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The Angel Ronan ™ Magazine Issue.
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Post navigation Previous Post PREVIOUS Read the book of Acts as you could be the child of God, boy. Well, we all could be. If Jesus said the Lord’s prayer every day, shouldn’t you? He is an important fisherman and carpenter who could teach you some Kung Fu and about some submission to Rome. He is the son of Abel. Herod is Cain. If you do what is right, that is a nice girl. If God desires all to be saved and for none to perish, he is telling Cain who is the ancestor of Judas to call no one father except but your father in Heaven. He is also telling you to say you are a joint heir in Christ. This should make you feel good that you have a Heavenly and earthly Kingdom to share through the Lord and with Him But, the die hard Cain people say they are the King of Heaven and Earth or the Queen of Heaven and Earth. A man who wrote this saying in his bible blew up in his car last week in New Jersey. You can say you are a prophet, priest and king but not that you are the King of Heaven and Earth. There is only one way out of this one with our human nature; acknowledge your faults, give thanks to God and ask for help. The Lord’s prayer is much like the Catholic creed and the Confiteor. It helps and then you ask God as a Christian Catholic or as just a Catholic to help you; something to think about in your way while you plan the death of registered Catholic church members simply because they did no go to Catholic High School in a new found resurgence of tribalism and tribal tendencies or gang mentality in Iroquois lands. School teaches you about the Golden rule; all Catholic Schools do. The lack of personal finance in those Iroquois lands encourages gang type groupings but also abuses of the system and the economy favoring some groups over others, affecting the non Catholic High School Graduate. It does not help Catholicism or Christianity; more importantly. It detracts from the Holy Church’s purpose. There is a father, son and House of God. Anyway, the first fuel cell from Aston Martin is out in a month as part of the new SUV product line that will have seven seats in the offering; as rumored. It will be called the Dogood or the Youcan as rumored. It may also be called the Sans Plastiche. It takes a 4 trips or more and three weeks to get a letter from a school where you paid in more than £5000.00 in fees with money you earned from a condo you sold in 1999. What is 4x+1=5? Solve for X. If you cannot solve it, then that is ok. You are also probably very angry. What is a black bitch doing wasting corporate letter head on three versions of a letter with mistakes if the recipient is a black person; every time she has to write a letter for a black person pero me soy espanola? This is criminal intent to deliberately waste public letter head or to do everything twice if it involves a Black person but it is how she mourns her brother’s failed request to re write a property law exam where he brought in to the exam room copies of a graduate’s second year property essays to write the standard property exam. Coldham This is the problem; Catholics and Armenian Catholics being attacked by JW’s for their humble creativity. But, remember your father said that you will not be getting anything because you did not give back your mother’s passport as stolen by your husband Keithland. Larry took the plastic engine protector from your vehicle and says it makes the two of you feel connected. Keithland took your mother’s passport to England and gave it to Mrs. Geronima Arthur, born in Minnesota but assimilated in Jamaica. He was put on part time hours at his job as a result and it stayed that way. By White and Black is synonymous with Neanderthal while European or African or Aboriginal is not. How could you be the only Jamaican, the only White family in North London killing your family over a law degree graduation? Read Maya Angelou’s “Still, I Rise.” Read the Marcus Garvey on the bed room shelf or the poster over your stove where you cooked Curry Turkey last night where you did a Kimbo. Look at your responses; half human half Neanderthal as you need a physical response to your situation that confirms your Neanderthal expectation. If you do not get the response you are looking for, you make a Neanderthal conclusion. There is no discussion here for your emotions but you are screaming essentially so you are caught in between two worlds as an evolving Neanderthal that does. It have enough linguistic facility or genuine honest reflex to take active ameliorative responsibility for your feelings and just call someone. Instead, you break your own nose and get engaged in destructive behaviors, hoping to get attention but yo present danger as you break the laws and no one would have a hard time talking with you. Just phone; and when you are told to do this you resent it when you want the other people to hear your Neanderthal non verbal behavior and join, assimilate to you. There is a story of a Vicar who found a cave girl at the back of Kenwood House as a boy and she