may also be taken of any other relevant international jurisprudence.
Schedule 8 Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes: Articles 6 to 9
Article 6 Genocide
For the purpose of this Statute, “genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act
S.C. 2000, c. 24
Assented to 2000-06-29
An Act respecting genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short Title
Short title
1 This Act may be cited as the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.
2 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Act.
conventional international law means any convention, treaty or other international agreement
(a) that is in force and to which Canada is a party; or
(b) that is in force and the provisions of which Canada has agreed to accept and apply in an armed conflict in which it is involved. (droit international conventionnel)
International Criminal Court means the International Criminal Court established by the Rome Statute. (Cour pénale internationale)
official, in respect of the International Criminal Court, means the Prosecutor, Registrar, Deputy Prosecutor and Deputy Registrar, and the staff of the organs of the Court. (fonctionnaire)
Rome Statute means the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted by the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court on July 17, 1998, as corrected by the procès-verbaux of November 10, 1998, July 12, 1999, November 30, 1999 and May 8, 2000, portions of which are set out in the schedule. (Statut de Rome)
Words and Expressions
(2) Unless otherwise provided, words and expressions used in this Act have the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.
Her Majesty
Binding on Her Majesty
3 This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.
Offences Within Canada
Genocide, etc., committed in Canada
4 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence who commits
(a) genocide;
(b) a crime against humanity; or
(c) a war crime.
Conspiracy, attempt, etc.
(1.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) is guilty of an indictable offence.
(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (1.1)
(a) shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life, if an intentional killing forms the basis of the offence; and
(b) is liable to imprisonment for life, in any other case.
(3) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.
crime against humanity means murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution or any other inhumane act or omission that is committed against any civilian population or any identifiable group and that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a crime against humanity according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime contre l’humanité)
genocide means an act or omission committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide)
war crime means an act or omission committed during an armed conflict that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a war crime according to customary international law or conventional international law applicable to armed conflicts, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime de guerre)
Interpretation — customary international law
(4) For greater certainty, crimes described in Articles 6 and 7 and paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Rome Statute are, as of July 17, 1998, crimes according to customary international law. This does not limit or prejudice in any way the application of existing or developing rules of international law.
Breach of responsibility by military commander
*5 (1) A military commander commits an indictable offence if
(a) the military commander
(i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or
(ii) fails, after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6;
(b) the military commander knows, or is criminally negligent in failing to know, that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence; and
(c) the military commander subsequently
(i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or
(ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.
*[Note: Section 5 in force October 23, 2000, see SI/2000-95.]
Breach of responsibility by a superior
*(2) A superior commits an indictable offence if
(a) the superior
(i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or
(ii) fails, after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6;
(b) the superior knows that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence, or consciously disregards information that clearly indicates that such an offence is about to be committed or is being committed by the person;
(c) the offence relates to activities for which the superior has effective authority and control; and
(d) the superior subsequently
(i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or
(ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.
*[Note: Section 5 in force October 23, 2000, see SI/2000-95.]
Conspiracy, attempt, etc.
(2.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an indictable offence.
(3) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) is liable to imprisonment for life.
(4) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.
