Fulcrum Policies. Click here.

economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic
policies are the policies that preserve national independence and that
prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any
economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per
year, sustaining human life any where in the global economy and the sales
tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90000.00 per year and 50% sales
tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry.
This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism and is of no issue to
other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary
agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower
interest availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or
credit card but its not money and why wouldn't anyone qualify when they have an
income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is
preferred. Fulcrum economic policy is a concept coined by Warren A.
Lyon; PH. D in Economics. They work like a parachute to save human life
when the economy with continued automation is closing down on the human being
and the meaningfulness of human life. They also provide, essential
guaranteed national revenue with an elevated sales tax that guarantees and
ensures national revenue to alleviates any need for national debts that create
dependency on other countries. As such, these policies are essential for
national security in ensuring and securing the population and also the
country's financial integrity. Automation was not designed to close
the economy. But, it can when it could put more than 80% of the known
work force out of jobs. The country cannot maintain itself on a work
force of only 20% of the population. Industries cannot maintain itself either
when they need more than 20% of the population to be able to participate in the
buying and purchasing. the ordering of goods with monies that are not obtained
in the white economy; the drug trade. The Truth of American
Global Hegemony: It is not really an economy just as much as the border between
Israel and Egypt is historically fictitious. If it is one land, then they
are really one people but at different levels of technological evolution. If
you spend time with a woman you know to be barren, then you may as well as
create a God that can make you a miracle that she would become pregnant.
What was the name of the land of Israel before it was called Israel in
honor of Jacob? It seems it is and was Egypt. But, we have made a border
and we have also made an America that we pretend is anything other than what we
have made. The border for Israel works. America does not and it does cause
economic recesses and reversals when the money is not enough per citizen.
There isn't any hegemony for America in the macrocosm but only in the
microcosm with food, clothing, music and other consumer items. This is a
helpful realization is that America can work to achieve something approaching
greatness in recognising there is a problem on the policy landscape that is not
economically normal for a capitalist economy. This is also evident when there
is no longer an independent America. Maybe it was never really independent
except but in the "free will" to set one or two "fulcrum"
policies that either agree or disagree with Europe; fulcrum policies like sales
tax and income support policy. The movies sometimes talk about the full weight
and might of the US Government but, there isn't any weight when you don't
really have an economy that is capable of sustaining its post war expansion or
its post war population in spite of automation. Instead, there is a
recess in this expansion with malls closing that were once opened to serve
consumer demand that no longer exists due to automation. There is just
enough might to serve and defend the population with the newest military gear
from China and Korea, their military suppliers, along with requisite financial
policies that will defend and protect the economy and the people therein and
just enough might to show up at UN meetings with copies of Article six of the
US constitution so that America is on par with the truly greatest nations on
earth. But, we can pretend on tv ; pretending on CNEN.
This is the power of the simulacrum. There has to be some
and how do we quantify it? It seems that after all of their efforts at
seeking global hegemony with tremendous Multi year military adventures, they
are left with global pizza power, potato chips, soft drinks, sporting goods,
lots of fashion, watch brands, beers and movie franchises in addition to
iconic perennial American classical music called Jazz. We thank
God. The solution to the economic reversals between 1977-2021 in terms of
stopping the losses in post war economic expansion involves a total income
support to respond to total job automation or the hyundai-fication of the major
automotive manufacturing processes. This must be met with the
BMW-fication of social policies to prop up lost consumer buying power caused by
automation and higher sales tax rates to make up for lost national
revenue also caused by automation. Follow Germany's income support numbers and
their sales tax rate to enjoy the new Carvana economy. There is no salesman.
You know what you want. Use your computer tablet, type in your credit details,
pay the $350.00 initial down payment, print the receipt with pick up location
and dealership name and get a confirmation as to the day and time when you can
retrieve your key and vehicle. At the pick up location, sign the contract and
confirm full monthly payment details for your 4 year to 10 year payment
arrangement. America can be great again. You could do it. Anyone can;
even a caveman can do it; Geico. It's just that there is a tug of war going on
where Saul Sans Souci is testing the will power for war with his Sans Souci
cousin in Europe. An income support for every North American is inevitable and
this would be the dictate of the economy. The lobbying necessary to build a car
plant in Connecticut is the lobbying necessary to get the North American to
satisfy economic requirements. Saul Sans Souci's only goal and culture is
authority; not black or white. They could collectively participate in and
create schisms to say they must not only have authority but authority over the
constitution; an absolute authority because black lives matter and they do but
all lives matter. But, he will use black or white to impeach the authority of
the country for his own authority agenda. Now, how long does it take to resolve
if Saul was a Hermaphrodite and really had no progeny or maybe he had one
really? How long does it take to resolve if you are the son of Solomon but Solomon
had many, many wives and maybe each wife only had one son so that you are all
the only begotten son of that man and that woman but not really the only son?