would disrobe in front of him. He put her clothing back on. When he was 18, she put his hands on her chest and then they had coitus one Sunday after church. He had work in the morning and had to pay his wagon and horse insurance. She said she had to run back home to her wolf mother to feed her. But, she wanted him to say he was joining them and would be right behind her. He had no doubt it could work now that he used his uh… missionary position on her. He gave her a prospectus about School at Hertfordshire but she was uncertain about how to dress and just maybe thank God with Primark. She went back to the cave and brooded as she enjoined her nonverbal ruminations and resentment that he should just follow her wherever she goes. Hell hath no fury or power before the Lord at all whatsoever but a cave woman’s incapacity to accept herself is scorn and her failure to communicate by some means and make contact is selfish but not hell. He would have followed but, he had to pay horse and vehicle Insurance, time spent on the property he owned and he could sell the property eventually as they adjust as humanoid/property owning family unit. He did not see her until next Sunday but during the intervening days his trousers on the clothes line and his red Nike long sleeve zip neck pull over went missing and also any mail addressed to him was taken out of the letter box at the front door. When he went looking for her near that cave, he found his post and his trousers at the mouth of the cave. She was smiling but he couldn’t see she was pregnant behind the Bushes. She was acting like an Ewok. Then, she hid behind the Bushes and had had to come back again to look for her. He found her Skoda car payment HPA agreement near the cave for about £268.00 HPA per month. But, she pretends she pays £100.00 per Month. This is what the Vicar found her. I just found my dream car….// // In the real story of Loan Survivor, they shot 250 people at night in a village in Afghanistan; four of them from a Hill Top. It looked like Taliban activity as they were heavily armed but they were really civilians, you say. They were shooting men playing with RPGs in any event who had not confirmed that they surrender and nor would they. The General mission was to disarm combatant civilians who would become combatants once they point their arms at ISAF soldiers. But, how can you surrender if no demand is given? The evidence they were combatants is found in the downed Chinook 500 metres from the village; shot down by one of the villagers RPG. Maybe it was them or maybe not. It might have been a mercenary having fun but the General mission objective remains to disarm and subdue potential combatants. Tell me no villagers shot down a Chinook? All are guilty. Persons taking a direct part in hostilities in non-international armed conflicts are sometimes labelled “combatants”. For example, in a resolution on respect for human rights in armed conflict adopted in 1970, the UN General Assembly speaks of “combatants in all armed conflicts”.[6] More recently, the term “combatant” was used in the Cairo Declaration and Cairo Plan of Action for both types of conflicts.[7] However, this designation is only used in its generic meaning and indicates that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians, but this does not imply a right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts (see Chapter 33). The lawfulness of direct participation in hostilities in non-international armed conflicts is governed by national law. While such persons could also be called “fighters”, this term would be translated as “combatant” in a number of languages and is therefore not wholly satisfactory either. What are you doing with RPGs? Anyway, we have a have new mission objective. Aid the Taliban form a government that has formal and informal rules.of law with national police to assist in complaints involving any personal offence under the Pashtunwali. Call the police. Do not take Avengement into your own hands now that you have police. The Iranians will help. The villagers have RPG’s and this might continue until there is a police service in Southern, Ontario that can protect the post with new mail postal mail boxes outside of condo and rental buildings bolted to the side walks that can be accessed by only the Federal postal worker and the addressee recipient. Now in Afghanistan they have an Esso gas station, Starbucks and Samsung with an Arabic bible preached on TV 40 hours a day on one of 10 Afghani channels but No CNN. It’s no good. It is about to be bought by RT so we can have some normal news again. She started stealing his mother’s clothing and his father’s clothing also; and the post. It was all over the cave. It was hard to arrest her as a cave girl and he never really saw her again until he actually went into the cave two years later and he never went in before but she had a table and chairs in there and he saw 7 children and a scare crow at the table with his collared shirt on it. He decided to give her a mobile phone and told her to call him when she was ready to come out of her cave woman anthropology… him half way