THIS is essential to address the jobless occasioned by automation and enjoy the humanity God has created within us to enjoy in the fulfillment of our Maslow needs in the Maslow hierarchy. Instead of solving it the American is engaged in hating the solution and those who could help them understand the simplicity although there are hundreds of books written on this issue. Confusion is the chosen American friend and understanding is the American’s chosen enemy. In using the word Bitch, there is no longer any feminine import. From Advanced Economics By Warren A. Lyon. This book prologue is based on a 1993 essay written at the University of Western, Ontario. Mr, Lyon is now furthering his existing work in a PH. D in economics. Click here.

You are the white family in Hemel Hempstead killing and harassing your graduate grand children.  It would be a civil war between a Queen and a Princess if the Princess suggested that she could steal a vehicle from a car dealer as the theft is the appropriation or unlawful taking of property belonging to another contrary to the Queen's peace.   If this was an exam question, what is the answer?   This Queen and the Princess work as front desk employees and pub owners.    I shook hands with a monkey in grade 2 on a school bus.  He was registered as a student  and his adoptive father drove a Gold Cadillac.  His other adoptive father drove a Jeep in New York.Neither adoptive father is a monkey. He did all of his own school work and never has to re sit any grade but by grade 11, he decides to plagiarise my high school American History essay. He went to my home and stole a rough copy of my essay for the $70.00 that he paid to my sister.  My mother was home and he said he was looking for his book bag.  But, he never did any home work at our home.  His cousin in High School displayed the same proclivity when we attended the same university as myself  and plagiarised my essay involving US Foreign Policy in a  2nd year Politics Course.    No other black kid from grade 2 did anything like this.     But, an African man, maybe an Egyptian, would have been the first man to deal with this evolving troglodyte DNA in our midst that might still struggle with understanding what is thy neighbors.  My business name is my business name. Your business name is your business name. Why would you be anxious about registering my busines name whether or not it's actually registered since it's in use as a photo gallery business name and a Firm name; rather evidently?    

    Advanced Economies by Warren A. Lyon :  updated published.  The natives are killing each other over property ownership.   Cain and Abel would have to be our first good and bad aboriginals; the first Storied  evidence of human vs. human violence or  black and black or African on African  violence.   Let us not imagine a perfectly moral aboriginal.  The Americans refusal to solve their own economy is like a transsexual effeminate   who will not wipe their own ass. You beg other people to come and do it. This behaviour is  kind of autistic.   Trans sexual is not the problem here.   In the final analysis, autistic or not, President Buszh has been convicted for war crimes and in the indictment and conviction he has also taken responsibility for the American genocide caused by the failure between 2000 and 2008 to implement an income support program that demands Federally all state compliance and enforcement of an income support of no less than $30000.00 per year for every citizen universally and unconditionally. He is an honorable man, accepting his manly responsibility   and  has worked to heal the nation, making it a  more prosperous, kinder, gentler less ignorant and more intelligent nation.  There would have been no black president without his commitment to egalitarianism.   God bless America. Race has nothing to do with ignorance except that race  is evidence of ignorance.   Racism, therefore, is just conflicting "story book" paradigms about Complexioned social involvement. The irony of this is the writer of many of these books were black; people Alexander Dumas and Alexander Pushkin.  See the books they wrote.  The conflict arises from a certain genome that has no route in reality and whose expectations and actionable attitudes involving social authority and society are bit too "read  re-writeable" based on the message in the newest movies or the emotion in the newest 7G phone  and while they say they are not white, they might use influence to try and whiten the noses of Egyptian artifacts. Is it for self acceptance or to argue with what truth we have involving who or what the people looked like when they came to assimilate cave dwelling Britons in 1 AD to the power of architecture and calculations.  

There is an absolute authority in every government that keeps the country stable and maintains the government.  It could be the monarch or the monarch and the army or the people and the armies.  This would be where the magna carta is maintained in spite of what temperament and agenda of the politician is voted in via politics. The monarch and the people cannot become victim to the  experimentation and vendettas that some have entered Politics to express.  Really, the politician is to express the will of the people and convey it to what authority there may be that protects the people as this is  in spite of the politician's indefinite opportunity to convey the people's wishes; not his own wishes.  They can be very entertaining but all politicians are forgotten indefinite public personas to every one but the students of trivia.  We err in making any more of them.  So, there is an income support the people require, inoculating them from the joblessness and disruptiveness occasioned by automation.      

