/////////// SDGCK January 6th, 2024. 1.Send your email to ask your question. 2.Donate what you can below. 3.Get a report and response. 1.Send your email to ask your question. 2.Donate what you can below. 3.Get a report and response. Scan the QR code or click. https://gofund.me/b1d52c97. Book a Court date. Email us the date and location. Pay us online here with $950.00 and we will assist with attendance or a letter for the Courts FSJ Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom; with research from Warren A. Lyon from Angel Ronan Toshokan; a graduate of Brierley Price Prior University, SOAS and UWO; with recent work on Economics at Imperial College; U of L. Warren says, " I love Jamaica." Could you run an economy in such a way to achieve some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity or is it to confirm some motive? By Warren A. Lyon, Toshokan™ Researcher (American graduate). In all normal functioning capitalist economies, it is the custom that all citizens have an income support benefit. We have some programs that pay some people but the programs are not paying all citizens in accordance with the mandate. Shouldn't we have a program that is a harmonized income support just as we have a harmonized sales tax. Those populations are engaged in cooperation; not fighting and conflicting. Click here. ....and By Win Luk Fu, FSJ Legal Analyst.




January 6th, 2024.  

1.Send your email to ask your question. 2.Donate what you can below. 3.Get a report and response.

1.Send your email to ask your question. 2.Donate what you can below.  3.Get a report and response.
Scan the QR code or click. 
https://gofund.me/b1d52c97. Book a Court date. Email us the date and location. Pay us online here with $950.00 and we will assist with attendance or a letter for the Courts

FSJ  Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom; with research from Warren A. Lyon from Angel Ronan Toshokan; a graduate of Brierley Price Prior University, SOAS and UWO; with recent work on Economics at Imperial College; U of L.  Warren says, " I love Jamaica." 

Could you run an economy in such a way to achieve some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity or is it to confirm some motive?  

By Warren A. Lyon, Toshokan™ Researcher (American EDX Harvard graduate). 

In all normal  functioning capitalist economies, it is the custom that all citizens have an income support benefit.  We have some programs that pay some  people but the programs are not paying  all citizens in accordance with the mandate.  Shouldn't we have a program that is a harmonized income support just as we have a harmonized sales tax.

Those populations are engaged in cooperation; not fighting  and conflicting. Click here.    

....and By Win Luk Fu, FSJ Legal Analyst.  

Remember North American creativity as Pangea cave people that learned to live outside of the cave as they watched the wooly Mammoth animals in the cold with its  woolly coat of hair,   deciding in a technological evolution that they would need that animal's coat on their own skin.  Money is the new fur. We agree that we should all have it.   Buy as many parkas as you want. 

We are looking at Muslims who are suffering criminal gender hatred in Canada.  If they are living in Ontario Muslims who can have a baby without  in vitro support receive no income support as compared to transgenders in that province who receive income support and the Muslims do not; or if the Muslims live in certain neighborhoods and can have a baby without in vitro, they receive less than half of the income support that the transgender receives. This is unusual in a United Nations signatory nation.  In fact, this act of bias that is prohibited by the criminal law in Ontario and all of Canada affected not only Muslims who can have a baby without in vitro but Jews, the  Orthodox, North  African Coptics and Christians.  

In Canada, the Laws against hatred are found under the CCC.

Hate Crime is an act by words or deeds against a person, group of people or property that is motivated by hate, prejudice or bias based on race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability or sexual orientation. It is covered by three sections of the Criminal Code, including: Section 318, which deals with advocating genocide against a group; Section 319 (1), the public incitement of hatred; and Section 319 (2), the wilful promotion of hatred. A hate crime can include harassment, intimidation, violence or the threat of violence and depending on the specific charge is punishable by a prison term of up to five years.

 Based on sex, deliberately paying one group a full income support  over 10,20 or 30 years and deliberately failing to pay another group the same amount is bias  and hatred. It is Violence when you need money and the other group does not.  Some in the other group  are deliberately paid nothing at all.   It would be enough to offend Rosa Parks about being made to sit at the back of the bus or in the "coloured" seats.   