since we can’t shout and scream about emotions you have failed to summarize….he did not leave but waited for her to phone him as he stood outside at the mouth of the cave….and then they were family for the rest of their lives. Her first words in that phone call were unintelligible…but Neanderthal….wo wo wo na na na wo wo wo…sta na go…. na leav… me me. She resented having to assimilate to the world of telecommunications. She wanted him to just understand and it’s evident that he really, really did. He just needed her to be in contact when she was ready since it was a half mile walk into the cave to find her. There was no need to be difficult. He put her on to They rented a small property. She bought a White Skoda eventually and wore her Blue Bonnet as she drove it. She learned how to sow and cook and he learned to never go too far away again and not for very long. The problem we have is the Neanderthal that is injected with the poison of classism and while he endures his innate technological and mathematical inefficacy, he takes innocuous suggestions from media that might lead him to think white is unequal to black and that maybe he can pretend to graduate, using a black person’s work so long as he is appearing white. Neanderthals, regardless of complexion, do this. What does skin tone have to do with El Cid or Cortes or Rameses? You could also be white but it does not mean you can solve your economy. WW1 and WW2 were just bi-products of a nonverbal discussion on what to do with a Western hemisphere full of people( not all new Neanderthal) who would not resolve to satisfy their own human needs with the economic opportunities before them in spite of the power of automation. See Walter Reuther in Washington in 1959. So l, maybe they gave expression to their concerns and designed an economy that threatened everyone with plastic until the nonverbal Discussion is concluded. It should be over now. You could be white but you are not yet European or African. You are just a genetic mut, still approaching full humanity. The wars clearly involved mostly pale skinned Europeans and pale skinned Africans fighting mostly non European and non African white muts except for the Royals West of France ; with some blacks as witnesses and participants on either side. Maybe you need to be indebted to Europe as you are currently due to some ancestral indentured servitude but you can do that in any case with the current numbers involving VAT and Income support for each citizen being updated to produce a surplus. Many citizens may resort to warmer aborigine climates/climes in Southern Europe or back home in Africa. However, they will support their Anglo domestic economy with spending and interest to be earned on that spending abroad as fueled by the income support provided by the Anglo economy. After the surplus, Send sufficient tribute to Europe and the Vatican to achieve your primarily emotional, self imposed indebtedness. You have been a stubborn Inca King, a York Grendel King, a Herod or a Shaka Zulu; maybe all four. See my Firm’s work in the news. When I attend Court to help any client, I dedicate any of the results to my Lecturer at UWO; Bob Melvin. I also dedicated them to my English grandfather named Eustace. I could say the name Ronan is white and should be owned by a white but then, what is my ancestry? Could anyone tell me my last name is white and that it should not be my name? It’s my name; most evidently. See a photo of me below taken of me lecturing at a Commonwealth University. The Black is the African Egyptian founder in this world and he is also, on the west side of the Atlantic, the assimilated who is still trying to figure out how to move out of communal, tribal Mohican or Seminole or Taino groupings and into single unit families and it’s painful to watch on American TV. Clearly, the girl buying jazz albums like you in Grade 12 might not be as assimilated as you think when it comes to family. She might be a “yard” /”cave” woman who is unprepared to settle down into the convenience of having a regular, available partner to help when the cable goes out or when the cutlery is dull. She had your children, but to this day she has never had a husband. But, she has had many men and a few of your cousins. You have had wives but she keeps chasing them away. It’s unusual; isn’t it? Abraham honored his barren woman in the fight with Hagar who was acting out in her birthing legitimacy while Sarai honored him and their household until she died or went back to Egypt. In the end, he was blessed with a fertile woman named Keturah and they had many children. Register ten children under your name if you can or register them as employees and cousins or help them get a job. In the end, maybe many of us had scholarships and you let your wife or girlfriend ask you every day if you had the will power and strength to put your work before talking to her; not drink and take drugs and fulfill your one chance opportunity. We miss penalties sometimes like the guy on that German team, Bundesliga team and he is the very very best. Maybe you made chilli every day in your student rooming house and