What if your Uncle is his like Jesus? But, he kept calling himself Samson
because he was big and strong although sad when it came to getting his work
done or just calling his cousin about his stuff before the first critical week
of police academy ended since he may have left some CDs but someone is
concerned that there is other property amounting to possession of stolen
property when the owner is unaware of how they were shipped to England….while
the woman was saying she needed this boy to feel good a little longer before
work starts. Bad motivation in front of some serious 30th generation Bobby
Copper Bill dna is not a good thing. What are you..What is it that you
are…somethings up and maybe your uncle will write and say "Hey…we have a
few of your things sent by…. and we dont know what he did but…we have them here
for you." SoWhat do you intend? What if…. Click here.

"Fulcrum" economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic policies are the policies that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining human life any where in the global economy and the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90000.00 per year and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn't anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Fulcrum economic policy is a concept coined by Warren A. Lyon; PH. D in Economics. They work like a parachute to save human life when the economy with continued automation is closing down on the human being and the meaningfulness of human life. They also provide, essential guaranteed national revenue with an elevated sales tax that guarantees and ensures national revenue to alleviates any need for national debts that create dependency on other countries. As such, these policies are essential for national security in ensuring and securing the population and also the country's financial integrity. Automation was not designed to close the economy. But, it can when it could put more than 80% of the known work force out of jobs. The country cannot maintain itself on a work force of only 20% of the population. Industries cannot maintain itself either when they need more than 20% of the population to be able to participate in the buying and purchasing. the ordering of goods with monies that are not obtained in the white economy; the drug trade. The Truth of American Global Hegemony: It is not really an economy just as much as the border between Israel and Egypt is historically fictitious. If it is one land, then they are really one people but at different levels of technological evolution. If you spend time with a woman you know to be barren, then you may as well as create a God that can make you a miracle that she would become pregnant. What was the name of the land of Israel before it was called Israel in honor of Jacob? It seems it is and was Egypt. But, we have made a border and we have also made an America that we pretend is anything other than what we have made. The border for Israel works. America does not and it does cause economic recesses and reversals when the money is not enough per citizen. There isn't any hegemony for America in the macrocosm but only in the microcosm with food, clothing, music and other consumer items. This is a helpful realization is that America can work to achieve something approaching greatness in recognising there is a problem on the policy landscape that is not economically normal for a capitalist economy. This is also evident when there is no longer an independent America. Maybe it was never really independent except but in the "free will" to set one or two "fulcrum" policies that either agree or disagree with Europe; fulcrum policies like sales tax and income support policy. The movies sometimes talk about the full weight and might of the US Government but, there isn't any weight when you don't really have an economy that is capable of sustaining its post war expansion or its post war population in spite of automation. Instead, there is a recess in this expansion with malls closing that were once opened to serve consumer demand that no longer exists due to automation. There is just enough might to serve and defend the population with the newest military gear from China and Korea, their military suppliers, along with requisite financial policies that will defend and protect the economy and the people therein and just enough might to show up at UN meetings with copies of Article six of the US constitution so that America is on par with the truly greatest nations on earth. But, we can pretend on tv ; pretending on CNEN. This is the power of the simulacrum. There has to be some and how do we quantify it? It seems that after all of their efforts at seeking global hegemony with tremendous Multi year military adventures, they are left with global pizza power, potato chips, soft drinks, sporting goods, lots of fashion, watch brands, beers and movie franchises in addition to iconic perennial American classical music called Jazz. We thank God. The solution to the economic reversals between 1977-2021 in terms of stopping the losses in post war economic expansion involves a total income support to respond to total job automation or the hyundai-fication of the major automotive manufacturing processes. This must be met with the BMW-fication of social policies to prop up lost consumer buying power caused by automation and higher sales tax rates to make up for lost national revenue also caused by automation. Follow Germany's income support numbers and their sales tax rate to enjoy the new Carvana economy. There is no salesman. You know what you want. Use your computer tablet, type in your credit details, pay the $350.00 initial down payment, print the receipt with pick up location and dealership name and get a confirmation as to the day and time when you can retrieve your key and vehicle. At the pick up location, sign the contract and confirm full monthly payment details for your 4 year to 10 year payment arrangement. America can be great again. You could do it. Anyone can; even a caveman can do it; Geico. It's just that there is a tug of war going on where Saul Sans Souci is testing the will power for war with his Sans Souci cousin in Europe. An income support for every North American is inevitable and this would be the dictate of the economy. The lobbying necessary to build a car plant in Connecticut is the lobbying necessary to get the North American to satisfy economic requirements. Saul Sans Souci's only goal and culture is authority; not black or white. They could collectively participate in and create schisms to say they must not only have authority but authority over the constitution; an absolute authority because black lives matter and they do but all lives matter. But, he will use black or white to impeach the authority of the country for his own personal authority agenda and he is confident that there are people just like him who want to fight property ownership forever to the death. If you want to fight property ownership to the death you can do that after every citizen has at least $50,000.00 per year in the income support. Click here.