  If you are running an economy, the dividend cannot be financial dependency on your neighboring economy.  If the authority wants his trains on time but his economy under funded at 10% sales tax, you have a deficiency.  This has nothing to do with your unconditional acceptance; something that politicians do not share with the Monarch.   An underfunded economy is not the calculation you are looking for.  The denominator should be surplus and the people can be indigenous black and white,  red or yellow and they can have enough to be reasonably settled, safe and secure and with habits involving moderation. They can enjoy work from the local public Work office also.   This helps us mind the gap between unlimited robotic supply and the risk of insufficient consumer demand.  It's just that the absolute authority in the economy does not design bank machines; nor do they engineer the economy to get the desired result but they know what dividend they are looking for. The Monarch has made it evident that the glory of the economy has nothing to do with the complexion of its people. The Monarch knows what they expect from the economy.   It  is certainly not debt.     Clearly, God created worship and this is what we also call religion or ritual.  Religion and ritual are both communally regenerative and also therapeutic.  The king or queen is head of the church traditionally and they teach us that if we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful to forgive and cleanse us of our righteousness.  See 1st John 1:9. Our economy is intended to work in a way that satisfies ritual population regeneration.  When this is not happening, the economy is inefficient and wasteful.  When you are the Lord of the manor, you need people since you might ask how can you be the Lord of the Land if you have no people to Lord over. We see that Egypt must have had 11 commandments;  the last being to collect a ritual amount of produce and redistribute it to each citizen so that with good measure as you give to your community, it will be given back to you. Today, this is the sales tax and it is redistributed at the Fraction of   A whole work day's  value at 3 hours of  work per day  based on an industrial wage of about £43.00/hr to maintain the population and the community in the example of Egypt as the world's oldest continuously running society, culture and population.  On p.40 of the SOAS bulletin No.75:1, the writer confirms the power of ritual "....philosophy as( exercise) for the soul in which knowing is being and becoming-philosophy does not cause one to know but it causes one to be in a particular way..." Reciting incomplete commands leads to an incomplete humanity and incomplete economy as the commands are the essence of our humanity and our mutually assured human survival.   Observation is that the population, once maintained with an appropriate support that satisfies all  Maslow needs,  may resort to other climates that are more suitable to their indigenous origin; maybe South Africa or Santorini that is if they do not want to work in the new job core where the job core provides 2 days  of work per week in a public works job to anyone who wishes to participate.  Currently, we might have a light skinned afro haired black person who wishes to suggest to us that we should not expect a black person that looks like her to be able to graduate from university in any program.  She broadcasts her misfeasance and hopes to override genuine White  and black English expectations by placing  a Samsung transmitter from a telephone in her shoe. It's a sour, ignorant feeling in the atmosphere.  But, what if the monarch family, some of them, are really born in the Gambia?   There is a vain hollowness in the soul that evidences a shallow empty, ignorant meanness and your Anglo word is bankrupt; not one government has a surplus. Belize and Singapore are close to a surplus though.  Governments used to rely heavily on raw materials for national revenue.  Even so, the sales tax was the most certain means of generating national revenue. You take your daily costs of  transit system operation, educational system operation, church system operation, train system operation, people system/income support provision and  operation and emergency services operation to work out what revenues are required from sales tax.     If you paid £8.25 for your fish and chip meal where the VAT is totalled as  .75 p, how much in % is the VAT( Value added tax)?  It is 10%. The actual price of the meal is £7.50.  £7.50+ .75 p = £8.25. The official sales tax rate is 20% but only 10% is being collected.  There is another economy that is relied upon  in the form of debt finance to pay the difference between the cost of the various train and public transit systems. We are not guessing.  We know what dividend that the Monarch demands we must achieve.  He can use the economy of Canada and every Former West Indian colony to achieve his ends.  Yet, you should not put these questions or issues before the monarch.  Just ensure, the people are well maintained and that the sales tax/VAT  is sufficient to cover all national costs.   Story book or not, the issue of identity for the Cheddar is solved as a student of an adoptive culture as is evident when, even if you are born into a culture, you are always a Student of that culture. Some Cheddar men look more Asian, some look Mediterranean and some today look Pakistani while some look black or white.  Choose an adoptive culture. Read a Chinese proverb everyday.  Read an African proverb if it helps as a Black Western hemispheric aboriginal.  We need a system that ensures an  average survival amount of support for each citizen. It is population defence, national defence. You have heard of chemical warfare or other means of warfare that involves no fire arms; just a disappearance of the Anglo population for the fourth time.  The king of the people observes from a bunker.  New people arrive from Syria, Greece or Turkey or the Congo  or the West Indies or Pakistan who learn how to say "is it?"; or "innit" or All my days" and they follow two idioms usually; one idiom that says young people must be in school and graduate and for honour maybe they should also go to university and graduate because the upper classes and the Queen will be proud but if a more gutteral people, some black and some white, suggest that you don't need a son who is a graduate, that you will be accepted by these gutter people, what do you do?   Your sense of self worth is more fragile than a dog that would never sell its pups for acceptance.  What about a country visiting economic warfare on itself; with a hole  the size of the damage on the Titanic in its sales tax revenue at half the earmarked  requisite percentage?  Then, continual militaristic global adventurism selects and exterminates in battle every white Anglo on the planet that knows what a Carbolic Smoke Ball is or the meaning of "Half a mo...."  Warren is just a humble High School graduate, Political Science and History graduate and LL.B(Hons) graduate. He is also an LL.M graduate and a Doctorate in Economics (as anticipated). Black lives matter definitely and the good white people say they would like to see more Black aboriginal attainment that approximates the Egyptian testimony of African Black human achievement.  Maybe the white aboriginals do not want to see you do anything, learn anything so then there is no monolithic white temperament evidently and certainly no black people should place this notion of the monolithic white paradigm in the minds of others as they defend their agenda involving low self expectation in terms of education while downplaying education as a path to social participation and involvement  while proffering a lighter aboriginal complexion as the path to social authority and social acceptance. It's unusual, ridiculous and they insist....ridiculous.    We are all accepted just as we are. Just smile more often maybe. We are all prophets, priests and kings according to the Jews and the Catholics.   Now, with the Sales tax at less than 20% and the economy dependent on your neighboring countries unnecessarily, what happens if, as a Train Company  owner, no one is willing to fix the economy for you after you have noticed the problem as affecting your Kingdom?  How do you make people reprogram the sales tax system so that your Kingdom works?      