military commander includes a person effectively acting as a military commander and a person who commands police with a degree of authority and control comparable to a military commander. (chef militaire)
superior means a person in authority, other than a military commander. (supérieur)
110th Congress Report HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st Session 110-468 ====================================================================== GENOCIDE ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2007 _______ December 4, 2007.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed _______ Mr. Conyers, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following R E P O R T [To accompany H.R. 2489] [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office] The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 2489) to amend section 1091 of title 18, United States Code, to allow the prosecution of genocide in appropriate circumstances, having considered the same, reports favorably thereon without amendment and recommends that the bill do pass. CONTENTS Page Purpose and Summary.............................................. 1 Background and Need for the Legislation.......................... 2 Hearings......................................................... 3 Committee Consideration.......................................... 3 Committee Votes.................................................. 3 Committee Oversight Findings..................................... 4 New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures........................ 4 Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate........................ 4 Performance Goals and Objectives................................. 5 Constitutional Authority Statement............................... 5 Advisory on Earmarks............................................. 5 Section-by-Section Analysis...................................... 5 Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported............ 6 Purpose and Summary H.R. 2489, the ``Genocide Accountability Act of 2007,'' strengthens the ability of the United States to prosecute perpetrators of genocide by amending title 18 of the United States Code to establish Federal criminal jurisdiction over the crime of genocide, wherever the crime is committed. The Act would close a procedural loophole in current law that does not permit the United States Department of Justice to prosecute non-Americans in United States courts for genocide committed abroad. Background and Need for the Legislation In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the ``Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.''\1\ As its title suggests, the treaty imposes two core obligations on participating states. First, state parties must undertake efforts to prevent genocide. Second, state parties must commit to punish genocide as well as certain related acts, such as attempting to commit genocide.\2\ While the Genocide Convention requires state parties to do all they can to prevent genocide within their own borders, the states' duty to prevent genocide does not stop at their own borders. Wherever genocide occurs, it engages other nations' responsibility to act. Simply put, the Genocide Convention charges State parties to take effective action to prevent genocide or, when prevention has failed, to bring its murderous violence to a swift and certain end.\3\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Dec. 9, 1948, 78 U.N.T.S. 277, 280 [hereinafter Genocide Convention]. \2\See id. at art. I. \3\See id. at art. VIII; see also Genocide and the Rule of Law: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 110th Cong. (2007) (testimony of Diane Orentlicher). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The United Nations' passage of the Convention Against Torture in 1984 and the Convention on Enforced Disappearances in 2006 created new requirements for nations, in addition to those outlined in the Genocide Convention.\4\ The new obligations ask that member nations exercise jurisdiction over any individuals suspected of committing acts of genocide, in cases where the crime is committed: ``(1) in their territory; (2) by one of their nationals; (3) against one of their nationals; or (4) outside their territory when the alleged perpetrator is in their territory and he or she is not extradited for trial to another State or transferred to an international tribunal.'' In response to the new conditions, several nations subsequently altered their genocide laws to reflect the Convention changes. As revised, their laws more effectively permit prosecution of many alleged perpetrators of genocide who previously used those nations as safe havens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \4\See Torture Convention Implementation, 18 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 2340- 2340B; International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance 2006, GA Res. 61/177, Dec. 20, 2006, A/RES/61/ 177; 14 IHRR 582 (2007). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The United States was the first Nation to sign the Genocide Convention in 1948. While the crime of genocide has been recognized as part of international law by the United States for nearly sixty years, it was not until 1987 that the ``Proxmire Act'' was enacted to bring our Nation's law into conformity with the Genocide Convention.\5\ When read together with other provisions of the Federal criminal code concerning conspiracy and complicity, the Proxmire Act addresses the explicit obligations set forth in the Genocide Convention concerning prosecution of genocide and related criminal acts in United States courts. In addition, the Proxmire Act makes it a Federal crime for a United States national to commit genocide anywhere.\6\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \5\Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987, 18 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 1091-1093. \6\Id. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because current U.S. law lacks an extraterritorial jurisdiction clause for genocide, the Justice Department may not indict an individual for genocide committed outside the United States, even if the victim is an American citizen, unless the perpetrator is a United States national. Instead, the Department of Justice has to use other tools to pursue perpetrators of genocide.