A great thinker once said, "..what is really precious is the life of people." This is a movie plot. We have had to recalculate our expectations of sales tax as it will be higher, following total automation since total automation has changed the expectations of work and jobs for the majority as there are fewer people working and therefore the country must recalculate its method of generating resources to keep the country afloat without resorting to loans from other countries. The loan may say they can dictate policy and possibly run your infrastructure. Do you know a country like that seeks to allow itself to be a pedestal for the vain and insecure? We could maybe say the country can be divorced from its 24 hour game of games called the Square Office or the Oval Office and it could be like a birthday party for 4 or 8 years. If he was to exercise nonverbal influence and social change, in what direction would we be going? We would also honor his dead murderous Dillinger, Bill the Butcher/ Jesse James ancestors who are probably aboriginal or part aboriginal but we are all aboriginal; right? There is nothing wrong with wanting to and having to be the president without respect for all the rules, you say, but there is something wrong with what you are using the office for. Some of us call ourselves white and some of us call ourselves black. I am neither. The point will be to ensure, above and beyond this televised celebration that the country works. We will all work and the country will not suffer in debt while every North American will have their sufficient income support. We can afford it and structure our tax polices accordingly, emphasizing sales tax in the new joblessness occasioned by automation. What if 70 cents on a dollar could provide us with $200.00/day in support? Could the temperament of a dog or John Adams that is afraid of being alone enter into our blood stream and our personal propensities and proclivities; a dog that was rescued by a 12 year old beach comber where it actually filters through our dna as the dog’s distilled saliva was put in soups and bread dough? We see this originating in the West Indies where the gamete mother of many West Indians currently alive was a dead nine year old killed by the beach comber in 1938 because she should not have said to anyone that she thanks and loves the school teacher and will be a school teacher some day also. The beach comber, named Laro was 12. Grae Lyo is one of the many daughters. Its just that a dog loves cuddling but was probably accused of attacking the girl and killing her so Laro had to kill the dog as punishment although the dog was just a scape goat to help him avoid the murder culpability; something pirates do to avoid the guilt and punishment. Maybe the dog killed your wife. But, the dog and Grace’ gamete egg mother are now dead so its that “stand your ground” situation when you can’t try the dog. But, you saved the world by letting the dog eat the dead woman and then you shot the dog to cover your sin. They will be putting all the dogs in the area near her daughter Grae’s condo to let the dogs eat her and then they will be blowing up the building since some say how could she be a black woman real estate agent in front of me…in front of me walking around on any balcony? All the other owners on her floor are already missing in the Covid game. So, what is going On? The Queen owns the units if there is no Will, wife or progeny; not the condo corporation but there is no state permission to kill owners of property and occupy the units. In any event, the directors are taken for corporate manslaughter when they attempt to lease the units contrary to the owners continuing estate Rights. So, what is going on? See the movie Detroit. I don’t see anything myself but maybe we could just hand the condos out for free to Ray from Ozark. His father is a computer now, killing everyone with any property ownership. This is not about race but socioeconomic expectation. Click here.

A great thinker once said, "..what is really precious is the life of people."     This is a movie plot.    We have had to recalculate our expectations of sales tax as it will be higher,  following total automation since total automation has changed the expectations of work and jobs for the majority as there are fewer people working and therefore the country must recalculate its method of generating resources to keep the country afloat without resorting to loans from other countries.   The loan may say they can dictate policy and possibly run your infrastructure. Do you know a country like that seeks to allow itself to be a pedestal for the  vain and insecure?  We could maybe say the country can be divorced from its 24 hour game of games called the Square Office or the Oval Office and it could be like a birthday party for 4 or 8 years.   If he was to exercise nonverbal influence and social change, in what direction would we be going? We would also honor his dead murderous Dillinger, Bill the Butcher/ Jesse James ancestors who are probably aboriginal or part aboriginal but we are all aboriginal; right?  There is nothing wrong with wanting to and having to be the president without respect for all the rules, you say.   But, there is something wrong with what you are using the office for. It is getting very obvious. You resent Monarchy;  and constitutions. You have, some how, said you need some leaders of the English Church to be just like you,,,because if you cant be king, you say, then no one can.  They should know who to trust; you say. Your little game has killed 70 people at a Walgreen's in Oklahoma. they showed up for a cubbage test and you said they are just like you; cubbage.  You want to see boots on the ground dying  for you and your genetic murderous proclivities and resentments of this world  as you provoke a fight with simplicity in the Magna Carta where we could all have enough in daily provision  where the precious life of people is upheld. You must have some overarching agenda when it is very simple evidently.     Some of us call ourselves white and some of us call ourselves black.   I am neither.  The point will be to ensure above and beyond this televised celebration of a murderous individual's genome(now in the square oval office) an individual who did not get his trial as shot in a stand off; that the country works.  What would you do for America or North America if you could be President?  We will all work and the country will not suffer in debt while every North American will have their sufficient income support.  We can afford it and structure our tax polices accordingly, emphasizing sales tax in the new joblessness occasioned by automation. What if 70 cents on a dollar could provide us with $200.00/day in support?          Could the temperament of a dog or John Adams that is afraid of being alone enter into our blood stream and our personal propensities and proclivities; a dog that was rescued by a 12 year old beach comber where it actually filters through our dna as the dog’s distilled saliva was put in soups and bread dough?   We see this originating in the West Indies where the gamete mother of many West Indians currently alive was a dead nine year old killed by the beach comber in 1938 because she should not have said to anyone that she thanks and loves the school teacher and will be a school teacher some day also. The beach comber, named Laro was 12. Grae  Lyo is one of the many daughters.  Its just that a dog loves cuddling but was probably accused of attacking the girl and killing her so Laro had to kill the dog as punishment although the dog was just a scape goat to help him avoid the murder culpability; something pirates do to avoid the guilt and punishment.  Maybe the dog killed your wife.  But, the dog and Grace’ gamete egg mother are now dead so its that “stand your ground” situation when you can’t try the dog. But, you saved the world by letting the dog eat the dead woman and then you shot the dog to cover your sin. They will be putting all the dogs in the area near her daughter Grae’s condo to let the dogs eat her and then they will be blowing up the building since some say how could she be a black woman real estate agent in front of me…in front of me walking around on any balcony? All the other owners on her floor are already missing in the Covid game.   So, what is going On?    The Queen owns the units if there is no Will, wife or progeny; not the condo corporation but there is no state permission to kill owners of property and occupy the units. In any event, the directors are taken for corporate manslaughter when they attempt to lease the units contrary to the owners continuing estate Rights. So, what is going on? See the movie Detroit. I don’t see anything myself but maybe we could just hand the condos out for free to Ray from Ozark. His father is a computer now, killing everyone with any property ownership. This is not about race but socioeconomic expectation.