The history of the western world just west of France has been painted by unnecessary arguments with technology that was developed for the betterment of the environment and to achieve Fuel efficiencies generally.    The Romans encountered Cheddar Cave men in the year 1AD in Britannia that we now call the United Kingdom and maybe the 11th command involves a collection taken  and ration provided to all members of the community by some method or means.     Those Cheddar men emerged as Anglo Britons who helped to settle the new world as contract adept Tudors of various complexion who understood head rights.  The Latino Anglo speaks English like an Englishman but does not carry the temperament and propensity of the real English to just get the job done and is more of an occupier intent on bringing the virtuous original capable Anglo to a stalemate; especially of their goal is a missionary position/job and not just family since how do I find an original Anglo who is not ill about white or resentful of Euro Authority; French or Dutch and Euro Authority on technology?  This belies the civil war when the truth and epitome of English is not White.  But, the Latino Anglo regardless of complexion carry the route of ignorant divisiveness and indirectly or directly participate.    The fuel cell and the plug in are both electric essentially.  Hydrogen and methane are naturally occurring gases used to power the fuel cell that creates electricity.   70 moments of human flatulence will produce enough hydrogen or methane to fill a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.   Therefore the environmental imprint of this vehicle technology bis zero.  The exhaust product is water vapor.  With the electric vehicle, the environmental is tremendous with tremendous batteries on the chassis of the vehicle and they have not proven to be fail safe in rain storms.   Electricity and water do not mix.  The real issue is the nickel cadmium that cannot be disposed of easily that creates a terrible threat to ground water and farm land, affecting crops, trees, farm animals and wild animals.  The fuel cell does not present any threat in this fashion.  So, there may have been an argument about the purposes in new technology in the 1930's and then also an argument over change generally that might have instigated war. All current vehicle technology options are not new and predate WW2.  The resistance to new fuel injected vehicle technology vs. the Carburettor  continued after the war in an evidentiary resistance to change based on conflicting notions of hegemony and authority in the West between the English in Europe and the English in the new world or the English generally vs.  logic.  The resistance to technological change  confirms a motivation resting in conflicting hegemony. Yet, when it comes to technology, there is only one hegemon and that is logic.    This same resistance to change has appeared in the social economy when a clear basic  income support paid to all at  a certain dollar figure that maintains the citizen against every eventual emergency. At current cost of living prices £60,000.00 per year would be the appropriate figure. It seems, £31,000.00 is most probable with the additional £29,000.00 earned in optional public works jobs to maintain infrastructure, housing and ,thereby,  the population generally with millions saved in various processes geared toward social well being.  The Swiss have a system like this.  Maybe we could follow their tremendous financial independence and success as leading first world nation. They have lots of black people also. We have to be decisive.    The employees engaged in this work will not be furloughed but reassigned to social benefit police service roles to enforce provision of services.  For example there is a place in a school  and it should be open to the first student regardless of complexion but this has to be enforced to prevent unusual manipulation of the system by some to achieve personal opinionated placements based on false  notions of social exclusivity based on nothing but locale. Another example could involve provision of services only to individuals in certain denominations. Social benefit enforcement officers can prevent these abuses such as one relative some how accessing, intercepting and living on the benefits of others such as their immediate relatives; some how.    Maybe they track people making applications and intercept the job centre phone calls by asking a contact to cancel the call.  Then, they call the applicant using a phone card and ask them for their personal details and their NI number.      They also insist to have the right to allow their children to attend school naked.  But, the law cannot make them put clothing on the child in the privacy of their own homes.                

  So, we have a people system that is expected to maintain the population as it may be with a provision of sufficient general funding for each citizen.  We reflect briefly on how the system promises to students of all backgrounds a certain kind of  eternal communal celebration. Once school ends  you may find that this celebration exists but there seems to be lost coverage per citizen; citizens who were once celebrated, valued students funded by the government at no less than £400.00 per day per Student  citizen such that spending £136.00 per day on the finished high school graduate citizen is a fair cost.  Maybe provide the £136.00 unconditionally from the age of 14.  They will still go to school of course.  It should not be possible that 14 year olds could opt out of attending school. They will need enough problem solving education to enjoy the economy and the income support provided.   6x+8=20.  What is X?  Please solve. X=2.  That might be two idioms fighting against the purposes of a national football team. One idiom or paradigm says England is white. The other idiom demands high goal scoring and championships. In the conflict of idioms, you barely see any black law graduates with families since how could he be black and a national English football team member in front of me....or  a Black lawyer?  Right; Sharon Newcastle?  We can see that some economies work and others do not work so well when the their is conflict in the purposes and goals you wish to achieve.  The Anglo School system and the train system is more efficient than the "People System" that should be geared to innoculating citizens from the joblessness caused by automation.  We know some people never work for various reasons but the majority do work and want to work and it might be that the best workers may not get a job as someone might  racialise the selection process in some anxiety about social authority.   Every economy must have an architect. We watch the economy whirl and woo and we see a dividend or a denominator.  Are you a heathen or is there laudable virtue to your economy?  It does not mean anyone is advocating that people will not work following the joblessness caused by automation. But, there is less work all together.  Yet, the people must be maintained.  We could struggle to treat all the people, following graduation,  like widgets or particles in an electrical current or an economic current.  We know there are free Black Tudors and Cheddar men but after graduation day, apparently. Black in Britain begins with Windrush while we know of Dido. Certainly, Dido was free and never a slave but you want is to agree with or help your Slavic self image and concept concerning Black and British. The people system as a result is rather inefficient unlike the train system.  The Dutch "People" System or the German "People" system might be a good system to follow. People can work of they choose to.   But, for linguistic preservation or (english)accent preservation and for global national hegemony, the £$136.00 per day provided to each citizen as income support is essential in facing the joblessness caused by on going eternal processes of  automation.   Did you know the Aston Martin DB5 was built by Volkswagen?  Did you know Mercedes owns Aston Martin today? Did you know Bentley is own by Volkswagen?  Did you know Rolls Royce is owned by BMW?  They also own Mini.  So, what of you were the King of France and all your people spoke Dutch?   They could speak both French and Dutch. It's not a problem.  They will fight for you. I know the Mediterraneans and the North Africans and the Turkish people will fight.  They look like the egg shell complexion. Maybe that is all you want. The original white Anglo can resort to the Rep. Of Ireland or any European nation to begin their experience as hyphenated Anglos since no one is. Just English and White. No one is just English and Black. You have to be hyphenated.  This would not have been so evident as an economic dividend if the system paid each citizen it's general benefit noted at £136.00 per day.