China is the most capitalist economy in the world next to Japan. They have both expanded  in their understanding of pure aggressive capitalism and have taken over  all the  English countries industrially with a simple  application  of capitalism's principles.  The first assured  strong domestic markets at home with a sufficient income support for all citizens.  They obeyed all of capitalism's discoveries in light of automation. But, what about America as a fledgling economy; fledgling only because its resistance of income support for all citizens at amounts that ensure sufficient consumer stimulus and occupation of one's own economy and urban spaces has caused negative market growth since the problem was identified in the late 1850's during history's first major upswing in the mechanization of  or automation of labor. While income support was customary in Europe for centuries as an economic principles taken from ancient Egypt and Rome seen in Prince Joseph's ration in Egypt or seen in the Romans and Jesus telling Herod to render unto the people and unto Caesar, it is more of a rediscovery for the English and the Americans whose dna is combined with North American and Brittanian aboriginality and prone to resist the whole system instead of just enjoying the principles that give effect to community safety, consumer stimulus, strong domestic markets and  to the life of the human without the blood and sweat in shyster-ing huckster-ing,  hunting and the gathering. In this assimilation of North America to established Economic principles that have Roman and African origin, we discover that North America was like an Africa Junior in some ways but lost in the land of nod after the continental Pangea  divide  until men from the east came to the western hemisphere; some of them black Africans and some of them were Europeans like  Hernán Cortés.  There was also Estevanico (c. 1500–1539), also known as Esteban de Dorantes and Estevanico the Moor, was the first person of African descent to explore North America. It looks like he travelled around Jamaica and Cuba and saw the aboriginals who he described as appearing like West Coast Africans; Nigerian or Ghanian.  

Estevanico (c. 1500–1539), also known as Esteban de Dorantes and Estevanico the Moor, was the first person of African descent to explore North America. Little is known about his background but contemporary accounts described him as a "negro alárabe" or "Arabic-speaking black man" native to Azemmour, Morocco. In 1522, he was sold as a slave to the Spanish nobleman Andrés Dorantes de Carranza in the Portuguese-controlled Moroccan town of Azemmour.

 After automation, how do you have a domestic market with able and willing consumers with money to buy your goods if the citizen and former worker that is now suffering joblessness does not have a job that would provide some reasonable money so, then, he can participate  in his central economic purpose as the consumer and buyer of goods; and now without money he is obsolete?   But the solution is not to, then, bring  foreigners from Asia's overflow of people or Europe's overflow of people  because there are horrible social and economic problems  that are suffered by the North American in the shameful purview of well funded non Anglo Europeans or non Anglo Asians? Reducing North American taxes is not the solution as it reduces the governments ability to respond to problems. But, the maybe the solution is a purposeful balance; a small provision of income support to every citizen at no less than $300.00 per day and also a small increase in taxes that will also help to stave off concerns about over consumption and wasteful consumption. All goals are achieved and the social and economic problems are averted; like from a well designed truck or car cabin with soo much thoughtfulness and human consideration; so crazy thoughtful....WOW and no North American is dying in front of the well funded foreigners any more who technically own the Capitol Building in every state with the loans we pay to Europe and Asia!!!!  

They say that Bob Marley, in the 1970's visiting England, was arrested for feeling like he did not have his ENGLISH INCOME SUPPORT.  They signed him up while they held him overnight.  There is also evidence that he was a University of London Law graduate in the late 1930's.  

The only way is to give every citizen  an income support  that amounts to an economic fraction of what you spent on robotic production and what is saved in human wages.  This fraction  of money saved can be as small as $6.00 per hour (10 cents per minute) 24 hours per day; 365 days per year to fulfill our purpose to ensure there is sufficient consumer stimulus and buying power on the market for robotically  made goods where  the robots also fulfill  their purpose 24 hours per day.  We are looking at 20 cents a minute in the current era since it is paltry sum based on current cost of living.  This is $300.00 per day.  There should also be a yearly .5% to 2% increase to address the average rise in the cost of living; as it may be.  To control the economy as to heat and cool economic activity, we can raise and lower sales tax from week to week. This will help to heat economic  activity if we lower sales tax or cool economic activity if we raise sales tax.  It could be as high as 100% or as low as 20% on some days and set to achieve sovereignty, debt pay down and citizen safety.  But, we can guarantee and provide  all citizens their income support as the best to alleviate the social problems that stem from the moneylessness caused by the joblessness caused by Automation.  We should do this because we cannot always guarantee how long any of us will have a job or the terms of payment. Can we?    But, we should ensure all citizens have an income support. This is the Japanese standard. Do you eat Sushi? We can see the answer.  We just need the will power to implement the solution in the same way we have will power to watch a sports game.  

