Luminous beings are we; what is the point of quantitative easing as economic policy that usually involves a zero percent interest rate for cheap consumer loans if 30% of the official population and 60% of the actual population( the unsettled and citizens) do not have the ability to pay? Luminous beings are we; This is not the hybrid technology you are looking for as a Segway to fuelless ID5 technology and you say, "...It's not the technology we are looking for except we have given about ten years of Hegemony in the second hand car market to the Asians." Recorded history of human civilization is about six thousand years old but there are genomes and human activity that predate recorded human history. The tensions we see leading to a kind of Hobbesian Civil War or nation state breakdown and superstate annexation of broken states is the clash of unresolved tensions between the more neanderthal Pangea man's expectations of informality and the expectations of formality in the settled, non-neanderthal human. It's just that there is a bifurcation in the Revlon L'Oréal appearance of the modern neanderthal as juxtaposed with the dichotomy in his more neanderthal temperament and monkey Clepto-maniac proclivities. We cannot have a covert Civil war with these more ancient Pangea genomes over settledness and settled issues within our essentially, essentially LEVITICAL civilization; otherwise we endure a dichotomy that says for example any inhabitants or dwellers in urbane settlements should expect, want and enjoy a front door on their dwelling, their habitation. They should Also expect, want and have an income support. Heydrich says; You are the elite, new political warrior. You are chosen because of your Euro Cheddar Amerindian African Turkish Creole racial quality regardless of complexion, your Hasidic Ideological commitment, your confidence. The EU has cast us with the most important of missions, for the Europeanisation of the new EU state; the old Reich. As the European State Police maintains the safety of the Euro currency and order, we must cleanse Europe of all fugitives who refuse to sign a naturalisation document with a confession online by 12 pm on December --20223, all HOSTILES to the EU state will, otherwise be infringing, arrested. Heydrich may have been caught in what was officially adultery with a Hagar type woman while betrothed to a Sarai type with no womb as affecting his position as a Navy Officer and the question they have is whether it's adultery for the German Navy if his wife had no womb and no vagina. You can have family and take your children to school as you cover yourself and "dignity" yourself and what dignity do you have if you have cannot multiply more than 6x2 without a calculator but maybe you have the authority and we won't talk about it but you will see your authority and authentic ancestry when you are honest. We will leave the door open for you. You are the boss; and you want to know if God will still love you if you judge and crucify yourself as a female deacon for your conscience when you watch morally questionable movies or get a female eunuched stiffy for your adopted daughter who is having your babies and who you want to keep under your total authority even though she could have married a Rabbi's son once. But, you bribe her to break up and she is a single woman in your cave or yard essentially at 65 years old but she carries on. Why does she take the bribery from you and why can't you see the Wisdom of maybe sharing her with a husband and his family as others share their cave woman Hagar. I am not your conscience and you will be arrested for your harassment of my Exxon(Gazprom) gas station account; luminous beings are we! Some popular '90s sitcoms( about Canadian University dropout s in Boston or new York, supporting each as they hope for the big career break) say they are not sure if they have black friends after high school or know any black professional while the other popular sitcoms was celebrant of his more factual urban experience with his black friends, restaurant owners and black dentists or other professionals. But, who says the story book/ the media has to reflect your more diverse friendship experience in Vermont or Holland or lower Manhattan or Los Angeles? This is so just we have cage men regens looking for directions or clues as to how they fit in and they must be afraid not to fit in. We can discuss race, the wheel, technology and identity for a second. MLK came from an Assiniboine culture that was not sure if they have any kind of black people in social, civic positions of authority and also they would say they are not sure where the wheel, as technology, comes from. In other words, he was not sure if there was any Frederick Douglass, Muhammad Ali with a white coach and friends as a Rome Gold medalist and Jesse Owens with White friends as a Berlin gold medalist and Wilt Chamberlain as a 1950's to 1970's NBA star or that the wheel comes from Egypt but...."one day Black men and White men will sit down at the mountain top of brother hood and until then, let's go get some chicken at Rosco's chicken and waffles with a coke....a hah...amen to that brother!" It seems we have a foreigner trying to make reality a hostage until he reconcile reality with his Story book influenced imagination about America where he must read his fear if exclusion into the story as subtexts. He does not see himself as a Pangea black or Pangea Black turned White and must now conspire to take authority over the country and his anxiety and he tells you that he will see the friendship one day but he really means to say he will see his kind as the government; the only as a Creole Pangea Assiniboine man with various other inputs; some more West Indian than others as much of Assiniboine, much of Native North America has been washed through the West Indies for a more syncopated Latino Anglo population; Anglo Dutch French and Spanish Aboriginal Creole! It is his imagination Vs reality and he was to argue with truth. See the Ten Commandments in 1956 with Charlton Heston where they made the artifacts statues Black and the actors were White North American Aboriginal. So, you see the truth and he says he is not sure if he understands the reality of America vs. imagination and does not want you to teach him anything as his understanding is his sense of authority and learning anything from you would be to allow you to have authority over him, he does not want to go to school either or have you teach him anything although it is just the truth of America that you wish to show him with some Black accomplished and some White accomplished people and it's not perfect but MLK was not the first well known Black pastor in America. It looks like we had Frederick Douglass and others. Luminous beings are we; so, where is the universal income support for the quelling of the recessions and the joblessness induced by Automation? Where is the leadership that has a natural Human sense of affection and Hegemony? You can see that race is not the motive behind providing an income support only to transgender individuals in England or in Ontario when Black transgender people receive the monies. It's not about race when black and white people in certain Postal code areas receive the funds and they are living good as they drive through downtown Toronto from Kitchener. You see that even a football coach or hockey coach has a natural sense of Hegemony when he supports the Hegemony of the team he is working for of its Los Angeles or Liverpool or Manchester or Barcelona or PSG. We will repopulate the north with new life lease properties owned by the government and transferable to your progeny etc upon your death; 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes built by the government with ALUSRA ™ home security. Yet, the natural Hegemony your fail to realise in your own Economy is the vacuum that love of God abhors and that the power of God must fill with a foreign population with Income support if you don't feed your own people; even if it was your womb or the lack thereof that must be filled and your meat is your Father's work. Make it happy. There is growth. Do it well. The country needs a GDP my son and this GDP does not materialise on its own in the car yards full of unsold vehicles or in warehouses full of unsold products made with robotic Automation. GDP is calculated after sales. How can you have sales to make an calculate a GDP. If the population does not have an income or a consistent income support for the consistency in the supply of goods and we can improve the GDP right now for the entire country by ensuring that every citizen has an income support. GDP is a national calculation GDP is calculated nationally. It's a shame when a country does not have a consistent national income support policy to ensure a more consistent, regular GDP across that territory. What is 10 different income support policies ten different states or provinces and no guaranteed minimum? This does not coordinate with the agenda of manufacturers and nor does it satisfy national economic agendas for GDP that can be grown with small increases in income support during signs of recession; if any. You can cool the economy or heighten economic activity. Say, Mr. Brogues Tweeds, how are you a teacher of anything to the world if you don't ensure your home economy accords with your teachings, if you don't understand these things? Maybe wars happened when the cave man could not reconcile hsi sense for economic defeat with his need for desired Hegemony and his inability to understand the phenomenon of mass joblessness in its ability to disclose a mass final solution; as seen by Joseph of Egypt. Feed the people directly or give them monies that they may buy and pay for their needs. Joseph, also known as Yuya, was a student of Potiphar and Pharaoh. Who would argue except but Cain cave men or Cora? So, instead of suggesting wars to provoke sufficient economic activity to answer anxieties about down turns and recession, we ensure every citizen at current inflation numbers is paid no less than $1900.00 every two weeks to achieve the darn tooting economic goal. Would people, white and black, really congregate to sit down and hear that? MLK was trying to lead the Assiniboine and other Black and White self identifying Aboriginals to a greater human truth that just focuses on our universal Aboriginal identity and our Universal humanity. The real European and the real African have no doubt the wheel came from Africa. It's like a cave man Assiniboine conference putting brakes on human history and truth until they can accept Mach 3 was achieved by a black Astronaut and test pilot; Ed Dwight. But, maybe we spend too much time celebrating new technology and not thanking our ancestors for the source and origin of this technology or spend enough time celebrating our own lives and what we need as humans in the age of automation and the joblessness caused by this cost saving, job cancelling technology. The original bible, in some versions, say we are supposed to kill Cain where we find him. He always starts rebellion. He is Cora who opposed Israel in the desert. Not every Hermaphrodite is a Cain. If we only go to school to submit to white technological Hegemony, we deny Asia and Russia's role in technology. They do not call themselves White. It also denies the Egyptian role in technology. But, what if it was an Assiniboine Idea , the electronics garbage can that incinerates Garbage all day and is never full and if he is not white Assiniboine, we don't mind as it is Assiniboine and maybe he is a little Egyptian. Yet,this discussion arises when the Assiniboine have a more gutteral anxiety about hegemony and also identity where he has lost his true self in black and white and has failed again to arrive at the "Human" imperative. In other words,a black Assiniboine does not want to see a black Assiniboine design a faster, cleaner dishwasher. Egyptian architecture should be enough to stamp Egypt and Africa with tremendous contribution in the world of technology. We do not need to mention the wheel or the wind mill as Egyptian technology. In hindsight, I have learned that the Beast of no nation as I am that Beast is the North American Aboriginal and he belongs in North America yet he does not want any real North American technological Hegemony or independence. This moment of American technological independence was careless, deceitful and environmentally irresponsible. He does not want any independent GM; therefore. This beast of no nation is only loyal to the Aboriginal and may not even want a nation and causes divisiveness where ever he can. He breaks the laws in France to diminish the French and any French independent policy making. If Quebec and the new world was a penal colony that absorbed European criminals, then in 2020, this gene pool carrying British national passports are now seeking to use small towns in France as a fugitive haven for people on warrants for murders in Quebec or Ontario. It's the Penal colony again for fugitives to avoid Canadian British national justice. They hide in bus jobs etc and live as fugitives. He will support the technological hegemony and identity that most accurately supports his real and imagined aboriginal identity. History does not owe French candle stick thieves or the sons of French domestic workers who were chosen as soldiers quite often. The soldiers may have died on transport ships as sunk by the Spanish. The French people in Quebec are mostly Haitian and represent ships of peasants that the Spanish allowed passage. The Spanish have their own tragedies, sailing to Latin America. Louisiana and Quebec are therefore just optics to obfuscate evident Early Spanish Hegemony in North America. They are not coastal cities and were evidently built with Royal Spanish permission. The experience of the English population and the East coast Aboriginals in the 1600's was a discussion designed by the Spanish who already established connection and friendship with the Aboriginals. The Spanish conducted the French Indian War from a distance, helping the Indians evidently via the English. They may have helped to build Versailles only to create enough resentment of the King and the establishment so that it would eventually come to some conclusion. They aided Napoleon, a Haitian Charles 5th pretender DNA like Toussaint L'overture, become the Emperor of France for a short while. He was eventually imprisoned. He had very little understanding of Egypt and Africa. As a Haitian Pangea man with some presumptuous Charles 5th pretender DNA(King Saul of Israel), he smashed the nose of the Sphinx when he finally visited Egypt. The people of Quebec represent the genetic diversity of the Eastern seaboard and the colonial experience. There is something Malaise or malade taking place when some come to work in the EU. They stab the policy and the system as if they are trying to make the French independent again. But, it's a criminal offence as people may die and they may not have enough education or sobriety to respect their Many-sided Tortious and criminality that might ensue from breaches of the code. But causing problems is not how you demonstrate national pride. Maybe you, as a proud FRENCH, apply the code more efficiently and effectively to achieve the objective of the EU community for the glory of the former French independence.This is not achieved by the causing of problems, leading maybe to the death of individuals whose names you know and whose right to compensation for the denial of material reception begins on the day they make the asylum claim. How many have died and you threatened to kill more in what is your involuntary manslaughter? There is a list of names. Achieving the vain sense of French independence is achieved legally by purchasing a French National sports team jersey or a Citroen which is now owned by FIAT. IacaIftec To make up for insufficient population in Quebec and other New France settlements, the Spanish West Indians were asked by the Spanish to move to Quebec in the 17th and 18th centuries to make way for the English in the West Indies who were given opportunity by the Spanish to take up colonial rule n the West Indies after 1664 as ordered by the Spanish. This diversity in DNA has led to diversity in language, a multiplicity of various French language formulations with old and new dialects converging and it is evident in simple words such as "floor" where you can see the language defies simplicity. See the various words for "floor here with plancher, terre, fond and tapis as examples. But, this could change by convention. A house divided cannot stand. The English know this very well. It might help if they agree to end the gender division plaguing their population and their economies that are prone to recession. At least the French are unified on these important issues of gender Equality and economy where the English are divided. [flɔː(r)] Floor. 1. noun 1) (of room) (wooden) plancher m, parquet m; (stone) sol m; (of car, lift) plancher m dance floor — piste f de danse on the floor — par terre to take the floor — [dancer] se lancer sur la piste de danse 2) (of sea, tunnel, valley) fond m the forest floor — le tapis forestier 3) (of Stock Exchange) parquet m; (of debating Chamber) auditoire m; (of factory) atelier m to hold the floor — garder la parole 4) (storey) étage m on the first floor — GB au premier étage; US au rez-de-chaussée ground floor — bottom floor — GB rez-de-chaussée m six floors up — (on the sixth storey) au sixième étage; (six storeys above this storey) six étages plus haut 5) Finance (of prices) plancher m (on sur) 2. transitive verb 1) an oak-floored room — une pièce avec un parquet de chêne 2) (knock over) terrasser [attacker, boxer] 3) fig (silence) réduire [quelqu'un] au silence [person, critic]; (stump) [question] décontenancer [candidate] If you had to look across the table at someone who was not wearing clothing maybe, who would not wear shoes, who refused money for their family and who refused to feed their people on the basis that while jobs are not guaranteed, the people could maybe just pick pocket others, or pick apples and scavenge yet the person across the table had a Crown on, what would you say if they had no legal identity or personality? Then the person's first assistant decided that he would only provide automatic income support to transgender people contrary to all gender equality laws and human rights law. Vehicular mobility is not a right but a privilege. We need vehicular mobility that does not threaten the water and the air. This is not a debate. So we will have to do it for you. You have to be a cave man that might Care for the environment but you are not creators of technology and find it hard to change technological methodology as you live on borrowed technology really and your ego resists change because it means you will have to learn new things and abandon the old, accept some teaching and retraining. We should not be arguing with cave men on any issue such as this or the income support that makes the market, enables the market for Japanese benefit, American Benefit and European Capitalist benefit. He or She cannot sign a passport as they have no birth certificate. But, they have a Coin on their head and their name on at least one building. They don't really exist and cannot own anything as they are not a registered legal entity. His name is Tecumseh. Maybe you give every citizen and the residents the Income Support today that the transgender receives from 14 years old. That is a good Idea. The neanderthals with the coin on their heads can stay and we will protect them with all of the same honor but we will, most importantly honour ourselves and our lives with $65,000.00 per year in Automatic income support and if we are French in need of French acceptance and a chain of bitterness that says France owes for failing to protect us or rescue us, then we