The Merovingian has the codes to Zion. Morpheus has just a bibliography from some graduate who only hoped they mentioned in 1990 the UDHR and the OHCHR as the umbrella documents centering and feeding in to domestic and international politics. The UDHR and OHCHR as amplified in the UN ILO Recommendations R202 are post 1945 Magna Cartas for the new world of globalization involving politics and global economics. Are you invited? Are you accepted? Are you dull? Are you sophisticated? Are you cool? As every year passes while the Anglo is underfunded, more Anglos disappear into the trigonometric black hole in the Anglo economy; The trigonometry of automation - minus jobs-minus- universal minimum income support equals less Anglo people! You are more than 10 years late. The exam of your socioeconomic comprehension ended in 1999. There is no burden of brown and black people in the population. Your real target is the new comprehension among the young of the world in which we live as if they will expose the Man running the Anglo world behind a curtain who cannot understand Anything more than a Model T. He fears the feeling of a space cadet or space man in the smiling face of any kid in line at Wendy's or Burger King with his or her family as the kid might be learning html coding at school. Could the economy be run by someone who myopically resents the Brown and Black in our world who have not submitted to his plan of systemic destabilization, his plan of economic sabotage and chaos. He helps the Brown and Black who help him. You could certainly have an Anglo world economy that is ten times the size of the economy of Russia or Germany. Britain could do it with their anglo holdings in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba alone. But, you need to respect the policies in the OHCHR as amplified in the UN ILO Recommendations R202. They have a tremendous socio-economic infrastructure at their disposal.
1999 and the Trigonomatrix was your last LOUD wake up call; a very polite one you spunk bubble. No no no... Nein Nein. Nein. You have been in a game Neo as in Neolithic Anglo as the rest of the world reads the formula( the OHCHR and the UN ILO Recommendations R202 if you need emphasis) to a successful economy and follows it like a burger, pulled pork or Duncan Hines recipe and you are led to think you are right about everything you do. It was probably easier this way Mr. Neolithic Anglo and now you can be led, humbly, by example. The most powerful country in the world with the most powerful man is a country in Need for its daily operating cost and is also dependent on other populations for PEOPLE. It's not Donald and Mike's fault and in my father's house there are many mansions but you have to buy it. You can't just. KILL someone and take the house. Take "This is my house" off of the Note App on your telephone.
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