This is done in other countries where their governments spends less money on the ills that would be caused by moneylessness in any population and more  time is spent collecting money on all human consumer activities.  They lend you money when you are in debt with your "dog  chasing his tail" discussions about all the human problems caused by the moneylessness caused by job automation.  While it is obvious how to efficiently and lovingly, self defensively, "basic instinct-ually" solve it, you do not solve it but continue to spend energy embarrassing yourselves on TV just talking about the problems.   You talk about people dying and freezing and starving in your economy.  Do you pay all citizens an income support? Sze Sze!!

 But what does it really matter if the lives of your people do not matter to you more than warring and resisting the ways of the father Euro  Roman culture?  This is happening when the Anglo culture  is an orphan culture deceived  with a grant of authority or license by the older father culture that has their heraldry.  But, the grant or license did not preclude regional  or global cooperation.  Without it, the Anglo is culturally orphaned by choosing  resistance.  He has run away and much like an orphan that does not know what mother or father is to be followed, he feels like one struggling in legitimacy, lacking in legitimacy; economic and legal. Legitimacy can be regained at any time.  When your population does not receive its income support, then they feel orphaned, abandoned in the company of those who are receiving income support from their own governments.  Many English people without their income support feel like orphans in the presence of Ukrainians and Russians or people from Bahrain  or some Middle East country  etc who have lots of income support.  I don't know if the government recognizes how this feels.  We are just regular people with Christian or Muslim names.  

Maybe the Anglo's settled-ness is the target of the Southern Latino Anglo or the boat people.   Both groups have the same accent now.  To be more precise  there is a  boat  people  who have no set place of origin ancestrally except buy the transport ships of the 1700s, 1800,s and the 1900's.  They are at war with our settled civilization and our expectations for involvement in society or for enrollment in any kind of job; that is the educational qualification. I'm a boat person but I was made to go to school.  Then , I see those who made me go to school have stolen  my job offers sent by mail...and school documents.  This is hurtful  when there are some white and black boat people who want to see you go to school, have a job, buy a vehicle, rent or buy a house; raise children with your lady.  They are not deliberately  at war with our standards but they are a peripheral population that maybe once had no time for or taste for that settled life but they were once called upon; to help....during the wars and to take on the burden of work that was maintained by men and women who were sent to war. But, now it seems they cannot be the only people filling every job call but it seems they would demand to be just that; with their expectations that eschews any involvement in work by those with formal education.  These east coat north America boat people  operate like a kind of parasite on the existing society and have become their own kind of people in their own  self definition as, essentially, the unqualified uneducated east coast people who have cannibalized their own who, two generations  before, came to central Ontario in the desperation of war to take up jobs that had been abandoned  by those who went to war and then who  wandered out of the boat people's kinship and into formal graduation, formal church memberships and formal property ownership.  But, in desperation, the boat people find their way into life and the dreams of  businesses, jobs, careers), or the lives of others by occupying the formal job contracts and formal ownerships that were abandoned by those who have been taken to war or called away to miraculous fraudulent  job offers and then disappeared so that the east coast North America  boat people can occupy.  It is best described as a subtle struggle between one group vs. the rest of us who may adopt the bible, the Koran and the Constitution more heartedly.     It might not be deliberate but there is a parasitic cycle taking place and it only means that, in the underfunding that has taken place in certain locations in the economy, the east coast North America boat people have shown up again when that  Ontario family(really Nova Scotian) has disappeared in hopes of  a free home in Missouri and daddy's new  job as a Fire Chief(not a real offer) but when they do not come back  and there is no sign of them on social media or of them spending money in Missouri; a new set of boat people arrive( maybe  from New Brunswick) from the east coast, with or without  formal ID of their own, to take over their life and home in Ontario.  There is a Population Gap that has ensued in this anthropological rhythm and this gap has been filled by South Asians.  So, then the North American is cannibalizing his own people in a cultural dichotomy over formal vs. informal existence when the boat people do not need to do this cannibalizing  or occupying but they are telling us how they go into a Tide Soap and Washing machine lifestyle where they did not read the pancake mix instructions but guesstimated and Goldie Locks from the East Coast slept in your bed.  You and your father were at the bottom of the English channel and these people took on your name and showed up at the war memorial as pretenders to sing for your real soul's honor.  We could write a movie about this.  Today, they could buy their own homes but want to tell us something and maybe they do not know how to get into Malibu or Long Island or any place that is portrayed as that upper social worth above the common any other way.   So,  it is because you get wealthy people attention and you need to be occupied by the humble people.  It is also the hope that ongoing economic desperation will keep people moving out of their formal legal occupation. 