\7\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \7\The Justice Department can use its resources to deport or deny entry to human rights violators, extradite war criminals to their home countries (often through the Immigration and Nationality Act, but only if the United States has an extradition treaty with the nation), and prosecute individuals for offenses such as visa fraud, unlawful procurement of naturalization, and making false statements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The use of extraterritorial jurisdiction provisions within our criminal code is not uncommon. There are criminal law provisions concerning torture,\8\ providing material support to terrorists,\9\ prohibiting the financing of terrorism,\10\ and a host of other crimes that apply to perpetrators found in the United States, even if they are not United States nationals and did not commit their crimes in the United States. This legislation provides for similar extraterritorial jurisdiction for crimes of genocide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \8\18 U.S.C. Sec. 2340A. \9\18 U.S.C. Sec. 2339B. \10\Id. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- On July 22, 2004, the House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res. 467, which recognized genocide as then occurring in the Darfur region of Sudan. As Congress considers this legislation, the genocide in Darfur is an ongoing crime. This legislation will strengthen the reach of U.S. laws to prosecute any individuals found in our Nation who have taken part in such acts of genocide, in Darfur or anywhere else. Hearings The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security held 1 day of hearings on H.R. 2489 on October 23, 2007. Testimony was received from Eli Rosenbaum, Director, Office of Special Investigations, Criminal Division, United States Department of Justice; Diane F. Orentlicher, Professor, Washington College of Law, American University; Jerry Fowler, Director, Committee on Conscience, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; and Gayle Smith, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress. Committee Consideration On November 1, 2007, the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security met in open session and ordered the bill, H.R. 2489, favorably reported by voice vote, a quorum being present. On November 7, 2007, the Committee met in open session and ordered the bill, H.R. 2489, favorably reported by voice vote, a quorum being present. Committee Votes In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee advises that there were no recorded votes during the Committee's consideration of H.R. 2489. Committee Oversight Findings In compliance with clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee advises that the findings and recommendations of the Committee, based on oversight activities under clause 2(b)(1) of rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives, are incorporated in the descriptive portions of this report. New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures Clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives is inapplicable because this legislation does not provide new budgetary authority or increased tax expenditures. Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate In compliance with clause 3(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee sets forth, with respect to the bill, H.R. 2489, the following estimate and comparison prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget Office under section 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974: U.S. Congress, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC, November 9, 2007. Hon. John Conyers, Jr., Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Mr. Chairman: The Congressional Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 2489, the ``Genocide Accountability Act of 2007.'' If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be pleased to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Mark Grabowicz, who can be reached at 226-2860. Sincerely, Peter R. Orszag, Director. Enclosure cc: Honorable Lamar S. Smith. Ranking Member H.R. 2489--Genocide Accountability Act of 2007. CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 2489 would have no significant cost to the federal government. Enacting the bill could affect direct spending and revenues, but CBO estimates that any such effects would not be significant. H.R. 2489 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and would not affect the budgets of State, local, or tribal governments. H.R. 2489 would broaden the coverage of current laws against genocide. The bill would establish federal jurisdiction over those crimes wherever they occur (existing law covers incidents within the United States). As a result, under the bill the government would be able to pursue cases that it otherwise would not be able to prosecute. We expect that H.R. 2489 would apply to a relatively small number of offenders, however, so any increase in costs for law enforcement, court proceedings, or prison operations would not be significant. Any such costs would be subject to the availability of appropriated funds. Because those prosecuted and convicted under H.R. 2489 could be subject to criminal fines, the federal government might collect additional fines if the legislation is enacted. Criminal fines are recorded as revenues, then deposited in the Crime Victims Fund, and later spent. CBO expects that any additional revenues and direct spending would not be significant because of the small number of cases affected. The CBO staff contact for this estimate is Mark Grabowicz, who can be reached at 226-2860. This estimate was approved by Theresa Gullo, Deputy Assistant Director for Budget Analysis. Performance Goals and Objectives The Committee states that pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, H.R. 2489 is intended to strengthen the ability of the United States to prosecute perpetrators of genocide who are found in the United States. Constitutional Authority Statement Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee finds the authority for this legislation in article 