kept it in a shared fridge and a stranger walked in after hearing you in tutorial speaking confidently or they saw you and score a goal or make brilliant passes during your game and they laced the chilli with LSD. I never thought of anything like this happening. Maybe you should get your own fridge and put a lock on it. Either way, like the movie Jackie Brown says, you can’t blame her and only you and you alone are responsible for who you are and for what you do in the end. Your school colleague told your girlfriend that you are getting a D just to see who she is and if she is genuine or just a prospector and your girlfriend broke up. Your girlfriend called back the next day and said she would like to get back together again and you opted to agree with her although you offered that you could still get it on physically as friends and no longer talk every day, talking less since you had your school work and you could see each other on weekends. She still called every night. You called back and left a message. You got the work done. It looks like you got a 78% average, counting the top grades over the three or four years. She was ill about inheritance and a D was not enough to stimulate her Codiciaras Anthroplogy but a B plus average was enough. In any event, she robbed the bank, dropped out of high school on the last day of school like her father, she pretended to be a high school graduate, was arrested for this . She pretended to be the owner of a Tim Hortons where she would walk in and just take from the till when ever she wanted. She pretended that she registered a business name for a tutorial school but she never did. Len, All and John, all three, are quite acquainted in St. Albans. Tubal Cain; eh Keithland. Buy a Google Pixel and stop the madness. Be fruitful, creative. After Apple phone, Keithland chose to resent property ownership and go back to so e kind of aborigine informal occupation. There could be a swath of LSD in the plastic or glass screen in the phone. Try the KFC as it has my inheritance in some, the Citizen Watch has my initials in the outer case as seen with a microscope and the £1.00 plates at IKEA have a slight indentation taken from my thumb at 3 years old. You inherited. Leave my family alone with all of your murderous Codiciaras Anthroplogy from the back of the old Manor House where I own the park house next door. You keep putting your urine in all the coffee makers in the building and spitting on top of the milk bottles at the supermarket so that people will do what you want, what you say. But, you are not the French servitude ou’ tu cera arrete’ le tres stupide Sur dans Angleterre. But, maybe some aborigine women want to get pregnant in the church hard for association,trying to be accepted and then they run off to have the baby. Find her in her cave and bring some crackers and some prepared, bottled foods. Just understand that there is or was an indigenous black Afro aboriginal south of the Mason Dixon line. There may have been some Afro Aboriginals that were found in the caves of the Great Lakes also. This does not take away from the depicting of natives in movies with actors that are part Mongol, Japanese or Chinese usually who emerged from the presences of the various Asian populations that helped to settle the West and build the rail roads. Anyway, in returning back to music we see that energy is never lost but transferred and the positive energy of music is transferred to the audience. The positive energy of automation is transferred to the economy in saved time and labor while we pay the musician his wages and we pay the Citizen part of this saved time and labor that is transferred back into society in the form of an income support that is universal and unconditional and currently Worth about 3 hrs of wages as a transit worker/bus driver at $30.00 per hour. It might also be the politically correct way to let the allegedly marginalised groups have some involvement with enough to run a coffee stand or food truck and also choose their own fate with or without education when the money is provided by the age of 16. They can just focus on their more innate musical abilities; go to Juliard and be performers. Did you know much of the Aboriginal black violence among the aborigine Mohican West Indian ex slaves is based on worth since how could you be worth more than them with a public Atlanta library card ? The natives North of the Mason Dixon line did not endure any slavery and although they saw work in a kind of servitude and they did receive the dole/income support. The You should not want another man’s business name as yours. You should want to promote your father’s business name. What is the point of a tough guy super macho candidate who fails to defend the Constitution with all the power granted to him under Article 2?. He left his desk but it was probably his wisdom and strategy to avert a civil war, save North American lives and catch the opponent conspirator in the act. You don’t really want the job that involves defending the American people and you don’t take suggestions very easily from people who have more formal education than