 What if there is a childish minded Terrorist “Jesse James descendant” sleeper cell in American domestic politics, within the Democratic party? In any event, it was a legitimate election win. We have a President governed by all the laws of the land and the international community. We could say he is not legitimate. But, he was recalled from retirement to assist us in finding the broken path in American economic activity when the shock of total automation in America as of 2008 was too great; along with Afghanistan.  He might be just a regent. He might not be the President. Maybe the legitimate President is someone else. But, we need to get a job done for we; the poor white/black/yellow/red aboriginal people of North America when there is no wise king or Lord here  to help us and maybe the Regent has realized we need Europe's help since it could have been some kind of anthropological issue that someone has exploited. The dog will never be able to pull the thorn out of its own paw.  We start with ourselves as a people. Then these people need the money like all other peoples of the earth enduring the double whammy of both industrial and office automation. It hit some generations really hard as of the early 1990's when The Office software suites speeded up office work and made a single individual capable of doing what might have taken ten people in the old world with those genius IBM selectric type writers.  North America is no longer a market for American made vehicles but for vehicles made by foreign owned companies.  This market needs more and sufficient consumer demand or else every North American will have to move to Europe or Europe needs to fund North America to make it worth while. $200.00/ day as income support is theft prevention.   The missing variable in the whole scenario was a concerted, consistent national income support policy and a sales tax policy that enables America to end it’s reliance on debt and maintain its own national finance. The difference between foreign debt reliance and independence with enough to fund the military and each American with an income support is 17% on Federal transactions and 10% on the local state transactions. The current sales tax on Federal transactions is about 13% and it is about 20% on State transactions.  Warren A. Lyon refers to sales tax and income support as the fulcrum policies that work as economic support beams They ensure the house of cards does not come tumbling down.   We are not rendering unto Caesar necessarily. We render unto ourselves as we pay the sales tax. With it, we pay for the requisite services in our community such as police, fire, schools and community centres. We also pay ourselves an income support of no less than $80,000.00 per year.      However, sales tax becomes more important as a form of national revenue when fewer people are working due to automation. But,  how long will it take for America to wipe away her ways an implement the policies with sales tax on all transactions at no less than 30% sales tax? You can keep saying 13% and 20% to defend what you have never done but your train is running off the rails and you rely on other countries to fund and manage you now. It is not for you to decide what the sales tax will be any way but if it was, do not resent what the answer is as you keep doing it wrong. Take the train off the rails. Implement a policy that says every American will not have to move to the eastern sea board to states such as Vermont, Massachusetts and Atlanta.  Have no shame. Do not worry who observed the policy problem but your hesitation is like watching a dunce look at spilled milk or a spilled hand bag; in shock and she won't just wipe the shit up or put her things right again in the hand bag.      Jesse James, as a half native white, used to blow up buildings and trains, hoping to find gold. He is a JW founder. He realised he would have authority if he refused the dna of another man’s blood for a blood transfusion when he noticed the Jews say they more clean and separate. What could be more clean and separate than refusing another man’s blood. He did not really go to school but had authority as a retired half white native Union Soldier and he believes in the American dream and the idea but it would only be a dream and an idea if you could not read a land title deed, a contract of sale and purchase or the constitution. Instead of blowing up trains and robbing stage coaches, Jesse reasoned as a former soldier that maybe you could blow up the depot and take the gold while pretending to be Federal Employees involved in securing the area. See the movie  Glory.  But, AT and T and the soldiers did. Then, see the movie Mission Impossible Six. Black and white dichotomy was created by a  Hermaphrodite Descendent of Charles 5th Pretender who did not have any education but had authority and who presumed that there were no black people in like him in the books that washed up on the beach from the shop wreaks was evidence of a stigma against blacks, scorning them. But, that was not the editor’s intention. What dead thing could be projecting his self loathing as a black around the world through the media except John Adams? Now that there was one legitimate Black President on the modern world, his loathing and lack of acceptance should be over. Did you know Tosca was a Hermaphrodite?

Remember that WEB Du Bois, Paul Robeson and Hattie Mc Daniel had a dole/income support in the north in states like Massachusetts, Minnesota and Vermont while many whites and black in other states were suffering around people like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd. The profits in these states was negated by the loss in the other non dole/zero income support states.   Love white people; and black people too. Love Black people; and white people also. Do you know Snapper fish? Do you know Mango? The West Indians have a concept called “my story book”. This concept is about one’s world view or paradigms as shaped by education, ancestral ignorance or personal ignorance, media and cultural expectations or the lack thereof. For instance, we could ask  how do we move from the dignity of Cuban identity to the statistical, emotional mediocrity of white ‘American’ or black ‘American’? Cuban American will do just fine. If you are born in America, you are born in America and then you are a proud American with proud Cuban ancestry. This is important when honoring your ancestors just as you honor your community, your family and your personal self estimation. But, what if your ‘story book’ conflicts with the evidence of human achievement regardless of complexion as seen in history books and museums all over the world discussed in television documentaries? What if your story book conflicts with Cab Calloway’s story book or Thurgood Marshall’s story book where he says you have a problem. You are out of order. In fact, I have something called My Story book. I am not a hoax. Yet, I am no one; nothing. Yet, I am a designer and trademark owner. It is rumored that the English once proposed dismantling an Egyptian pyramid and re assembling it at Glastonbury. This proposal brought the War of Megiddo where 25000 British Troops were burned up instantly with zyclon and incendiary bombs dropped from airplanes flying at 17000 feet in 1918. This is fulfillment of bible prophecy in Revelations apparently; evidently. It was a bad proposal and sacrilegious; an apostate idea that one should never have or else he will see his death in the curse of the mummies. I would never propose anything like it; nor should you. If your ‘story book’ conflicts with the Story book followed by others, then do not impose or try to change the world to say you didn’t know a Black professional Real Estate Agent, alpine skier or In House Counsel could exist; that some how you need to adjust historical living facts to satisfy your ignorances and justify your ignorant, contrived Story book full of simple, limiting notions. You could say the black real estate agent is not on your story book or you say “my story book” but would you expect the Courts, laws and banks to support your public nefarious, insidious petition that this black agent should not exist, that you should have the right to spit in her fridge? Would it be that our laws are being held in abeyance as you seek expression of your limited world views as you seek redress; a moment of readjustment, an opportunity to say that you used to have the right to just kill anyone you wanted in public as Black Columbus but as Creole Brown mulatto John Newton (Amazing Grace writer) you will repent and ask us to “George Floyd Holiday” join you ? How many home invasions, mischief phone calls and emails have you made? How many interruptions of bank accounts and other finance, including offences of theft over have you committed? You are pale skinned Afro headed person and you can sing but so can the victim. You have been terribly violent and it seems you are asking the world to choose you over this target of yours, this more mocha skinned agent if there is something, some honor or position. Maybe you called the Law Society of Europe in Brussels to confirm whether your high school friend is able to say he is a Law Graduate and a professional who can provide services in public. Then you called the authorities and got ARRESTED for mischief. You said that after the 5 G fruity Bobble I -phone, that this phenomenon of a black UK lawyer is not in your story book but he has been a lawyer since June 25th, 2000. But, who would you be? The lecturers and the schools are 95% white. Now , who do you say you are. I say I am no one; nothing but I own trademarks and when I discuss them I never use the word royalties. It say intellectual property rights to remuneration for authorised or unauthorized use.

The President is a celebrant of our Constitution and the unique expression of the North Americentric Brit Milah culture that celebrates and defends the value of all human life at home and abroad. After we have ensured all of our policies secure and ensure human life safety, we can also have some fun and maybe also some meaningful military adventurism, building roads and fixing pipes for water distribution or rescuing people from pirates. In fact, in some cases we could just pretend sometimes since Ruxpin says he needs to see boots on the ground for the make up and projection of his image on CNEN. Was that Cecil B De Mile’s saliva in Ruxpin’s peanut butter and coffee for breakfast with the Manichewitz crackers. We are running a business also; not a giant global debt generator. You could say wars are necessary sometimes but with right sales tax policy, they do not have to bankrupt the nation. With the right sales tax policy, every citizen can have enough. This article is really about markets and economics in addition to how humans who are under-educated and under prepared for market participation as consumers are still viable worthy market participants with legal protections that include requisite Income support funding as designed to prevent the recessions caused by the joblessness instigated by robotic job automation. It also causes the big mortgage short when you could have $50,000.00 in support as your financial safety against the risk of the joblessness occasioned by automation, but…the economy does not accept this support for mortgage income when extending your mortgage when the current term expires. North America is the only economic trading zone that has seen these cyclical recessions with infrastructure, towns, stores and malls closing down in light of the ongoing reductions in economic activity as evidence of market retraction and population depletion. Wars to temporarily stimulate the economy have only exacerbated the root problem seen in insufficient funding of the consumer dating back to the days of Jesse James. This lack of funding created this anthropological phenomenon and monster. Was someone in America arguing with the wisdom of England and Europe with respect to payment of the dole to the new Western American settlers? Did they pretend to pay the dole/income support as much as they pretended to install fuel injectors in the 1970’s and 80′s model vehicles. Those allegedly digital fuel injectors were carburetors. See the attached photo. If,as a man in the new world, I was having an argument with a king and aspiring to the leadership of my Creole/ half European/Half aboriginal people like Declan Harp, then I might refuse and resist all of his policies to see my own authority. But, then these policies involve feeding the people with an income support or dole. So then you resist the money policies that are essential for your people to survive. But, then how am I starving myself and my people now while I, the Neanderthal Whip  White or Black President, argue with him, the king, and resist? Maybe religion for the Neanderthal becomes vain culture before it becomes a heart faith. He will live and we will hope things will improve. Things will improve. I know and hope things will improve. Teddy Ruxpin. It seems resistance in your state and condition was more important than rest, calm, money and peace. It’s you!!! The point is that we want real milk and a real regenerative economy. But if I want milk that does stick to the pot when I boil it, I can buy evaporated milk.