can say the airline ticket cost returning to FRANCE is the debt modern owes is as the French Quebecois. We can be a happy Mediterranean population mixed with a little Verazzano, FRENCH DNA and some Aboriginal DNA. The real problem is the lack of solid identity and maybe ignoring the various inputs that we all enjoy in our make up as we deny our generally mutual and good humanity does not help. It doesn't help when we try to insist on ignorant pigeon holes. The rules have also changed. If you are white and American how can you be talking about car engines unless it's something old and quaint? If you are English and White, it is quite the same. The aboriginal from Barrie and raised in Guyana will tell you this. If they call you black and Egyptian and also educated in North America but also aboriginal, the Aboriginal from Barrie will say he is not sure you know you are Black and a Law graduate while he incessantly tries to scalp you by means of a chemical. What we learned from Abraham in the bible is that not every feminine creature is fertile and can have a baby. We also learned that Egypt had bakers and butchers as a founding world civilization. We also see Abraham multiplied and Jesus multiplied. We see Abraham's miracle is not the only formulation for family though. It really should be Adam and Heuah. Adam had foreskin. It seems there is a certain amount of time God has slotted to procreation. It's not to take too long and there is more time for talking, knowing each other and raising children most importantly. If you need a woman with a womb and not just flesh that appears to be real breasts, the Haitian says you should know your freedoms and God will provide. If you need the right money in Quebec, why start a liberation Army when you can agree that the income support will be $65,000.00 a year for every Canadian or you don't have enough education to remember that of you own a Tim Hortons in Alberta as a Quebecois, the money earned in the bank will still be in the account as you travel back to Quebec to visit your family for Easter. But, without education I am such a flurry of inconsistency. I'm an economic neanderthal. After all the colonial trepidation, I am part French, Tecumseh Aboriginal and maybe a little Haitian with this Toussaint/ Charles 5th pretender DNA. It seems we think sabotage is the path to ownership. There could have been no Ontario without Quebec; no Canada all the way to Vancouver without Quebec but those are very Angry people about all the ship wreck disasters during colonialism. Neither the French and nor the English have any independent car companies. We tend to be the same ship wreck, angry dead soldier Haitian West Indian former slave Pirate people, hoping to threaten the EU. I could make an excellent EU citizen except for my angers with authority because I don't really want to fight anyone that could be partially my cousin from all of those east coast Northern American ship wrecks and we are all part Wampanoag. Many of the real French and real English died during the wars not only in North America but in England or France. It is an interesting thing that the French had no army to resist the Germans but now you have some Quebecois people deliberately resisting the EU codes and essentially killing people in the process. They started a Quebecois Liberation Army to fight and express their hurt about disaster over the many decades of Colonial settlement in North America. But, aren't you free to decide how much income support each Canadian receives, that it will be no less than $65,000.00 per year for the next 30 years regardless of inflation? They have the power to give themselves life and life more abundantly. If this cannot be achieved by a modern English/French country, what is the reason and the motive when it is not only economically necessary, a national defence necessity, a national health necessity but maybe it will just make you Happy if this is resolved since it's a drag on progress and repopulation of North America after all the wars. The money provided to each citizen is like a modern expression of the same defensive intent that was once expressed in the building and construction of a castle wall. You defend, maintain, protect and shelter your people at all cost from all threats; domestic or foreign or economic. If you don't have any people, you don't need any wall. What if you had a wall but no people because they died off due to economic phenomenon such as joblessness as caused, instigated or occasioned by Automation? What if it was not obvious that you had no people when 60% of your current economic activity and the people were foreign as supported with income support provided by other Economies, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or South Asian or North African? What if you are an emperor or something Like that and the evident vacuousness of your circus is just not your fault? It is not so evident with people occupying the territory from other economies. Maybe you are not the economic neanderthal but it could be your Head Minister but your accent is soo Hi faluted that you can't remember there is something not right and inhumane about the economy for the whole world to marvel. You have a South African big belly gay head Minister, pretending to be Jamaican. He is just an ass really but genetically half an old fashioned court jester with a little Hitler through his veins. "Economic neanderthal"is not the way we would describe any Russian, Chinese, Japanese or virtually any Asian economy. European economies also could not be described as the land of the Economic Neanderthal. However, the English Economy tends to satisfy the definition and those of its former colonies inhabited by some people formerly owned as chattel slavery. These Economies tend to satisfy the definition of "Economic Neanderthal" and shamelessly. What could be happy seems occupied by a soul that is injecting pain into the system maybe as evidence of the soul's torture; Charles 5tj Pretender maybe who was tortured slowly and continually for shooting Charles 5th in the face with an old musket as he whispered under his breath "...I'll be you as I have to be me..the King Saul of Israel." The slave with the pretender servant heir (Toussaint L'overture! DNA of Charles 5th Pretender) has learned to impeach the system as he is really an aboriginal who is subconsciously working to defeat this world. Je would there appear as an economic neanderthal and argue with modern economic convention and systems that requires an income support for every citizen. Charles 5th Pretender as carrying Saul DNA recruits them to help him and make him the authority. Joe knows. He calls it democracy after 1700 and his strategies may be in the writings of Thomas Payne. But, he doesn't want any law to encumber him but he will pretend to be a Law graduate for Social authority. The attack is on Europe; however. The French may have died on the myth of a successful fort in Louisiana in what was already a Spanish North America since San Diego as settled in 1549. Much of the DNA coming back to Europe may carry this Aboriginal Trojan and the angry dead French soldier slaughtered on the way out of Louisiana by the Spanish in an on- going French Indian war with the Spanish arming the Indian ( aboriginal). Ellis Island might have sent people back to Europe with this dead French soldier DNA, some of it Verazzano or Cabot with Charles 5th Pretender, and some Angry Tecumseh DNA from North America just as the Europeans used Ellis Island as a processing center for new European arrivals. Some of these people came back with strategies to defeat ownership as in planning to kill owners as they turn 70 with the farm workers planning together as they outnumbered the owner usually and they would just have his children after burying them. This DNA no longer lives on farms and Anyone can have a bank account but the DNA now attacks owners of property and their Financial holdings, strategizing "break ins", illegal access to information and the holdings of owners, defrauding them. It's illegal as they drug them and impeaching them. The Apples phone doesn't help. It is usually theft over $5000.00 and there is no Iroquois strong hold where this will not go unpunished. This 1800's aboriginal farm girl resurrection born in the confirming her agenda is dead now for her murderous, presumptuous intent. Why be a recording artist like Adeva maybe when you look like hee enough to just ask for her cash at the bank and get your cohorts in this agenda to just hand you the woman's cash? It's murder. Doesn't Jillian look like Adeva so then why graduate if you intend to be her? You are not that good man"s wife. You intended to kill his family. You were hoping he would drop out and never enjoy his education. There is no King of Israel at this time in history. It would be inappropriate to Associate the state of Israel, a real a ferocious democracy, and it's Prime Ministership with this. It would be childish, irresponsible and treasonous for any elected official to go down that road. This is so so for the King of FRANCE. The King is the Lion in Metro Golden Mayer. That's a joke just as any politician thinking he is the King of Israel is a joke. God does not want any King for Israel. Read about Deborah in the bible. Did you know Michael Jackson and his family are really from Nova Scotia? Read the bible. There is no King of Israel and don't look for one. If Solomon had 300 wives( he had more than that), how many great great grandchildren would he have around the world? There is no King for Israel again. Jesus was maybe a mix of Saul and Solomon and that is why he had to pray all day to bend his soul right. See Romans 7. He was certainly born of the spirit. I am a flurry of inconsistency but you and I can be born of the spirit also; Romans 7. We are invited. There was a West African man whose father, A Pangea man, fed his son a Chinese man's poo because he wanted his son to be more... Chinese. He put it in the Joloff rice and the pounded yam. They moved to Jamaica and his son always thought he was more Chinese than Anyone else and had a right to your Chinese candy, your Chinese books and your Chinese Kung Fu certificate. But how does Chinese poo give you the right to steal other people"s property. Some of it would have been Christmas gifts. The moral to the story is Judas is Judas even if he eats poo to be more Chinese. What if you raise 10 kids and two are like Judas, trying to get you killed or arrested as they will never forgive you for chastising them in love? Instead they vowed to kill you. Some of the children will quote the authors of the ideas they wish to acknowledge in their essays. They will say Lyotard or Horkheimer and Adorno or they may say Lyon, Warren for his work in economics and law. He is a post graduate in law and a lecturer. He has lectured. A lecturer is someone who has lectured. Maybe he has tenure. Maybe he is seeking a tenured position. The Black guy is a law lecturer. I think Horkheimer and Adorno were postal workers. Maybe they were academics. They were certainly academics. Warren A. Lyon is certainly an academic; see the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy needs where he points out that money in the hierarchy takes first order as it enables the acquisition of all other needs in the hierarchy. Did you know Jesus went to the best Rabbinical school in the entire world at that time; in Egypt? We know God did not make men with a circumcised penis. We see how long things take when it is not circumcised and then she gets pregnant with one drop and then the baby is 7 lbs in 5 months; not 8 months. That vagina tunnel was designed for arrival of children; not for the search of a G ink blot. The Circumcision is unnatural in what is man made. But, you have confidence conveniently in that you know you put it. But, the time intended by God for coitus between man and woman is not very long based in design. We need to correct our minds. Circumcise or rend our hearts whether we are circumcised or not. We know there are certain feminine creatures that are evidence of what God did not create. The woman with the womb is what God designed and can be mated by a man who is not circumcised but there is really no difference whether the man is circumcised or not but we notice men who are not circumcised tend to end up in triangular arrangements like Abraham did in the bible. They are also not man made but they end up in a triangular situation with a woman who can and a woman who cannot rather often. Everyone is really single. The circumcised is man made. Could it be that the English think they are leading the EU to dissolve the EU union with little saboteurs from Danada who get EU Jobs, frustrating EU laws until someone says what is the point of a king or an EU? Maybe the saboteurs are people who applied for jobs that involve EU infrastructure or Directives that may require full EU sworn in training and preparation as the rights affecting the lives of living human beings is quite significant. There is something wrong with acknowledging a right that is guaranteed and ensured and then saying the code does not stipulate the provision has to be immediate. But, it could not have meant 100 days after the rights come into effect. That seems to be a foreigner's spite while he works in a summer job. People die and he gave the rights provision to himself; not the citizens or the affected individuals who starve of thirst, food, good hygiene and safety. Otherwise, the summer worker is a high school dropout from Quebec and he is single handedly bringing down the credibility of the EU in refusing to apply the code to uphold the dignity of human life as the code requires. The code says it understands the preciousness of life circumstances that the subject person faces and the goal is to protect the life in the manner prescribed in the code. Otherwise, legal rights for the failure to provide are activated with proper recourse guaranteed under the code, thereby costing more money in Court forums and with Lawyers because of the deliberate mischief and misfeasance or maybe the unpreparedness of the untrained foreign employees who are not a sworn EU Officer. A border guard applicant is best for this work with all of the intricate code involved. The temp worker from outside the EU state can manage entire subways or drilling rigs and drill holes in the river basin and turn the water brown because he resents the the subway station named after Louis. The pretender servant heir has shown his determination to kill, steal and destroy. He says if people need help, then why do we have to give help with the dignity? It should feel sad. Maybe we just take the tea, the money or the provisions for ourselves and impeach the government like granddad did in Boston. They may not have known the criminal mischief or conspiracy to murder involved in their actions and now some people affected are dead; they are dead...dead....dead because of a Quebecois or two deliberately working against the EU and it's Directives. Case C-79/13 Saciri and others (Arbeidshof te Brussel, Belgium, reference for a preliminary ruling on Articles 13 and 14 of the Reception Conditions Directive, 27 February 2014) Judgment // AG Opinion // Application 1. Article 13(5) of Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers must be interpreted as meaning, where a Member State has opted to grant the material reception conditions in the form of financial allowances or vouchers, that those allowances must be provided from the time the application for asylum is made, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13(1) of that directive, and must meet the minimum standards set out in Article 13(2) thereof. That Member State must ensure that the total amount of the financial allowances covering the material reception conditions is sufficient to ensure a dignified standard of living and adequate for the health of applicants and capable of ensuring their subsistence, enabling them in particular to find housing, having regard, if necessary, to the preservation of the interests of persons having specific needs, pursuant to Article 17 of that directive. The material reception conditions laid down in Article 14(1), (3), (5) and (8) of Directive 2003/9 do not apply to the Member States where they have opted to grant those conditions in the form of financial allowances only. . Nevertheless, the amount of those allowances must be sufficient to enable minor children to be housed with their parents, so that the family unity of the asylum seekers may be maintained. 2. Directive 2003/9 must be interpreted as meaning that it does not preclude, where the accommodation facilities specifically for asylum seekers are overloaded, the Member States from referring the asylum seekers to bodies within the general public assistance system, provided that that system ensures that the minimum standards laid down in that directive as regards the asylum seekers are met. Let's mess up everything and go find and steal PRIONS since who does Warren think he is, suggesting water saving technology? He is black! But, if he says he is Egyptian, then that's ok. He is not just Wampanoag Black. He is a full Human. Well, he is human anyway but I feel the right to abuse him if he is black in my emotions because I feel Kellogg's in his blood. If I feel North African food in him, then I respect him. I am just a flurry of inconsistency and I use apples phone. It's built in Asia and uses old Nazi technology that is based on the mind of an old 1910 North Mountain European border guard who would not do his job. If you did not say you will submit all your dignity to him, he won't do what ever we wanted. If his neighbour said he wanted your wagon, he would do something to help his neighbour s schemes. He was like a stubborn donkey and you would have to come right to him and threatens him with punishment or else he would not just enjoy his job, do his job. It was like a strategy and it started a war when others followed him just to feel a little authority and power. His father was born in South Africa but ran away after he shot a Scandinavian White Pastor in Johannesburg who insisted in better treatment in the Townships for the Bantu people. There was an accord among the countries for reciprocal treatment of citizens of the various countries as to treatment at the borders. The father guaranteed the son it would all end following his strategies and that there would be a war and his son would be a general and they couldn't march to Mosceot to get their ancestor's head back; the head of King Saul. The son was killed by a bear however, walking home from the border post as he was carrying Christmas jambons taken from a family that he and his father killed for the food. The bear smell the food and attacked him, killed him. It took his head off; clean. His son got a lookalike from a detention who was an adt Thief. This lookalike is the Hitler you see in history. He was a cousin of these people and carried the same DNA. The lookalike cousin is Hitler of WW2 history; such a flurry of inconsistency with a little Tecumseh and Toussaint L'overture DNA in him. Let us give coca cola an open door in Germany, Hitler said so we have a little North American hegemony. Let GM come and build and we call it Opel. It could be this South African DNA is Hugenout DNA that was in North America and that was sacked by the Aboriginal in some war of occupation. This DNA mixed with some native Tecumseh DNA was then used to make more Hugenout soldiers over a few hundred years that were sent to South Africa for occupation and subduing of the tribes men in the 1700's and 1800's. The current human population North of Louisiana is not a naturally occurring population. It could not exist without the effects of Modern technology. There's would be no people there really without Modern technology. It's too cold for human survival and for all year round settlement