"Fulcrum" economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic policies are the policies that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining human life any where in the global economy and the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90000.00 per year and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn't anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Fulcrum economic policy is a concept coined by Warren A. Lyon; PH. D in Economics. They work like a parachute to save human life when the economy with continued automation is closing down on the human being and the meaningfulness of human life. They also provide, essential guaranteed national revenue with an elevated sales tax that guarantees and ensures national revenue to alleviates any need for national debts that create dependency on other countries. As such, these policies are essential for national security in ensuring and securing the population and also the country's financial integrity. Automation was not designed to close the economy. But, it can when it could put more than 80% of the known work force out of jobs. The country cannot maintain itself on a work force of only 20% of the population. Industries cannot maintain itself either when they need more than 20% of the population to be able to participate in the buying and purchasing. the ordering of goods with monies that are not obtained in the white economy; the drug trade. The Truth of American Global Hegemony. It is not really an economy just as much as the border between Israel and Egypt is historically fictitious. If it is one land, then they are really one people but at different levels of technological evolution. If you spend time with a woman you know to be barren, then you may as well as create a God that can make you a miracle that she would become pregnant. What was the name of the land of Israel before it was called Israel in honor of Jacob? It seems it is and was Egypt. But, we have made a border and we have also made an America that we pretend is anything other than what we have made. The border for Israel works. America does not and it does cause economic recesses and reversals when the money is not enough per citizen. There isn't any hegemony for America in the macrocosm but only in the microcosm with food, clothing, music and other consumer items. This is also evident when there is no longer an independent America. Maybe it was never really independent except but in the "free will" to set one or two "fulcrum" policies that either agree or disagree with Europe; fulcrum policies like sales tax and income support policy. The movies sometimes talk about the full weight and might of the US Government but, there isn't any weight when you don't really have an economy that is capable of sustaining its post war expansion or its post war population in spite of automation. Instead, there is a recess in this expansion with malls closing that were once opened to serve consumer demand that no longer exists due to automation. There is just enough might to serve and defend the population with the newest military gear from China and Korea, their military suppliers, along with requisite financial policies that will defend and protect the economy and the people therein and just enough might to show up at UN meetings with copies of Article six of the US constitution so that America is on par with the truly greatest nations on earth. But, we can pretend on tv ; pretending on CNEN. This is the power of the simulacrum. There has to be some and how do we quantify it? It seems that after all of their efforts at seeking global hegemony with tremendous Multi year military adventures, they are left with global pizza power, potato chips, soft drinks, sporting goods, lots of fashion, watch brands, beers and movie franchises in addition to iconic perennial American classical music called Jazz. We thank God. The solution to the economic reversals between 1977-2021 in terms of stopping the losses in post war economic expansion involves a total income support to respond to total job automation or the hyundai-fication of the major automotive manufacturing processes. This must be met with the BMW-fication of social policies to prop up lost consumer buying power caused by automation and higher sales tax rates to make up for lost national revenue also caused by automation. Follow Germany's income support numbers and their sales tax rate to enjoy the new Carvana economy. There is no salesman. You know what you want. Use your computer tablet, type in your credit details, pay the $350.00 initial down payment, print the receipt with pick up location and dealership name and get a confirmation as to the day and time when you can retrieve your key and vehicle. At the pick up location, sign the contract and confirm full monthly payment details for your 4 year to 10 year payment arrangement.