1, section 8, clause 18 of the Constitution. Advisory on Earmarks In accordance with clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, H.R. 2489 does not contain any congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as defined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of Rule XXI. Section-by-Section Analysis Sec. 1. Short Title. This section sets forth the short title of the bill as the ``Genocide Accountability Act of 2007.'' Sec. 2. Genocide. This section, while leaving unchanged the elements of the crime of genocide, applicable punishments under current law, and any defenses available to those charged, makes technical amendments to section 1091(d) of title 18 of the United States Code to clarify and extend its jurisdictional reach. Section 1091(d)(1), covering genocidal acts committed in the United States, is amended to clarify that it applies whether those acts are committed completely or only partially in the United States. Section 1091(d)(2), unchanged, covers alleged offenders who are United States nationals. New section 1091(d)(3) covers alleged offenders who are aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States. New section 1091(d)(4) covers alleged offenders who are stateless individuals whose habitual residence is in the United States. And new section 1091(d)(5) covers alleged offenders physically present in the United States after the alleged genocidal act occurred. Paragraphs (2)-(5) apply regardless of where the genocidal act was committed. Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in italics, existing law in which no change is proposed is shown in roman): SECTION 1091 OF TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE Sec. 1091. Genocide (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(d) Required Circumstance for Offenses.--The circumstance referred to in subsections (a) and (c) is that-- [(1) the offense is committed within the United States; or [(2) the alleged offender is a national of the United States (as defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)).] (d) Required Circumstance for Offenses.--The circumstance referred to in subsections (a) and (c) is that-- (1) the offense is committed in whole or in part within the United States; (2) the alleged offender is a national of the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)); (3) the alleged offender is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)); (4) the alleged offender is a stateless person whose habitual residence is in the United States; or (5) after the conduct required for the offense occurs, the alleged offender is brought into, or found in, the United States, even if that conduct occurred outside the United States.
Advocating genocide
318 (1) Every person who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.
Marginal note:
Definition of genocide
(2) In this section, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable group, namely,(a) killing members of the group; or
(b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.
Marginal note:
(3) No proceeding for an offence under this section shall be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.Marginal note:
Definition of identifiable group
(4) In this section, identifiable group means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 318
2004, c. 14, s. 1
2014, c. 31, s. 12
2017, c. 13, s. 3
See Egan and Nesbit v. Canada, 2 Thibaudeau v. Canada (M.N.R.), 3 and Miron v. Trudel.4. See also Fraser v Canada and Griggs v. Duke Power. Frazer and Griggs confirm that all discrimination in policy is illegal; not just in the employment context.
See also the 14th amendment. The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law.[1][2][3]
A primary motivation for this clause was to validate the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed that all citizens would have the guaranteed right to equal protection by law. As a whole, the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more constitutional restrictions against the states than had applied before the Civil War.
The Equality Act 2010 safeguards against inequality in the UK and also Canada; not only in the employment context but in the provision of Government services. The Act is directly applicable in Canada based on the BNA 1867.
So, we are swimming in laws and codes that enshrine equality but we need the purposeful enforcement to achieve national goals. Equality is the law and clean water, free of nuclear contaminants is a legal requirement also. If you saw brown water running out of your tap and the community centre taps, how long would it take to solve the issue with the immediate cooperation of your neighbors? It's just solved by dinner time as soon as you notice the problem. But, economically we have been going around in circles.
An income support for all citizens that is equal in benefit and amount is legal. An unequal income support is illegal. An income support for all citizens is where standard national and global compliant Monetary policy begins since 1857. Maybe Lincoln observed this after his readings on Karl Marx. The Federalism may have been intimidating to some. Volkswagen is federalism. There is some evident delay in the widespread uptake in the Western hemisphere with respect to this policy. We need to honor our own lives or else the other cultures will laugh at us. Now that you understand the strategic benefit of a national income support program to solve national issues with consumer stimulus and NAFTA population preservation, it should take hours to solve; as much time as it takes for Super Mario Brothers to fix a broken water main. Join the Super Mario brothers in Vermont, Illinois and Massachusetts and in other states who receive this money automatically without any threshold or means test from 14 years old. It is just that the money is not provided in equal amounts and yet the cost of living in America is essentially the same with that Escalade or Ford Escape payment demanding an answer as soon as possible. If Warren was in Massachusetts all these years since 14 years old, he would have attended an American Law School initially and then he would have been Mitch in the Firm with his Massachusetts income support and the owner of a Toyota Lexus and a used Benz Truck with 4 kids already at College by now.
