Donald's economic notes before the 2012 election campaign where he was overlooked as a candidate for being a bit conflicted on the economy. He was not sure if he would send checks or direct payments to bank accounts but he understood that only money solves consumer stimulus. The woman says they are not paying her the income support benefits in Guelph but her transgender neighbor gets the benefit in Guelph where they live. Click here.


Dywed y ddynes nad ydyn nhw’n talu’r budd-daliadau cymhorthdal ​​incwm iddi yn Guelph ond mae ei chymydog trawsryweddol yn cael y budd-dal yn Guelph lle maen nhw’n byw.
Nodiadau economaidd Donald cyn ymgyrch etholiad 2012 lle cafodd ei ddiystyru fel ymgeisydd am fod ychydig yn wrthdaro ar yr economi. Nid oedd yn siŵr a fyddai'n anfon sieciau neu daliadau uniongyrchol i gyfrifon banc ond roedd yn deall mai dim ond arian sy'n datrys ysgogiad defnyddwyr.

 Maen nhw'n trin pobl wyn yn anghyfartal. Ai fel hyn yr ydych yn ein dysgu am gydraddoldeb dynol? Ni newidiodd unrhyw beth mewn gwirionedd oherwydd ei wrthdaro personol, emosiynol ac mae'n ymddangos ei fod wedi dweud y byddai ganddo ymdeimlad ofer o awdurdod neu ei bedestal ei hun pe na bai'n cytuno â phobl fel Barrack a oedd yn siarad am hyn fel Robert Reichlich a edrychodd i mewn iddo ers hynny. 1992 a Casinos a Chondos Dinas Iwerydd New Jersey.
I Battemon, Nid yw'r hen foi actio braf hwn wedi rhoi dim byd i ni ond y cyffro o ddwyn pŵer a rhedeg ei shenanigans gwleidyddol ar draws pobol America. Pe bai'n cymryd pŵer i achub y wlad a darparu cymhorthdal ​​incwm tebyg i Rwsia neu Tsieina i'r bobl, yna boed hynny nid yw hyn yn digwydd. Rwy'n meddwl y bydd yn rhaid iddo fod yn fi. Efallai y byddaf yn anfon yr arian gyda siec neu drwy daliad fedwire uniongyrchol.

Oni fyddai'n amlwg bod gan bobl â mwy o arian fwy o Hegemoni na Phobl ag ychydig neu ddim arian? Gwelsom hyn yn 1960 ond fe fethodd yr arlywydd y pwynt wedyn a dywedodd y byddai'n well ganddo, ar gyfer hegemoni America, anfon dyn i'r lleuad!! Nid dyma'r hyn yr oedd yr economi gyfalafol Fyd-eang yn chwilio amdano a phenderfynwyd yr endid awtomataidd hwnnw o'r enw Cyfalafiaeth Fyd-eang i ddod o hyd i ateb heb i arweinyddiaeth America gymryd rhan na gobeithio y byddent yn cydweithredu yn yr ateb. Ond, mae'n rhesymegol bod gan boblogaethau sydd â mwy o arian hefyd fwy o hegemoni yn yr alaeth na phobl sydd ag ychydig neu ddim arian. Byddai hynny'n rhesymegol. Os oes gan un set o bobl fwy o arian na'ch pobl chi unrhyw le yn y byd, oni fyddan nhw'n fwy na'ch pobl chi yn y pen draw? Byddai hynny'n rhesymegol. Os ydych chi'n gweld eich pobl fel rhai sy'n cystadlu â'r bobl sydd ag arian pan fyddwch chi'n gwrthod ariannu eich pobl Gogledd America eich hun, yna rydych chi'n colli'r gystadleuaeth. Beth os ydych chi wedi bod mewn gwleidyddiaeth ers dros 20 mlynedd wrth i chi fynnu cael y swydd uchaf heb barch at y cyfansoddiadau a rheolau’r etholiad, onid ydych chi’n gyfrifol pan nad yw eich pobl yn cael eu hariannu? Beth os oes gennych yr holl bŵer ond yn dal i fethu ag achub eich pobl rhag y diffyg arian a achosir gan awtomeiddio?

The woman says they are not paying her the income support benefits in Guelph  but her transgender neighbor gets the benefit in Guelph where they live.  
Donald's  economic notes before the 2012 election campaign where he was overlooked as a candidate for being a bit conflicted on the economy. He was not sure if he would send checks or direct payments to bank accounts but he understood that only money solves consumer stimulus.    

They are treating white people unequally. Is this how you teach us about human equality instead of letting us roll around in an unpaid, unfunded, zero income support white hegemony?  We are disappearing and being killed by foreigners in our own country. They say there is a leak. There is no leak. Even if there is, it is the building owner to fixt it and and deal with it according to the law. You cannot ask me to pay. How you are teaching me anything about the Gita with these lying ways while you are just abusing us about a hegemony?   I think its just despicable.  