We celebrate classical music written in the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. We watch and attend concerts celebrating this music and this is called culture, history and art.
American musical expressions such as Jazz in particular as well as what we call Rock and Roll deserve a similar musical preservation and honorific with schools to teach and preserve these musical styles.
Rock music, however, is more of an expression from the sweaty pores of real life experiences and there is less and less of this in America so that we see a petrification of the musical form. This is good and bad. The form is now given terms such as classic rock; of course but when did life become so static in America such that the art and music that expresses the human soul becomes soo frozen in time with no new living and breathing of human emotion being expressed through that music; in that art?
Jazz, however, has gone through many changes not unlike classical music with the evolution of instrumentation but remains an achievable, teachable classical music art form that is unmistakably, genuinely American in origin. A new docudrama on Netflix is coming with the energy of Greenbook mixed with Fargo season 4 that focuses on Miles' early life; right on up to the hot, sweaty 1940's clubs of New York and the Julliard Musical School in addition to the early Atlantic recording years that gave us the '58 Miles album and the album Kind of Blue. It should be an excellent and fun production but without the salacious and false suggestions about homosexuality that plagued the Ma Rainey movie or the Donald Shirley tale. Miles Davis' father had to be a dentist because his father cleaned my great great grandfather's teeth. The characters of John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk and Gillespie should appear in this multi-season series that will cover the black white experiences of Americans touched on by shows such as Mad Men that seems to have been a deceitful white only vision of work and life in Manhattan. I know personally, my great grandmother was secretary on Wall Street and my great grandfather was an accountant who bought several Jazz albums from the era and who also attended shows on Saturday night with his wife. They committed to work from Yonkers. You see, if Mad Men was the truth then the 1960's basketballers and Black Vietnam soldiers had to have been imported from some where like the real America when Mad Men is not indicative of history and if it was, who is Lena Horne or Louis Armstrong? It was not unusual to find a black typist or black typing pool manager or punch card manager. There would have been an Adam Clayton Powell in every board room and a Thurgood Marshall as well as several black police officers. Mad Men is the type of Simulacra that defames the American experience while its commitment to fashion truth and possibly the deceit of American hegemony was helpful and timeless.

Simulacra is defined as the following: A simulacrum (plural: simulacra or simulacrums, from Latin simulacrum, which means "likeness, semblance") is a representation or imitation of a person or thing.[1] The word was first recorded in the English language in the late 16th century, used to describe a representation, such as a statue or a painting, especially of a god. By the late 19th century, it had gathered a secondary association of inferiority: an image without the substance or qualities of the original.[2]
About home culture between mother, father and children, is the "F-@#k me" culture in Breeders preferable to the more ecumenical Alf Garnett or Ward and June Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver? I think both recitations of human family life purposely engaged in rearing children are helpful; the estuary sewage, potty mouth kind and the ecumenical kind. As such, we also find unique value in the classicalness of American Jazz and also the authentic 1980's expressions of the California rappers with their Gin and Juice. The New York rappers were drumming on drum machines, a form of automation, and wearing their sneakers; Adidas brand though( Ja, German. Ist es Gut!). We wanted to see them wear Asics Onitsuka Tigers in their way to El Segundo where it's jingling…baby.

The big band Creolized American energies, mixing Tito Puente, Cab Calloway and Glen Miller have brought about a hybridized American band sound as seen in the Earth Wind and Fire, Nuyorican Soul, Roy Ayers semi classical Jazz Junk Ensembles and also the Commodores; the group D Train is representative of this with a lot of electronics in addition to the Soul Sonic Force also and we may see some of this energy in Ten City and Inner City.