except for a miracle cave very deep with a hotspring. There is one at Swastika in Northern Ontario. Also the phenomenon of a pale skin human in the region is also not occuring indigenously. To make white, they mixed cheddar DNA with Mongol DNA that does not tan even in the hottest regions. They may have also mixed Geronimo Navaho DNA with this Mongol DNA to make White. That DNA is civil and reasonably quiet and does not tan in the summer time in Africa. It also probably orders Toyota; not just that it saves you the cash They may have added Sicilian DNA for cultural accoutrements leading the population to seek Southern Mediterranean foods and flavours along with the food indigenous to the region's people North or South of Navaho. It's just that the amorphous French Language and the English language now adopted by the Wampanoag or the Iroquois along with the fractiousness of skin tone associations divides the Wampanoag and no real Wampanoag would let skin tone divide them. People want to see loyalty to these lesser bands of unity or nationality. Maybe a beer will do. Budweiser, Heineken or Sapporo? Budweiser?; You die. I'm a flurry of inconsistency. My black friend is happy with Canadian but some people say they don't want any educated black people in front of them but maybe if they smoke. But, other languages bridge and solidify beyond the surface of tiny differences. See the movies by Goddard that imply this truth but, what do we really see? My wife just calls me a sheep dog. Would you abuse the sheep dog and make him think of leaving....? Just enjoy your time. Humans cause problems. Humans solve problems Humans make things happy. Humans make things unhappy. You love airplanes and so do I. Maybe you are not offended when you start to read about who designed them or maybe your ego gets defensive if you do read about the designers so you say it came from the Gods or you designed it. My name is Boringstein. I was a Judge in Scarborough once and pretended to be the Chief Justice once to start an Illegal complaint on anyone who really was decisive; not just black people. I pretend to have one leg. I drive an Audi. I am a Trinidadian with Nazi ancestry and I don't want any black people to tell me about Sklar v. Borys in Court. I am a convict. I want his Entire family dead...because they are black. I am really a slave DNA and I never went to Law School but I know I look good. I look White. But, I don't respect any Court. I am trying to manage social involvement. I would like most soldiers and officers to be white. It's a kind of Aboriginal thing although the Schools are about 30% brown. It's just that I don't like people who go to school. It's an aboriginal thing. The general population is about 39% Brown. That is also an aboriginal thing. They have to be Cheddar or Iroquois. Who do we send to war? We send the soldiers and officers. That is also an aboriginal thing. They have to be Cheddar or Iroquois. Bur, maybe the soldiers are not the people causing the problem. It might be second generation runway South African social workers who want to ask if you know what they are doing to fight the system and kill people. It could also be the English and French people mixed with Wampanoag that are returning to Europe as mixed with 19 crime penal colony dna and who will ask you if you could understand what it feels like if people steal your joy or interrupt your Culture when they might get a summer job and read the EU code backwards until there are lots of problems and then they want to know if you will come for them, find them. This is me. I can't help myself and I am white. I am hoping to be a Law Lecturer at Western now that I was fired as any Court Judge and convicted for MISCHIEF and FRAUD. I think Ronaldo white is my son but he is not my son. But, he could be Pele's son. Anyway, a son is someone you raise and teach to hunt or fish and that would then hope to be also a loyal friend to you; not just Someone hoping to inherit from you impatiently. I also offered to kill the Queen and her husband so I get what I want after her husband was already dead in 2018; so I was told. I was told I was the son of the heir so I should get what I want. It's just that maybe Tecumseh is no longer Tecumseh if you graduate from Law School. If you lost your wife, in your anger with God would you kill people with Illegal interruptions in social policy to tell people what you are missing? What if you were missing your dog or a finger or your favourite albums? I lost my School ring at Bounds Green tube station running from Oswald Convict. I didn't lose it really but I left it on top of an emergency alarm. I tucked it behind the white push button alarm where I know I could come to find it. How do we teach our children about anti racism and liberty equality and fraternity? You kill, steal and destroy those who are black and who design new systems and technology as there is a pattern of stolen technology here. Maybe it is between the north and south side of the Mediterranean. I don't know. But, you can buy it for the cost of a half day of pizza earnings at a pizzeria earned over 5 or 6 years. Is it Prions? My black friend owns PRIONS Security. It's wort about $760,000.00 dollars for its concept alone. You can do the rest. Murder is murder. Don't hurt my black friend. Isn't this what the world is like; a double minded guy? Don't hurt my friend. Ok just hegemony confused sometimes and I don't really want to go to school. I should have never read those Nazi books as a Trinidadian white as I do have sex with black women but I don't want to see anyone achieve anything significant in front of me when I don't really do anything. I'm just a flurry of inconsistency when I tell black kids on my football team to work hard in school but I want to steal his father's intellectual property and what is the point of hoping a law graduate who is black would work for free as a machine; be your R2D2 and do all your research or home work. He would probably just electrocute you for being so evil and lazy. You cant make him do anything anyway. He would give you the wring answers and if you want to say you need to be in control of a graduate, then why did you beg him as white people to graduate to honor you? He got an A- anyway. If his nose was more white, then we would leave him alone and say that's ok. But, his nose is ok enough. Yes, we should not kill him for his nose. He is my black friend. Did you ever think of getting an accountant to work for free or a plumber; as an R2D2? We will find you. My grand dad made pizza in Cuba and in Gibraltar. Abraham was the first prophet to the Cave men and in one early Bible it is rumoured that it says the maids of Egypt noticed he was not circumcised when they bathed him before going to see the Pharaoh. Tecumseh is not really dead. His DNA, mixed with Cabot, is the Palatine ghost we see in the Star Wars movies as confirmation of the reverberation of his DNA in our modern world and as it threatens to continue into the future. Tecumseh only wants authority maybe to prevent the spread of the modern world that threatens him and his ways a d authority. Would Tecumseh have to become a child and go to school like children? Cabot only wanted authority. A young person working too hard at a native residential school threatens Cabot. He should just feel subject and down, native. Cabot is the boss. It seems he will watch your career with great interest. Your progress is something that he does not want from the Cabot point of view or the Tecumseh agenda to stop this world and it's march forward technologically. The real Palatine gave away toys and Cuckoo clocks to children. He built schools. He wrote educational programs. He wanted nothing but the best education for children in North America and Europe. Did you know the synoptic gospels are synoptic because they really represent four different iterations of Jesus' diary? Reverend JJ Carter Henry with Pearl Carter Henry came to this realization in his research as a divinity doctorate in America. I need to FEEL hegemony as a cave man but I don't know how to have hegemony; especially over or China or to at least be EQUAL to my father land that follows the economic octagon. Maybe I should do what they do. If they design a row boat without a hole in it, then I should do the same. Then, we are equal. The North American economy tends to have a hole in it. It does not satisfy the demand needs of a modern Automation economy as it does not provide money to all citizens that is paid to them as protection against the Joblessness caused by Automation. I learned this from Warren A. Lyon who has been studying the phenomenon of recessions that seem to occur only in the Western world with consistent frequency just at every new increased level of Automation in the industrialization of work processes. His book is translated into all language on Google. The Entire book appears across various articles on the FSJ website. If you need a hard copy, please write the email address on the website. I might try to plagiarise him anyway since I am a wicked, wretched, lazy man really. But, I can pray for myself. See Romans 7. They say Most Apples phone users are the descendants of dead Auschwitz victims; people gassed. They may have been REDUNDANT West Indian white domestics that spat in food or poisoned foods when they felt threatened with redundancy. There are men with this domestic helper DNA( maybe 40 different dead helper souls like a legion-see Jesus and the man with the legion of souls in him) (Lethalland) who did this to their wives when they were not sure how much longer they would be needed as the children were about to graduate and be grown up. There are a lot of hurting people in the world for all kinds of reasons in their ancestral experiences. But, when or how could anyone aggregate a certain anthropology that is carrying a hurt and that is now hurting people any way they can with little devastating deviations of job description and then maybe someone is hurting and there is a cold as if no one should care but maybe we can make things work so everyone has an apology for past wrongs and we know we can respond in time to save a life. Do unto others as we would have wanted the world to respond to our ancestors in their Joblessness during those times before WW1 and afterwards. Maybe God says build people before you build vehicles. You see the Cultures that have failed to build people do not have any sole ownership of their automotive manufacturing. They have been breaking people and so industry is broken and now is foreign owned. They may have been broken in Europe and sent to the new world maybe as broken people who took the candle sticks or the cutlery to feed themselves. They were broken in the new world and have found their way into all kinds of systems that really could work to help all the people but it does not work some how and people are hurting and broken. So, if it could work every day for every one to save a life, we ask who would every want it to, some how, not work where people might end up dead; as if the resurrected want us to know what it is like to be waiting to find out who will save us, save you? Is this what happened at Auschwitz with those poor broken souls? Someone asked them everyday, who will come to help them? But, we could all carry that DNA. We are all voting and participants. We can save lives; not leaving them in limbo with official documents to carry but no real reception into our blessed liberty, egalitarianism or fraternity. But, officially what really is going on? What happened now someone is dead? If you want $70,000 per year in support in Trinidad, Haiti, Vermont or any where else, you could have it. You could make it work. France is no longer any independent entity but a glorious territory of the state of the EU. So, let's at least have happy people when there is nothing else to say. Celebrate the food and drink and the good ways. If you want to agree that people can request a work permit and maybe other forms of settled status on application, you can make it work. You are equal. But, it could be the Tecumseh within us that would want the system to be broken. Wanting systems to be broken is a microcosmic civil war. We could break it right here and maybe no one will notice, you say as it is not working as planned and then people will die right here as my son did on the steps de le Palais de Justice sans le assistance autant requirer, a besoin. But, we could be happy. The French king is gone. You get angry if people say they believe in Citroen and why would you be angry? Your anger is Anthropology. When did you become French? Maybe we are all French but our families and grand parents were offered jobs in the ENGLISH speaking part of the country many years ago. We find our way back. My grand dad was real French, born in Gibraltar. Isn't French about liberties, egality and fraternity? Citroen is built on a Toyota platform now and it is owned by FIAT. We can build something happy on our Society and that complies with law to save people's lives as required. There is also a callousness that does challenges the law when you know there is something that could be done to help, according to law. Maybe there is a bank robbery from one French world who said she needed more than $40,000.00 per year and that moved to the other original French world but was not arrester for her robbing of the bank. She says she is the King and will find a way to get attention when everything is dead and can collapse if she can do it. She has fled from a Court date in Quebec City in 1998. She has set up her own private police team in France. She is, legally speaking, a French terrorist hiding in a social service job near a Leningrad train stop in a French city. Maybe you try $70,000.00 in Quebec per citizen because of the enduring cold and short summers and a Canadian national friendship visa with France that allows for work experience and that must be renewed every 24 months. No French is required. No job offer is required. This is a proposal because we see Emperor Tecumseh has a callousness toward people and their hurts only to say he does not want any system although there could be a happy system. Maybe Canada could be entirely bilingual French some day when the Benefits on either side of the French experience are equal comparatively and the French language is standardised. Quelle est votre nom? Merci pour votre prions pour mon vie. Fais Tu veut votre ticket ou receipt? Maybe there is one word to communicate instead of 8 different conjugations. That language is evolving or finding itself over and over again. Merci pour le receipt. They have been teaching phrases instead of words. Comment t'appelle Tu instead of quelle est votre nom. The incert and the resist to standardised simplicity (Quelle est votre nom) says there is more time spent in ostracism of people who don't confirm you, understand you and your version of the language but we are honest to see there is need for liberty, egalitarian attitude and fraternity in helping and saving life. There is no law against saving life. Mon nom est...Je m'appele..... ? Did you know champ is the French word for field? Maybe an ex slave like John Adams from Haiti wrote his own version of new world French post 1789. He is the bum, the thief and the half native who engineered the French Indian war to kill off all the French in North America, arming the natives with guns and causing also frustration in the laws until the King would go. He is part Charles 5th DNA who may have died in Haiti in the 1400's and this DNA was dropped into the modern world in a plantation at Haiti and called himself a king every until he started a slave rebellion at 15 years old where he told them all to stop working until they feed us and if they beat anyone to just remember we are more then they are in number as majority rules. He resented being owned and killed the owners if he could with the slaves or natives or the native slaves and took over. He escaped once he took a farm with all the slaves and went to America as he could buy his way, layed low and stole to survive, hiding in barns at night and then provoked the Boston Massacre by stealing English tea shipments with the complaints that they were over taxed. He says we are all responsible for what indignity he went through. He wants us to suffer a little bit like he did so that he is equal. But, we have designed systems so that people are saved yet John Adams DNA resists. He was not really John Adams but a pretender. He was hiding in the corner of the Town square as Crispus Attucks was shot. He took on another man's station in life by killing him, Samuel Adams and took his Identity papers after offering to work for him. Then, he said to Samuel who was half dead under the floor boards at the back of the Adams farm and shop, " I am the shop keeper now and you are the stow away." Then, he killed Samuel's father, John Adams the barrister, who was in Pennsylvania and said to him, " I am the barrister now and you are just the shop keeper." But, this was not so. They also had a dole or support provided to each citizen. He armed and prepared the natives as his private army and told them to wait for his command. This is where democracy started but he did not want to be subject to this truth but to live as the eternal king. He carries Dead King Saul DNA. He designed the powdered face fashion to send his minions to occupy FRANCE and harass the French system and people, carrying the ID of dead French officials who were captured on French ships just north of Massachusetts. This John Adams ( real name Toussaint Overtures) is the Palpatine; part native and part Charles 5th pretender Would he kill a child who reads his books just as his father chastises the child to read them or threatens to disown him if he does not graduate as he becomes a member of the community? He criticizes and attacks and tears down any authority until it is occupied by another or he makes himself the Authority so that he will be the only authority and the injustice; himself personally. He will tell you that things will improve for hours but he is killing, stealing and destroying. All the presidents except for Washington have been descendants of Toussaint L'overture. But, John Adams ( aka Toussaint Overture ) was never President but he is determined to make you think so. He is also now convicted posthumously for two murders. But, he believed he could do anything to overcome his offence. He Toussaint Overtures(aka John Adams) planned a march on Moscow once he heard the name, something about they owe him something. Maybe it is King Saul's right leg as this Overtures (aka John Adams). The king of FRANCE is gone and so is Citroen. Natives resist ownership if it is their property or they resist the Authority and formalities involved in registered ownership but how could anyone own a half native who is half Charles 5th pretender DNA who carries King Saul DNA. How could you? How did they dare? He threatens to kill all of Europe and wants to keep the sense of injustice open by frustrating the logic of simple solutions that could see us all happy. Once the pain of injustice is resolved, where is his movement, his civil rights tirade. We could just make it work with enough money for everyone. If you want it to feel like the king and his system is at risk, then let's say 30% sales tax with $70,000.00 will make it feel risky and maybe it might all fall down but it should work. It really should but we will be happy. The king will find a way to make it work. Wait a minute. There is no king. So, Alor, we will make it work. It's a Republic; remember? It's not a kingdom. In any event, what we see is in direct contravention of law. So, where is the fraternity, liberty, egality if we do not help when we can design a system that does help so there is no sense of abandonment or of being stranded, left adrift? This callousness or abandonment is not what democracy