There is only one Anglo government now but many territories or satellite entities. This government apparently is the British Government that sets essential policies involving traffic lights and income support in addition to education policies where an all day or half day adult high school/ GED program will be offered at community colleges for free along side the Food manager course and other such offerings like gardening. There will be a free online delta variant of the that is also useful for full college and university preparation. Universities will also offer a 5 or 6 year degree for some people who may need to take their time although they certainly graduated from some high school. There is only one flag for the government, the British flag, but various other flags will remain as symbolic of the particular hybrid cultures for sports competition; such as the Irish flag or the Scottish flag. The idea of giving former slaves the power to decide whether they will or will not have enough money on a day to day basis has proved worthwhile. Money for each citizen in a black country and former slave colony should have been the first step when what else would a black man or new entrant to our world of economy have needed except money. Many of these nations failed to get to the answer by 2014. Instead, they abused power and public funds to attack the younger members of their community who were chastened to work hard in school for the family and the community. The attack was based on the fear of the older generation who were concerned how the younger generation might have more association because of their attendance at schools. They did not really go school, but they did work hard and know how to do many good things with natural temperament like damage people’s teeth. Maybe we should respect the money, adapt to and submit to all the new technology also when they send it and throw the old stuff like the carburetors, taking on the fuel injection or fuel cells without delays…and then we can resist in some other way like in our clothing. We could use instead of super 100 wool, we could use super 200  wool making us extra warm or maybe we use polyester and save some money in the process.….then you have your authority and life; life more abundantly.  Personally, I am no one. I am nothing. Who do you say you are?   There is an economic equation that is soo simple that even a cave man can do it. Herod was Grendel bastard dna that they were trying to understand in Israel; Israel that is the time capsule land, preserving Egyptian laws and peace, dedicated to the preservation and propagation of these laws, history and the proliferation of civilization with its laws that make it possible. Who do you say you are? I say I am no one…I am nothing. The income support is a simple thing that helps the economy and provides tremendous wealth generation when married with the essential Fulcrum twin policy involving the sales tax that ensures government income. The Federal Government could also add an infrastructure/national defence tax to every light bill and water bill at no more than $20.00 per month for significant revenue. But, who do you say you are?   Herod the Great was just great anger and resistance. He burned down trees once he learned how to make fire and provoke the Romans and his Grendel dna running through his veins is still harassing our world and civilization. He says he is not sure if he understands the laws or the system  yet. Herod the Great was chopped up by the Romans after Jesus and they put in a look -a-like. It was really Pontius Pilate’s son with a wig on. Why would Romans let a pot of Herod excrement waste our time any longer?   Find every Herod dna still alive and ask him if he is bold enough to say again that he is not sure yet about the ten commandments of civilization and human community. What are your hands doing on my wife in your emotions and imagination?  We understand the ten Commandments and the Joseph ration of income support were the two key policies to make the departure from nomadic civilization over to modern settled urbanized civilization.  Joseph, a son of Israel, joined a major civilization and was inspired to make a proposal that saved and assisted Egypt. This Joseph ration for every citizen and human in Egypt became the foundation of the first advanced economies that is contrasted with North America’s ongoing neanderthal economy where every citizen is still not guaranteed and ensured these essential funds.  

We should not imagine Herod was a red head. There were three Herod’s and everyone of then had black hair. However, Grendel’s hair might have been red. Covid will never end. His anger is carried by people with various hair colors and textures. He is a fictional character but symbolic of the experience of the cave dwelling Britons when civilization built log wood dwellings with doors in proximity to the caves where some early humans dwelled.  This article is a movie plot.  The government approves of the robotic machines that give rise to the automation that, in turn, causes the mass joblessness that causes the people to be moneyless, affecting the sales and any profit to be earned on the robotically made, totally machine made goods that, therefore, causes the recessions experienced in only in America and nowhere else, it seems, with the bailouts that some American companies asked the government to pay these now totally foreign owned companies because the people running them were really just churlish White Aboriginal Creoles and former indentured servants whose dna has been traced back to Grendel or to icemen Neanderthals that were resurrected in labs and sent to families that got them jobs in car companies, positions as  senators, in other industries and some became presidents so that their ignorance would destroy the companies, smash the early robots and all of American industry essentially; civilization white and black neanderthal man…America!!!  I’m only joking. You are the most powerful  “duh” dorks on earth; white, black Neanderthals,,,not human or European or African or Asian…but nice, good, genuine people though except its time to evolve and be gentle  with  our souls and enter God’s designed economic rest; bring the real milk back also.   Its not just for European and Asian people.   Thank you!! Its so simple Gaijin.  You have no sense of kindness towards yourselves; no understand of how all the other countries you want to chat about on TV resolved to solve this problem years ago since what is the point of anything if the chain of causality in automation says you will not have any economy if you don’t apply the simple world changing solution of Governor Joseph of Egypt to provide a constant ration to the people to stave of any famines or recessions? You need to show some love toward yourselves but thank you for the billions Africa and Egypt received from you so that you would feel Western White Neanderthal hegemony over the world while your malls were closing down and your children were dying on the drugs Europe and Asia made for you since what is the point of arguing about simple logic with a billion white Neanderthals..going to “get some”..going to get some but your wife said she wanted to “save some” until the wedding when she could not really have a baby as she was not really female? What about paying each North American a good, top level income support to show the world your Western hegemony every where you shop and travel anywhere on the earth for hegemony as Anglos? But, its going to be managed by Germany now…hallelujah!. Ist Est gut; Ja! You just have to be stupid people. Were you waiting for Jesus to say you can live now, that you can have life and life more abundantly?   Yes friend…you can live, eat drink and be merry….Hallelujah! It seems we had a white Neanderthal president and black Neanderthal president in America before we had a human president.  There will be a human president some day in America. We will keep hope alive; the struggle for humanity alive.    But, if you input your own numbers, you could maybe say the income support should be $90,000.00 per North American for Income support at 40% sales tax before its too late where you loose the power to decide because of Neanderthal presidential resistance yet who is dancing like like its Juneteenth with his Juneteenth laws? The white and black people have to pay their rent on Juneteenth.   How long would it take for you to solve the equation; automation  – wages and job salaries+ economy= zero/on going prolonged reversals of economic growth.   However, automation+income support at 3 hrs of wages per day(for 365 days every year until death) based on a postal workers average wage+economy(stores, shops, malls, goods and people)=∞ infinity; See FSJ with Warren A. Lyon who is a Senior Editor, an LL.M in Law and Business with Economics and also a History and Political Science.    