Nothing really changed because of his personal, emotional conflict and he seems to have said he would have a vain sense of authority or his own pedestal  if he did not agree with people like Barrack who were talking about this like Robert Reichlich who looked into it since 1992 and the New Jersey Atlantic City Casinos and Condos.  

To Battemon, This nice acting old guy  has given  us nothing  but the excitement of stealing power and running his political shenanigans all over the American people. If it was to take power to save the country and provide the people an income support comparable to Russia or China, then so be it this is not happening. I think it will have to be me. Maybe I will send the money by check or by direct fedwire payment.  It will be $20,000.00 per year to every American, Canadian and Mexican under USMCA authority to ensure consumer stimulus. This will be in addition  to the current state support payments they receive; if any. 

But, do you really think the Russian language people will break themselves up and help you have authority over them?  They are intermarried; Ukraine with Russians and Moldovans and Bulgarians or Polish; all of them. They see CNN is a witch!  The Ukraine is not joining Europe.  They are Russia.  What's the point of  joining the EU that lets anyone come along and tear up EU territory and do whatever they want to anyone; in France? Wouldn't the Ukraine be exposed to this viral madness? This is no good. Eto plokho!

Wouldn't it be obvious  that people  with more money have more Hegemony than People with little or no money?   When a Russian or Ukrainian is standing in front of you in New Jersey with his $ EUD 50,000.00 income support paid to him from 10 years old and you only receive New Jersey $20,000.00 paid to you from 14 years old, how do you feel except but American puny? The Russian is the Black Noble; the Noble Black!  Google Black Russian. In America you have too much broken English and not enough cash.    Privet my friend! North America, including Canada, is a great economically passive country!    We saw this in 1960 but the president back then missed the point and said he would prefer, for American hegemony, to send a man to the moon or have some kind of galactic hegemony over other nations but its one man or two men hopping on a desert and the nation can watch as he drills that dry rock...but we don't have any money in the real world!! This drilling the dry rock can only cover this economic self defeat  and loss of hegemony for so long.  This is not what the Global capitalist economy was looking for and that automated entity called the  Global Capitalist  economy was decided to find an answer without American leadership being involved  and without hoping they would ever cooperate in the answer ever again. 

But, it is logical that populations with more money....also have more hegemony in the galaxy than people with little or no money.   That would be logical.  If one set of people have more money than your people any where in the world, won't they eventually outnumber your people? That would be logical.  If you see your people as being in competition with the people who have  money when you refuse to fund your own North American people, then you are losing the competition. What if you have been in politics for more than 20 years as you demand to have the highest office without respect for the constitutions and election rules, are you not responsible when your people are not funded?  What if you have all the power but still fail to save your people from the money-lessness caused by automation?   You are losing.  Your people are not funded.  You are illogical.  You take all the blame with your high crimes and misdemeanors. You are the saddest  thing  I have  ever encountered in national politics simply because you say you have the post to kill your political opponents but you have done nothing to love and help the North American people.   You are Jar Jar Binks with some skill to make people forget the real agenda and that is being unified  against all external and internal threats.  You beat your constitution and you beat up/starve your population also.  

Income support makes us human.  After automation, our key economic purpose is to function as the consumer in our own economies. If  you do not accept this, the automated powers of global capitalism will send to your North American or UK towns and cities its own consumers from other economies where they receive an income support from their own governments and then you have chosen to phase yourself out if you do not provide an income support to all UK and North American citizens as soon as possible. 

Arian is  the Cymru word  for "money." 

We have no one to teach Warren's economic discoveries except Warren; Do you understand?  We can have a painless 100% sales tax. A $1.50 bag of chips becomes $3.00. $2.00 Orange juice becomes $4.00. Maybe we collect 100% sales tax once a week. But, we ensure the economy has a 100% citizen consumer base with no less than 8 pence/ cents per minute 365 days  per year. 

That is EUD 8 cents/min(.08 ) x 60  minutes x 24 hours (one day) x 365 days per year. That is economic hegemony if we say EUD 10 cents per minute.  

All human beings were once cave men. Most human  beings have evolved into the eternal consumer with an income support provided by their government at over $50000.00 per year. Income support under $50,000.00 does not render us human but hunter gatherers.  The real mystery of America is that they suffer national economic problems collectively; low rates of spending  and low consumer stimulus on the national average is due to low rates of income support. This was a problem of concern before the Civil War in 1860 when the Northerners had an income support paid to all citizens; people like Frederick Douglass. The southerners, white or black,  had no income support and this as the real cause for the war; not slavery although it was another issue in the discussion that led to the emancipation proclamation. The only question we have in what is white man squabble mostly since we would like to believe the black are more reasonable is just why if the North one the war, why would they not then just emancipate the economy also and implement by National Federal US Law a minimum standard for income support;  not just standards for food production or road signs or Federal standards for weights and measures or train track gauges. 

