He who has the most people funded with a universal minimum income support to generate sales tax wins. June 7th, 2019. Hillary says a universal minimum income support of no less than $39000.00 for all the people is just systemic viability; systemic economic logic with a 17 percent sales tax as the way of the future. She is a woman who dines with Kings. She's right. The soon coming king has made his orders clear. We need to clean up the plastic and maintain our economic system viability. How much money would Russia make per day running Canada, Belize and the West Indies with a universal minimum income support of $$45000.00 and a sales tax rate of 30%. As far as the UDHR and the OHCHR is concerned the ruling Royal Houses of Europe that includes the Queen have made their will clear in furtherance of the will of the soon coming King. The current office holder, Mike and Justin, you are asked to lead the Western hemisphere and bring your house and the hemisphere in order with leadership. Forget tariffs that slows down business in both directions and does not solve the problem. The problem you have is the rate of consumption; not business independence. Implement a consistent universal minimum income support in every country and raise the sales tax rate. Automation has "shifted" the tax base from income tax to sales tax. But, it was always sales tax primarily. Taxing a bushel of Corn at market was very difficult for quite a long time. It still is unless the bushel is sold at Krogers or Safeways; for example. The business is your sales tax agent. Krogers pays over five percent of all daily sales activity every day to the Federal Government as part of daily closing procedures. All such businesses have daily closing procedures to settle with the Federal Reserve. The 401k and charitable donations in any tax bracket enables 100 percent right offs. Your population will regenerate to normal levels with the same degree of American diversity tray actually mirrors European diversity; Bueno. Grazi. Cheers; regardless of complexion! Maybe you have noticed; yes? Maud the African Americans will go to Africa and share some good will with their universal minimum income support to run coffee shops or Afri-soul food restaurants but some Chinese want to say small business of that kind any where on the planet is only for them. Mr. POTUS(????) tear down the walls of human devaluation. You have your orders from the authorities and maybe you can send them 15 percent of the 30 percent sales tax generated on a reasonable minimum income support in Canada and the United States of $39000.00. What this means is that 4 billion burgers sold a day at McDonald's in America at $2.00 a burger at 30 percent sales tax will generate more than $300,000,000.00(usd three hundred million). Over 20 days, that is $6 billion. We should not create an economy where the beachcombers' way is justified by his means; taking whatever he wants without impunity as the authorities say "he has" good habits and goes to bed early bit he did steal your vehicle and Rob your grocery store; yes I know and all he really has is a few dollars more living free on OPP; other people's property but he does not own anything except but the emotion of escovitch but it is at least what he can understand emotionally since what is a mortgage..he says ? Regardless of what people can understand and regardless of what klepto criminality may persist in All societies, people will have enough not to be provided a systemic apology for a life of killing and stealing such that if a phone is stolen you may be shot or you may have a trial but your economic human value as a nation is secured as One nation under God. Maybe the greatest salesman on earth knew all of this dating back to 1994 when he wrote his Crime bill; I don't know but the ILO Regulations R202 were signed during his respected two term Vice Presidency although we have not seen the universal application of this champion legal policy and platform yet. So many North American people are hurting. FLOTUS Eleanor Roosevelt and her Husband helped to draft the UDHR but it's application in North America has defied life saving, economy stabilizing consistency. But , who is the Democratic candidate? Is it the former VP? The administration he managed partly also put in place more stringent anti genocide laws for more efficient enforcement against those that deliberately resist legal policies to ensure and guarantee a quality and way of life and prevent, in the Alternative, conditions of life that amount to genocide. Why are you talking about canola when the Chinese produce their own and actually buy from Russia? You are white enough to do what a European would do or a very good Mexican who has already complied and won the contract to build Audi and Volkswagen for the entire world; in the Tijuana desert because they are UDHR and ILO R202 compliant. You would achieve that sense of national independence you crave by paying down whole chunks of the debt to foreign powers who you hope would stop your march toward an Anglo extermination. If not, we will continue to watch an Asianization of our urban spaces in a dependence for economic activity on their fully funded populations whose governments submitted to the simple economic champion wisdom of the UDHR and the OHCHR as they throw up store fronts on the ground floors of new and old retail spaces like Lego. We respect their work as economic missionaries. Our laws and corporations protect them. They have an Asian Universal minimum income support. They feed us. They cook for us; All day long in clean establishments. They give us fortune; fortune