What if the income support was $90,000.00 per year with a 90% sales tax? Your $1.00 donut with sales tax would cost you $1.90. If you really want a donut, you will not hesitate. Sales tax on homes or condos, apartment rent, house rents, car sales and all other vehicles would be 10%. Tax on all luxury goods ( as defined) over $500.00 would also be 10%.  The 90% might vary on a daily basis maybe or on the fourth Friday of every month when you might want to look for a new tv. The Failure in Neanderthal economies to implement a total Income support for all citizens as seen in the case of North America is a kind of argument with logic. It’s also a de facto blockade on trade activity. It slows down and hinders the movement of goods, the sale of goods; the trade of goods. As imposed by North America on its own economy, it is destructive and self defeat. There are fewer North Americans every day; fewer North Americans for our former cold est enemies to worry about and not one bullet was fired. It’s like watching the North American starve themselves of the requisite water that sustains life. In this case they are depriving themselves of money. If Europeans are now running the economy, why would they not demand that the North Americans amend their income support policies and sales tax policies immediately. The English Monarch was once officially the Monarch of France. It was and is a Constitutional monarchy. She has enough influence in all of Danada under the BNA 1867 to set all policy and all laws. She does not intend to do it all on her own. We start with sales tax and the income support policy. In a recent English drama, a 17th century Monarch is heard as he demands that all involved in any direct or indirect, tacit trade blockade be found and hung. I know how to find them. They are on CNEN playing politics, pretending to be doing something while not curing the real problem involving the self imposed blockade to economic activity seen in a lack of sufficient Income support for the entire population. Why don’t we let them build the roads also and decide where traffic lights should go. It is not the president’s job to set essential simple financial policy. But, someone has to do it.  You have to start with the essentials and that is a population if you are going to have hegemony. This is not about you and your head in a bottle being able to order forests burned down and buildings blown up.  With a population, you have microcosmic hegemony that eventually becomes macrocosmic hegemony at no less than $50,000.00 per year per person when every citizen has enough where ever they go as representatives of your most excellent culture and hegemony.   You only think about yourself and what you could do with a fire cracker; evil. We could all lose a checkers game sometimes but, you look like you would kill someone if you lost the game whatever simpleton you are playing the board game of politics. You are not really winning the game but intimidating people and your opponents or former colleagues with allegations. Those Donald tax returns you cooked up are fraudulent. Who is this  asking to own his building in Toronto as if Donald is not a Federal official as a former President? You threatened a former President.  You have failed to fulfil the white man’s burden. Maybe Saul among you and running through your veins is trying to crash the world. There is nothing wrong with $50,000.00 per citizen and 65% sales tax to make the people feel like they are crushed like bread. But, its not too late; oh..most humble and dutiful White North American Neanderthals and participants in this global civilization.    Billions are saved on wages with robotics so there is a small financial factor that can be input on the demand side of the balance sheet to balance out the billions spent on the robotic automation on the supply side.   We need to guarantee the same level of consumer demand and market activity that existed the day before the automation machines were installed; just before 1000’s of people were fired or furloughed/ laid off across the board at the same time right across the country again and again, year after year until the market for good is about 70% of what it used to be in 1974. Its a small fraction of the money spent in the total automation venture.  Its about 3 hours of wages to be paid to every citizen based on a daily allotment of $136.98 but paid weekly or bi-weekly. The majority of American citizens enjoy some income support but not every citizen is covered at $60,000.00 per year in total support while the new Carvana/ Vroom type automated economy without car sales men demands this ATP( ability to pay). The amounts they receive is, in many cases, non compliant and way below national security guidelines. We have stop signs based on road safety. This is evidence of a command economy. We need the income support for economic safety within the authority of the command economy. There are lots of intelligent white people who can explain this to you. There are lots of intelligent humans who could implement the policy. The military and the navy buttresses our new macrocosmic hegemony with an exciting system of global search and rescue with submarines and navy seals saving also the “would be” day trippers and boaters practicing their skills. They could save a boater anywhere in the world who puts on their distress signal and coordinate with other navies until the job is done and life is saved; at any cost. We desire that all should be saved and that none shall ever perish if we can avoid it. See the movie Hit and Run on Netflix.  

Income Support and Anthropology

The cost of government outweighs the 17.5% or the 20% sales tax you collect. We could structure a sales tax that only collects 20% on luxury goods over $500.00, 17.5% on new and used car/boat/airplane sales, 10% on leases, rents and home purchases but 50% on everything else. There will always be an English Monarch who is installed as the Chief examiner for all universities. They remain in our lives as an unobtrusive but helpful reality like traffic lights, working for our safety. Even if the Monarch was born in Alberta at an estate where Louis the 15th dna was mixed with Tecumseh dna, they would have the intuition to help lead their vast North American economy and the Tecumseh people. The Monarch is in an ongoing relationship with its government and the people while it is, in itself, the government yet if the government is weak, it cannot be said that the monarch is strong just as a tick on the back of a dead hippopotamus cannot be as strong and vital as the tick on the back of a living hippopotamus. There is a balancing act here. So, how secure can anything be if the government is in debt to its neighbors over such a rather simple thing really? Maybe it was full Louis dna cloned in Alberta and some became American Presidents like JFK; yet one may subconsciously diminish one’s authority and fear a lack of legitimacy if one believes they ought to be less legitimate if born outside of Europe. This is a self imposed depreciation; a deprecation. It is an unusual fear. What is the point of the fear if your economy is broken and you are dependent on France or Europe anyway financially and also for defence? How quickly could things change with new policy from the ministers setting income support on a parallel variable with the sales tax rate; for instance with sales tax at 40% and the income support at 40,000 pounds or at a 50/50 variable? I don’t know if you want to feel this analogous tension in your economy but, the dogs will think about what you are eating if you don’t give them food and then you will have all the attention of the dogs; the English People when they are hungry. The President is just a celebrant of our American variant of Anglo Creole culture. He is not a road works manager and nor is he an economist. But borrowing money from China and then also asking them or any foreign country to build your weapons says you need a lesson in national defence. You never know when your foreign suppliers may decide that you have no viable weaponry. America was just only an idea anyway so it does not really matter anyway if nothing really works when the national leaders say it was just hot air; an idea because of the Neanderthal truth of the population. Is that right? He has made his point. His humility and acknowledgement is admirable. It seems to echo Walter Reuther when the human endeavor and economic fulfillment can continue in spite of the joblessness caused by automation and maybe only a human; not a Reuther would solve it. See Push Buttons and People. See how the gravity of Washington surrounding you defends your assinine willingness to say you could not solve the jobless impact of automation and you don’t know how to solve it. Well, Sze Sze. I have an idea. We can solve it. Look to Vermont The vigilante batman could say he buys his gear from China but he is not a general; nor is he a local police chief. Scotland pays 30,000.00 pounds for the non high school graduates and 50,000.00 pounds for the GCSE finishers. There is enough food for the English in Scotland. The People love you in any event; for the association and the pageantry. You don’t have any defence, though, without Europe. Get the economy going and your legitimacy will remain always in the love of the people. How could you be dependent on Europe when you have the vast expanses of Danada at your disposal? Whether you are half Louis 15th with other dna, rest assured that the monarchy is not ending. However, it would help to have Monarchs that want monarchy, that support monarchy with consorts and other said individuals that want and truly like monarchy also; without that servant ancestral vendetta and dna if they are not born with a Monarchical tolerance as some Royal citizens and servants are. We are all Royal citizens except for the Monarchs and their Monarchical families who are Monarchical. But, some say wouldn’t it be nice if we could all return everything back to the garden of Eden; God’s excellent original intention where we could all just walk, talk and pick fruit to eat from the trees…and sing praises? You want to ask if God knows you exist and that you are a Monarch…if this was his plan and what he really wants? After 2 world wars, if it’s what he wants. The Monarch has said there will be a King. Yet, there is a sense of doubt about the whole business of Monarchy in the UK. It feels like someone has the magna Carta teetering on the edge of a table or something. Is someone stealing the Royal mail in Canada compulsively It’s hard to shoot everyone you know is motivated by a resentment of monarchy but you could just shoot them when theft of mail is a terrorist offence( like an Alquida at home, sitting in McDonald’s, going to the movies, the warehouse outlet and stealing the mail) but they have not been prosecuted? All mail in Canada is Royal mail. The first law lecture in History was conducted in Africa around 5000 B.C. The first law lecture in the new world was conducted in 1410 at Santo Domingo; now the Dominican Republic. All the students were Western Hemispheric Afro Aboriginals and students of a received legal culture. This is tremendous legal Anthropology, demonstrating the meeting of indigenous and received cultures around the world. The North American is the son or cousin of Montezuma regardless of complexion. The tribes we see in some historical Latin American movies today such as the Lost City of Z are actually composed of people born in the Klondike and transplanted into jungle territories in South America and made to live in ways celebrating early Latin American aboriginal tribal decorum; to satisfy one’s story book but not the Anthropological evidence. This is global simulacrum when Christopher Columbus did not want to accept the truth of two Africas. However, he would not have gone as far as transplanting people from one North American territory to a Southern territory to obfuscate the Anthropological evidence. He would not have been concerned with this. The indigenous and received populations with their dna would intermingle in due course. However, regardless of the Afro, they are not African but Afro Aboriginals. The teacher was French; the Sans Souci Pretender son who carried the dna of King Saul and who was the adopted son of the King of France who not only killed his alleged siblings and also attempted to kill the king with a pistol to be the only one but also could not wait to take and possess The house of Charles (King of France) and was critical of the King; impeaching him. He was not waiting for any Will or estate but only wanted to take it. He did not really go to school but had authority. He was always singing, always impeaching people and their words, alleging that people scorned them. What if you have Charles 2nd( of France) dna and you don’t know? What is the point of having this dna if you don’t understand the logic of the system designed by France as recited in Rousseau’s Social Contract? How many people were employed by Versailles with this dna full of its temperament?: Hired possibly as baby mothers or chefs who attempted to impeach any Royal or any pianist in the House of Versailles so that they might inherit? But, how can you submit to wisdom from your father when he shot your dog in reprisal to your violence against him. You cant see your wrong against him as Saul dna since you tried to impeach him and take his house but you resent him for taking your first companionship and attachment away; emblemized as that dog. He tries to tell you who is not suitable association and you cannot hear a word he says. The Sans Souci adoption was taught how to ration and budget on his way to the new world where he enjoyed Kingdom but was essentially being ostracized when he was not in the King’s Court at Paris. But, he was in the new world as evidence of his ostracism. He had 12 soldiers and a ship would come and go once every six months. He sent fruits and any coins he had created out of raw gold as evidence of his need to be accepted by his adoptive culture. He is not a King but he has the temperament of a king who lost his legitimacy in an argument with the divine; so to speak. If he is ever a king again again, he will have many years of historical reflection available to him from other Kings who may have had this Saul dna. They seem to rely on Psalms 101 and the Book of Judges in addition to the work of Marcus Aurelius to repel any threats from pretender hopefuls who he exterminates once they identify themselves with abuses of power or misfeasance in public office. Since who are they to usurp the power of the monarchy? They are just employees, elected officials. This Saul dna is pliable dna seeking acceptance and power as used in the Nazi WW 2 schism to purposefully systematize, computerize, standardize the world and Europe while exposing the Neanderthal condition of the bible thumping American camouflaged by Hollywood. WW1 North American dna that had come to France and that had spit in milk just before WW2 ,causing a second World War is who the Nazis were killing, not established European Jews. They had spat in milk before WW1 in North America during the new use of radios instead of messengers. Bad milk can start a war.).