"Some demand that the people should feel down and trodden upon like the story book full of Gutenberg sketches and some say the sales tax cannot be much different than the interest rate. No one wil notice there is a problem because the accent is rather associated with authority. Yet, sales tax and interest rates are two separate calculations with two separate purposes and maybe we leave the feelings of the people as neutral or we say that "trodden upon" could be a 60% sales tax Instead of 20% and the 57% will enable £31,000.00 per year as income support to achieve a recession-proof economy inoculated from downturns in available employment as with less and less employment caused by automation just like the modern French Story book with no dependence on any other economy and...If you could just make their nose on the Egyptian statue more....Caucasian....look I will show you as a Western hemisphere foreigner to the ancient world based on the sketches in my story  book with Gutenberg sketches and I will bring you my carvings to show how we say his nose should look as I am manufacturing consent." -Peja' of Burundi and Zamunda's consort.   Napoleon did this also but he only had time to smash the original sphinx as an anxious West Indian troglodyte adopted by the French to see what dog  Charles 5th pretender would do in the modern world. Charles 7th was an economic imperialist and saw the virtue of a vital people.  See the colony of Quebec. This article has nothing to do with any Anglo Monarch of any kind.     Eventually, they wanted to see what this dna would do in a High School. He plagiarizes on time by grade 11; at 16 years old as a dog. .       Cain and Abel would have to be our first good and bad aboriginal; the first evidence of black and black or African on African  violence.   Let us not imagine a perfectly moral aboriginal.  The American's refusal to solve their own economy is like a transsexual effeminate   who will not wipe their own ass. You beg other people to come and do it. This behavior is  kind of autistic.   Trans sexual is not the problem here.   In the final analysis, autistic or not, President Buszh has been convicted for war crimes and in the indictment and conviction he has also taken responsibility for the American genocide caused by the failure between 2000 and 2008 to implement an income support program that Federally demands  state compliance and enforcement of an income support of no less than $30000.00 per year for every citizen universally and unconditionally. He is an honourable white man   and  has worked to heal the nation, making it a  more prosperous, kinder, gentler less ignorant and more intelligent nation.  God bless America. Race has nothing to do with ignorance. Race is an expression of ignorance.

 This  book is about economics and we start by acknowledging Egypt as the land in which the study of economics began.   There was a process of storing produce in granaries by officials  and then redistribution. According to one source;

The workforce – whether a royal administrator or a manual laborer dragging stone at the construction site – provided services to the crown. In turn, the crown reciprocated the labor by redistributing food and other commodities to the work-leaders, who themselves circulated it further down the social ladder. But it was only the people higher up in the hierarchies that could also be rewarded with a state-sponsored mortuary cult next to the king’s tomb. 


We see evidence of this in the bible and the story of Joseph. It is evidence of the beginning of our great civilization.    We might call this redistribution of produce(or redistribution of sales tax) a participatory remuneration or an income support or “basic income”  since, without such redistribution, the country, nation or the civilization itself,  might die off with its people. This pattern of storage and redistribution is followed by Advanced economies today while less advanced, Neanderthal economies have followed a whirlwind of cyclical expansion and contraction called recession and economic depression when failing to fully comply to these two simple principles concerning  storage of national wealth and redistribution.  We call these  principles fulcrum policies.  I am not sure why these Neanderthal economies have not followed these simple principles in total. It could be spite and resentment of the originating Egyptian authority and for these simple principles as seen in New England and the 13 colonies that provides us a test case; an economic petri dish so to speak to understand how this new world economy  began well but has been rendered disabled or frustrated by some unusual occupying dna that is set out to have his own kingdom but renders everything desolate and abominate around it. We see John Adams as the unique progenitor of this frustration and we can only imagine what quiet humane success there may have been in the colonies without him and his interruption of life, liberty, health and property in exchange for his kingdom and happiness. There is no reason for the wasted opportunity that America emblemizes; or there  is a mean, hateful reason as we look at the progenitor of this consternation and economic sin called John Adams who is the wild man and a former domestic helper; a murderer who killed anyone any way he could with others locked in servitude if they accused him.  But, let us begin with a discussion of man and his nature as an introduction to economics since some economies are dying off today for failing to follow this simple pattern.  As it is taught, as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.  

Concept of Human Nature according to God and John Locke: an Examination

In  the attempt to define the attributes of man, his needs, and his capacities, the concept of human nature is an intrinsic part of political discussion. Over the centuries, various concepts of human nature have evolved along with the development of political theory. In this discipline, the concept of human nature provides the hub around which a theory revolves. It provides the theory with its basis as well as a presupposition or premise to the political theory's conclusion.``  Moreover, a concept of human nature helps us to define the way one sees oneself and the world in which one lives. As well, the concept of human nature in political theory is an essential part of the construction of thought regarding the political environment and the limits of action within that environment. It is through the use of the concept of human nature that we develop our paradigms.

Furthermore, by answering the question "what is man's nature?", one can proceed to answer the question "what is required to fulfill the needs of men and to secure a better existence?iii Politically, this demonstrates the utility of the concept of human nature.

When constructing a concept of man's nature, political theorists provide some moral justification for their postulates. The purpose is to provide the theory with a substance, appealing to the conscience of men. Similar to other theorists, John Locke gives his concept of human nature moral justification by alluding to and making explicit reference to the commands of the Judeo-Christian God. For example, Locke tells us that men are "all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign God."(p. 9) and are therefore equal. While Locke attributes the source of his theories or concept of human nature to a moral Judeo-Christian God for the purposes of moral justification, it is questionable as to whether or not his theories or concept of human nature is in agreement, partially or completely, with the word of God as outlined in the Bible.  The purpose of this essay is to investigate a God-given concept of human nature while contending that Locke's inferences about the commands of God regarding the state of nature and man's nature within that state are contrary to what is outlined in the bible. In this essay the term "human nature" and "state of nature" are used almost interchangeably.iv

Biblical Outline of the state of Nature

In the book of Genesis, the biblical creation narrative is found. It is here that one must begin the search for a biblical concept of human nature or of man within his original and natural state.

