From Zenit; Prayer Is the Breath of Faith’ — Pope’s Reminder at General Audience.

© Vatican Media
‘Prayer Is the Breath of Faith’ — Pope’s Reminder at General Audience
Appeals for Prayer to Blessed Virgin, so that Through Her Intervention, the Lord Grant the World Mercy & Peace
Prayer is the ‘breath’ of faith….
Pope Francis gave this reminder during his General Audience, this Wednesday, May 6th, 2020, in his papal library, in the midst of the pandemic of coronavirus worldwide.
Italy has entered its ‘phase two’ on May 4th, resulting in some relaxing of restrictions.
Today, the Holy Father began a new series of catecheses on prayer, noting that it is “a cry that arises from the hearts of those who trust in God.”
Exhorting all faithful to embrace their prayer life, the Pope appealed that during these painful times, we amplify our prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
“The day after tomorrow, May 8, the feast of Our Lady of Lujan will be celebrated in Argentina,” the Argentinian Pontiff remembered during his Spanish-speaking remarks.
Reflecting on the feast of the Patroness of his homeland, the Pope prayed: “May she, Mother of God and our Mother, intercede for us and obtain for us from Her Son the necessary graces in this difficult time that the world is going through.”
The Pontiff also recognized Marian devotion of Italians that same day.
On May 8th, he recalled, an “intense prayer of “Petition to Our Lady of the Rosary” will be raised at the Shrine of Pompei.
“I urge everyone,” Pope Francis appealed, “to unite themselves spiritually to this popular act of faith and devotion, so that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the Lord may grant mercy and peace to the Church and to the whole world.”
Given the various precautions implemented to protect against further contagion, like the Holy Father’s morning Masses and Angelus, this weekly event is made available to faithful via streaming and done privately in his apostolic library.
The Pope concluded his audience with various greetings and praying we have a Blessed Easter Season. The General Audience ended with the Pope giving his Apostolic Blessing.
Here is the Vatican-provided English summary of today’s General Audience:
Speaker: Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we begin a new series of catechesis on prayer. Prayer is the breath of faith, a cry arising from the hearts of those who trust in God. We see this in the story of Bartimaeus, the beggar from Jericho. Though blind, he is aware that Jesus is approaching, and perseveres in calling out: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mk 10:47). By using the phrase “Son of David”, he makes a profession of faith in Jesus the Messiah. In response the Lord invites Bartimaeus to express his desire, which is to be able to see again. Christ then tells him: “Go; your faith has saved you” (v. 52). This indicates that faith is a cry for salvation attracting God’s mercy and power. It is not only Christians who pray but all men and women who search for meaning on their earthly journey. As we continue on our pilgrimage of faith, may we, like Bartimaeus, always persevere in prayer, especially in our darkest moments, and ask the Lord with confidence: “Jesus have mercy on me. Jesus, have mercy on us!”.
I greet the English-speaking faithful joining us through the media. In this Easter season, I invoke upon you and your families the joy and strength that come from the Risen Christ. May God bless you!
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