Jesse James was beaten to a pulp with a sledge hammer. The guilt of full European black and white people who beat him to death led them to make his progeny a president some day. His progeny receives income support as a paid politician but has not figured out how to verbally agree and defend this income support policy for implementation across the whole country. The kingdoms of civilization are logical, regenerative with regenerative policies and these civilizations are also violent. Men are hired to carry guns in defense of these civilizations. The violent defend them with force; Matthew 11:12. You should have at least $136.98 per day as income support. That works out to about 3 hours of work at $45.66 per hour/ per day every day; 365 days per year. The lack of sufficient income support across the country is a public health issue; a safety issue. The lack of support is causing a depopulation; fewer North Americans due to automation in the absence of proper, full income support while the Asian population grows and their economy grows also. Self imposed policies have killed, dwindled the North American population. No weapons were fired. It’s like giving oxygen to other populations that grow while also starving the North American population. Were we expecting another 350,000 Polish or 350,000 Southern Mediterranean similar to the repopulation of North America that took place after the unnecessary Civil War. They could have written a law to make illegal to hold and own slaves instead of writing a proclamation and then having a war to defend it. The lack of support creates Anti Heroes like Jesse James or Josey Wales. It affects families as they prepare children for school. Sufficient support helps to fight the Covid. Covid will never end until every citizen in North America has an Income support of $60,000.00 per year. Right now, the majority of people who have allegedly died of Covid are actually property owners; were property owners. Is this a secret Jesse James hillbilly coup against property ownership? You should not be robbing anyone or any bank or grocery store. You should not be preying on old people over 65 years of age who own a little real estate. The provision of income support monies helps reduce the Crime Bill after all when there is less crime as provoked by hunger; hunger caused by a lack of funding per citizen as required in response to the joblessness caused by automation. But, because of the joblessness caused by automation, we can look at hiring every citizen if they would wish to participate as a Public Security Officer or Auxiliary Officer for some extra sums at 2 or 3 hours per day for an extra $10,000.00 per year or maybe more. The unwritten justice in the atmosphere that ignored bank robberies or gas station robberies is over as this phenomenon may have given the US presidency to a great grandson of Jesse James who is also related to John Adams with his incalculable pirate ways. You will be shot dead on the way out of any bank for even $1.00 that is taken illegally. The billions to be earned at 30% sales tax with an income support of no less than 30,000.00 pounds per year for the majority of citizens; it cannot wait. Will the pirate sub culture thwart the glory of the Monarch? But, you are unconditionally accepted. It’s just that if you are unconditionally accepted and ultra super English where you refuse to speak any other language but remain in debt to Europe, what is the point when you could be wealthier and unconditionally accepted and have a more robust super English population? Were we to have a war to find the will power to implement policy that makes the economy work in North America in spite of the egos of men that disagree? The corrective billions to be earned cannot wait. Are we not supposed to be ultra English and feel good with some shared dominion over the earth; share dominion where we share the water, the air and the wind currents with other nations and peoples? Then let us have income support that respects this Anglo agenda. The Asians all speak English and they all have income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year in support but the English do not have this support and nor do they speak Asian. They don’t even speak English or linguistic, communal survival very well in most cases; though unusually? There is no point in killing North America that is predominantly English and then endeavor to repopulate it over again and again if you do not implement the income support policy. The North American is essentially either Montezuma or an Eskimo essentially. This is good for kin on the microcosm as they are not racist but anxious about kin in our life. On the macrocosm, we must be either European or Asian and we must acknowledge and live in the technological blessing and hegemony of either that we might have life and life more abundantly. Europe sets the policy for North America. They are kings. We are servants. I am a servant; of the Most High like all kings. But, while Cain and Abel fought over what God said and who obeyed, maybe there were two kings later in history while one refused to believe any God would tell him to kill his brother. The other was a servant of the fire and the mysteriousness of it all after spending some time with a 3rd generation Egyptian Creole priest lady from Corsica who had clothing made out of cloth and knitted finished goods from Egypt as she played “civilization” and played ” Egyptian Religion”. He was willing to believe that a God would or could tell you to kill your brother. What about your son? It seems he would never tell you to kill your son unless he is the servant of evil like an Absalom. She said she needed to have authority over them since how could they have any authority as a continental European; not Egyptian? But, then the Northern Mediterranean and European said he needed to have territory and hegemony over himself. In either case, logic will win. The ten commandments are logical. A pyramid is logical. So, Egypt wins in the macrocosm and the woman with the sweater has to get out of her self- idolatrous plays of religion; serving no one but her own sense of power over others; eh Churchy lady? Thank you Churchy lady for your testimony concerning your propensity and proclivity. The pyramid is a King or Queen’s testimony; stable, eternal, regenerative and enduring in terms of policies that sustain a civilization. She did not realize these two kings were sons of an Egyptian Priest who left them in a cave with a woman and her peoples; a woman with whom he had mated.  She was eventually taken to be a birth mother in Egypt to make the first “Roman” peoples; brothers and sisters of the first Leaders of the Roman people.  

The SumeriansAkkadiansBabylonians and Assyrians all flourished in this region. Soon after the Sumerian civilization began, the Nile River valley of ancient Egypt was unified under the Pharaohs in the 4th millennium BC, and civilization quickly spread through the Fertile Crescent to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and throughout the Levant. The PhoeniciansIsraelites and others later built important states in this region.