They have to get in and be an American or an English man or an Albertan without any formal education or formal job contracts; put your achievements on their foot....be you....have hegemony over you as a self defined almost mercenary like group of people who see themselves as a distinct group from the official Canadian, Anglo UK, West Indian and American Anglo populations.   I think they need a vacation from all of this tuff stuff with an income support of $300.00 per day immediately that works out to $103,000.00 per year and they can own any property they want that is for sale with a 100 year home finance agreement(formerly known as a mortgage).  I could be a boat person. I am good with work and following  the boss or bosses as they give me something to do; and it is done.   But, it is time to settle down and make roots instead of us all sucking and chewing on a stale,  Fat  Asian egg roll all day. The portion is good.   I love Chinese food.  I really do. But, we just  need  the income support to buy fresh.  

Warren was conceived in Egypt, shipped to the West Indies, born in Cuba then shipped to Jamaica, fed West Indian food and then fed Kelloggs, Kraft and General Foods. Make a bid on Warren's Alusra™ ideas. He will accept $ EUD 10,000.00 down payment and $ EUD 140.00 per day on a 60 year deal. This is cheaper than all the money we send to the Ukraine.  


Maybe you see that what you spend in weapons and your military missions are redundant, meaningless and a vain exercise when you observe that your people are not covered and protected economically but enduring  conditions  of life that qualify as genocide; if they are not provided  the money to buy water, food and shelter. Are you asking them to cut wood and build a log house to maintain their English dignity?   

All the little lessons of capitalism you did not respect do eventually add up.  You did not have enough consumers as real buyers with real money for too many decades.  So, your car company  is in debt to the government. The government sold it's car company debt to Asian companies.  So, they own you.  You still don't have enough consumers as real buyers with real money as you are. It respecting that all normal capitalist economies provide  an income support to all citizens that is sufficient to cover all human economic necessities on a daily basis.  

 If income support is accepted as a necessary humanitarian legal requisite by virtue of the UDHR, then it is a legal requisite.   If income support is accepted as a  necessary aspect of any economy anywhere in the world post 85% Total job automation,  it is because the money is necessary to maintain the humane conditions of life. 

The humane conditions of life to maintained  by signatory governments are defined under the UDHR Article 25. 

Article 25

  1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

The ILO R202 stipulates the following for fulfilling the UDHR:  R202 was adopted by ILO constituents in the aftermath of the 2008 financial and economic crisis, expressing the commitment of member States to ensure that all members of society enjoy at least a basic level of social protection throughout their lives.

The guarantees should ensure at a minimum that, over the life cycle, all in need have access to essential health care and to basic income security which together secure effective access to goods and services defined as necessary at the national level.

Recommendation 202 establishes the concept of national social protection, that comprise basic social security guarantees providing basic income security as well as essential healthcare for children, persons in active age and for older persons.

The national social protection system in the Republic of Ireland and France that cover and protect all citizens give us good examples.   

  Then a denial of income support would be imposition of  the cruel and unusual circumstances and conditions of life that would satisfy the definition of genocide. 