you do and maybe you hesitate to see their intentions first and to confirm they respect you but the job that involves defending the Constitution could be yours again but see the point for yourself in that we need to need to immitate the major successful economies of Europe that do not suffer recessions occasioned by automation, utilizing the recession-proof policies that involve an income support for every citizen. But, you will always be special as a winning politician and very few humans on the planet can share that trophy. I have trophies but they are different. Someone stole my law firm files once and that is a trophy when you need to be a law firm owner first before anyone can steal the files. It’s a special honor I have. The thief was trying to defend his story book expectations. Now you want to kill children who can see you ate your opponent’s wife’s poo. Then, he cut off your presidential noodle to have physical authority over you. Then, he told you to shut up and stole all the ballots in some kind of Charles 5th pretender/Grendel Aborigine will to power. But, anyone can do that; any Neanderthal. But, very few humans would conceive of anything like it. The clan was Neanderthal. They could raise a black boy and watch him raise his own children but he should be careful when he comes back from any Military with stripes on. There are white and black men from this clan genome, participating in this evil. They are all dead now. This clan dna was really a North American Grendel that was cut by Cabot in Louisiana to get all of their cave man attention and focus , mixed with a little Haitian French sophistication and social authority anxiety to mask the brutal ways and schemes he might hatch to deal with his anxiety about social authority. It breaks the electoral rules though. You feel like a wannabe Jazz artist from Rochester New York since who are you as my story book black bus driver to tell me anything? You were story book sick as a mulatto and you refused a job as a Pilot when someone said he is more white than you and he was more the image based on the shape of his face and his lighter eye color. This is how you participate in your self limitation. But, you are both mulatto from Trinidad; oh Gosh. It would also be more my “story book” to see you, a 100% Chemistry student, take divinity or Political Science instead. In fact, I think I will emulate Winton Marsalis and conduct Jazz orchestras at the Lincoln Center. Maybe I will create or produce something interesting like Miles Davis; like Angel Ronan ™ Photo Directory. It’s also a Firm that I own with several wins in the Civil and Criminal Law Courts. Would you ever say that, according to your Story Book, your son is not light skinned enough to be a Litigator? The story book( the images, ideas and social expectations you have adopted subconsiously from the media) is a subconscious glass ceiling that needs to be reviewed in your own life to ensure you have not excluded yourself and your kind from involvement in all kinds of roles in society and you might have to watch the Crimson Tide, Philadelphia or the something with Will Smith or Jada Pinkett Smith to update yourself. There is that movie depicted in downtown LA where there is a black District Attorney, a Black Sargeant Police Officer and a Black Cab driver who is not a North African Muslim, navigating a white Canadian Drug cartel assassin and former Newmarket, York Region Officer with one tour of duty in Iraq with the Black Watch Highlanders regiment. Would you ever say someone is too black to enjoy the intellectual property value in his own photos, his patented concepts involving the assemblage and utilization of some existing technologies and also new technological concepts like PRIONS 2 ENERGY™? We are all all a little older now. But, PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™ is not an oil well in your living room but a system geared on using human waste and kitchen food waste that is converted, achieving recycling, into methane and hydrogen to power a fuel cell (The fuel cell 1960’s technology used on old space missions). We have contacted E. On in Europe as well as the Chinese Government for development and have noticed academic contacts of our plans. A raw fuel cell with a hydrogen tank for fuel can power any vehicle or plane. Hydrogen, fueling internal combustion engines are also possible and do exist. Anyway, if you are curious about fuel cells, see how you can use the fuel cell in the Toyota Mirai to power your entire city block on one tank of hydrogen for 10 days. You could buy one in Jamaica and experiment. Gbmf Pick up that old Dorchester Printing company story book again that you found on Goat Island native ship wreck scavenger/ pirate and see how you colored all the images with charcoal from your camp fire, making all the images black but you resist the Black people who can read the book to you and explain what is cottled cream. You say they are not really in the book. After all of your story book resistance of humble, hard working black people who are not here to be your victim, you have the audacity to mention Bob Marley