afford from a field of slaves in Haiti who asked for fair treatment and more than that; involvement. There is law offering us quite significant happiness under the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11. Evidently, God does not owe Tecumseh anything. He has enough solutions to solve the real problem instead of his DNA breaking the system to impeach the system; especially right after WW2. In spite of all the solutions where Tecumseh could design a shoe, a burger, a new voting system and a new income support system that satisfies all his Tecumseh needs, he has chosen anger and hate; the dark side is all he is as a Palatine; not a Palatine with the extra P in Palpatine for pretender and for persistent determination from the DNA of a Cabot to avenge the abandonment of the Mission where he was never rescued. The threatening march of Palpatine to get to Palatine is over with his idea that if he says God owes him, he will be covered in his self deprecating, irresponsible sin and self effacement. We have all been hurt in this world. They tend to secretly believe they are part of a clandestine organisation called the CIA that defines itself as clandestine. They have more respect for their commitment to this imaginary secret world then they do to their own jobs or their country. What happened last week when a grade 2 student named Lorent was told he had gotten a lower test result on his final test because his neighbour, where he lives, pretended to be CIA with her apples phone and begged the teacher to help her hurt the boy. The teacher was also Apples. Apples is not CIA. Most Apples users are convicts. Well, I guess I could just follow their logic since we are dependent on Eastern Europe, Russians and China for more population when we kill some of our people with negative Social Support policies. I would follow the logic of the Easter Sea board States. I would follow China. I would follow Illinois but following anyone else makes me feel like I have submitted to them, caved in and turned over although following is the right answer. I think they said it's Tecumseh cave man and Napoleon DNA in me. Maybe Jesus knew what was in men because he was conceived with some Solomon DNA, some Saul DNA and some Cain and Abel DNA so that he could see the war within men but chose to pray himself out of it moment by moment and ask for the Holy Spirit to help. I am not him but I am trying to be like him. Sometimes I just so things, thinking about white Hegemony. I tried to register PRIONS ™ and ANGEL RONAN ™. I stole the files and figured that peolet would understand that it's just that he is black. I have been arrested and convicted. I would like to go to Cheese School and understand this PRIONS ™. It's a good idea. But, it's someone else's idea. I know. I just found out "PRIONS" is the word for prayer in French. This is unique. I don't know what I did when I claimed to own the ideas he associated and branded PRIONS™. But, I understand. He owns it. I just got back from the Dojo where I am studying the martial arts Octagon with other whites. I study it all day yet I notice the North American economy does not respect the Japanese Economic Octagon or the Chinese Economic Octagon. We are defeated no matter how many SR 72"s they may build to prop up our imagination in spite of our Economic self defeat which is our military self defeat. The point of the octagon is self defense. The economic octagon would be to defend your population against the recurring forces of Automation that cause recession as the Automation causes Joblessness in that Automation puts people out of work. When people are out of work, they cannot buy the goods. A certain amount of guaranteed income support is the solution to alleviate the impact of Automation on the population and until every citizen has an income support, there is no point in that flag being identified as the flag of a going concern. It's dead from the inside. This is so no matter how many F35's may line up on the eastern seaboard or the western seaboard. You are only defending your sovereignty in the right to quietly observe the death of your population and economy. You argued with the Russians in 1910km this issue when they told you to set up a national income support program and then you argued with the Chinese in the 1930's. They identified the problem as an aboriginal slave population mixed with Napoleon DNA that is set on revenge against property and property ownership that seems to think it will starve itself in an economic blackmail until it gets them to the Wizard of Oz, the Great authority, the great emperor or the Pharaohs that started this whole global culture to say "....look at what you did to me!" But, the Pharaohs never beat anyone. An English man might have or something else. What I did is deceitful and Illegal; in trying to register PRIONS ™. It's another man's idea and his prayer. It's the Cain in me, the pirate in me. It's evil to try and steal another person's prayer. "PRIONS" is the word for prayer in French. There is a word for this in every language, colour and culture. Cain could be any skin tone today but he was originally African (black) and so was Adam and Seti(Seth). Charlton Heston was a white Mises but his skin tone does not satisfy historical truth. He did a good job though. We thank God for his Baritone portrayal. We see Cain today as based on his or temperament. I am like the devil without horns. When you look at me, you are fooled. I don't really believe in property ownership. I killed my ex wife after the smart phone I bought since she was a real estate agent and I detest the idea of buying and selling real estate. She kept saying she was not my super woman, that she was not that kind of girl that you could put down and think that everything is ok. I took her teeth and her hair. She broke up and then kept asking after smart phone why I would not just love her. I got involved with someone who shares my aboriginal mind on property ownership. We should be able to just take what we say we want. I am white Aboriginal; not European. This is what happened to the Aboriginal when first in contact with Europe. My skin is white but I am still aboriginal and I fight anything that is called property and ownership. I know I don't add up. I am a convict and used to be a police officer. Some how, I just want someone dead for PRIONS for my own ego, for my Aboriginal pains; as a North American. They have a word for it in every language. It's called covetousness. But, what provokes me when I hear of new technologies proposed by a black person vs. a white person?But, maybe this is an African so that is ok. Otherwise, I think I about he able to steal it and the man from Africa who designed the wheel and axle in Egypt, if I could see him I dont know what I would do. I am so angry that they brought me out of my Aboriginal White nature but there is a European servant DNA in me that must have offered his leg to be accepted by his European master and then they mixed this DNA with the North American Aboriginal to create a more subdued and pliant, assimilated Native in a few generations. I am like a man who pretends to have gone to law school and then wants to kill any real black law graduate as I must be an ex slave; first name William. My last name is Jefferson. I am a loser really. Maybe I can do some good and demand that North Americans will all have an income support of no less than $60,000.00 per year. I know young people respect me as a public figure and they show this respect by graduating. Then, I got ILL on Apple phone. But essentially what provokes me when I hear about new technology proposed by black people vs. white people is my subjugation again to a Black Moor, a Black Tudor or a Black Berber. The Pilgrims were not all White. But, African or black or not these Black Europeans participated in the slavery of North American Aboriginals who are white or maybe black today. Some are called mixed. I am part Wampanoag and they say there was no African slavery. We are the black. We are the imaginary African sent over and the further South you go, approaching Virginia the original people before the Europeans came were as Black as any Nigeria. This story about African slavery did not begin until WW1 according to the evidence from my Wampanoag elders. There has been a real enslavement of the imagination of the people of North America dipped in deceit and the fabrication of slave pens in Ghana was part of the whole process to solidify some idiot's story when he couldn't see how else Black people or African looking Aboriginal people could end up in North America. They should look like the story book or like Indians as Teddy Roosevelt would call them when some Aboriginals from Minnesota, where he was from, started looking Indian with Chinese rail road worker DNA. There is a Wampanoag testimony about their enslavement by the Europeans; not the Spanish but the English. The Spanish had come also before the English. They never left some people to inter breed with the Wampanoag. Originally, they looked like Geronimo as we knew him in a photo; not as pale skin as the Wampanoag descendants are today who are Olive in tone as mixed with Irish or Sicilian DNA. Essentially, Nat Turner could have been a Wampanoag and sort of Afro while also resistant to property ownership as a former slave. Many were afro when the Pilgrims landed. Then, they became Afro Wampanoag pilgrims. My anger, therefore, is Aboriginal-ism and there are some White people who agree with me. White has to be distinguished from European when it was a North American native psychology for natives that were no longer evidently physically native but also not anything else but a bag of Quaker Oats and molasses for culture; not Jewish and not Italian or Northern European in custom but just White Wampanoag in 5 generations after 1520 and Verazzano's landing. White might be Snow White or a brown headed Marilyn but culturally crude or as sophisticated as Kellogg's Cereal with Betty Crocker Mix and closer esthetically to West Side Story and Gone with the Wind than Fiddler on the Roof or the Ten Commandments. If I was the Emperor of the world, my Aboriginal mind would be just as determined to reset, resent and frustrate property ownership and ignorant about black and white skin in history for my need to feel hegemony. I thank him for his PRIONS (prayerful Ideas) and for his belief as he sees that the only technology we need going forward is the technology that respects the final denominator in the decision making processes involving energy for vehicles and our lives in general and that is to build and utilise technology that ensures our mutual human long term survival; for his Prions De Foi pour le monde avec nouveau technologies. Je remercier Dieu. I will be a pastor now and hopefully, I won't kill people who attend my church that own property. I will try to control myself. What I really like is that a man who repents of all of his murders or most of his murders and then starts preaching and teaching about God who also looks like me is a hero like Paul; a man with social authority also; image. Image is everything. I still kill when I don't know if you understand my authority. Do you know who I am? Just don't own anything in front of me. But, you can read about Abraham and how his faith multiplied him and his property if you want. Just don't own any property in front of me. We are all God's work in progress; that if we kill and kill again nice people like him, Cain proves the gospel when if we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful to forgive us cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. See 1st John 1:9. Let us love God as we kill, steal and destroy people who think they can design things, design ideas and concepts in front of us; Karl Kanai. They sell shoes now with his name on it all over the world; running shoes, benefiting from his good will. I think he was murdered because he thought he could design and sell clothing. He was black. I don't expect it. But, maybe it's the attention and the independence I resent since it says he could have been my owner's son. That is like a....European, Russian, Asian or like African. Martin Luther King agrees with me that maybe one day, black people and white people will sit down at the table of brotherhood. He agrees with me because he was a foreigner to North America like me, a West Indian at birth and white Aboriginal or black Aboriginal and he did not know the history of Frederick Douglass or Anthony Johnson any more than I did. As West Indian, we have media expectations of America that do not accord with the truth of America. We come to America and say America should change to fit me and my ignorance. This is the proof of the Bahamian, Jamaican and West Indian surrogate population that arrived to America after WW2 to help repopulate as many families were totally decimated by the war. We are not looking for a day when Black men and white men will be equal. But, we might understand the imbalances in the world to satisfy someone's media induced ignorance. It could be a white African born with Tecumseh DNA and Napoleon DNA like Hitler sort of. The African is innocent but the Berber, the Roman and the Moor is not.l although they are multi generational ancient Europeans now. Then, there are some black people with Tecumseh DNA who are not African but who reason there way through life as agents of the ignorant white; not the intelligent white teachers and lecturers who love Good ,good good black students and graduates. This Tecumseh black thinks the whites will help them in harassing that graduate black in her beliefs that all the white people don't want that kind of black. Why would they not want a black qui est Prions pour le monde et le famille. The Moors, Berbers and Romans with the Egyptians are responsible for the toilet I use to express our mutual humanity. But, if you worked for a black man President as a white man VP, you might say your personal sense of shame entitles you to a guaranteed Presidency job for GM but not to be a terrorist as you ask people to do what you say contrary to law. You weren't working for a black man but the children of America who can see what you did. When they play games, they now cut their friend's father's car tires if they lose because that is what you do. Your quiet illegal occupation of the office should be enough. Let the government do it's work. There are problems that need solving like new fuel regulations and an Income support system that supports the American population, the general car industry and the all retailers generally so that the North American is just as defended as as any Russian or Asian or European from the forces of Automation that cause joblessness since the American is nothing really in this world but consumers of fine European products, Russian products and Asian products, primarily Automotive products. That would be to send us backward to time that never existed and establishes an ignorance. They have always been equal. But, I don't know history enough. It is just that some white aboriginal men in the West Indies were chattel slaves ancestrally like black Aboriginal men. Africans and Europeans were not enslaved but may have been servants under indenture or in paid bon servitude; tres bien. The end result of the civil rights movement is the official acknowledgement of aboriginal rights in the black nomenclature that helped the white relatives calm down although all citizens were really already legally protected under the constitution. It's really REDUNDANT to have a black rights act since citizenry grants the right regardless of colour except the racially sick may have needed some reinforced confirmation from the government that the black is a citizen and protected from by law. Who knows why. Maybe it was an unusual clan of white West Indians that had migrated to America and brought their ignorance about America with them and this problem is why Martin Luther King had to exist. If he was born in Massachusetts, I doubt he would have been a Civil Rights worker where in the North, the black always had his equality. He probably would have owned a McDonald's. Up there, they know George Washington was really a Black ENGLISH Tudor Great grand son. So, there is now an answer. The people of Pangaea, that is the people who existed in the one great continent before the continents divided, is an evidentiary grouping that still may be emerging from caves into languages and cultures such as African. The people of Pangea went east and west and were both Brown and Black. The people on the east side became African, developing wheels, chairs, chariots and lots of cool technology that we have expounded upon in North America as well as African and Europe; and the people on the west side became North American Aboriginal. Anyway, my black friend says the Greatest way to honor your mother and father is to commit and prepare to raise another generation to honor them and to honor God. God will send the right person with whom you can cooperate. It might mean you get a reasonable education so you can defend yourself and your children from the unscrupulous. It might mean that you watch Walt Disney more and get the TV App vs. other offerings. It might mean you go to church a little bit. This is my subconscious, gut reaction deep war. Some put photos on the internet that he has photographed and thinks he can sell them like But, he is black I thought because he went to a Northern American school. But, he is Arab. He is really Arab. Why does he think his ownership of the photo will be respected? I stole a job interview letter once since I resented my room mate's accomplishments, his feelings of accomplishment as I follow the Saul and Judas ways deep within my soul. But, I can repent in public and have social authority as a preacher more than him and judge him if he does not listen only to gospel as I say classical music or jazz is the devil music, judging him. This is fair. Everyone who shows up to the Lord gets the same blessing as also David was a murderer. Then, it does not say there is no consequence to sin. Read Jude. Read Psalms 52. But, you are forgiven. But , I am like a man who has considered himself, then I go away and forget immediately what manner of evil man I am. James 1:24 GNV As a kid, I used to break my neighbor's toys if they left me around their toys alone for a second. I have judged myself. James 1:24 GNV All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I am really dead now. I tried to register Prions™ six times. I suggest you leave PRIONS™, Angel Ronan™ and Entwerfen ™ alone. There is a movie that confirms how I may have come to exist with such an unusual dichotomy of propensities; Gattaca 2 where children are conceived and grown in buildings in a world where they are also born naturally. My propensities are closer to the Aboriginals who burned down the towns on the outskirts of Boston for years and damaged the rail roads or vehicles,also my son's vehicle by putting. A bag with a battery on a car engine hood to burn the alternator. I did it to my son's black Passat and also to his Honda. But I also want to be a police officer but I don't want to go to school and I don't want to buy or own any property and O don't really want any European pet to tell me anything but I want to, need to be accepted. So, I wear a Zeppelin ™ watch; not an American brand and then I have my look that kind of says Irish I suppose. I don't know if this what they really wanted. But, how can I argue with a job. I have a job. I will preach the gospel. That is the vocational propensity that I have. Warren A. Lyon, FSJ
Luminous beings are we; what is the point of quantitative easing as economic policy that usually involves a zero percent interest rate for cheap consumer loans if 30% of the official population and 60% of the actual population( the unsettled and citizens) do not have the ability to pay?