Just as the North American Neanderthal economies heal from years of emotional resistance to simple human logic while emotionally anaesthetized with European chocolate and Scottish whiskies they are now finding strategic restoration in the simple income support and sales tax plans with standard implementation across the North American continent so that new malls will emerge on old mall properties that will mix lived-work condominium spaces with movie theatres and shopping mall convenience possibly with under ground parking on old shut down mall properties. The problem with the Neanderthal economy or Neanderthal economics is that it is run in beautiful, plump, bodacious, sumptuous territories that boast great resources but they fail as Neanderthals to respect the mechanics or purpose of government in that they would rather borrow from China than raise the sales tax in their own economy to generate "debt fighting, income support enabling and salary funding" national revenue. As such they fail in that human endeavor; as well dressed white Neanderthals. Maybe raise the sales tax next time so you can afford national essentials like the income support that prevents the cyclical recession and depression that occur with every new technological upswing in automation of some kind; my fine smelling, well dressed Neanderthal. "Carvana" is a form of automation that automates the car sales man job and the whole dealership process. The fact that the Neanderthal would rather borrow from China instead of raise sales tax demonstrates also a resentment for government with respect to monies as they say the government owes the Neanderthal man. It's a big economic problem; this resentment. But, it only takes a small amount of human adjustment; human evolution. Its a kind of test if you would rather borrow from China than raise sales tax to feed the government's financial needs and people who fail it should not be in government. An income Support of $90,000.00 per year per citizen( including every current and former politician as it is not based on wealth or the politician's genocide charges) is proposed with a 51% sales tax( as in Psalms 51). This will preserve national economic integrity and move the country out of Neanderthal capitalism and into the realm of advanced capitalism. We can rub pie on our faces again and celebrate family! One kindergarten or high School student, in terms of aggregate salaries and all other building costs amounts to $92,000.00 per year in government funding of his requisite education to protect him for the evils of the world. But, what is the point if the student or the people have to leave the economy due to a lack of income support and do not have the money to buy the condos or the jazz albums due to the total robotic automation and the failure to implement a total income support that parallels the functionality of the greatest economies on earth that never endure any recesses in expansion, recessions as caused by on-going global automation? Automation is a global phenomenon but the US is the only economy that has seen total reversals of post war expansion as caused by their reluctance to implement two key solutions to automation; the total income support and the sales tax necessary to ensure consistent, certain national revenue.
The Truth of American Global Hegemony. There isn't any in the macrocosm but only in the microcosm with food, clothing, music and other consumer items. This is also evident when there is no longer an independent America. Maybe it was never really independent except but in the "free will" to set one or two "fulcrum" policies that either agree or disagree with Europe; fulcrum policies like sales tax and income support policy. The movies sometimes talk about the full weight and might of the US Government but, there isn't any weight when you don't really have an economy that is capable of sustaining its post war expansion or its post war population in spite of automation. Instead, there is a recess in this expansion with malls closing that were once opened to serve consumer demand that no longer exists due to automation. There is just enough might to serve and defend the population with the newest military gear from China and Korea, their military suppliers, along with requisite financial policies that will defend and protect the economy and the people therein and just enough might to show up at UN meetings with copies of Article six of the US constitution so that America is on par with the truly greatest nations on earth. But, we can pretend on tv ; pretending on CNN. This is the power of the simulacrum. There has to be some and how do we quantify it? It seems that after all of their efforts at seeking global hegemony with tremendous Multi year military adventures, they are left with global pizza power, potato chips, soft drinks, sporting goods, lots of fashion, watch brands, beers and movie franchises in addition to iconic perennial American classical music called Jazz. We thank God. The solution to the economic reversals between 1977-2021 in terms of stopping the losses in post war economic expansion involves a total income support to respond to total job automation or the hyundai-fication of the major automotive manufacturing processes. This must be met with the BMW-fication of social policies to prop up lost consumer buying power caused by automation and higher sales tax rates to make up for lost national revenue also caused by automation. Follow Germany's income support numbers and their sales tax rate to enjoy the new Carvana economy. There is no salesman; you know what you want. Use your tablet, type in your credit details, pay the $350.00 initial down payment, print the receipt with pick up location and dealership name and get a confirmation as to the day and time when you can retrieve your key and vehicle. At the pick up location, sign the contract and confirm full monthly payment details for your 4 year to 10 year payment arrangement. The sales person can be a customer service rep and he can do quite well at 2 hours of work per day at $50.00 per hour; with some of the work at home over the phone. This will be in addition to his income support.