cookies and blessings when they say make happy Buddha walk with you and isn't money authority? The West Indian beachcomber Escovitch Taliban Mafia is trying to tell you. The UDHR, the government and the military provide money to the people via legislation for a universal minimum income support. The escovitch Pirate taliban wants to see the maintenance of their way of life , can gear you about the law as the Premier and would rather see people use violence of all kinds for a few dollars more. They claim authority from birth as children of Cristobal. Cristobal had authority from ten years old so why should they go to school. Also, they will kill and steal for a few dollars more when they need the money and is it not your law to provide it? Don't give them authority apologetically to kill and steal. Give them the money as the law requires. Is it not your law? Now the biblical recitation of Herod in the modern world is over. There is, in the end, more in the piggy bank even for a Constitutional Monarchy or absolute authority who does not have a stable salary although they could and they can just take some and we dont mind because this is what she imagined but, top down, it leads the economy and emanates that which is stable and inconsistent as an emblem in the Anglo world. Give the Monarchs the stable consistent monetary figure per day they authorise. We could afford it; something that honors and maintains the system. But, the system of having people seek favor will continue since what is $39000.00 per year universal minimum income support for the every citizen (The Monarch is not a citizen but the monarch) except but human survival but also a certain systemic and economic stability, ensuring logical sufficient consumer activity? It js not authority or an emotional independence away from the Authority who wants you to seek them; Give them attention. Without system stability, safety and consistency, you are just an Anglo Banana Republic and Kingdom; rather. For all of your alleged political and spiritual biblical authority over massive territories, you do mot have enough stability and nor do you generate enlightenment money economically. Japan generates ten times more than America. Italy generates Six times as much as America. But, we give you all the glory, all the honor and the pr( aise; Hallelujah. You are the most high man in the world; if not the universe. Capisce! https://www.urbandictionary.com › ... Web results Capisce - Urban Dictionary Remember Moses and all the prayers of people regardless of complexion at the wailing wall. Moses and his wife had an afro. This is Manna; may all nations needs be answered. It is triumphant.
He who has the most people funded with a universal minimum income support to generate sales tax wins. June 7th, 2019. Hillary says a universal minimum income support of no less than $39000.00 for all the people is just systemic viability; systemic economic logic with a 17 percent sales tax as the way of the future. She is a woman who dines with Kings. She's right. The soon coming king has made his orders clear. We need to clean up the plastic and maintain our economic system viability. How much money would Russia make per day running Canada, Belize and the West Indies with a universal minimum income support of $$45000.00 and a sales tax rate of 30%. As far as the UDHR and the OHCHR is concerned the ruling Royal Houses of Europe that includes the Queen have made their will clear in furtherance of the will of the soon coming King. The current office holder, Mike and Justin, you are asked to lead the Western hemisphere and bring your house and the hemisphere in order with leadership. Forget tariffs that slows down business in both directions and does not solve the problem. The problem you have is the rate of consumption; not business independence. Implement a consistent universal minimum income support in every country and raise the sales tax rate. Automation has "shifted" the tax base from income tax to sales tax. But, it was always sales tax primarily. Taxing a bushel of Corn at market was very difficult for quite a long time. It still is unless the bushel is sold at Krogers or Safeways; for example. The business is your sales tax agent. Krogers pays over five percent of all daily sales activity every day to the Federal Government as part of daily closing procedures. All such businesses have daily closing procedures to settle with the Federal Reserve. The 401k and charitable donations in any tax bracket enables 100 percent right offs. Your population will regenerate to normal levels with the same degree of American diversity tray actually mirrors European diversity; Bueno. Grazi. Cheers; regardless of complexion! Maybe you have noticed; yes? Maud the African Americans will go to Africa and share some good will with their universal minimum income support to run coffee shops or Afri-soul food restaurants but some Chinese want to say small business of that kind any where on the planet is only for them. Mr. POTUS(????) tear down the walls of human devaluation. You have your orders from the authorities and maybe you can send them 15 percent of the 30 percent sales tax generated on a reasonable minimum income support in Canada and the United States of $39000.00. What this means is that 4 billion burgers sold a day at McDonald's in America at $2.00 a burger at 30 percent sales tax will generate more than $300,000,000.00(usd three hundred million). Over 20 days, that is $6 billion. We should not create an economy where the beachcombers' way is justified by his means; taking whatever he wants without impunity as the