In the first book, God creates man in his own image (Gen. 1:26-27). Because of this, it is necessary to observe some of the attributes of God to obtain some insight into the attributes of man. An example of some Godly attributes are holiness, purity, completeness and magnanimity.  It follows that man was made in the image of these Godly traits. As well, God is spirit and therefore man had a likeness of God's spirit within him. In essence, God is perfect and therefore man, in his original state, was a resemblance of God's perfection. In Psalm 8.5 it says, God made man "...only a little lower than the angels, and placed a crown of glory and honor upon his head." More simply, God is good and man, in his original state, was an image of this goodness(Gen. 1:31 King James version).

God not only created man but also the earth. From the beginning, a special relationship existed between man and nature. In the bible, it tells us that man lived in the garden with all the plants and the animals. Above all creation, man held a special place (Gen. 1:27-28, Psalm 8:6).  He was commanded by God to populate the Earth and to subdue it. Yet "subdue" did not mean to destroy or to control with force but for the offspring of Adam to prevail over the Earth in great numbers. Within nature, God also provided for all of man's needs. God said to man "I have provided all kinds of grains and all kinds of fruit for you to eat;" Gen 1:29 There was no need for man to farm or to work. He stood within nature, moving about God's creation. He was in charge of the animals as authorized by God yet he did not use any means of force to maintain control. Man lived in harmony with the animals as they did not run from man nor did he run from them. God also commanded men to cultivate and to guard the garden of Eden;(Gen.2:15) He was its gardener and was to tend and to care for it.

To explain further;

Man's "dominion," of course, is as God's steward, not as one that is given license to "destroy the earth"(Rev. 11:18). "The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein"(Ps. 24:1). Nevertheless, although God retains ownership, man has been placed in charge of the Earth and all its systems, living and non-living.v

In his natural state, man was not an irrational being. Unlike the animals, God gave man the capacity to reason and to make choices. As man was made in God's image and God is a rational being, rationality is also a part of man's nature. By the very nature of the command to cultivate and guard the garden, God gave man the ability of mindvi. He would not have given man any commands if man was a mindless ("robotic") being incapable of following or disobeying. Moreover, it is within the garden of Eden, and within his original natural state of being, that man exercises his ability to make choices.

"Come now let us reason together, saith the Lord:,"(Isaiah 1:18)

After God made all of the animals, He brought them to Adam to see what he would name them. God Honoured Adam's choices as the names of the animals remained unchanged. Adam also named Eve, calling her a woman. Afterwards, he explained the reason for the name, saying "woman is her name because she was taken out of man."(Gen.2:23)

Later, Genesis 3: 2,3 depicts man's choice to eat of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil. Verse 6, Chapter 3(living Bible) says that Eve was "convinced" to eat of the fruit. The word "convinced" indicates that Eve had reached a conclusion through her faculty of reason. Although she knew that she was not to eat of the fruit, she was tempted with the choice of doing so. Verse 6 goes on to say that Eve saw how lonely and fresh the fruit was and that she believed the devil's promise that it would make her wise. Gen 3:13 depicts God's confrontation with Eve over the act of disobedience. The Lord said "How could you do such a thing?"

"The serpent tricked me" she replied. More simply, the serpent tricked her sense of reason through temptation and as a result, while exercising her ability to make choices, Eve ended up making the wrong choice ultimately.  As Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, man committed the first sin. Defined as a transgression of the command or will of God, It follows that sin is doing something which is contrary to God's nature. As man was made within the nature of God and was an expression of his goodness, the act of disobedience resulted in Man being cursed to stand outside of God's nature.

While God had provided for all of Man's needs within the garden, (the fruit of the trees, the natural grains, the water of the river), man was forced to provide for his own needs outside of it (Gen.3:23).  God cursed the earth so that man would have to struggle to extract a living from it with sweat and toil until his dying days (Gen.3:17-19).  Before this, man did not die. Death was contrary to God's intentions. In the book of the Wisdom of Solomon, it tells us that God did not invent death; that when living creatures die, it gives him no pleasure. It says that he created everything so that it might continue to exist. (Wis.1:12-14)

Soon after, the affects of sin became apparent. Cain killed his brother Abel out of envy. Before Adam's disobedience, there were no sentiments of this sort within the world. The first act of disobedience resulted in the rupture of fellowship and harmony with God, nature, and man. All of this was diametrically opposed to God's will and intentions. Nevertheless, this is not to say that reason and making choices is sinful but that man made the wrong choice due to the utilization of twisted reason; twisted by the Serpent's tempting. The result was that man's, once obedient, Godly, good, nature had changed becoming disobedient, ungodly, and carnal. He had lost his original nature, acquiring a sinful nature. He was no longer empowered by God's spirit but was fleshly.

As time passed, God provided man with the ten commandments which, if followed, would prevent men from hurting one another. Primarily, the three main points of emphases behind the commands were to love God, love your neighbour as you love yourself and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you (John 13:34, Luke 6: 30). As love with and for ones fellow man was lost through sin, the commandments were a guide for men to follow throughout life.

In overview, man's original nature or state of nature was Godly, pleasing to his creator, and was considered good.  All of creation was under his charge as he fulfilled his role as a steward.  He was commanded to prevail over the earth by being fruitful and multiplying. He was also to care for it and not to destroy it. He shared the garden with the animals and with Eve(his mate) and provided all with their names. Moreover, man was at peace with God and stood rightly before him, unified and harmonious with the creator and creation.  As well, God gave man mind, providing man with the ability to reason and to make choices; both wrong and right apparently. He had made man sufficient to stand yet free to fall.

Upon making a wrong choice, man acted contrary to his God-given nature which was to maintain relationship and connection to God and was forced to leave the garden. Forever more, man's nature was altered, becoming sinful. Therefore man, in a state of nature, given by God, is not his present nature. His true nature is the one which he possessed before he disobeyed God's command. The result of Adam's disobedience was the acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil. At this point, man stood outside of the garden, outside of nature, and was unnatural. All enmity, evil, and strife entered the world resulting in discord with God, the rest of creation and fellow man. This prompted God to provide man with the Ten commandments so they may live a life in accordance with His will. In Ecclesiastes 7:39 it is written, "God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated."