The denial of income support money is the denial of food, water, shelter and human safety thereby creating conditions of life that satisfy the genocide definition.  Why deny this money to any citizens under your international treaty obligations? You pay some citizens but not others based on gender or home address; breaching equality laws  as seen under the Essop (House of Lords) judgement, the Equality Act 2010 and the Canadian case  Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General), 2020 SCC 28, [2020] 3 S.C.R. 113 where article 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is offended as it is in the case of the current income support legal dichotomy; discussed here. These are the laws of the Monarch. Aren't you being rude or offensive to him if you do not fulfil the these laws of equality?    He wants every citizen to have money; be safe.    One difference between the English and the other cultures is that they do not openly (maybe accidentally) offend their Monarch and fail to resolve the offence.   Under genocide laws, Those unpaid  citizens constitute a target group under the law. Genocide is a crime under Federal US law, UK Law  and the Criminal  Code of Canada.   

Let's "Wicked" see how at the Royal Courts of Justice.    

By definition, "wick·ed" means.....

  1. evil or morally wrong.
    "a wicked and unscrupulous politician"
    morally wrong
    not cricket
    • intended to or capable of harming someone or something.
      "he should be punished for his wicked driving"
      extremely unpleasant.
      "despite the sun, the wind outside was wicked"

Canada, the US and England are signatories to the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.  

In 1948, the UN signed the “ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. Article II states: "Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: (a) murder of members of the group; (b) bring harm to the physical or mental integrity of members of the group; (c) intentional subjection of the group to conditions of existence calculated to bring about its total or partial physical destruction. (d) measures aimed at hindering births within the group. e) forced transfer of children from the group to another group." A group would be any set of people who  suffer collectively  the imposition of inhumane conditions of life.  

The Rutaganda Trial Chamber observed that:

"[...] the concepts of national, ethnical, racial and religious groups have been researched extensively and that, at present, there are no generally and internationally accepted precise definitions thereof. Each of these concepts must be assessed in the light of a particular political, social and cultural context. Moreover, the Chamber notes that for the purposes of applying the Genocide Convention, membership of a group is, in essence, a subjective rather than an objective concept. The victim is perceived by the perpetrator of genocide as belonging to a group slated for destruction. In some instances, the victim may perceive himself/herself as belonging to the said group."[4]

P.1. Evidence of the existence of a "national group".

In the Akayesu case, the Trial Chamber said:

"Based on the Nottebohm decision rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Chamber holds that a national group is defined as a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties."[5]

We have designed systems of economy that can take back the money as fast as people spend it and if they spend more, they have less and give more back to the government as we say the sales tax is 40% or higher, keeps them down on the ground.... down on the ground; but this is not genocide since we use them to keep the economy active with the little  money we give them at 20 cents per minute and those with bad consumption habits will not endure with us for very long while we will make money off of their unruly spending and  irresponsible spending ways.  Our own people are as good as any other people.  

 They are just hamsters that spin on the global capitalist economic wheel to produce us some money on what they spend; sales tax money  or credit interest.  But, if I am the Chinese leader I must have a Chinese Library with mostly Chinese books or if I am an Indian leader, I must have and maintain an  Indian library with mostly Indian books to be credible even if I am not really Indian and if I do not want to openly identify myself  as having some other nationality and loyalty while the leader or monarch of those people.  In fact, If I am an Indian leader, I must have and maintain an Indian population with mostly Indian people  with an income support for ALL the people that are citizens under my government to be credible even if I am not really Indian and if I do not want to openly identify myself  as having some other nationality, loyalty and a foreign  non English, Non Canadian, Non American, Non Human basic hegemony instinct if I have such a condition or symptom while the leader or monarch of those   people. The English people are not lousy people.  

Could you run an economy in such a way to confirm some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity or is it to confirm some motive?  If human suffering could be soo easy to solve in any economy at 1 cent a minute dating back to 1929 or at 6 cents a minute in 1945 or at 20 cents a minute in 2024  paid to each citizen with a sales tax/sales toll that recoups the money to  repay the government  on all human activities in the economy, why does suffering persist primarily in the English world?  They do not have this problem in other European or Gaelic cultures.  