The Russian economy is an example as well as the Japanese and Swedish economies of a Carvana economy. The truth is that American cultural exports create a deceitful simulacrum of global economic hegemony; an actual, real global hegemony that eludes the nation; on further observation. A box of American corn flakes on the grocery shelf in Russia or Japan or Scotland makes me so proud. Yet, the economy must satisfy and follow standard policies to achieve the American Cereal box manufacturer's market demand goals at home and abroad. The country is in debt, however, and a repentant realization of how simple and successful America might have been as a member nation in the human family. How can you be a husband if you don't have a normal, functioning wife? How can you have global hegemony if you don't have a normal functioning economy with total income support and requisite sales tax numbers emblematic of the advanced economies? America, right now, is a Neanderthal economy where the Brooks Brother, or Armani dressed Neanderthal is indecisive about government existing over him. It could be that it has not really changed since Eisenhower; a Canadian (possibly Lord Durham dna; Lord Durham was a rebel and disloyal servant against the Crown who proclaimed himself the real King of England, misusing Crown resources.) who resisted the total income support and he made himself a computer to kill the nation for taking his hair with a plutonium helmet. His son was shot in front of him also. The notion of American global hegemony is the fiction as it lacks real economic hegemony. American global hegemony is not the fact while as a nation and people they are to be afforded respect for global cultural "must haves" such as the '58 miles Miles Davis album the John Coltrane "Giant Steps" and the the "My Favorite Things" Album. See also Charles Mingus album; the Black Saint and the Sinner Lady that commented on musically the normalization of the Cosmopolitan woman and the whore mother living in a 5 bed home with a husband in the suburbs. Let us not forget the Nikes, the Shinola, The Hamilton watch, the Calvin Klein the Gap, the Old Navy, the Timex and the Doritos; muey Bueno senor! Miles Davis' father had to be a dentist because his father cleaned my great great grandfather's teeth. This is honorably just as classic as the Timex watch; and genuinely American.

American cultural hegemony lives on even when the nuclear subs are dismantled in the same way the whaling ships were dismantled as redundant. Maybe the subs will be retrofitted with fuel cells that can power the generators that move the propellers. Its shores remain open as a land of religious freedom and opportunity for positivism. But, there is a question. Where did that devil John Adams really go in 1788 after he shot George Washington and why was he never convicted for this shooting or for harassing Dutch, German and English protestants in addition to the Jews? He was released from Sans Souci Haiti in 1721 to challenge these Euro American expression of individualism, creativity and independence. He kept telling these 2nd and 3rdn generation American Euro Creole settlers that they should not have the authority; not French and not Catholic. He has now found a more pure and Creolized expression of his own need to have JW(Jehovah Witness) SANS Souci(Jehovah Witness) authority when he says, you are not supposed to have authority when and where he does not feel equal in terms of education or maybe football goals or any kind of achievement. He has a string of dead families behind him while he will travel more than 40 minutes to play squash with you once he has heard about you and your squash prowess until he feels equal, maiming you and your family somehow. The only way to cure this is to forcibly educate every Sans Souci so that no one has less education than he does. Isn't he the king? According to him, the answer is….he needs to be but then he says he could not be anything but a waste of time and nuisance. Whoop his f@*@*king ass until he repents and joins the human family, keeping his corner, respecting our wives, families and property in the way he would wish to be respected! What is the point of reciting in faith that you are prophet, priest and king as they Jews and the Catholics say if you only abuse others and yourself and fail to accept the wisdom of human family? What if you are actually given a throne and you fail to accept yourself as the actual national or communal prophet, priest and king……^^^…..? We can all live together; perennial a-sholes who do not repent, who are "appl" zombies, thieves and victims and who need to be accepted and the non-perennial a-sholes can all live and work together. I would even propose a bus driver job for these individuals once they are identified as they are just having fun, trying to tear down any vulnerable authority in their wake; like the US government, the presidency or the English crown. It should not have the authority; he says.
Did you know King David, Moses and all of Israel spoke Arabic as the native language of Israel until sometime after the Babylonian occupation involving the prophet Daniel and the other Jewish young men? After that, some Hebrew was involved. Arabic was the language of Abraham and Jacob as well as the people Israel who lived in Egypt for 400 years. The first time the Proverbs were read and written, it would have been in Arabic. This is Arabic linguistic and cultural, global hegemony; right inside your White Anglo Saxon(son of Isaac) protestant living room. The first time anyone ever read the story of Isaac in history, it would have been in Arabic. What say you?
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