The ancient peoples of the Mediterranean heavily influenced the origins of Western civilization. The Mediterranean Sea provided reliable shipping routes linking Asia, Africa and Europe along which political and religious ideas could be traded along with raw materials such as timber, copper, tin, gold and silver as well as agricultural produce and necessities such as wine, olive oil, grain and livestock. By 3100 BC, the Egyptians were employing sails on boats on the Nile River and the subsequent development of the technology, coupled with knowledge of the wind and stars allowed naval powers such as the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans to navigate long distances and control large areas by commanding the sea. Cargo galleys often also employed slave oarsmen to power their ships and slavery was an important feature of the ancient Western economy.[8]-see Wikipedia for more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Western_civilization_before_AD_500

The woman from a neighboring tribe with a womb had a son and said maybe God tells you something that does not serve His law in the prima face case as written since killing your brother or your sister is murder under God’s law and there is a God but if he did tell you to kill someone, it would be because that person has made his mission misery and the antithesis of civilization for himself and everyone around him contrary to logic(like the devil) and he will not respect your wife, your children and your neighbor’s wife and children. God’s law also says the wages of sin is death. The man who will not respect the logic of communal peace must die when he would prefer to show you his culture of survival ancestrally from the 1800’s to kill, steal and destroy in the Midwest as a son of Jesse James. People with pirate proclivities  from the south may have already come north to benefit from a stake or plot of free land but their pirate propensities and proclivities helped Jesse James hone his new way; some how condoned by Robin Hood folk lore and by the deprivation caused by the Federal Government’s failure to make the dole/income support available out west in the same way it was available in the east or Jesse kept robbing the coaches and trains, thereby interrupting the SYSTEM.  The Pirate says he was disappointed at first when he showed up when he could barely find a Union Soldier or a Sherriff to take a bribe or help him carry bodies out of a Catholic man’s home; the one he used to own before the Pirate killed him with Jesse and took it. Catholics are not Pirates but Pirates sometimes pretend to be Anglicans and Catholics.  The pirate is now dead. dead, dead, dead named Blackbeard!! This is not PeJay Patravarty who is a hero as he now ensures his Jamaican kingdom and nation of people have enough income support pursuant to guidelines while he had argued for a long time as He was not sure yet, underpaying them any kind of support or there was none at all since he wanted to have hegemony and territory over himself since who was the Anglo authority or the UN to tell him anything?  But, now he sees the point in providing black people, people who look and speak and flex like him since how can you have any authority if you don’t have any people? How can you have any people if they don’t have any money? In Jamaica, they say give me the best and that is why Jamaiclan has the maximum support provided to all citizens in the region whether they are currently on the island or not. When you need to run an economy, would you ask a monkey to do it? Pejay  Patravarty is not a monkey. He is 3/4 Indian and he spoke Hindu once. His first words were Namasatee but he didnt really know it is namaste but he says it right now and the world has healed  in his evident total global influence! Everything works like a white Scandinavian country again….where there are some black people but not a lot…but a few. Danka!!!!!   Charles the Pretender is the adopted Sans Souci son. Charles the 5th is the best repentant disciple they could find. He is and was king and outlived the Pretender. They both in Haiti where Charles the 5th resorted to heal while they decided to watch the pretender; watch him since the shooting might have been an accident and then he started to do his school work in diligent repentance, trying to be a better man. But, who did he think he would be with all of this work, preparing himself to be the King maybe? Charles the 5th wanted to ask if he thinks he would be; that is “…be me.” He told the pretender to get dressed up after six months of resorting in Haiti with the fresh fish and beautiful surrounds to speak and address the people. The boy rehearsed and kept saying, “As Charles the…, we thank and honor you as our Haitian guard..”. When the sun rose and as the boy was about to go out on the balcony and speak, Charles the 5th shot him in the back of his head with the same pistol the boy used to accidentally shoot Charles 5th in the face. Charles the 5th became the second Darth Vader due to Charles anger and hate. If he had thought he was saving the world in killing the boy, then his guilt is absolved with righteous action because you are sure he is just a vain, selfish, impatient screw up where his dna 600 years later is still impatiently, anxiously seeking social position and authority murderously. I think that this social phenomenon will never leave us. However, at $80,000.00 in proper proposed income support, you could create your own little niche or “principality” so to speak maybe with a $300.00 per month driver/chauffeur service or a coffee shop called “Holla At U” 70% sales tax is not crushing the people like bread but saving, balanced cost administration so we know where we are in 5000 years. The Revenant is safe. The Minstrel boy is safe. With respect to the death of the first Charles Pretender in 1430, a similar scenario may have happened in Egypt once apparently 300 years after the death of Saul. It is just that the pretender does not want to see you in your progress, with your family or in the Kingdom. He would rather see the end of the kingdom than see you in any authority within your house, your kingdom.  Monkeys only know how to manage bananas.  How could the land of Bob Marley be so convoluted involving something soo simple…like if I wanted people to believe I was part, white, Indian or Chinese, wouldn’t my economy work like I was mixed with those coveted dna’s from those coveted cultures…You know I am not fully Jamaiclan. I am part….African…Egyptian and uh…my aunt…she has green eyes and now my economy works like the white and Asian people say it fucking should…shit!! I am not Jamaican though. I was born Egypt.  I am not just trying to feel more….mixed and less Jamiclan…a ha ha ha ha!  The pirate wants the system broken and does not even want the Monarch or anyone to own anything since he resents ownership. He wants the Monarch to join him and pretend with him that they are owning things when how can you own it if your name is not registered on that 100  acre parcel of land? How asks how does a Monarch own anything? They own it as they will own it with registration. The pirate steals and then says he sent some to the King but how did he send it? How is that horse farm in Ohio registered and to whom?     They want the system broken so people in positions of influence will be willing to wait for a bribe either to do their job or not do their job.   Until we can agree that God is logical before we argue over what God said or did not say, then we might keep our faiths private and then work out what is logical for the common benefit among us; like the French concept of Laicite. Is it not logical that my croissants and my coffee can be hot and fresh all day with 24 hour electricity as powered by a great hydro electric dam at the end of the river Seine? In the ancient world, they killed who is not logical. It is not logical to break the laws of the community and of human general kindness. See Psalms 101. Saul should not have picked up that cave girl Michal and mated with her. David was asked to be her husband but she was already with Saul. David reclaimed the Ark of the Covenant in battle but she never celebrated his work as a son of Israel. So, he let that go to find a woman who did celebrate as all Israelis would. Michal chose to Stay with the King instead of the boy but she was the downfall of the King and worked her bitterness and self defense in her double mindedness by mixing Saul’s seed with David to achieve a perfect negation of the will power of Israel; Saul’s noted disobedience and self idolatry as his own God with a lack of 1st John 1:9 repentance as mixed with David’s notable repentance for disobedience in Psalms 51. All have sinned and fall short of the glory but Charles the Pretender (King Saul Sans Souci) does not confess. See also Romans 7 where a repentant Saul( named also Paul) is born as a soldier for God. May Paul arise. I once thought ancient Egypt was white. By 7 years old, I understood that Egyptians were not white but African and usually brown and black. I saw the mask of Tutankhamun and chose to follow his immediate symbolism instead of Kunta Kente although their message was the same; human dignity. When I saw the Tutankhamun, I realized history can only apologize for what I fail to do as a human being for only soo long and that we can expect a lot from ourselves as Europeans with darker tones of skin; and as Egyptians raised in North America some how. Surely, we can blame someone for a few things when it comes to our current trajectory in human history when there is a human nature according to God and according to our philosophers where if we do not call a mistake sin, we call it a mistake or an error in our economy or in our approach to settling a continent. There is no need for an aboriginal white man like Jesse James in the 1800’s Midwest to steal, kill and destroy because he has more than enough to satisfy all his daily needs and the needs of his family comfortably. If his needs are not provided for when tractors and steam trains take up the work he might have done, then he might resort to covert means of survival and the common press makes him a kind of hero when everyone in the midwest is not getting the dole as provided to people in Vermont and the other 13 colonies. DR. WEB Du Bois, a black man, had his dole and was doing well with his work and savings in a 4 bed house in Massachusetts before he went to speak with the blacks in the south about their….souls. These post slavery blacks did not have this support or Dole. They should have. Du Bois was doing quite alright afterwards also except he ran over a pig with his wagon on the way back up north ,as rumored, and had to pay the white former indentured servants who were still learning how to read in the Carolinas. They were released during the Civil War also. Some of them had whipping scars on their backs. The truth of Alexander Dumas and Pushkin, both Black( European Afrique), confirmed how hard we can work and have success; that you should not expect to get away with shuffling. It is illogical for the man whose life you saved to turn around and threaten anyone about anything. Didn’t Jesus save a Centurion? I believe they saved him and three thieves were crucified or he was crucified and they helped him Resurrect with Joseph. Only a man with Roman connection would have access to the 100’s of pounds of spices that they put in the tomb with Jesus. Logic is not the God but the God of Israel and Rome is logical. Look at the toilets they built and the viaducts still standing today like Pont du Gard. Israel predates the foundation of Rome. The story seen in the movie The First King on Tubi demonstrates the tribal lives of Europeans who learned to live with borrowed technology and tools as civilization moved northward from Africa through the Mediterranean; a borrowed Egyptian axe and borrowed swords and knives; borrowed fire in a finely finished borrowed ceramic pottery with metal handles demonstrates industry that predates the emergence or Rome. The real answer is he is the first king but to whom? But, you are not a Jedi yet. Egypt was the master and Rome is a franchise. We are all still just the learner. I am now doing my degree in ancient anthropology. Israel is in Africa; on the African continent. This is so while many children’s books may have suggested the Pharaoh was white and looked European. This creates a wall of error that can only be thwarted by genuine reflection on the truth of Egypt and human history. I was a victim of this once and also unsure how to accept the Sphinx and his nose. This was due to misdirection in our mass human identities. But, then I realise white people confirm the broad nose on the Sphinx for truth; European people also. Real Europeans do not have this burden. They know Europe. They know Egypt just as African people do. You could have your independence in policy, as the English, but your economy is dying off and is now dependent on the economies of other nations when it would be logical, then, to set different policies to ensure your minority cultural survival. We need more men who can share Benny Hill’s humor with the world whether or not they are Black, brown or white. But, I supposed we have evident video? It was logical for Jacob to leave the desert and move to Egypt where they had a policy to provide a ration to all the people during a famine or during automation. Israel is a distillation of the central policies, law and principles that makes civilization possible; one of those policies is the Joseph policy to distribute some of the national benefit to each citizen to ensure there is life, a population and a market as well as enough people to defend the nation. What is the point of a nation that dies in the face of technology it uses to make goods? What is the point of a culture that dies? CIVILIZATION is defended by these laws and policies. The Queen or Monarch will always have her or his mission of absolute justice. The defense counsel helps the Court arrive at the answer with his colleague; the Crown; worshipfully and fearfully, combing through every page to arrive at a just result and the most fearful will never fail to get it right, never dare to get it wrong. The Monarch will always have her authority over the high school graduates and the law graduates. They are all just citizens. Who would take up his time worrying about any humble graduate individuals while the economy is impaling itself on degenerate economic policies? The Europeans; They designed the flags also and the coins. They run the banks and the Federal Bank but it seems that when it comes to the entire world in the macrocosm, they want to be sure you understand how to communicate as a vassal continent and states; not as entirely independent state or states. If you could set a policy that helps your people and your experience as Americans in this world, then set it. We do not argue about airport runway quality around the world that ensure economic safety and facility. We do not argue about socioeconomic policy. Are you worried about 13% sales tax vs. 30%. It’s not your money but the government’s money and they offer to provide you with $70,000.00 per year as income support to help the economy. You can take your money and cram it in your nose if you want or gamble it all off. You could just ask the owner and say to him, “How much do you want for it; this Autowork or the Autoshow of the Autodrive?” He will probably just say $10,000.00 although you collected about $400,000.00 and this cash is now taken by the authorities as proceeds of crime while you harass people for what your idiot pride will not allow you to ask someone to sell to you. Be dead.   