The reason is that the English (many Americans, the UK and Canada) are at war with themselves over simple  things like a posthumous conviction for Jacob Marley's murderer who is now convicted; or, in their unique anthropology, they have not found it conducive to national celebration or national identity to compete over socioeconomic excellence, achievement and success with other nations in any other arena except on the football field or on the hockey rink.   What about competing  socioeconomically...on quality of life?  If you find it is crowded in zone 1-6 on London Transport or in Ontario,  financial genocide  for a significant numbers of people is not the answer.  If you gave the power to decide to an angry, resentful laid off 1920's Ford car worker whose dead DNA is   ressurected and made a  politician after he was shot dead for stealing food and a coat without trial and set on retribution against his own society and people, then you might get this result where some people have the income support money and some do not so we would know just how the dead car worker feels when some people have their Maslow  needs met and some do not from 12 or 14 years old. Reading Romans 7 might help. The final message here from the boat people and the displaced former car worker who was killed without trial with his progeny apologetically turned into the politician is that.....

we own everything in common and if you made the down payment and signed the contract for a house, then they are moving in if maybe there is some desperation they could conspire so that we can make it that it is enjoyed in common.  We would  like to hold evidence  of your job reference  letters and your achievements in common.  But, we do  not want any boat people father that made his children go to school to then turn around and steal the mail with his 14 year old children's McDonald's job offer, the 25 year old's post graduate acceptance letters or the 49 year old's Real Estate provisional license document.  We do not want to be human native sad.  The politician  says he does not know how to read the Bible or the law on this issue; and cannot  hear  you since he is expressing  retribution as forgiveness is not his usual anthropology but he is learning. He says he was drugged and could  never  be soo callous; have so much  passion to ignore people's pain unless he was drugged.   If you knew some Canadians are not recieving their income support and many of them are in your province when you are the politician, how do you solve it?   

  But the law is the law. The authority is the authority.  It has to be enforced on public safety grounds and economic grounds.  The government can do that without the politicians; the inherent government that collects tax regardless of the new man or woman behind the desk.  It would take seconds to have a normal economy.  There is a UN mandate; UDHR Article 25.  We are sure the Canadian government is a signatory.  

Free markets are not aided by underfunded consumers and people. We are all God's people.  

Many that do not have their  needs met are white in a primarily officially white population in places like Kingston, Guelph, York region, Campbellford and Orangeville.  There is no overcrowding issue in these areas.  Retribution is motive. Yet, a government is a community collective.  It's a government. It can array itself  to maintain all priorities; UN compliance being # 1. Raise the sales tax by 1% or 3% if you need more revenue  to pay more income support to all citizens.  It used to be 16% and you had not paid 1000's of citizens their income support.    It will pay fines  per citizen if it does not comply. The victim citizens are paid directly by China.  This benefit dichotomy and the population's tolerance of the same confirms the weakness in national identity. You should defend the life of a Canadian citizen. 

   New Subway cars are not the life blood of the nation. It would  be people. We can afford to anything we intend to do but funding the lives of all citizens is the first order.  Increasing the sales tax by .5%  builds the Metrolinx network.  

  It would take minutes  to resolve.  

But, maybe you encourage people to move to Inverness etc or Ottawa but they will have money to make the move; in dignity and the incentive might be cheaper taxes or a nice new renovated maisonette house up that way.   I would move to Inverness from Ontario if I had the income support to do it. I love the Canadian. I love the English people. But, we are just going to enjoy like the other people and write a book about coffee and coffee shops.    

We look forward to sending post cards from Russia, Japan, Kenya and Hawaii...as the happy English good travelers who will tip well.   “Diolch.”  

But, the system will make money on them all and all of their wild spending as provoked by the smart phone networks.  We pay in 15 pence per minute 365 days per year and take it back at 40% sales tax.  This is good; yea?  We pay .010% of the first $EUD 10,000,000.00 sales tax collected every day to the heraldry fund that supports the Monarch personally in his account as his disposable income;  and also all Heritage Trust buildings, museums and galleries. .010%  of $EUD 10,000,000.00 is $Eud 100,000.00.    We support our governor; and government.     



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