Luminous beings are we; This is not the hybrid technology you are looking for as a Segway to fuelless ID5 technology and you say, "...It's not the technology we are looking for except we have given about ten years of Hegemony in the second hand car market to the Asians."
Recorded history of human civilization is about six thousand years old but there are genomes and human activity that predate recorded human history. The tensions we see leading to a kind of Hobbesian Civil War or nation state breakdown and superstate annexation of broken states is the clash of unresolved tensions between the more neanderthal Pangea man's expectations of informality and the expectations of formality in the settled, non-neanderthal human. It's just that there is a bifurcation in the Revlon L'Oréal appearance of the modern neanderthal as juxtaposed with the dichotomy in his more neanderthal temperament and monkey Clepto-maniac proclivities. We cannot have a covert Civil war with these more ancient Pangea genomes over settledness and settled issues within our essentially, essentially LEVITICAL civilization; otherwise we endure a dichotomy that says for example any inhabitants or dwellers in urbane settlements should expect, want and enjoy a front door on their dwelling, their habitation. They should Also expect, want and have an income support.
Heydrich says;
You are the elite, new political warrior. You are chosen because of your Euro Cheddar Amerindian African Turkish Creole racial quality regardless of complexion, your Hasidic Ideological commitment, your confidence. The EU has cast us with the most important of missions, for the Europeanisation of the new EU state; the old Reich. As the European State Police maintains the safety of the Euro currency and order, we must cleanse Europe of all fugitives who refuse to sign a naturalisation document with a confession online by 12 pm on December --20223, all HOSTILES to the EU state will, otherwise be infringing, arrested.
Heydrich may have been caught in what was officially adultery with a Hagar type woman while betrothed to a Sarai type with no womb as affecting his position as a Navy Officer and the question they have is whether it's adultery for the German Navy if his wife had no womb and no vagina. You can have family and take your children to school as you cover yourself and "dignity" yourself and what dignity do you have if you have cannot multiply more than 6x2 without a calculator but maybe you have the authority and we won't talk about it but you will see your authority and authentic ancestry when you are honest. We will leave the door open for you. You are the boss; and you want to know if God will still love you if you judge and crucify yourself as a female deacon for your conscience when you watch morally questionable movies or get a female eunuched stiffy for your adopted daughter who is having your babies and who you want to keep under your total authority even though she could have married a Rabbi's son once. But, you bribe her to break up and she is a single woman in your cave or yard essentially at 65 years old but she carries on. Why does she take the bribery from you and why can't you see the Wisdom of maybe sharing her with a husband and his family as others share their cave woman Hagar. I am not your conscience and you will be arrested for your harassment of my Exxon(Gazprom) gas station account; luminous beings are we!
Some popular '90s sitcoms( about Canadian University dropout s in Boston or new York, supporting each as they hope for the big career break) say they are not sure if they have black friends after high school or know any black professional while the other popular sitcoms was celebrant of his more factual urban experience with his black friends, restaurant owners and black dentists or other professionals. But, who says the story book/ the media has to reflect your more diverse friendship experience in Vermont or Holland or lower Manhattan or Los Angeles? This is so just we have cage men regens looking for directions or clues as to how they fit in and they must be afraid not to fit in.
We can discuss race, the wheel, technology and identity for a second. MLK came from an Assiniboine culture that was not sure if they have any kind of black people in social, civic positions of authority and also they would say they are not sure where the wheel, as technology, comes from. In other words, he was not sure if there was any Frederick Douglass, Muhammad Ali with a white coach and friends as a Rome Gold medalist and Jesse Owens with White friends as a Berlin gold medalist and Wilt Chamberlain as a 1950's to 1970's NBA star or that the wheel comes from Egypt but...."one day Black men and White men will sit down at the mountain top of brother hood and until then, let's go get some chicken at Rosco's chicken and waffles with a coke....a hah...amen to that brother!" It seems we have a foreigner trying to make reality a hostage until he reconcile reality with his Story book influenced imagination about America where he must read his fear if exclusion into the story as subtexts. He does not see himself as a Pangea black or Pangea Black turned White and must now conspire to take authority over the country and his anxiety and he tells you that he will see the friendship one day but he really means to say he will see his kind as the government; the only as a Creole Pangea Assiniboine man with various other inputs; some more West Indian than others as much of Assiniboine, much of Native North America has been washed through the West Indies for a more syncopated Latino Anglo population; Anglo Dutch French and Spanish Aboriginal Creole! It is his imagination Vs reality and he was to argue with truth. See the Ten Commandments in 1956 with Charlton Heston where they made the artifacts statues Black and the actors were White North American Aboriginal. So, you see the truth and he says he is not sure if he understands the reality of America vs. imagination and does not want you to teach him anything as his understanding is his sense of authority and learning anything from you would be to allow you to have authority over him, he does not want to go to school either or have you teach him anything although it is just the truth of America that you wish to show him with some Black accomplished and some White accomplished people and it's not perfect but MLK was not the first well known Black pastor in America. It looks like we had Frederick Douglass and others.
Luminous beings are we; so, where is the universal income support for the quelling of the recessions and the joblessness induced by Automation? Where is the leadership that has a natural Human sense of affection and Hegemony? You can see that race is not the motive behind providing an income support only to transgender individuals in England or in Ontario when Black transgender people receive the monies. It's not about race when black and white people in certain Postal code areas receive the funds and they are living good as they drive through downtown Toronto from Kitchener. You see that even a football coach or hockey coach has a natural sense of Hegemony when he supports the Hegemony of the team he is working for of its Los Angeles or Liverpool or Manchester or Barcelona or PSG. We will repopulate the north with new life lease properties owned by the government and transferable to your progeny etc upon your death; 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes built by the government with ALUSRA ™ home security. Yet, the natural Hegemony your fail to realise in your own Economy is the vacuum that love of God abhors and that the power of God must fill with a foreign population with Income support if you don't feed your own people; even if it was your womb or the lack thereof that must be filled and your meat is your Father's work. Make it happy. There is growth. Do it well.
The country needs a GDP my son and this GDP does not materialise on its own in the car yards full of unsold vehicles or in warehouses full of unsold products made with robotic Automation. GDP is calculated after sales. How can you have sales to make an calculate a GDP. If the population does not have an income or a consistent income support for the consistency in the supply of goods and we can improve the GDP right now for the entire country by ensuring that every citizen has an income support. GDP is a national calculation GDP is calculated nationally. It's a shame when a country does not have a consistent national income support policy to ensure a more consistent, regular GDP across that territory. What is 10 different income support policies ten different states or provinces and no guaranteed minimum? This does not coordinate with the agenda of manufacturers and nor does it satisfy national economic agendas for GDP that can be grown with small increases in income support during signs of recession; if any. You can cool the economy or heighten economic activity. Say, Mr. Brogues Tweeds, how are you a teacher of anything to the world if you don't ensure your home economy accords with your teachings, if you don't understand these things? Maybe wars happened when the cave man could not reconcile hsi sense for economic defeat with his need for desired Hegemony and his inability to understand the phenomenon of mass joblessness in its ability to disclose a mass final solution; as seen by Joseph of Egypt. Feed the people directly or give them monies that they may buy and pay for their needs. Joseph, also known as Yuya, was a student of Potiphar and Pharaoh. Who would argue except but Cain cave men or Cora? So, instead of suggesting wars to provoke sufficient economic activity to answer anxieties about down turns and recession, we ensure every citizen at current inflation numbers is paid no less than $1900.00 every two weeks to achieve the darn tooting economic goal.
Would people, white and black, really congregate to sit down and hear that? MLK was trying to lead the Assiniboine and other Black and White self identifying Aboriginals to a greater human truth that just focuses on our universal Aboriginal identity and our Universal humanity. The real European and the real African have no doubt the wheel came from Africa.
It's like a cave man Assiniboine conference putting brakes on human history and truth until they can accept Mach 3 was achieved by a black Astronaut and test pilot; Ed Dwight. But, maybe we spend too much time celebrating new technology and not thanking our ancestors for the source and origin of this technology or spend enough time celebrating our own lives and what we need as humans in the age of automation and the joblessness caused by this cost saving, job cancelling technology.
The original bible, in some versions, say we are supposed to kill Cain where we find him. He always starts rebellion. He is Cora who opposed Israel in the desert. Not every Hermaphrodite is a Cain. If we only go to school to submit to white technological Hegemony, we deny Asia and Russia's role in technology. They do not call themselves White. It also denies the Egyptian role in technology. But, what if it was an Assiniboine Idea , the electronics garbage can that incinerates Garbage all day and is never full and if he is not white Assiniboine, we don't mind as it is Assiniboine and maybe he is a little Egyptian. Yet,this discussion arises when the Assiniboine have a more gutteral anxiety about hegemony and also identity where he has lost his true self in black and white and has failed again to arrive at the "Human" imperative. In other words,a black Assiniboine does not want to see a black Assiniboine design a faster, cleaner dishwasher.
In hindsight, I have learned that the Beast of no nation as I am that Beast is the North American Aboriginal and he belongs in North America yet he does not want any real North American technological Hegemony or independence. This moment of American technological independence was careless, deceitful and environmentally irresponsible. He does not want any independent GM; therefore. This beast of no nation is only loyal to the Aboriginal and may not even want a nation and causes divisiveness where ever he can. He breaks the laws in France to diminish the French and any French independent policy making. If Quebec and the new world was a penal colony that absorbed European criminals, then in 2020, this gene pool carrying British national passports are now seeking to use small towns in France as a fugitive haven for people on warrants for murders in Quebec or Ontario. It's the Penal colony again for fugitives to avoid Canadian British national justice. They hide in bus jobs etc and live as fugitives. He will support the technological hegemony and identity that most accurately supports his real and imagined aboriginal identity. History does not owe French candle stick thieves or the sons of French domestic workers who were chosen as soldiers quite often. The soldiers may have died on transport ships as sunk by the Spanish. The French people in Quebec are mostly Haitian and represent ships of peasants that the Spanish allowed passage. The Spanish have their own tragedies, sailing to Latin America. Louisiana and Quebec are therefore just optics to obfuscate evident Early Spanish Hegemony in North America. They are not coastal cities and were evidently built with Royal Spanish permission. The experience of the English population and the East coast Aboriginals in the 1600's was a discussion designed by the Spanish who already established connection and friendship with the Aboriginals. The Spanish conducted the French Indian War from a distance, helping the Indians evidently via the English. They may have helped to build Versailles only to create enough resentment of the King and the establishment so that it would eventually come to some conclusion. They aided Napoleon, a Haitian Charles 5th pretender DNA like Toussaint L'overture, become the Emperor of France for a short while. He was eventually imprisoned. He had very little understanding of Egypt and Africa. As a Haitian Pangea man with some presumptuous Charles 5th pretender DNA(King Saul of Israel), he smashed the nose of the Sphinx when he finally visited Egypt. The people of Quebec represent the genetic diversity of the Eastern seaboard and the colonial experience. There is something Malaise or malade taking place when some come to work in the EU. They stab the policy and the system as if they are trying to make the French independent again. But, it's a criminal offence as people may die and they may not have enough education or sobriety to respect their Many-sided Tortious and criminality that might ensue from breaches of the code.
But causing problems is not how you demonstrate national pride. Maybe you, as a proud FRENCH, apply the code more efficiently and effectively to achieve the objective of the EU community for the glory of the former French independence.This is not achieved by the causing of problems, leading maybe to the death of individuals whose names you know and whose right to compensation for the denial of material reception begins on the day they make the asylum claim. How many have died and you threatened to kill more in what is your involuntary manslaughter? There is a list of names. Achieving the vain sense of French independence is achieved legally by purchasing a French National sports team jersey or a Citroen which is now owned by FIAT. IacaIftec
To make up for insufficient population in Quebec and other New France settlements, the Spanish West Indians were asked by the Spanish to move to Quebec in the 17th and 18th centuries to make way for the English in the West Indies who were given opportunity by the Spanish to take up colonial rule n the West Indies after 1664 as ordered by the Spanish. This diversity in DNA has led to diversity in language, a multiplicity of various French language formulations with old and new dialects converging and it is evident in simple words such as "floor" where you can see the language defies simplicity. See the various words for "floor here with plancher, terre, fond and tapis as examples. But, this could change by convention. A house divided cannot stand. The English know this very well. It might help if they agree to end the gender division plaguing their population and their economies that are prone to recession. At least the French are unified on these important issues of gender Equality and economy where the English are divided.
[flɔː(r)] Floor.
1) (of room) (wooden) plancher m, parquet m; (stone) sol m; (of car, lift) plancher m
dance floor — piste f de danse
on the floor — par terre
to take the floor — [dancer] se lancer sur la piste de danse
2) (of sea, tunnel, valley) fond m
the forest floor — le tapis forestier
3) (of Stock Exchange) parquet m; (of debating Chamber) auditoire m; (of factory) atelier m
to hold the floor — garder la parole
4) (storey) étage m
on the first floor — GB au premier étage; US au rez-de-chaussée
ground floor —
bottom floor — GB rez-de-chaussée m
six floors up — (on the sixth storey) au sixième étage; (six storeys above this storey) six étages plus haut
5) Finance (of prices) plancher m (on sur)
transitive verb
an oak-floored room — une pièce avec un parquet de chêne
2) (knock over) terrasser [attacker, boxer]
3) fig (silence) réduire [quelqu'un] au silence [person, critic]; (stump) [question] décontenancer [candidate]
If you had to look across the table at someone who was not wearing clothing maybe, who would not wear shoes, who refused money for their family and who refused to feed their people on the basis that while jobs are not guaranteed, the people could maybe just pick pocket others, or pick apples and scavenge yet the person across the table had a Crown on, what would you say if they had no legal identity or personality? Then the person's first assistant decided that he would only provide automatic income support to transgender people contrary to all gender equality laws and human rights law. Vehicular mobility is not a right but a privilege. We need vehicular mobility that does not threaten the water and the air. This is not a debate. So we will have to do it for you. You have to be a cave man that might Care for the environment but you are not creators of technology and find it hard to change technological methodology as you live on borrowed technology really and your ego resists change because it means you will have to learn new things and abandon the old, accept some teaching and retraining. We should not be arguing with cave men on any issue such as this or the income support that makes the market, enables the market for Japanese benefit, American Benefit and European Capitalist benefit. He or She cannot sign a passport as they have no birth certificate. But, they have a Coin on their head and their name on at least one building. They don't really exist and cannot own anything as they are not a registered legal entity. His name is Tecumseh. Maybe you give every citizen and the residents the Income Support today that the transgender receives from 14 years old. That is a good Idea. The neanderthals with the coin on their heads can stay and we will protect them with all of the same honor but we will, most importantly honour ourselves and our lives with $65,000.00 per year in Automatic income support and if we are French in need of French acceptance and a chain of bitterness that says France owes for failing to protect us or rescue us, then we can say the airline ticket cost returning to FRANCE is the debt modern owes is as the French Quebecois. We can be a happy Mediterranean population mixed with a little Verazzano, FRENCH DNA and some Aboriginal DNA. The real problem is the lack of solid identity and maybe ignoring the various inputs that we all enjoy in our make up as we deny our generally mutual and good humanity does not help. It doesn't help when we try to insist on ignorant pigeon holes. The rules have also changed. If you are white and American how can you be talking about car engines unless it's something old and quaint? If you are English and White, it is quite the same. The aboriginal from Barrie and raised in Guyana will tell you this. If they call you black and Egyptian and also educated in North America but also aboriginal, the Aboriginal from Barrie will say he is not sure you know you are Black and a Law graduate while he incessantly tries to scalp you by means of a chemical.