John Locke provides us with a different picture of what man was like in a state of nature given to men by God. In this state, Locke speaks of men having possessions. He tells us that the earth had been given to mankind in common.(p. 18) To support this, he makes reference to Psalm 115:16 which says "The Heavens even the heavens are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men." Yet, he endeavours to demonstrate how men came to own property out of what was in common. He argues that every man has property within himself and the labour of his body. Therefore, if man mixed his labour with anything that was left in the common state, it became the product of his work, making it his property. It is labour which makes the distinction between what is in common and what is in private. No consent of any other man was necessary. It was a right given to men by God.

 At the same time, there were limits to how much a man could appropriate for his own use. He could not appropriate more than he could use. God did not allow men to spoil or destroy.(p. 20)

Further in his argument, he infers that God gave the world to men for their greater benefit and did not intend for the world to remain in common and uncultivated. As a result, Locke argues that it was given primarily to the " industrious and rational...not to the fancy or covetousness of the quarrelsome and contentious" who would leave it to waste.

Moreover he contends that God's commandment to subdue the earth instructed man to "improve it for the benefit of life."(p. 21) To do this, Locke argued man was required to labour. Adding to this further, he writes that God commanded, and (man's) wants forced him to labour; that was his property which could not be taken from him wherever he had fixed it.(p.22)

From this, he concluded that subduing, cultivating, and having dominion over the earth were one and the same, and that God's commandment to subdue authorized man to appropriate property. Through these arguments, Locke justified the acquisition of property within the state of nature.

It was in this natural state that men enjoyed perfect freedom, ordered their actions, disposed of their possessions and persons, as they thought fit within the bounds of the law of nature.(p.xiii) This law of Nature is defined as "that which forbids anyone harming another or destroying himself, and requires each to try when his own preservation comes not in competition" to preserve the rest of mankind."(p.xiii) Further, he says that all of mankind was under the obligation of this law and that it was synonymous to reason. Within this state of nature governed by natural law, there existed liberty, equality, and independence. Yet, Locke also tells us that there would be those who would transgress the law of nature, declaring themselves "to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity, which is that measure God has set to the actions of men, for their mutual security." Such transgressions would result in the state of nature regressing into a state of war. Yet, it was within the state of nature that all of this occurred.

Having looked at the concept of human nature according to the word of God and the one proposed by Locke where an effort was made by Locke to justify his theory with biblical references, it is clear that the two concepts disagree. The first area of discrepancy is the way in which the state of nature is defined. Locke defines it as the state in which men live together according to reason, "...without a common superior on earth, with authority to judge between them."(p. 15) Differing from this, a biblical definition would assert that the state of nature is one in which men lived in obeyance to the will of God. In other words, it was a state void of sin. In all of Locke's theory there is no mention of the original sin. In many cases, Locke makes reference to Adam but apparently ignores the event. As a result, he ignores the fact that Adam's nature had changed from its original Godly state into a sinful one. Because of this, Locke interprets the commands which God gave to Adam incorrectly. As outlined earlier, the command to "subdue" the earth is found in the same verse where God commands Adam to fill the earth with his progeny.(Gen. 1:7) Therefore, when read in context "subdue" did not mean to labour and to acquire property but to dominate the earth in great numbers. Moreover, God explicitly tells Adam that all of his needs are provided for within the garden.(Gen.1:29) Work was not necessary. Because of this, it is apparent that the command to cultivate the garden was not a command to labour for one's needs or for possessions but to "dress and to keep" the garden as would a gardener(Gen.2:15).

As a result, it is evident that Locke interprets these commands with out making reference to man's original state, God and man's relationship with man, and God's provisions for mankind. In fact, Locke's theory on the state of nature is more congruent with what the bible tells us about man in his sin nature.

Labour was a part of man's curse. As well, there was no concept of property before sin. A man would only say "mine" when he was in fear or concern of someone taking away what was in his possession (By possession, I do not mean something that one owned but something that one had taken up to provide for his needs; for example, a seed or an apple to eat. Man had no consciousness or knowledge of the concept "mine" because there was no threat of someone taking the seed or the apple away). In man's obedient nature, there was no sin, therefore there was no fear of being attacked or robbed by an adversary. It was only when sin entered the world that the fear of being attacked or murdered became a reality. Such acts occurred in Locke's concept of the state of nature yet according to the biblical text such acts could have only occurred when man was outside of his nature state and within his unnatural sin nature.

To Locke, this state was governed by the law of reason. Apparently, he assumes that reason was always right and that man had to simply live by the reasoning of his mind. When man transgressed the rights of another, Locke argued that they were living contrary to reason and deserved to be punished. This is not defined as sin but as a transgression of the law of reason which God gave to all men. This transgression was committed not against God but against another man. Therefore it was not God who punished but man. He says that God gave man the right to punish but nevertheless God is still somewhat removed from the picture. While Locke tells us that reason and common equity were given to men for their mutual security, the bible shows us that God gave man the Ten commandments. Although reason is God given ability, it was not always right. Reason could be tricked or could lead one to do the wrong thing. As a result, it would be beneficial for men to trust God again and to live by the commandments of God than the dictates of man's fallible reason.

From our analysis of Locke's theories and his attempt to justify his postulates morally with the word of God, it is apparent that Locke had no intention of agreeing with God's word and simply used it to provide a cloak of righteousness around his worldly, self-serving arguments.

As it was mentioned earlier in this paper, one of the key purposes of the concept of human nature or of man within his natural state is to answer the question "what is man's nature?" so that one can proceed to answer the question " what is required to fulfill the needs of men?"

As Locke tells us that man in a state of nature lived by right reason and sought to provide for his own needs as well as the needs of others, man was thereby moral. Yet, in his essay on Human Understanding, Locke says that man was also motivated by his appetites which were mainly a desire for happiness and an aversion to misery (Book 1, ch.3, sect. 3). Due to their pervasiveness, these appetites would lead men to contradict the law of reason and lead him into a state of war with others. Because of this, men were constantly exposed to the potentiality of invasion of their property and persons by others, leaving them unsafe, insecure, and anxious for his life.(p. 16, P. 65) Based on this concept of Human Nature, Locke concluded that the answer to man's needs for safety and security would be to step out of the state of nature and into society or government where man's appetites could be checked by the necessary rewards, punishments, minimum rules of morality, and positive laws.