authorities say "he has" good habits and goes to bed early bit he did steal your vehicle and Rob your grocery store; yes I know and all he really has is a few dollars more living free on OPP; other people's property but he does not own anything except but the emotion of escovitch but it is at least what he can understand emotionally since what is a mortgage..he says ? Regardless of what people can understand and regardless of what klepto criminality may persist in All societies, people will have enough not to be provided a systemic apology for a life of killing and stealing such that if a phone is stolen you may be shot or you may have a trial but your economic human value as a nation is secured as One nation under God. Maybe the greatest salesman on earth knew all of this dating back to 1994 when he wrote his Crime bill; I don't know but the ILO Regulations R202 were signed during his respected two term Vice Presidency although we have not seen the universal application of this champion legal policy and platform yet. So many North American people are hurting. FLOTUS Eleanor Roosevelt and her Husband helped to draft the UDHR but it's application in North America has defied life saving, economy stabilizing consistency. But , who is the Democratic candidate? Is it the former VP? The administration he managed partly also put in place more stringent anti genocide laws for more efficient enforcement against those that deliberately resist legal policies to ensure and guarantee a quality and way of life and prevent, in the Alternative, conditions of life that amount to genocide. Why are you talking about canola when the Chinese produce their own and actually buy from Russia? You are white enough to do what a European would do or a very good Mexican who has already complied and won the contract to build Audi and Volkswagen for the entire world; in the Tijuana desert because they are UDHR and ILO R202 compliant. You would achieve that sense of national independence you crave by paying down whole chunks of the debt to foreign powers who you hope would stop your march toward an Anglo extermination. If not, we will continue to watch an Asianization of our urban spaces in a dependence for economic activity on their fully funded populations whose governments submitted to the simple economic champion wisdom of the UDHR and the OHCHR as they throw up store fronts on the ground floors of new and old retail spaces like Lego. We respect their work as economic missionaries. Our laws and corporations protect them. They have an Asian Universal minimum income support. They feed us. They cook for us; All day long in clean establishments. They give us fortune; fortune cookies and blessings when they say make happy Buddha walk with you and isn't money authority? The West Indian beachcomber Escovitch Taliban Mafia is trying to tell you. The UDHR, the government and the military provide money to the people via legislation for a universal minimum income support. The escovitch Pirate taliban wants to see the maintenance of their way of life , can gear you about the law as the Premier and would rather see people use violence of all kinds for a few dollars more. They claim authority from birth as children of Cristobal. Cristobal had authority from ten years old so why should they go to school. Also, they will kill and steal for a few dollars more when they need the money and is it not your law to provide it? Don't give them authority apologetically to kill and steal. Give them the money as the law requires. Is it not your law? Now the biblical recitation of Herod in the modern world is over. There is, in the end, more in the piggy bank even for a Constitutional Monarchy or absolute authority who does not have a stable salary although they could and they can just take some and we dont mind because this is what she imagined but, top down, it leads the economy and emanates that which is stable and inconsistent as an emblem in the Anglo world. Give the Monarchs the stable consistent monetary figure per day they authorise. We could afford it; something that honors and maintains the system. But, the system of having people seek favor will continue since what is $39000.00 per year universal minimum income support for the every citizen (The Monarch is not a citizen but the monarch) except but human survival but also a certain systemic and economic stability, ensuring logical sufficient consumer activity? It js not authority or an emotional independence away from the Authority who wants you to seek them; Give them attention. Without system stability, safety and consistency, you are just an Anglo Banana Republic and Kingdom; rather. For all of your alleged political and spiritual biblical authority over massive territories, you do mot have enough stability and nor do you generate enlightenment money economically. Japan generates ten times more than America. Italy generates Six times as much as America. But, we give you all the glory, all the honor and the pr( aise; Hallelujah. You are the most high man in the world; if not the universe. Capisce! https://www.urbandictionary.com › ...
Web results
Capisce - Urban Dictionary Remember Moses and all the prayers of people regardless of complexion at the wailing wall. Moses and his wife had an afro. This is Manna; may all nations needs be answered. It is triumphant.
Web results
Capisce - Urban Dictionary Remember Moses and all the prayers of people regardless of complexion at the wailing wall. Moses and his wife had an afro. This is Manna; may all nations needs be answered. It is triumphant.
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