Creation, Evolution and Prions 2 Energy™ as owned by Warren A. Lyon.

2001: A Space Odyssey suggests quite a bit about our evolution and our creation.    There may have been a time once when God pushed evolution forward in the power of his creation.  Two Gorillas may have witnessed a meteor in northern Egypt as  it glowed and glowed for days; for months. The hair came off of their bodies slowly but surely and it never grew back because of the meteoric ash, changing the skin.  Hair remained on their heads and God have them ideas about how to keep this warmth.  But, radiation from the meteor ensured the hair did not grow back on their faces or the body.   More  gorillas came and communed close to the meteor.  The hair came off of their bodies also or at least it became noticeably thin where you could see the skin underneath.   Adam and Eve decided to take their own space in the garden or the forest where there was more coconut and fruit. They mated just as cats, dogs and gorillas still mate and procreate today. They paired and coupled and this may be evolutionary. Gorillas tend to be communal as they live in groupings but we would not say tribe although "group" is akin to the tribal formations.   Let us observe something else. The Gorilla commune was nomadic. The Bushmen communes are also nomadic. Eventually, there was some evolution and the communes settled in one area or location in what we will call a "yard"  or a "farm" or a settlement when it may not have been a farm necessarily but mutual hunting and gathering near a river bank. To move from a nomadic commune to a yard or settlement may have taken several years of evolution. You need water so why not settle near by the river bed? Build a mud hut.  I just gave some bushmen an idea.  It took several years of emotive idyllic evolution to move from commune and yard  with all kinds of different people sharing procreation to the reality of one settled family in one house with only one mother  and father working together to enjoy family.  This idea of the one mother and father in the house is not to threaten anyone who may still be evolving. We will not have a war over this.  The first Adam and Eve brought the communes back to the meteor and studied the burning meteoric form.  This is creation; and evolution.  In focusing on the light and the warmth with its comfort,  God gave creation, gave men ideas.  There was no king in England by the name of Oswald.  These ideas have manifested as sculptures, paintings and ancient monuments that we protect and preserve. They have manifested as toys or as internal combustion engines with pistons and rods, cam shafts and carburetors.  The purpose is mobility just as the steam train's purpose is mobility.  As such, efficiency in  concepts and ideas says we achieve mobility with new technology that would not require steam or coal or wood. We used oil and gasoline.     The Fuel injector was a form of evolution.  The fuel cell is a form of evolution.  We now use non liquid gas for the train, achieving a lower fuel to weight ratio which says the train company saves money and this method is also cheaper. There are locomotives converted from diesel to hydrogen fuel cell.     As of today's date, Poo Power™ is being renamed Prions 2 Energy™.   The genius of  Prions 2 Energy or P2E™ Formerly known as Poo Power™  is to increase the range of large and small passenger jets and also planes carrying freight and post around the world.     The fuel is essentially hydrogen.   It's lighter and more cost effective.  The amount of hydrogen contained in a four cup portable Thermos is enough hydrogen to power a Boeing  747  to fly across the Atlantic.  It's also enough Hydrogen for a Lear Jet or a Cruise Ship.    The manual hydrogen fueling system with a hydrogen tank is still available to fuel the plane or possibly also a submarine or a passenger ship with hydrogen. But, this system will allow for continual refueling of a second hydrogen tank that will be refilled by the food and human waste consumed on board that is turned into hydrogen gas. About 3/4 of a fuel tank will be achieved with food waste collected from one flight.  This is a prototype concept underdevelopment and we seek  agreement with the Russians on a proposed contract of no less than USD $40,000.00 per year on a 30 year final, clean break agreement.  We look forward to the ink drying on this deal in due course.  


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