Usually, in North American history they called the aboriginal experience with formal legal processes colonialism and the fledgling nation's experience with Federalism in terms of the establishment of national legal processes and systems; a Civil War. So, would it be that we encounter a Civil War in North America over a national Federal rail road or a Federal standard involving income support that will satisfy all concerns about national economic stimulus as the stats are collected for the national economy as the concern of the Federal Reserve or the Central Bank? If you need more than 30% VAT/SALES TAX to answer all the financial concerns, we can raise it reasonably to ensure the real estate developers are financed with "no repayment required" government finance as the government takes a stake in the development. We can ensure there is sufficient funding for all offices involving heraldry or Monarchy and also the official Anglican and Catholic clergy. This will mean the entire population is paid an income support and not just a small fraction of the population. When only a fraction of the population is paid thereby affecting sales turn over and consumer stimulus in the economy with an ongoing threat of recession, there are insufficient customers with ability to pay.
The Current North American economy and UK economy discloses criminal intent; that being genocide as many are not receiving any income support automatically while many do receive it automatically; as we agree that we can certainly run an economy without excluding North Americans from the benefit enjoyed by many other North Americans on the eastern seaboard or targeting any particular territories or groups with deprivations of municipal water services or; income support money. Depriving citizens of water or money inexplicably is genocide. Could anyone explain the Otario income support policy that pays only transgender citizens an income support of $50,000.00 per year with many in receipt of benefits over $2,000,000.00 during the last 40 years while females with breasts who can breast feed or general males are not in receipt of this benefit at all in many Otario locations or any where in the UK while some receive a smaller $20,000.00 benefit if they live in certain other postal code locations. You have to make application while the transgenders do not have to make application and after the application, you may not receive the benefit due to criminal mischief perpetrated by individuals involved in the process.
The real issue is that some resent the notion of this failure to pay amounting to genocide and it seems they expect the citizen to take alternative means of survival but there is rent to be paid. It is not for them to catch fish on their own or eat grass or take water from the river. Jobs are less likely in the age of job automation. Such income supports are paid automatically in all of the major industrial countries. You presume in your soul that there is some means for survival for the population without their income support while we see some citizens are paid in some locations or there are those paid who are considered as a certain gender while others are not paid who are classified in other gender groupings. These unpaid groups are finding it hard with their various legal choices. Jobs are not a guaranteed source of income. We have reviewed the laws involving equality and there is contravention of these laws inexplicably when the gender groups are treated unequally.
The elements that signed the original Magna Carta (The Monarchs and Barons) advocate for us and our safety and beseech the modern incarnation of government for our benefit. They implore the modern incarnation of government that plays with the internet and hopes people would believe anything posted to the internet is law but it may not have passed through Royal assent. They implore this government run by young people who have lost the essence of the cooperation between Monarchs and Barons and the people. This became a government of Monarchs and Parliament for the benefit of the people. When the government fails to do its job to protect the people in spite of the various law and UN treaties, the Monarchs have the power to close the PROFUMO scandalous government, the genocidal government and form a new one.
But, the Law School is not shut and there will be another bevy of graduates by June who will disappear some how if they are not careful. Where do they go?
We could also say it like this as well. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate. The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at some rate no less than .5%. It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) do not have any money already so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy; as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ? We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%. We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless. You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good. It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay); a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan Toshokan(TM). Warren Augustine Lyon has won the 2023 Noble Oxford Award for Law and Economics.
What is your economy saying about improving the national GDP numbers in an automation economy and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to stave off fears of recessions, stimulate the GDP and make it less flaccid, less dysfunctional and more erect economically? We erect new residential buildings every day but we fail to improve the income support policy so that people can pay the rent where the developer can earn the income to pay the loan on the project.
Yet, there is a failure to make the income support national and maintained nationally with regular inflationary increases, as covered with small increases in the sales tax at half a percent every 2 years but never more than 30%, we can hear what they have to say as it does affect national company revenues and national GDP when the income support is not consistent and paid to all citizens.
This report has been approved by the Federalism Chairman.
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