We witness to Michal( the spitting Molech Neanderthal) and Saul. In fact, the second Saul in the bible has had a tremendous ministry. We are looking for a Michal who will be converted and become a Michal or Pichal with a big ministry of books and spoken word. She can begin with a group called Worshi Pleader, putting Cosmopolitan away and reading Isaiah 61. So, we feed them; the Neanderthal and help them. His dna has been doused in a camouflage polemic violent Avengement culture about authority( I got you. You got me…see you a little more) vs. the studious loving financial coddling of a living civilization. We understand what John Adams( the Haitian) is. We do not argue about airport runway quality around the world. So, we should not be arguing about essential economic policy. But what if we become white before we become 10 commandment humans, with all out desire for hegemony and authority and if we are seeking authority over the phenomenon of ownership, is it still not a crime to kill, steal and destroy to vainly occupy property before you go to jail? It’s you. Both are critical and serve economies necessarily as designed with economic benefit and human life as well as safety in mind. It seems Eisenhower was shot by Walter Reuther at the end of his campaign where he suggested fear of a military industrial complex instead of respecting the evident joblessness in automation to be endured whether the US Government was involved in ordering excessive surplus goods to keep people employed when Walter Reuther made the problem with automation and employment evident no matter who is ordering the trucks and cars or planes. Reuther apparently said Eisenhower did not want to see all Americans have the support, resisting the policies of FDR. It seems Kennedy may have shot Eisenhower for this. But, his democratic plan to provide Americans 3 hours of a postal workers hourly rate was resisted by Eisenhower who became a machine and who, with his JWs, shot Kennedy. But Kenney’s policy of $90.00 per day American was good for the JW’s and for everyone; a proverbial win-win. It’s $30 dollars/ hour today Over 365 days, $90.00/ day at 3 hours Supplementary income at $30.00 per hour is good for the economy. Sales tax would be 20%. The Lord is my Sheppard. Our economy shall not want. yet, there are some people who are more excited about fooling and tricking people than in helping people with the simple answers. We have some solutions to be happy regardless of the power grabbing sadness some dna would wish to manifest in the lives of North Americans; possibly Cabot Sans Souci dna. We need to save the Romanichal gypsies and all other Americans like them. As a white man, how could I be white and a man if I wanted to kill any black law graduate just because he was a graduate? Its my job, not as a pirate, but as a real white in the white man’s burden to ensure he understands my laws and culture(its really Egyptian and African where the first laws were written; in Africa.) and that’s why I want all black people to go to Law School; to fulfil my white man’s burden when black is not necessarily African. I need him to understand. Louis the 16th apparently once said as a contributor with Louis the 15th to Rousseau’s writings that you should never antagonize the people but win them over; make them your allies and your defence. Never allow them to want for anything. Never allow them to beg bread. This will allow you to maintain royalty in public and in private. What is the point of the cost of all the Americas if you can influence the people and the market with your chocolate and the eau de toilette where they will buy your goods over the Spanish and English purveyors? Eau de toilette is sold every where in the western world where a bottle of water with hints of flower scents and bergamot sells for a $100.00 sometimes. One bar of Swiss chocolate sells for $3.00. Rousseau is a pen name really. It’s time for Cabot and his dna to retire his hope of retaking North Americana and their attempt to keep it divided as it is not the will of the French King. It was Cabot who alleged the king said that it is the raison d’ etre to crush the people. But, if we crush the people who do we have a nation or any cultural expansion? Save Otario. This is the land where Tecumseh was ushered into civilization with a sacrificial favor where he was a little dismembered. They cut his and then gave him a house and all the money he needed every day; about $600.00 per day or when he would ask at the Bank of Hudson Bay. but, it a lonely reality so he cut some of his own people to create company in this new unusual existence and favor. It is not the will of the Egyptian God or the Amerindian God but we say the Confiteor since it could not have been what He wanted according to the Pharaoh’s notations so then he started a system and culture of acknowledgement of conscience( a religion and trigonometry of the human soul that says there is a consciousness in reaction) as it overwhelms the atmospheres of Heaven. So, we acknowledge as a king would. We are all prophets. priests and kings according to the Jewish Egyptian teaching and the Catholic teachings. You win Otario and can help it be bilingual. Every soldier, as rumored, in North America will now be branded as British Military and every police officer will be a part of the British Constabulary Force. Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It’s ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more “Fulcrum” economic policies. “Fulcrum” economic policies and the American economy:   Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining economic activity….and human life any where in the global economy. The sad thing about seeing American soldiers die at the Outpost in Afghanistan is that it was a fool’s errand to many and one where death was certain. I argue that it’s not a fool’s errand in spite of this popular notion because we learned at several valley outposts l, one more time, that you cannot defend a base surrounded by high points of mountainous elevation for very long and live. The movie Lone Survivor discloses other lessons like the need to reduce the amount of wear on missions when the monocular scope can also be the camera with blue tooth wifi and direct GPS satellite capabilities; like your GPS on your phone or your $49.00 Garmin GPS map device and it works. The new gun should be as non battery enabled, like an AK 47 or an Uzi as much as possible but if you need a gun with battery power, design with a solar cell like a Citizen watch with 7 day power reserves. If you are in the dark, your wind up flashlight can help to power the gun if you are concerned running out of power on the 7th day. The winged suit and a parachute could help if jumping off rock cliffs. Maybe the pants and the winged bit on the arms can be buttoned or velcroed down so you have maximum mobility if running. You also need a small sub machine gun with large calibre and a large magazine that weighs no more than an old M45. The massive loss of Chinook helicopters to RPG technology suggests that a new method of troop insertion to hot areas is necessary. We could use jet propelled sleeves for 20 men at a time. they are not heavy. Otherwise, it will have to be a parachute jump since the hope of a non hostile enemy who will let your soldiers shimmy down a rope is unrealistic and certain death with the stationary helicopter a sitting duck. They can jump from a stationary chinook or V 22 Osprey at the right altitude; above the flight ceiling of an RPG; that wicked little weasel of technology. They will have to free fall for 4 seconds to avoid any helicopter up draft. The free fall enables the soldier to travel at 32 feet per second. He pulls the shoot on the seventh second. An object in free fall will still have a weight, governed by the equation W = mg, where W is the object’s weight, m is the object’s mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. It is suggested, Weight, however, does not affect an object’s free falling speed. But, weight impacts the force of gravity on the object and a heavier man must fall faster than a girly man feather or a chocolate bar(Man); chocolate bar. So, bring the real milk back. Two identically shaped objects weighing a different amount will hit the ground at the same time. Our purpose is to