The real truth about Western hemispheric culture is that it all begins with rejection as a matter of self-perception. Politics and politicians seem to follow this rhythm with the fulfilment of a rejected people's imagination of what the politicians should look like if he or she is the leader as they pretend and as they fulfilled the imagination stoked by television and movies but the real issue is skirted and avoided innocently since qualification or capability or love of the people is irrelevant. It is just a childish mockery of peoples' legislated freedoms involving imagination and pretence. Also, what should the people look like as we imagine it? We need some movie extras in our box office production called " North America; Year 2100" from Asia and India since the movie producer has displaced the Mochican and the original Amerindian as they do not configure with his imagination for a majority population but they can be Mohicanapanese,he says, or something like that. This is the ridiculous background story of American history for too long; the impossible imposition of some foreign imagination. The whole world is a dead Western Hemispheric complexion anxious , sick minded movie producer's stage dating back to 1903. But, any elected has a legal obligation to enable our rights to a full implementation of the UDHR rights; not mock them although it is good children can come to Court and participate in family law proceedings if his mother or father has enough food, money, clothing and shelter to feed hom or her. So much time and energy is bent on acceptance or the hope for acceptance over complexion, hair textures and trying to create the perfect acceptable Anglo population for presentation to the master culture as if the master culture does not enjoy its history with "afroed" peoples born on the European continent dating back 1000's of years. As such, you seek acceptance from the culture that you approximate as an "other" or "outsider" but it is a culture that you can never really be a part of for two simple reasons; 1. The first reason is that you don't know you are already accepted as a human being in that culture (See the UDHR) but you are seeking that acceptance from outside of your self and that validation from the master European culture (The European ) but you could decide that you are really good, unique and accepted by reading something originally North American that Europeans have validated as worthy so that you are equal as a contributor to a larger global culture and as such you are not being mastered by European culture but supported with camaraderie so that Europeans are now colleagues and friends who need us to be equipped equally with our universal minimum income support instead of being the Bare footed Huck Finn financially of the modern automated robotic world whose international sense of shame and exclusion goes away for a minute every time the national emotion is covered suited up in an F22 with their White, Black or Hispanic Anglo speaking AMERINDIAN cousin in the cockpit flashes across the television screen while Asians and Europeans are fully kitted out and funded. But, what about covering the people with the requisite universal minimum income support as required by the Maintenance of the RULE OF LAW? Maybe the more subtle complexion sick Obalma movement will keep HOPE alive vs. Fulfilment; and 2. The second reason is that the people from whom you seek acceptance would want you to accept yourself for the good that you and your community actually offers the world as a North American like Louis Armstrong where he plays Sam in Casablanca (The movie) where uh..Sam Sung! A ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
The real truth about Western hemispheric culture is that it all begins with rejection as a matter of self-perception. Politics and politicians seem to follow this rhythm with the fulfilment of a rejected people's imagination of what the politicians should look like if he or she is the leader as they pretend and as they fulfilled the imagination stoked by television and movies but the real issue is skirted and avoided innocently since qualification or capability or love of the people is irrelevant. It is just a childish mockery of peoples' legislated freedoms involving imagination and pretence. Also, what should the people look like as we imagine it? We need some movie extras in our box office production called " North America; Year 2100" from Asia and India since the movie producer has displaced the Mochican and the original Amerindian as they do not configure with his imagination for a majority population but they can be Mohicanapanese,he says, or something like that. This is the ridiculous background story of American history for too long; the impossible imposition of some foreign imagination. The whole world is a dead Western Hemispheric complexion anxious , sick minded movie producer's stage dating back to 1903. But, any elected has a legal obligation to enable our rights to a full implementation of the UDHR rights; not mock them although it is good children can come to Court and participate in family law proceedings if his mother or father has enough food, money, clothing and shelter to feed hom or her. So much time and energy is bent on acceptance or the hope for acceptance over complexion, hair textures and trying to create the perfect acceptable Anglo population for presentation to the master culture as if the master culture does not enjoy its history with "afroed" peoples born on the European continent dating back 1000's of years. As such, you seek acceptance from the culture that you approximate as an "other" or "outsider" but it is a culture that you can never really be a part of for two simple reasons; 1. The first reason is that you don't know you are already accepted as a human being in that culture (See the UDHR) but you are seeking that acceptance from outside of your self and that validation from the master European culture (The European ) but you could decide that you are really good, unique and accepted by reading something originally North American that Europeans have validated as worthy so that you are equal as a contributor to a larger global culture and as such you are not being mastered by European culture but supported with camaraderie so that Europeans are now colleagues and friends who need us to be equipped equally with our universal minimum income support instead of being the Bare footed Huck Finn financially of the modern automated robotic world whose international sense of shame and exclusion goes away for a minute every time the national emotion is covered suited up in an F22 with their White, Black or Hispanic Anglo speaking AMERINDIAN cousin in the cockpit flashes across the television screen while Asians and Europeans are fully kitted out and funded. But, what about covering the people with the requisite universal minimum income support as required by the Maintenance of the RULE OF LAW? Maybe the more subtle complexion sick Obalma movement will keep HOPE alive vs. Fulfilment; and 2. The second reason is that the people from whom you seek acceptance would want you to accept yourself for the good that you and your community actually offers the world as a North American like Louis Armstrong where he plays Sam in Casablanca (The movie) where uh..Sam Sung!
A ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
A ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
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