What we learned from Abraham in the bible is that not every feminine creature is fertile and can have a baby. We also learned that Egypt had bakers and butchers as a founding world civilization.
We also see Abraham multiplied and Jesus multiplied. We see Abraham's miracle is not the only formulation for family though. It really should be Adam and Heuah. Adam had foreskin. It seems there is a certain amount of time God has slotted to procreation. It's not to take too long and there is more time for talking, knowing each other and raising children most importantly. If you need a woman with a womb and not just flesh that appears to be real breasts, the Haitian says you should know your freedoms and God will provide. If you need the right money in Quebec, why start a liberation Army when you can agree that the income support will be $65,000.00 a year for every Canadian or you don't have enough education to remember that of you own a Tim Hortons in Alberta as a Quebecois, the money earned in the bank will still be in the account as you travel back to Quebec to visit your family for Easter. But, without education I am such a flurry of inconsistency. I'm an economic neanderthal. After all the colonial trepidation, I am part French, Tecumseh Aboriginal and maybe a little Haitian with this Toussaint/ Charles 5th pretender DNA. It seems we think sabotage is the path to ownership. There could have been no Ontario without Quebec; no Canada all the way to Vancouver without Quebec but those are very Angry people about all the ship wreck disasters during colonialism. Neither the French and nor the English have any independent car companies. We tend to be the same ship wreck, angry dead soldier Haitian West Indian former slave Pirate people, hoping to threaten the EU. I could make an excellent EU citizen except for my angers with authority because I don't really want to fight anyone that could be partially my cousin from all of those east coast Northern American ship wrecks and we are all part Wampanoag. Many of the real French and real English died during the wars not only in North America but in England or France. It is an interesting thing that the French had no army to resist the Germans but now you have some Quebecois people deliberately resisting the EU codes and essentially killing people in the process.
They started a Quebecois Liberation Army to fight and express their hurt about disaster over the many decades of Colonial settlement in North America. But, aren't you free to decide how much income support each Canadian receives, that it will be no less than $65,000.00 per year for the next 30 years regardless of inflation? They have the power to give themselves life and life more abundantly. If this cannot be achieved by a modern English/French country, what is the reason and the motive when it is not only economically necessary, a national defence necessity, a national health necessity but maybe it will just make you Happy if this is resolved since it's a drag on progress and repopulation of North America after all the wars. The money provided to each citizen is like a modern expression of the same defensive intent that was once expressed in the building and construction of a castle wall. You defend, maintain, protect and shelter your people at all cost from all threats; domestic or foreign or economic. If you don't have any people, you don't need any wall. What if you had a wall but no people because they died off due to economic phenomenon such as joblessness as caused, instigated or occasioned by Automation? What if it was not obvious that you had no people when 60% of your current economic activity and the people were foreign as supported with income support provided by other Economies, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or South Asian or North African? What if you are an emperor or something Like that and the evident vacuousness of your circus is just not your fault? It is not so evident with people occupying the territory from other economies. Maybe you are not the economic neanderthal but it could be your Head Minister but your accent is soo Hi faluted that you can't remember there is something not right and inhumane about the economy for the whole world to marvel. You have a South African big belly gay head Minister, pretending to be Jamaican. He is just an ass really but genetically half an old fashioned court jester with a little Hitler through his veins.
"Economic neanderthal"is not the way we would describe any Russian, Chinese, Japanese or virtually any Asian economy. European economies also could not be described as the land of the Economic Neanderthal. However, the English Economy tends to satisfy the definition and those of its former colonies inhabited by some people formerly owned as chattel slavery. These Economies tend to satisfy the definition of "Economic Neanderthal" and shamelessly. What could be happy seems occupied by a soul that is injecting pain into the system maybe as evidence of the soul's torture; Charles 5tj Pretender maybe who was tortured slowly and continually for shooting Charles 5th in the face with an old musket as he whispered under his breath "...I'll be you as I have to be me..the King Saul of Israel." The slave with the pretender servant heir (Toussaint L'overture! DNA of Charles 5th Pretender) has learned to impeach the system as he is really an aboriginal who is subconsciously working to defeat this world. Je would there appear as an economic neanderthal and argue with modern economic convention and systems that requires an income support for every citizen. Charles 5th Pretender as carrying Saul DNA recruits them to help him and make him the authority. Joe knows. He calls it democracy after 1700 and his strategies may be in the writings of Thomas Payne. But, he doesn't want any law to encumber him but he will pretend to be a Law graduate for Social authority.
The attack is on Europe; however. The French may have died on the myth of a successful fort in Louisiana in what was already a Spanish North America since San Diego as settled in 1549. Much of the DNA coming back to Europe may carry this Aboriginal Trojan and the angry dead French soldier slaughtered on the way out of Louisiana by the Spanish in an on- going French Indian war with the Spanish arming the Indian ( aboriginal). Ellis Island might have sent people back to Europe with this dead French soldier DNA, some of it Verazzano or Cabot with Charles 5th Pretender, and some Angry Tecumseh DNA from North America just as the Europeans used Ellis Island as a processing center for new European arrivals. Some of these people came back with strategies to defeat ownership as in planning to kill owners as they turn 70 with the farm workers planning together as they outnumbered the owner usually and they would just have his children after burying them. This DNA no longer lives on farms and Anyone can have a bank account but the DNA now attacks owners of property and their Financial holdings, strategizing "break ins", illegal access to information and the holdings of owners, defrauding them. It's illegal as they drug them and impeaching them. The Apples phone doesn't help. It is usually theft over $5000.00 and there is no Iroquois strong hold where this will not go unpunished. This 1800's aboriginal farm girl resurrection born in the confirming her agenda is dead now for her murderous, presumptuous intent. Why be a recording artist like Adeva maybe when you look like hee enough to just ask for her cash at the bank and get your cohorts in this agenda to just hand you the woman's cash? It's murder. Doesn't Jillian look like Adeva so then why graduate if you intend to be her? You are not that good man"s wife. You intended to kill his family. You were hoping he would drop out and never enjoy his education.
There is no King of Israel at this time in history. It would be inappropriate to Associate the state of Israel, a real a ferocious democracy, and it's Prime Ministership with this. It would be childish, irresponsible and treasonous for any elected official to go down that road. This is so so for the King of FRANCE. The King is the Lion in Metro Golden Mayer. That's a joke just as any politician thinking he is the King of Israel is a joke. God does not want any King for Israel. Read about Deborah in the bible. Did you know Michael Jackson and his family are really from Nova Scotia? Read the bible. There is no King of Israel and don't look for one. If Solomon had 300 wives( he had more than that), how many great great grandchildren would he have around the world? There is no King for Israel again. Jesus was maybe a mix of Saul and Solomon and that is why he had to pray all day to bend his soul right. See Romans 7. He was certainly born of the spirit. I am a flurry of inconsistency but you and I can be born of the spirit also; Romans 7. We are invited.
There was a West African man whose father, A Pangea man, fed his son a Chinese man's poo because he wanted his son to be more... Chinese. He put it in the Joloff rice and the pounded yam. They moved to Jamaica and his son always thought he was more Chinese than Anyone else and had a right to your Chinese candy, your Chinese books and your Chinese Kung Fu certificate. But how does Chinese poo give you the right to steal other people"s property. Some of it would have been Christmas gifts. The moral to the story is Judas is Judas even if he eats poo to be more Chinese. What if you raise 10 kids and two are like Judas, trying to get you killed or arrested as they will never forgive you for chastising them in love? Instead they vowed to kill you. Some of the children will quote the authors of the ideas they wish to acknowledge in their essays. They will say Lyotard or Horkheimer and Adorno or they may say Lyon, Warren for his work in economics and law. He is a post graduate in law and a lecturer. He has lectured. A lecturer is someone who has lectured. Maybe he has tenure. Maybe he is seeking a tenured position. The Black guy is a law lecturer. I think Horkheimer and Adorno were postal workers. Maybe they were academics. They were certainly academics. Warren A. Lyon is certainly an academic; see the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy needs where he points out that money in the hierarchy takes first order as it enables the acquisition of all other needs in the hierarchy.
Did you know Jesus went to the best Rabbinical school in the entire world at that time; in Egypt?
We know God did not make men with a circumcised penis. We see how long things take when it is not circumcised and then she gets pregnant with one drop and then the baby is 7 lbs in 5 months; not 8 months. That vagina tunnel was designed for arrival of children; not for the search of a G ink blot. The Circumcision is unnatural in what is man made. But, you have confidence conveniently in that you know you put it. But, the time intended by God for coitus between man and woman is not very long based in design. We need to correct our minds. Circumcise or rend our hearts whether we are circumcised or not. We know there are certain feminine creatures that are evidence of what God did not create. The woman with the womb is what God designed and can be mated by a man who is not circumcised but there is really no difference whether the man is circumcised or not but we notice men who are not circumcised tend to end up in triangular arrangements like Abraham did in the bible. They are also not man made but they end up in a triangular situation with a woman who can and a woman who cannot rather often. Everyone is really single.
The circumcised is man made. Could it be that the English think they are leading the EU to dissolve the EU union with little saboteurs from Danada who get EU Jobs, frustrating EU laws until someone says what is the point of a king or an EU? Maybe the saboteurs are people who applied for jobs that involve EU infrastructure or Directives that may require full EU sworn in training and preparation as the rights affecting the lives of living human beings is quite significant. There is something wrong with acknowledging a right that is guaranteed and ensured and then saying the code does not stipulate the provision has to be immediate. But, it could not have meant 100 days after the rights come into effect. That seems to be a foreigner's spite while he works in a summer job. People die and he gave the rights provision to himself; not the citizens or the affected individuals who starve of thirst, food, good hygiene and safety. Otherwise, the summer worker is a high school dropout from Quebec and he is single handedly bringing down the credibility of the EU in refusing to apply the code to uphold the dignity of human life as the code requires. The code says it understands the preciousness of life circumstances that the subject person faces and the goal is to protect the life in the manner prescribed in the code. Otherwise, legal rights for the failure to provide are activated with proper recourse guaranteed under the code, thereby costing more money in Court forums and with Lawyers because of the deliberate mischief and misfeasance or maybe the unpreparedness of the untrained foreign employees who are not a sworn EU Officer. A border guard applicant is best for this work with all of the intricate code involved. The temp worker from outside the EU state can manage entire subways or drilling rigs and drill holes in the river basin and turn the water brown because he resents the the subway station named after Louis. The pretender servant heir has shown his determination to kill, steal and destroy. He says if people need help, then why do we have to give help with the dignity? It should feel sad. Maybe we just take the tea, the money or the provisions for ourselves and impeach the government like granddad did in Boston.
They may not have known the criminal mischief or conspiracy to murder involved in their actions and now some people affected are dead; they are dead...dead....dead because of a Quebecois or two deliberately working against the EU and it's Directives.
Case C-79/13 Saciri and others (Arbeidshof te Brussel, Belgium, reference for a
preliminary ruling on Articles 13 and 14 of the Reception Conditions Directive, 27
February 2014)
Judgment // AG Opinion // Application
1. Article 13(5) of Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying down minimum
standards for the reception of asylum seekers must be interpreted as meaning, where a
Member State has opted to grant the material reception conditions in the form of financial
allowances or vouchers, that those allowances must be provided from the time the application
for asylum is made, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13(1) of that directive, and must
meet the minimum standards set out in Article 13(2) thereof. That Member State must ensure
that the total amount of the financial allowances covering the material reception conditions is
sufficient to ensure a dignified standard of living and adequate for the health of applicants and
capable of ensuring their subsistence, enabling them in particular to find housing, having regard,
if necessary, to the preservation of the interests of persons having specific needs, pursuant to
Article 17 of that directive. The material reception conditions laid down in Article 14(1), (3), (5)
and (8) of Directive 2003/9 do not apply to the Member States where they have opted to grant
those conditions in the form of financial allowances only. . Nevertheless, the amount of those
allowances must be sufficient to enable minor children to be housed with their parents, so that
the family unity of the asylum seekers may be maintained.
2. Directive 2003/9 must be interpreted as meaning that it does not preclude, where the
accommodation facilities specifically for asylum seekers are overloaded, the Member States
from referring the asylum seekers to bodies within the general public assistance system,
provided that that system ensures that the minimum standards laid down in that directive as
regards the asylum seekers are met.
Let's mess up everything and go find and steal PRIONS since who does Warren think he is, suggesting water saving technology? He is black! But, if he says he is Egyptian, then that's ok. He is not just Wampanoag Black. He is a full Human. Well, he is human anyway but I feel the right to abuse him if he is black in my emotions because I feel Kellogg's in his blood. If I feel North African food in him, then I respect him. I am just a flurry of inconsistency and I use apples phone. It's built in Asia and uses old Nazi technology that is based on the mind of an old 1910 North Mountain European border guard who would not do his job. If you did not say you will submit all your dignity to him, he won't do what ever we wanted. If his neighbour said he wanted your wagon, he would do something to help his neighbour s schemes. He was like a stubborn donkey and you would have to come right to him and threatens him with punishment or else he would not just enjoy his job, do his job. It was like a strategy and it started a war when others followed him just to feel a little authority and power. His father was born in South Africa but ran away after he shot a Scandinavian White Pastor in Johannesburg who insisted in better treatment in the Townships for the Bantu people. There was an accord among the countries for reciprocal treatment of citizens of the various countries as to treatment at the borders. The father guaranteed the son it would all end following his strategies and that there would be a war and his son would be a general and they couldn't march to Mosceot to get their ancestor's head back; the head of King Saul. The son was killed by a bear however, walking home from the border post as he was carrying Christmas jambons taken from a family that he and his father killed for the food. The bear smell the food and attacked him, killed him. It took his head off; clean. His son got a lookalike from a detention who was an adt Thief. This lookalike is the Hitler you see in history. He was a cousin of these people and carried the same DNA.
The lookalike cousin is Hitler of WW2 history; such a flurry of inconsistency with a little Tecumseh and Toussaint L'overture DNA in him. Let us give coca cola an open door in Germany, Hitler said so we have a little North American hegemony. Let GM come and build and we call it Opel. It could be this South African DNA is Hugenout DNA that was in North America and that was sacked by the Aboriginal in some war of occupation. This DNA mixed with some native Tecumseh DNA was then used to make more Hugenout soldiers over a few hundred years that were sent to South Africa for occupation and subduing of the tribes men in the 1700's and 1800's.