In great contrast to this, the word of God tells us that man in his natural state was Godly, free from sin, in harmony with hiuuuuus creator and with creation, secure, in no need of labour or property, God dependent, and free from all fears. Having lost this through disobedience, he stepped out of his natural state, was forced to labour, fell out of harmonious fellowship with the creator and creation, acquired the capacity to hate, envy, and murder relentlessly (stepping into a Lockeian concept of the state of nature). Since the Ten Commandments provided only a temporary solution to the problem, based on the biblical concept of man's essential Godly nature, what men required to fulfill their needs was the reconciliation of their relationship with God. God eventually provided for this reconciliation through Jesus Christ.

Exemplifying this through his words, Christ called men to come unto Him so that he could give them rest, that in Him, they would find rest for their souls, while receiving only the light burdens of Christ (ie. Obedience to God, Matt 11:28).  Man, in his natural state, was not required to labor but only to depend upon God. Therefore, it is appropriate that Christ offered rest in return for obedience. As well, he also taught that...whosoever will save his own life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul (Matt. 16:25,26).

In this verse, it demonstrates that man's needs would not be met by his attempt to satisfy his own needs independent of God but that losing oneself to Him by placing all of one's life in his hands was the answer to man's ultimate needs. Answering the need for the restoration of harmony between men and God, Jesus gave men the greatest commandment;

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; (that within) these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets (Matt 22:37-40).

Therefore God Himself, through Christ, was the answer to the needs of men as dictated by man's nature in his natural state according to the word of God.

In conclusion, the purpose of this essay was not to argue for the existence of God but to suppose that He existed while investigating what the bible had to say about man in a state of nature. That being said, Hebrews 11:6 is evident in that it says he who comes to God must believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  The intention of this essay, therefore, was to demonstrate that Locke's conception of man in a state of nature was contrary to what is outlined in the creation narrative in Genesis and to the rest of scripture. Having investigated this, it results that even though Locke uses the word of God in his arguments, he uses it incorrectly so that in the final analysis, Locke's theory conflicts greatly with the word of and the intentions of God. Because of this, the two concepts (that of God's word and Locke's) provide different answers to the needs of men as defined by the respective concepts of the state of nature. Locke proposes man-made government while the word of God proposes God's government manifested in the kingdom of Heaven through Jesus Christ: Therefore take no thought, saying what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or, wherewithal shall we be clothed?... But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt.6: 31,33, Ecclesiastes 5).

It is unfortunate for Locke, but man's reason is not perfect. It is fallible. Locke does not seem to acknowledge this. Hence, many of our world systems are inherently set on a crash course for collapse and have come to threaten man's very existence. It only took three hundred years from the time of Locke's first publishing where we must ask ourselves, how have we come to the brink of man's existence in terms of environmental failure or nuclear holocaust so rationally or is it irrationally? Our reason must be God dependent; not independent of God or presumptively right because it is called reason nor should it be worshiped as such. 

Over very powerlessness and the fragility of our egos leads us to seek power in this brief life and to seek control; sometimes at the cost of selling and pledging our very souls ( Salome's mother (Mark 6:14-29), Hitler)).  But, God is power. God is in control.  

