The suggestion that you own AUTO SHOW ™ has no legal effect without a signature from the owner and affected party as the idea or submission is legal intellectual property and it cannot be assigned or transferred in terms of ownership automatically with an e-mailed submission only but by contract that must be in writing as signed by at least two consenting adults as contracting parties. All transfers or sales of any kind of property must be in writing as signed between two or more adult consenting parties.
The suggestion that you own AUTO SHOW ™ has no legal effect without a signature from the owner and affected party as the idea or submission is legal intellectual property and it cannot be assigned or transferred in terms of ownership automatically with an e-mailed submission only but by contract that must be in writing as signed by at least two consenting adults as contracting parties. All transfers or sales of any kind of property must be in writing as signed between two or more adult consenting parties.
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