The current human population North of Louisiana is not a naturally occurring population. It could not exist without the effects of Modern technology. There's would be no people there really without Modern technology. It's too cold for human survival and for all year round settlement except for a miracle cave very deep with a hotspring. There is one at Swastika in Northern Ontario. Also the phenomenon of a pale skin human in the region is also not occuring indigenously. To make white, they mixed cheddar DNA with Mongol DNA that does not tan even in the hottest regions. They may have also mixed Geronimo Navaho DNA with this Mongol DNA to make White. That DNA is civil and reasonably quiet and does not tan in the summer time in Africa. It also probably orders Toyota; not just that it saves you the cash They may have added Sicilian DNA for cultural accoutrements leading the population to seek Southern Mediterranean foods and flavours along with the food indigenous to the region's people North or South of Navaho. It's just that the amorphous French Language and the English language now adopted by the Wampanoag or the Iroquois along with the fractiousness of skin tone associations divides the Wampanoag and no real Wampanoag would let skin tone divide them. People want to see loyalty to these lesser bands of unity or nationality. Maybe a beer will do. Budweiser, Heineken or Sapporo? Budweiser?; You die. I'm a flurry of inconsistency. My black friend is happy with Canadian but some people say they don't want any educated black people in front of them but maybe if they smoke. But, other languages bridge and solidify beyond the surface of tiny differences. See the movies by Goddard that imply this truth but, what do we really see? My wife just calls me a sheep dog. Would you abuse the sheep dog and make him think of leaving....? Just enjoy your time.
Humans cause problems. Humans solve problems Humans make things happy. Humans make things unhappy. You love airplanes and so do I. Maybe you are not offended when you start to read about who designed them or maybe your ego gets defensive if you do read about the designers so you say it came from the Gods or you designed it. My name is Boringstein. I was a Judge in Scarborough once and pretended to be the Chief Justice once to start an Illegal complaint on anyone who really was decisive; not just black people. I pretend to have one leg. I drive an Audi. I am a Trinidadian with Nazi ancestry and I don't want any black people to tell me about Sklar v. Borys in Court. I am a convict. I want his Entire family dead...because they are black. I am really a slave DNA and I never went to Law School but I know I look good. I look White. But, I don't respect any Court. I am trying to manage social involvement. I would like most soldiers and officers to be white. It's a kind of Aboriginal thing although the Schools are about 30% brown. It's just that I don't like people who go to school. It's an aboriginal thing. The general population is about 39% Brown. That is also an aboriginal thing. They have to be Cheddar or Iroquois. Who do we send to war? We send the soldiers and officers. That is also an aboriginal thing. They have to be Cheddar or Iroquois. Bur, maybe the soldiers are not the people causing the problem. It might be second generation runway South African social workers who want to ask if you know what they are doing to fight the system and kill people. It could also be the English and French people mixed with Wampanoag that are returning to Europe as mixed with 19 crime penal colony dna and who will ask you if you could understand what it feels like if people steal your joy or interrupt your Culture when they might get a summer job and read the EU code backwards until there are lots of problems and then they want to know if you will come for them, find them. This is me. I can't help myself and I am white.
I am hoping to be a Law Lecturer at Western now that I was fired as any Court Judge and convicted for MISCHIEF and FRAUD. I think Ronaldo white is my son but he is not my son. But, he could be Pele's son. Anyway, a son is someone you raise and teach to hunt or fish and that would then hope to be also a loyal friend to you; not just Someone hoping to inherit from you impatiently. I also offered to kill the Queen and her husband so I get what I want after her husband was already dead in 2018; so I was told. I was told I was the son of the heir so I should get what I want. It's just that maybe Tecumseh is no longer Tecumseh if you graduate from Law School.
If you lost your wife, in your anger with God would you kill people with Illegal interruptions in social policy to tell people what you are missing? What if you were missing your dog or a finger or your favourite albums? I lost my School ring at Bounds Green tube station running from Oswald Convict. I didn't lose it really but I left it on top of an emergency alarm. I tucked it behind the white push button alarm where I know I could come to find it. How do we teach our children about anti racism and liberty equality and fraternity? You kill, steal and destroy those who are black and who design new systems and technology as there is a pattern of stolen technology here. Maybe it is between the north and south side of the Mediterranean. I don't know. But, you can buy it for the cost of a half day of pizza earnings at a pizzeria earned over 5 or 6 years. Is it Prions? My black friend owns PRIONS Security. It's wort about $760,000.00 dollars for its concept alone. You can do the rest. Murder is murder. Don't hurt my black friend. Isn't this what the world is like; a double minded guy? Don't hurt my friend. Ok just hegemony confused sometimes and I don't really want to go to school. I should have never read those Nazi books as a Trinidadian white as I do have sex with black women but I don't want to see anyone achieve anything significant in front of me when I don't really do anything. I'm just a flurry of inconsistency when I tell black kids on my football team to work hard in school but I want to steal his father's intellectual property and what is the point of hoping a law graduate who is black would work for free as a machine; be your R2D2 and do all your research or home work. He would probably just electrocute you for being so evil and lazy. You cant make him do anything anyway. He would give you the wring answers and if you want to say you need to be in control of a graduate, then why did you beg him as white people to graduate to honor you? He got an A- anyway. If his nose was more white, then we would leave him alone and say that's ok. But, his nose is ok enough. Yes, we should not kill him for his nose. He is my black friend. Did you ever think of getting an accountant to work for free or a plumber; as an R2D2? We will find you.
My grand dad made pizza in Cuba and in Gibraltar. Abraham was the first prophet to the Cave men and in one early Bible it is rumoured that it says the maids of Egypt noticed he was not circumcised when they bathed him before going to see the Pharaoh. Tecumseh is not really dead. His DNA, mixed with Cabot, is the Palatine ghost we see in the Star Wars movies as confirmation of the reverberation of his DNA in our modern world and as it threatens to continue into the future. Tecumseh only wants authority maybe to prevent the spread of the modern world that threatens him and his ways a d authority. Would Tecumseh have to become a child and go to school like children? Cabot only wanted authority. A young person working too hard at a native residential school threatens Cabot. He should just feel subject and down, native. Cabot is the boss. It seems he will watch your career with great interest. Your progress is something that he does not want from the Cabot point of view or the Tecumseh agenda to stop this world and it's march forward technologically. The real Palatine gave away toys and Cuckoo clocks to children. He built schools. He wrote educational programs. He wanted nothing but the best education for children in North America and Europe. Did you know the synoptic gospels are synoptic because they really represent four different iterations of Jesus' diary? Reverend JJ Carter Henry with Pearl Carter Henry came to this realization in his research as a divinity doctorate in America.
I need to FEEL hegemony as a cave man but I don't know how to have hegemony; especially over or China or to at least be EQUAL to my father land that follows the economic octagon. Maybe I should do what they do. If they design a row boat without a hole in it, then I should do the same. Then, we are equal. The North American economy tends to have a hole in it. It does not satisfy the demand needs of a modern Automation economy as it does not provide money to all citizens that is paid to them as protection against the Joblessness caused by Automation. I learned this from Warren A. Lyon who has been studying the phenomenon of recessions that seem to occur only in the Western world with consistent frequency just at every new increased level of Automation in the industrialization of work processes. His book is translated into all language on Google. The Entire book appears across various articles on the FSJ website. If you need a hard copy, please write the email address on the website. I might try to plagiarise him anyway since I am a wicked, wretched, lazy man really. But, I can pray for myself. See Romans 7. They say Most Apples phone users are the descendants of dead Auschwitz victims; people gassed. They may have been REDUNDANT West Indian white domestics that spat in food or poisoned foods when they felt threatened with redundancy. There are men with this domestic helper DNA( maybe 40 different dead helper souls like a legion-see Jesus and the man with the legion of souls in him) (Lethalland) who did this to their wives when they were not sure how much longer they would be needed as the children were about to graduate and be grown up. There are a lot of hurting people in the world for all kinds of reasons in their ancestral experiences. But, when or how could anyone aggregate a certain anthropology that is carrying a hurt and that is now hurting people any way they can with little devastating deviations of job description and then maybe someone is hurting and there is a cold as if no one should care but maybe we can make things work so everyone has an apology for past wrongs and we know we can respond in time to save a life. Do unto others as we would have wanted the world to respond to our ancestors in their Joblessness during those times before WW1 and afterwards. Maybe God says build people before you build vehicles. You see the Cultures that have failed to build people do not have any sole ownership of their automotive manufacturing. They have been breaking people and so industry is broken and now is foreign owned. They may have been broken in Europe and sent to the new world maybe as broken people who took the candle sticks or the cutlery to feed themselves. They were broken in the new world and have found their way into all kinds of systems that really could work to help all the people but it does not work some how and people are hurting and broken. So, if it could work every day for every one to save a life, we ask who would every want it to, some how, not work where people might end up dead; as if the resurrected want us to know what it is like to be waiting to find out who will save us, save you? Is this what happened at Auschwitz with those poor broken souls? Someone asked them everyday, who will come to help them? But, we could all carry that DNA. We are all voting and participants. We can save lives; not leaving them in limbo with official documents to carry but no real reception into our blessed liberty, egalitarianism or fraternity. But, officially what really is going on? What happened now someone is dead? If you want $70,000 per year in support in Trinidad, Haiti, Vermont or any where else, you could have it. You could make it work. France is no longer any independent entity but a glorious territory of the state of the EU. So, let's at least have happy people when there is nothing else to say. Celebrate the food and drink and the good ways. If you want to agree that people can request a work permit and maybe other forms of settled status on application, you can make it work. You are equal. But, it could be the Tecumseh within us that would want the system to be broken. Wanting systems to be broken is a microcosmic civil war. We could break it right here and maybe no one will notice, you say as it is not working as planned and then people will die right here as my son did on the steps de le Palais de Justice sans le assistance autant requirer, a besoin. But, we could be happy. The French king is gone. You get angry if people say they believe in Citroen and why would you be angry? Your anger is Anthropology. When did you become French? Maybe we are all French but our families and grand parents were offered jobs in the ENGLISH speaking part of the country many years ago. We find our way back. My grand dad was real French, born in Gibraltar. Isn't French about liberties, egality and fraternity? Citroen is built on a Toyota platform now and it is owned by FIAT. We can build something happy on our Society and that complies with law to save people's lives as required. There is also a callousness that does challenges the law when you know there is something that could be done to help, according to law. Maybe there is a bank robbery from one French world who said she needed more than $40,000.00 per year and that moved to the other original French world but was not arrester for her robbing of the bank. She says she is the King and will find a way to get attention when everything is dead and can collapse if she can do it. She has fled from a Court date in Quebec City in 1998. She has set up her own private police team in France. She is, legally speaking, a French terrorist hiding in a social service job near a Leningrad train stop in a French city. Maybe you try $70,000.00 in Quebec per citizen because of the enduring cold and short summers and a Canadian national friendship visa with France that allows for work experience and that must be renewed every 24 months. No French is required. No job offer is required. This is a proposal because we see Emperor Tecumseh has a callousness toward people and their hurts only to say he does not want any system although there could be a happy system. Maybe Canada could be entirely bilingual French some day when the Benefits on either side of the French experience are equal comparatively and the French language is standardised. Quelle est votre nom? Merci pour votre prions pour mon vie. Fais Tu veut votre ticket ou receipt? Maybe there is one word to communicate instead of 8 different conjugations. That language is evolving or finding itself over and over again. Merci pour le receipt. They have been teaching phrases instead of words. Comment t'appelle Tu instead of quelle est votre nom. The incert and the resist to standardised simplicity (Quelle est votre nom) says there is more time spent in ostracism of people who don't confirm you, understand you and your version of the language but we are honest to see there is need for liberty, egalitarian attitude and fraternity in helping and saving life. There is no law against saving life. Mon nom est...Je m'appele..... ? Did you know champ is the French word for field? Maybe an ex slave like John Adams from Haiti wrote his own version of new world French post 1789. He is the bum, the thief and the half native who engineered the French Indian war to kill off all the French in North America, arming the natives with guns and causing also frustration in the laws until the King would go. He is part Charles 5th DNA who may have died in Haiti in the 1400's and this DNA was dropped into the modern world in a plantation at Haiti and called himself a king every until he started a slave rebellion at 15 years old where he told them all to stop working until they feed us and if they beat anyone to just remember we are more then they are in number as majority rules. He resented being owned and killed the owners if he could with the slaves or natives or the native slaves and took over. He escaped once he took a farm with all the slaves and went to America as he could buy his way, layed low and stole to survive, hiding in barns at night and then provoked the Boston Massacre by stealing English tea shipments with the complaints that they were over taxed. He says we are all responsible for what indignity he went through. He wants us to suffer a little bit like he did so that he is equal. But, we have designed systems so that people are saved yet John Adams DNA resists. He was not really John Adams but a pretender. He was hiding in the corner of the Town square as Crispus Attucks was shot. He took on another man's station in life by killing him, Samuel Adams and took his Identity papers after offering to work for him. Then, he said to Samuel who was half dead under the floor boards at the back of the Adams farm and shop, " I am the shop keeper now and you are the stow away." Then, he killed Samuel's father, John Adams the barrister, who was in Pennsylvania and said to him, " I am the barrister now and you are just the shop keeper."
But, this was not so. They also had a dole or support provided to each citizen. He armed and prepared the natives as his private army and told them to wait for his command. This is where democracy started but he did not want to be subject to this truth but to live as the eternal king. He carries Dead King Saul DNA. He designed the powdered face fashion to send his minions to occupy FRANCE and harass the French system and people, carrying the ID of dead French officials who were captured on French ships just north of Massachusetts.
This John Adams ( real name Toussaint Overtures) is the Palpatine; part native and part Charles 5th pretender Would he kill a child who reads his books just as his father chastises the child to read them or threatens to disown him if he does not graduate as he becomes a member of the community? He criticizes and attacks and tears down any authority until it is occupied by another or he makes himself the Authority so that he will be the only authority and the injustice; himself personally. He will tell you that things will improve for hours but he is killing, stealing and destroying. All the presidents except for Washington have been descendants of Toussaint L'overture. But, John Adams ( aka Toussaint Overture ) was never President but he is determined to make you think so. He is also now convicted posthumously for two murders. But, he believed he could do anything to overcome his offence. He Toussaint Overtures(aka John Adams) planned a march on Moscow once he heard the name, something about they owe him something. Maybe it is King Saul's right leg as this Overtures (aka John Adams). The king of FRANCE is gone and so is Citroen. Natives resist ownership if it is their property or they resist the Authority and formalities involved in registered ownership but how could anyone own a half native who is half Charles 5th pretender DNA who carries King Saul DNA. How could you? How did they dare? He threatens to kill all of Europe and wants to keep the sense of injustice open by frustrating the logic of simple solutions that could see us all happy. Once the pain of injustice is resolved, where is his movement, his civil rights tirade. We could just make it work with enough money for everyone. If you want it to feel like the king and his system is at risk, then let's say 30% sales tax with $70,000.00 will make it feel risky and maybe it might all fall down but it should work. It really should but we will be happy. The king will find a way to make it work. Wait a minute. There is no king. So, Alor, we will make it work. It's a Republic; remember? It's not a kingdom. In any event, what we see is in direct contravention of law. So, where is the fraternity, liberty, egality if we do not help when we can design a system that does help so there is no sense of abandonment or of being stranded, left adrift? This callousness or abandonment is not what democracy afford from a field of slaves in Haiti who asked for fair treatment and more than that; involvement. There is law offering us quite significant happiness under the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11.