further civilization and realize the Afghan old men were trying to say it was a Pashtun Pejad dna going wild with his machetes, chopping off penises when people did not listen to him right away or show their respect for a woman that must have a husband. Maybe it’s best to take the shot you were asked to take once the terrorist is located with a visual. But, if you did we would not have any movies to watch. I have not seen one US Afghan war movie where I can say I can understand what they did except for the documentaries. Communicating his position and yours by satellite compromises your position. What is most sad is that the soldiers carry all of our ancient Scot, Irish, Mongol, Egyptian and Roman dna. We sometimes call it Sparta dna. Now that they have seen operations in the most barren parts of the world with insufficient experience in the jungles of Latin America, they can return home and defend their borders and we will call them if we need them for anything requiring their specialist skill and expertise, and we will. As they raise families with 10 kids or more, every North American shall have an income support of no less than $90,000.00 per year; the sales tax being 50%. We just need North America, the Danadian and the American to acknowledge something and the death will end. We need them to acknowledge the value of their own lives, the value of their own dna and its various inputs. We need them to acknowledge the Catholic creed and the Confiteor maybe and the death will end. That is what the North American wants. See the movie the Outpost. The second key tenet of the Fulcrum economic policies is the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90,000.00 per year as income support and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism followed by Russia, France, Germany, the English and Japan; and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn’t anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Beware of the mind of Saul, King of Israel who let Michal Molech into the proximity of the Royal Priesthood of Israel and who would punish himself before he gets to Heaven since how could you go to Heaven without first being punished; instead of confessing and receiving God’s forgiveness when if Saul says he is God to himself, how could any God have authority over him to forgive him and how can Saul confess since confession is admission of being wrong and a diminishment or cancellation of one’s own authority and to whom does Saul, as God to himself with his prolonged refusal to submit, actually confess? Michal only seems to have occupied and interrupted the purpose of Israel. Maybe she is reading Cosmopolitan along with her daughters and hoping to occupy you. Maybe Bathsheba was her daughter with David since he might have decided to grab and take her as his daughter to teach her about how to bathe and how to stand when washing with your back turned to the wall since we should not tempt the neighbor; our brother when he is my keeper and I am his keeper. Her in grown, innate temperaments, proclivities and resentments from her mother’s side meant she may not have been ready to just enjoy David’s ministry and he may have decided to cover as family in title but not officially while Uriah also came to the palace to be an adopted son and remain husband to Bathsheba and go to Israel Egypt school. This is a revisionist suggestion since how could…how could David lose it in the heat of the palace? It does not fit the evidence we have. What is the point of going to school if you don’t have authority? Who is Jesus with this Lord’s prayer? Herod is a Grendel/King Saul combination dna. Who does Jesus say He is? Do you know how to budget? Hi uncle….You are the…we show you respect. No matter what, we know God IS, he exists and we know the Catholics and the Jews teach us God is above us.  There is a disease. There is no conspiracy to give Sans Souci the ancestral absolute King Saul authority his genome seeks to reclaim in the modern world and sometimes human beings are just wasteful with billion dollar sales tax generatable opportunities; I’m afraid. But, could the temperament of a dog that is afraid of being alone enter into our blood stream and our personal propensities and proclivities; a dog that was rescued by a beach comber where it actually filters through our dna?   We see this originating in the West Indies where the gamete mother was a dead nine year old killed by the beach comber in the 1938 because she should not have said to anyone that she thanks and loves the school teacher and would be a school teacher some day. The beach comber, Larrsy was 12 and Grae  Lyo is one of the many daughters.  Its just that a dog loves cuddling but was probably accused of attacking the girl and killing her so Larrsy had to kill the dog as punishment although the dog was just a scape goat to help him avoid the murder culpability; something pirates do to avoid the guilt and punishment.  Maybe the dog killed your wife.  But, both are now dead so its that stand your ground situation when you can’t try the dog. But, you saved the world by letting the dog eat the dead woman and then you shot the dog to cover your sin. They will be putting all the dogs in the area in her condo and letting the dogs eat her and then they will be blowing up the building since how could she be black woman real estate agent in front of me…in front of me walking around on any balcony? All the other owners on her floor are already missing in the Covid game.   So, what is going On?     Yet, he is also tracking down all the progeny of this Charles 5th Western hemispheric cultural collateral, killing them. It is just that in spite of all of their virtues and talent as women there is some innate weakness in the dog’s proclivity to be happy that someone will walk them and will be there to talk with them, providing some reciprocal loyalty, buy loyalty if they could.   It is just that the beach comber is not here to provide loyalty; only closure of this unusual account when they put the dog in the genetic mix to obfuscate what really happened. The stray dog genome in the pianist Real estate agent fails to honor her temple as priority above needing to be accepted, needing to have someone that will not abandon them to the realities of life as that mammal that is not a wolf and too domesticated to be alone and hates being alone.     This 12 year old Larsy kicked the dog very often and he truly could not have any dog telling him anything about ownership  of property and maybe sometimes we need to see that when people do not respect our sport, our work or our ministerial purpose, they are not a friend really or the help God has sent. They work against you.  The real estate agent and the dog within her are  stuck emotionally in a resentment of anyone that would take any attachment away from them as her father shot her cat at the back of the church when she was nine years old.  She would almost say having anyone to avoid being alone who might be helping or working against you is more important than honoring your temple. But, she is risking everything as he is not doing anything but working against you.   Do you know anyone like this?    The answer is to honor your body as your temple above and beyond your need to be accepted; my friend. God did not give the resources and mercy to you only to be killed again by the same person or to buy loyalty.  Do not put your trust in men.  This dog better find the deer that pants for the water just as a human soul longs after…THE LORD…instead of being the beach comber boy’s battered, kicked stray dog!!   Larsy is now about 90 years old. We revere and the Lord’s prayer is never obscene. You know what it is to be offended and to offend others and to have conscience so forgive us Lord as we forgive those who trespass against us; Amen! We thank Walter Reuther for his genuine, honest testimony. I am now born again! Well, I was born again before but maybe I get born again every time I see more of the truth of the human condition. We are all aboriginal  with a lot of hurt in us although I know I am human enough to have solved this one. I love white people. I love black people. I love black people. I love white people.  God loves you Bishop. The 9 year old is YOUR mother! 





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