or Marcus Garvey with your big lip hanging down and then you offer Red Stripe beers. You are embarrassing, ridiculous. Would you ever say he is not dark enough to be your son in your Twilight years although he is the son who rubbed your shoulders after you came home from your bus driver job or bank manager job in Atlanta or Toledo and rubbed your feet? The sports car photo below is a free photo. Would you dangle someone in the limited world view or paradigm of your story book? It’s amazing how a woman can commit to her beauty but she has been fooled and misled in not knowing how to commit to her first chance at a good husband when she cheated with the man’s grade 2 former school friend in October 1990 and became a drop out drug addict like that former friend. He was not circumcised and could not penetrate. Don’t trust him with anything. So, now after you complain about what white people do all day, what about what you do, stealing albums in an Italian man’s home after he let you in as one black skinned dna , holding on to the world of the informal, resenting the formal contractual expectations and the productivity of another? Let’s help your cause. How can we help you on your Sojourn through the world of formalities as you Sojourn for the truth? Did you know the Tampons are the abortion? The likelihood of getting pregnant using the same bath tub as your five brothers and two male cousins is very high; an immaculate conception quite often for many between 16-18 years old. Looking at the 10 commandments every day helps us honor our mother and father; and the Lord. It’s also very possible if you hand wash your dishes and do not use a dishwasher. This is just spontaneous creativity of life like what you see in the music and the random energies of life as captured often in music and photos. But, if we have not had an Income support in all the greatness of the Anglo world that is commensurate to the Italian or the Spanish income support, it is because there was some misunderstanding of it’s absolute necessity for economic “recession- proof” viability. No one is criticised. No one made a mistake. In my opinion, the income support for every citizen is not unlike funding creativity. It’s like forced education with the same humane motivations as adopting donkeys. Go to Post NEXT But, often the problem is resolved in relationships with simple communication and not self defeating presumption. It is resolved with appreciation; with caring ( not to be confused with the company of a similar name; Kering). You do not want to be the only man or woman in Tottenham making bangers and mash on her own. No one wants to be the only one making his pasta on his own in Sicily, so appreciate her Kraft dinner and weiners; with beans. The other thing only takes 20-30 seconds anyway; the time it takes to make hot, hot steamy bed time teas. Call her and ask if you can come for a…uh hot drink. The purpose is family; something the cave man struggles to understand. You might say men are controlling but is your husband a car dealer or a mechanic? He may know a few things about cars to help save you quite a lot that you could have used as a 10% down payment on a £70,000.00, 100% owned (no shared ownership) property. But, do what you want so long as the cost does not fall on him or others. You want to say that you will always be right no matter how wrong your emotions may be. But, it would be right for a fishwife or Weib and woman to celebrate your successes as a mechanic, car dealer or as Counsel. You celebrate her successes as she placards for BLM,BLM,BLM,BLM! Choose Frederick Douglass as who could be the ancestors you have instead of a no name slave dead some where. Read all you can about Douglass. She does a good job though with her BLM; placarding but fails to see the importance of black life and human value when dealing with family matters; family matters. If she could kill you in public socially, she seems to think she has achieved her agenda and then she will apologize. It’s not really her. It’s a drug in her food and water. You may make yourself the entire purpose of life itself and take your claim to a right to pleasure as rising above every command in our culture and you might say what are all the fish doing in the sea anyway? But, you are unhappy. But, then you seem to be discontented and suffering from guilt about being with anyone who might knock on your door while the family is out. You say it’s just a little attention, a massage, a little tickling. After 40 minutes of the whole whoo whoo whoo with your husband, why not wait until after dinner time with him when he gets home and be happy? Sorry; not your husband but your games keeper but a very good one. Look; you are pregnant again it seems. Keep running around Romans 7 like an early humanoid in our community of congregations and families for the first time, trying to still figure out his or her conscience. You need someone who will help you keep the purpose. Here they go; I’ll give you a call. I’m glad she pulled through all those presumptions and made a courteous invitation. In fact, I don’t need one. She gave me an invitation.