Evidently, God does not owe Tecumseh anything. He has enough solutions to solve the real problem instead of his DNA breaking the system to impeach the system; especially right after WW2. In spite of all the solutions where Tecumseh could design a shoe, a burger, a new voting system and a new income support system that satisfies all his Tecumseh needs, he has chosen anger and hate; the dark side is all he is as a Palatine; not a Palatine with the extra P in Palpatine for pretender and for persistent determination from the DNA of a Cabot to avenge the abandonment of the Mission where he was never rescued. The threatening march of Palpatine to get to Palatine is over with his idea that if he says God owes him, he will be covered in his self deprecating, irresponsible sin and self effacement. We have all been hurt in this world.
They tend to secretly believe they are part of a clandestine organisation called the CIA that defines itself as clandestine. They have more respect for their commitment to this imaginary secret world then they do to their own jobs or their country. What happened last week when a grade 2 student named Lorent was told he had gotten a lower test result on his final test because his neighbour, where he lives, pretended to be CIA with her apples phone and begged the teacher to help her hurt the boy. The teacher was also Apples.
Apples is not CIA. Most Apples users are convicts. Well, I guess I could just follow their logic since we are dependent on Eastern Europe, Russians and China for more population when we kill some of our people with negative Social Support policies. I would follow the logic of the Easter Sea board States. I would follow China. I would follow Illinois but following anyone else makes me feel like I have submitted to them, caved in and turned over although following is the right answer. I think they said it's Tecumseh cave man and Napoleon DNA in me. Maybe Jesus knew what was in men because he was conceived with some Solomon DNA, some Saul DNA and some Cain and Abel DNA so that he could see the war within men but chose to pray himself out of it moment by moment and ask for the Holy Spirit to help. I am not him but I am trying to be like him. Sometimes I just so things, thinking about white Hegemony. I tried to register PRIONS ™ and ANGEL RONAN ™. I stole the files and figured that peolet would understand that it's just that he is black. I have been arrested and convicted. I would like to go to Cheese School and understand this PRIONS ™. It's a good idea. But, it's someone else's idea. I know. I just found out "PRIONS" is the word for prayer in French. This is unique. I don't know what I did when I claimed to own the ideas he associated and branded PRIONS™. But, I understand. He owns it. I just got back from the Dojo where I am studying the martial arts Octagon with other whites. I study it all day yet I notice the North American economy does not respect the Japanese Economic Octagon or the Chinese Economic Octagon. We are defeated no matter how many SR 72"s they may build to prop up our imagination in spite of our Economic self defeat which is our military self defeat. The point of the octagon is self defense. The economic octagon would be to defend your population against the recurring forces of Automation that cause recession as the Automation causes Joblessness in that Automation puts people out of work. When people are out of work, they cannot buy the goods. A certain amount of guaranteed income support is the solution to alleviate the impact of Automation on the population and until every citizen has an income support, there is no point in that flag being identified as the flag of a going concern. It's dead from the inside. This is so no matter how many F35's may line up on the eastern seaboard or the western seaboard. You are only defending your sovereignty in the right to quietly observe the death of your population and economy. You argued with the Russians in 1910km this issue when they told you to set up a national income support program and then you argued with the Chinese in the 1930's. They identified the problem as an aboriginal slave population mixed with Napoleon DNA that is set on revenge against property and property ownership that seems to think it will starve itself in an economic blackmail until it gets them to the Wizard of Oz, the Great authority, the great emperor or the Pharaohs that started this whole global culture to say "....look at what you did to me!" But, the Pharaohs never beat anyone. An English man might have or something else.
What I did is deceitful and Illegal; in trying to register PRIONS ™. It's another man's idea and his prayer. It's the Cain in me, the pirate in me. It's evil to try and steal another person's prayer. "PRIONS" is the word for prayer in French. There is a word for this in every language, colour and culture. Cain could be any skin tone today but he was originally African (black) and so was Adam and Seti(Seth). Charlton Heston was a white Mises but his skin tone does not satisfy historical truth. He did a good job though. We thank God for his Baritone portrayal. We see Cain today as based on his or temperament. I am like the devil without horns. When you look at me, you are fooled. I don't really believe in property ownership. I killed my ex wife after the smart phone I bought since she was a real estate agent and I detest the idea of buying and selling real estate. She kept saying she was not my super woman, that she was not that kind of girl that you could put down and think that everything is ok. I took her teeth and her hair. She broke up and then kept asking after smart phone why I would not just love her. I got involved with someone who shares my aboriginal mind on property ownership. We should be able to just take what we say we want. I am white Aboriginal; not European. This is what happened to the Aboriginal when first in contact with Europe. My skin is white but I am still aboriginal and I fight anything that is called property and ownership. I know I don't add up. I am a convict and used to be a police officer. Some how, I just want someone dead for PRIONS for my own ego, for my Aboriginal pains; as a North American. They have a word for it in every language. It's called covetousness. But, what provokes me when I hear of new technologies proposed by a black person vs. a white person?But, maybe this is an African so that is ok. Otherwise, I think I about he able to steal it and the man from Africa who designed the wheel and axle in Egypt, if I could see him I dont know what I would do. I am so angry that they brought me out of my Aboriginal White nature but there is a European servant DNA in me that must have offered his leg to be accepted by his European master and then they mixed this DNA with the North American Aboriginal to create a more subdued and pliant, assimilated Native in a few generations. I am like a man who pretends to have gone to law school and then wants to kill any real black law graduate as I must be an ex slave; first name William. My last name is Jefferson. I am a loser really. Maybe I can do some good and demand that North Americans will all have an income support of no less than $60,000.00 per year. I know young people respect me as a public figure and they show this respect by graduating. Then, I got ILL on Apple phone. But essentially what provokes me when I hear about new technology proposed by black people vs. white people is my subjugation again to a Black Moor, a Black Tudor or a Black Berber. The Pilgrims were not all White. But, African or black or not these Black Europeans participated in the slavery of North American Aboriginals who are white or maybe black today. Some are called mixed. I am part Wampanoag and they say there was no African slavery. We are the black. We are the imaginary African sent over and the further South you go, approaching Virginia the original people before the Europeans came were as Black as any Nigeria. This story about African slavery did not begin until WW1 according to the evidence from my Wampanoag elders. There has been a real enslavement of the imagination of the people of North America dipped in deceit and the fabrication of slave pens in Ghana was part of the whole process to solidify some idiot's story when he couldn't see how else Black people or African looking Aboriginal people could end up in North America. They should look like the story book or like Indians as Teddy Roosevelt would call them when some Aboriginals from Minnesota, where he was from, started looking Indian with Chinese rail road worker DNA.
There is a Wampanoag testimony about their enslavement by the Europeans; not the Spanish but the English. The Spanish had come also before the English. They never left some people to inter breed with the Wampanoag. Originally, they looked like Geronimo as we knew him in a photo; not as pale skin as the Wampanoag descendants are today who are Olive in tone as mixed with Irish or Sicilian DNA. Essentially, Nat Turner could have been a Wampanoag and sort of Afro while also resistant to property ownership as a former slave. Many were afro when the Pilgrims landed. Then, they became Afro Wampanoag pilgrims. My anger, therefore, is Aboriginal-ism and there are some White people who agree with me. White has to be distinguished from European when it was a North American native psychology for natives that were no longer evidently physically native but also not anything else but a bag of Quaker Oats and molasses for culture; not Jewish and not Italian or Northern European in custom but just White Wampanoag in 5 generations after 1520 and Verazzano's landing. White might be Snow White or a brown headed Marilyn but culturally crude or as sophisticated as Kellogg's Cereal with Betty Crocker Mix and closer esthetically to West Side Story and Gone with the Wind than Fiddler on the Roof or the Ten Commandments. If I was the Emperor of the world, my Aboriginal mind would be just as determined to reset, resent and frustrate property ownership and ignorant about black and white skin in history for my need to feel hegemony. I thank him for his PRIONS (prayerful Ideas) and for his belief as he sees that the only technology we need going forward is the technology that respects the final denominator in the decision making processes involving energy for vehicles and our lives in general and that is to build and utilise technology that ensures our mutual human long term survival; for his Prions De Foi pour le monde avec nouveau technologies. Je remercier Dieu. I will be a pastor now and hopefully, I won't kill people who attend my church that own property. I will try to control myself. What I really like is that a man who repents of all of his murders or most of his murders and then starts preaching and teaching about God who also looks like me is a hero like Paul; a man with social authority also; image. Image is everything. I still kill when I don't know if you understand my authority. Do you know who I am? Just don't own anything in front of me. But, you can read about Abraham and how his faith multiplied him and his property if you want. Just don't own any property in front of me. We are all God's work in progress; that if we kill and kill again nice people like him, Cain proves the gospel when if we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful to forgive us cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. See 1st John 1:9. Let us love God as we kill, steal and destroy people who think they can design things, design ideas and concepts in front of us; Karl Kanai. They sell shoes now with his name on it all over the world; running shoes, benefiting from his good will. I think he was murdered because he thought he could design and sell clothing. He was black. I don't expect it. But, maybe it's the attention and the independence I resent since it says he could have been my owner's son. That is like a....European, Russian, Asian or like African. Martin Luther King agrees with me that maybe one day, black people and white people will sit down at the table of brotherhood. He agrees with me because he was a foreigner to North America like me, a West Indian at birth and white Aboriginal or black Aboriginal and he did not know the history of Frederick Douglass or Anthony Johnson any more than I did. As West Indian, we have media expectations of America that do not accord with the truth of America. We come to America and say America should change to fit me and my ignorance. This is the proof of the Bahamian, Jamaican and West Indian surrogate population that arrived to America after WW2 to help repopulate as many families were totally decimated by the war. We are not looking for a day when Black men and white men will be equal. But, we might understand the imbalances in the world to satisfy someone's media induced ignorance. It could be a white African born with Tecumseh DNA and Napoleon DNA like Hitler sort of. The African is innocent but the Berber, the Roman and the Moor is not.l although they are multi generational ancient Europeans now. Then, there are some black people with Tecumseh DNA who are not African but who reason there way through life as agents of the ignorant white; not the intelligent white teachers and lecturers who love Good ,good good black students and graduates. This Tecumseh black thinks the whites will help them in harassing that graduate black in her beliefs that all the white people don't want that kind of black. Why would they not want a black qui est Prions pour le monde et le famille. The Moors, Berbers and Romans with the Egyptians are responsible for the toilet I use to express our mutual humanity. But, if you worked for a black man President as a white man VP, you might say your personal sense of shame entitles you to a guaranteed Presidency job for GM but not to be a terrorist as you ask people to do what you say contrary to law. You weren't working for a black man but the children of America who can see what you did. When they play games, they now cut their friend's father's car tires if they lose because that is what you do. Your quiet illegal occupation of the office should be enough. Let the government do it's work. There are problems that need solving like new fuel regulations and an Income support system that supports the American population, the general car industry and the all retailers generally so that the North American is just as defended as as any Russian or Asian or European from the forces of Automation that cause joblessness since the American is nothing really in this world but consumers of fine European products, Russian products and Asian products, primarily Automotive products.
That would be to send us backward to time that never existed and establishes an ignorance. They have always been equal. But, I don't know history enough. It is just that some white aboriginal men in the West Indies were chattel slaves ancestrally like black Aboriginal men. Africans and Europeans were not enslaved but may have been servants under indenture or in paid bon servitude; tres bien. The end result of the civil rights movement is the official acknowledgement of aboriginal rights in the black nomenclature that helped the white relatives calm down although all citizens were really already legally protected under the constitution. It's really REDUNDANT to have a black rights act since citizenry grants the right regardless of colour except the racially sick may have needed some reinforced confirmation from the government that the black is a citizen and protected from by law. Who knows why. Maybe it was an unusual clan of white West Indians that had migrated to America and brought their ignorance about America with them and this problem is why Martin Luther King had to exist. If he was born in Massachusetts, I doubt he would have been a Civil Rights worker where in the North, the black always had his equality. He probably would have owned a McDonald's. Up there, they know George Washington was really a Black ENGLISH Tudor Great grand son. So, there is now an answer. The people of Pangaea, that is the people who existed in the one great continent before the continents divided, is an evidentiary grouping that still may be emerging from caves into languages and cultures such as African. The people of Pangea went east and west and were both Brown and Black. The people on the east side became African, developing wheels, chairs, chariots and lots of cool technology that we have expounded upon in North America as well as African and Europe; and the people on the west side became North American Aboriginal. Anyway, my black friend says the Greatest way to honor your mother and father is to commit and prepare to raise another generation to honor them and to honor God. God will send the right person with whom you can cooperate. It might mean you get a reasonable education so you can defend yourself and your children from the unscrupulous. It might mean that you watch Walt Disney more and get the TV App vs. other offerings. It might mean you go to church a little bit.
This is my subconscious, gut reaction deep war. Some put photos on the internet that he has photographed and thinks he can sell them like But, he is black I thought because he went to a Northern American school. But, he is Arab. He is really Arab. Why does he think his ownership of the photo will be respected? I stole a job interview letter once since I resented my room mate's accomplishments, his feelings of accomplishment as I follow the Saul and Judas ways deep within my soul. But, I can repent in public and have social authority as a preacher more than him and judge him if he does not listen only to gospel as I say classical music or jazz is the devil music, judging him. This is fair. Everyone who shows up to the Lord gets the same blessing as also David was a murderer. Then, it does not say there is no consequence to sin. Read Jude. Read Psalms 52. But, you are forgiven. But , I am like a man who has considered himself, then I go away and forget immediately what manner of evil man I am. James 1:24 GNV As a kid, I used to break my neighbor's toys if they left me around their toys alone for a second. I have judged myself.
James 1:24 GNV
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I am really dead now. I tried to register Prions™ six times. I suggest you leave PRIONS™, Angel Ronan™ and Entwerfen ™ alone. There is a movie that confirms how I may have come to exist with such an unusual dichotomy of propensities; Gattaca 2 where children are conceived and grown in buildings in a world where they are also born naturally. My propensities are closer to the Aboriginals who burned down the towns on the outskirts of Boston for years and damaged the rail roads or vehicles,also my son's vehicle by putting. A bag with a battery on a car engine hood to burn the alternator. I did it to my son's black Passat and also to his Honda.
But I also want to be a police officer but I don't want to go to school and I don't want to buy or own any property and O don't really want any European pet to tell me anything but I want to, need to be accepted. So, I wear a Zeppelin ™ watch; not an American brand and then I have my look that kind of says Irish I suppose. I don't know if this what they really wanted. But, how can I argue with a job. I have a job. I will preach the gospel. That is the vocational propensity that I have.
Warren A. Lyon, FSJ
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