Who were the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees that kept asking JESUS questions? They asked questions that had been resolved in history before Jacob went to Egypt. They were clearly foreigners to Egypt and Israel; maybe Hostile Briton Cheddars who were brought to Israel for assimilation. Please keep cashing those cheques on my account Steven. I see who you are. What bank would let you cash them? They are stolen property. Cashing them is fraud. Maybe this is also your Ministry, the ministry of Judas or Cain so that we know the bible is true. All you do is cash stolen cheques and grow your hair. You are a convict. Do you get money when you cash them at the teller window? Why would the teller just give you cash when you present a cheque to her? You have to deposit the cheque usually in an account. You also write the Courts and say " I will kill someone." What happens normally when you write the Courts and say you will kill someone? How or what does your afro have to do with what you have done? It's all you spend time thinking about; your hair and your pearl drop tooth paste and your Kiehl's lotion. Then you cash stolen cheques like a wild hyena. You act like it gives you immunity or something. But, it's just an Afro.
Who were the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees that kept asking JESUS questions? They asked questions that had been resolved in history before Jacob went to Egypt. They were clearly foreigners to Egypt and Israel; maybe Hostile Briton Cheddars who were brought to Israel for assimilation. Please keep cashing those cheques on my account Steven. I see who you are. What bank would let you cash them? They are stolen property. Cashing them is fraud. Maybe this is also your Ministry, the ministry of Judas or Cain so that we know the bible is true. All you do is cash stolen cheques and grow your hair. You are a convict. Do you get money when you cash them at the teller window? Why would the teller just give you cash when you present a cheque to her? You have to deposit the cheque usually in an account. You also write the Courts and say " I will kill someone." What happens normally when you write the Courts and say you will kill someone? How or what does your afro have to do with what you have done? It's all you spend time thinking about; your hair and your pearl drop tooth paste and your Kiehl's lotion. Then you cash stolen cheques like a wild hyena.
You act like it gives you immunity or something. But, it's just an Afro.
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