The lethal nigger had no involvement. |
With respect to reiterating the socioeconomic regenerative answer as embodied in the UN ILO Recommendations R202 and the UDHR as signed by the U.S., Canada and Mexico, school is over. "I seem to have the answer but....I don't want America or any American leader to have the authority." Should I tell you that you cannot engineer refugee applicants in UDHR signatory nations? Find the dead human being who is kept alive artificially who thinks like this, who is engineering this repeat cycle. Donald cannot show up and personally arrest every Joker who wears war paint and the joker really only wants enough to enjoy his IKEA or Wayfair apartment and his mulatto girlfriend with whom he will have children. What if politics was like a burger that was engineered to satisfy the tastes of the average fast food buyers while also adhering under obligation to domestic and international laws involving food quality and safety standards? They will go to..Disney World and take a Disney Star Wars cruise where you will learn to keep your mind on where you are and on what you are doing instead of looking to the horizon, trying to see other people's surroundings. I think there is something in your nose as you look to other people's surroundings. You should feel like the first verse of "How Great thou art" or else you don't feel good. The joker is a math graduate who applied to the FBI but he is a part Chinese Guyanese Catholic and his interviewer was an Anglican protestant. So, he decided America was just a business. Buy a Japanese vehicle before he steers your GM vehicle into on-coming traffic by drone remote control. How do you disable remote control? There are some Asian victims also. The only issue is that The Guyanese man had a family in the West Indies that created a social game called the roadside baptism where a Guyanese boy regardless of complexion would be asked to walk in and out of an intersection with his mother and then they would hope that one of the church deacons would either hit the kid and his mother as they walk out into the road just when he is about 20 metres away into on coming traffic and the deacon would have to either kill the kid and his mother or smash into another vehicle; So I am told. quite often the kids were really the children of the Prime Minister or a former Prime Minister so that he does not feel too much authority. But, if this is your system and if I am willing to kill my children or my people's children and if you don't stop me, what authority do you have? Didnt you say if one of us was to let even a hair suffer on these children that we should be drowned? What did you say? Who had time to think of a roadside baptism social game? If he is your math graduate and you turn him into some covert North American resistance fighter or head of the North American Catholic taliban shrouding his war in religious denominational conflict, then what authority do you have? You also know what you do to the posh feeling people to find out if they are just an accent and clothing. Why wait for a war to deal with it?
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