Joe Brigand will be leaving tomorrow. GI Joe will come to save us from this childish, selfish behavior and convolution in the US economy and its third world style debt dependency.  GI Joe will save us! He will save us. Joe Brigand will go to the bathroom and read the Bible. Then, he will walk out as GI Joe. Those who fail to acknowledge the Father and the Son are Antichrist.  If all you wish to say is that you just want to "have", what do you have? You don't even have a name or you have too many?  Even so, you could enable the people in the economy to "have" just like you.  but, you seem to want to ensure that they will not have any social authority unless they follow you down the garden path.  There is no graduate on earth who is your competition. You are much more than they are in terms of worth.   You have nothing to worry about; nothing to worry about. A law graduate is just a librarian.    Joe Brigand and GI Joe are two fictional characters used for our discussion on a genetic incompatible temperament for public service.  Brigand wishes to air all of his sins in public and causes us to step into it to ensure we are all morally culpable with him if we did not call the police or crime-stoppers to confirm we have been allowed to live in property belonging to another.  The difference here is Joe Broke in with firefighters during his youthful days when Vietnam was on the nightly news.  In this case, its a security guard and they are not public employees. In either case, you are usually convicted by the fire fighter and the security guard calls the police on you in due course. The TV commercials, the coffee shop robbery, the sales tax miscalculation on your Exxon Mobil gas station receipts say there is no authority except for some foreign power; the same foreign power he says should not tell him anything about the UDHR Article 25; ironically.    It is evident who is the patriot. It is GI JOE. His last name also begins with a B for Bien.  Joe Brigand, however,  will be leaving tomorrow. GI Joe will come to save us from this childish, selfish behavior and convolution in the US economy and its third world style debt dependency.  GI Joe will save us! He will save us. Joe Brigand will go to the bathroom and read the Bible. Then, he will walk out as GI Joe. Those who fail to acknowledge the Father and the Son are Antichrist. The IQ in America on average is too low for America to manage itself in doing anything above and beyond fulfilling the mantra to just Eat, Drink and be merry at $95,000.00 per year per citizen as income support. You have your Chocolate and your oats, potato chips and corn chips with the Jello puddings and your corn cereal brands, your Nikes, your clothing brands, your soft drinks and beers for hegemony globally; an enviable achievement and relatively efficient in production as seen all over the world. This is emblematic of American imperialism but there is no American empire. But, all of this coca cola on the shelf çould really provoke someone if they see it on the shelf in Europe some where and so how do we subconsciously express our emotions about this Americentric hegemony on my supermarket shelf and now in my cupboards? Maybe we just let them fight shadows in a desert; one more time when all we asked of them was to agree economically as we have products to sell in America also; like Doctor Oetker’s pizza, Ricola candy and Volkswagen. It’s just that we need to ask what is it about the world after 1901 that necessitated two or three world wars that a conversation or diplomacy could not solve. Could it be film technology or the urge to end ignorance about far flung places in the world and about each other with contact? There is only one right answer that begins in Egypt. Even the artifice must honor the Creator. It cannot rival or challenge or rebel as this is death and desolation. Life Currys wisdom and wisdom can bring favor. If at first we did not succeed, we try again. Do you understand? Now, if Point Zero is a clothing label that is still growing, then maybe I might buy an “Londinium” belt. Does your story book permit it?  I saw something at Marshall’s and it was a good price with reasonable quality; a winter hat. It was a Londinium(TM)” or it was Point Zero(TM) or it was Penguin(TM). What about Smooches (TM) for cosmetics or Ice Cream? Smooches is a new trademark at Angel Ronan(TM). There is some evidence of global, fallen humanity. Are you making movies with all kinds of challenges to our morality to make a dollar out of 15 cents or are you trying to sanctify, save and deliver people from ignorance and bondage. Maybe Sidney Poitier could be Moses next time or Belafonte… Pharaoh will let the people go; John Adams and Joe too. But, I have my Star Wars Collector’s VHS tapes and my dvd set as emblems of what a movie can do. It can teacher you something about grandaddy and the big bad semi human part machine man who needed to forgive himself for his wife’s death and the death of his mother. Maybe the food makes people autistic in America though with a smidgen of John Adams dna in the food. Is that why it took soo long for REilich and Obalama to solve the economy miraculously with an income support in 2015 as it dawned on them after an article on participatory remuneration or a ted talk video as to why he has had an income support since 27 in Illinois? He was President then with Joe Brigand; his father. We will have to see since America is a beautiful country geographically but the beautiful country needs to focus on funding,enjoying and beautifying its own people. Leave vehicles and propulsion alone and to those who provided you the notion of motorised transportation; the Germans and the other Europeans. It was not a North American. The Japanese now build awesome machines also; and the Chinese and they will help you to build your future hydrogen fuel cell powered Cadillacs and awesome Ford products. A battery rechargable is not, in any way, more exciting than a fuel injected or carbureted vehicle but it is heavier with all the batteries and less reliable and less convenient. The fuel cell is essentially an electric vehicle that is powered by hydrogen to achieve the electric regeneration with ultimate reliability and convenience. Think of its operation as similar to a gas powered gulf cart or fork lift with a 1000 mile range and 400-500 mph average capability. Who is the fool who follows people who put electric rechargeables over the fuel cell? Watch “Saints And Soldiers; The Void.” We have been engineering a media fiction of Americentric hegemony for decades now to satisfy and content a genome that carries both aboriginal dna and the dna of a lost king; Charles 5th mixed with the pretender in that it needs to feel emotionally, hegemonically superior to Europe but you don’t own any factors of production. You don’t have any technological independence or hegemony but you can enjoy your community and your lack of understanding where ignorance is bless and you can enjoy your people with sufficient income support per North American and buy that new German vehicle or that GMoyota or GMyundai SUV. It looks good! You are now closed as an independent nation or nations since you threaten people; especially on issues of ownership. Look at what you have done. Your leaders tolerate mayhem in some double minded ascendency to national self-negation. You call the president who owns property a nutter because he owns and has not realized you are all just the progeny of John Adam’s mob; well dressed aboriginals with some French King dna and with the verbal acuity of a Shakespearean; a chimera to pin down. and maybe this is what the Joker Joe or Joker John is with green hair for jealousy concerning your ownership, purple for royalty and the green eyes of a black hawk native with the schemes and machinations of a pirate orphan. We know the North American Aboriginal dwelt in caves before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Maybe he was taught to farm after the arrival of the Europeans and how to build. But, otherwise, he loved in caves like the bear so we have a Caveawandan( Tonawandan cave man) along the Niagara escarpment and a caveiquois ( Iroquois Cave man). Surviving the cold of the winters North of the Mason Dixon line is a myth if it was not endured in a cave like the bear’s that hibernate. This is your North American political leadership and the simplicity in the solutions giving rise to communal harmony makes it evident. There is a steep learning curve that remains for the well dressed Neanderthal. The German car manufacturing installations in North America were built to serve American needs for American people in an American market. We need to work with this sands ensure the income support per facilities this agenda. We had GI Joe, Killer Joe and now we have Brigand. We were looking for Economy Joe or GI Joe. 

When the North American economy  is soo simple to solve, it would be  easy to hate any White American or Black American selected for  and participating in national leadership as it frustrates the domestic and global economy.   But, I don’t hate them and the question is whether the vacuum, pothole or gap  in consumer demand and low corporate turnover vs the cost of marketing and operation in North America can justify any further tolerance of this hurtful low IQ humanity involved in North American leadership; black or white. ABDNHAMT     Let them kill themselves off. If America is a business as one popular movie suggests, then the business purpose must be self destruction or else someone would have stopped this domestic economic frustration by now. An elevated sales tax will cure the debt burden and an income support of no less than $164.38 per day per citizen 

THIS is essential to address the jobless occasioned by automation and enjoy the humanity God has created within us to enjoy in the fulfillment of our Maslow  needs in the Maslow hierarchy. Instead of solving it the American is engaged in hating the solution and those who could help them understand the simplicity although there are hundreds of books written on this issue. Confusion is the chosen American friend and understanding is the American’s chosen enemy.  In using the word Bitch, there is no longer any feminine import.    

From Advanced Economics By Warren A. Lyon. This book prologue is based on a 1993 essay written at the University of Western, Ontario.

Mr, Lyon is now furthering his existing work in a PH. D in economics.    


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