So, we do not have sufficient income support but are asked to talk about slavery during the political debates.  

So,we will talk about slavery as whites and blacks  during election campaigns as we phase ourselves out. We should  be talking  about money.  We are not teaching any Monarch.  He is teaching and leading.  It's not a Monarch's job to  solve the economy but we ask for his guidance and we know he would not mind if we implement an income support of $ EUD 40,0000.00 per year or 8 pence/cents per minute for every UK citizen, the Canadian citizen, American citizen or Mexican citizen.   

We are asking why the white people in the north did not choose to resolve this issue for the whites and the black in the south with a national standard for something soo  simple, annoying as a crater in the road or a cut phone or power line and  soo economically essential?   The only other question we have is why and how is it that when the US is about to dissolve into a Civil War, there is a President  from Illinois like FDR, a great great man, not too far away. I just need to know when this nice acting old guy is going to try to blow up my building if I run for office; with his unusual hatred for ownership; formal legal ownership.   To save the country, I may not run if he does. if does not run, then I will and I want to know if he is some pot that can never be called black but he calls everyone else the bad names when he is the committing the high crimes and misdemeanors. What deal has he made? 

Can you move someone from a ballot who is not  a formal party candidate yet? 

There is a fraud going on the news.

This guy also spends more money on the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people trying to feel involved and international than he does spend on the North American people. To be honest, if I had my income support I would probably forget all the  other shenanigans going on in the news.  

Why was the last Mission Impossible movie a parody of itself? MI 1, 3. 4, 5 and 6 are my favorites.  

Anyway, I thought about how War should be avoided at all costs like the Asian philosopher says and sometimes Wars are just emotive nonverbal hegemony conflicts, cultural conflicts maybe between two Neanderthals that hope to evolve as humans. We might say that hegemony expressiveness  or conflict is the natural occurrence of  identity emerging but not resolved in mutual human cooperation. Mutual human cooperation is the higher level of hegemony expression. Where one says that war is good for the civic health of the nation, it is when the nation is broken down in hegemony conflicts between its various constituent class groups. War becomes good for the nation when the notion of an external enemy galvanises the uncooperative and dysfunctional English people into a more cooperative nation for that brief while until they can devolve into some unusual uncooperativeness again that challenges the written and governing laws on equality. This time they are fighting not soo much over class but over gender and the self dominion of the humane and human. The UDHR says in  Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. It takes four years of war around the world to say that and absorb this international treaty into domestic law because we are unusually difficult  as we are reading and teaching the bible all day, playing classical music and hymns in England, Europe and North America and all the other religious books; and what was it all about' all that war?   Yet, there is to be expected some natural hegemony in a natural self identity and self preservative defensive expression of the self  and ones community.  

The current Monarch is right.  Read his laws.  But,  what if our hegemony expression subsides into a defeat and denial of natural defensive hegemonic inclinations where there is an indirect, unofficial surrender as you import other people to take up the gap in your own population caused by your failure to cooperate internally and pay an income support to everyone of your citizens.  This is so such that the war that was the galvanizing good for the civic health has now become an inward implosion of war on the self instead of an outward movement of war as you occupy yourself or allow yourself to be occupied with thousands of foreigners. We need to regain a basic inclination.  You eventually notice you are outnumbered and surrounded. This  is to the point where they break the laws around you as if you really do not count, do not exist regardless of your complexion although you are the citizen and they are just travelers or permanent resident applicants? They take your teeth with food. Arrest you falsely in hotels and "disappear" you in the Thames.   The police, some of them, are on their payroll.  

Once you realize this implosion due to the uncooperativeness internally over a simple economic variable, how long would it take to solve the implosion and end your unusual war on yourselves in your unusual backward abandonment  of  defensive hegemony expression where maybe you are angry with yourself  that you don't read and you don't want anyone to tell you anything? We love our leaders and their families and ask that we have equal economic income support kit (At EUD $40,000.00 per year income support)  as compared to our neighboring nations in Europe.    In this implosion where your vacuous response to automation has been abhorred by the economic powers, they have automatically filled the economic population gap with people who have money  from other economies as  provided to them by their governments any where else in the world.  It is a kind of surrender in this total  economic openness(that is kind of food and flavor diversity cool; "spaceba") with little natural defensiveness and all you have asked is that these people from all over world might help you if you really needed some help; if you needed help. You do not need help. You need sobriety while you still hire police and soldiers for regalia and for soldiery in jobs to watch military aircraft on the tarmac as  you  realize that your state of affairs resembles an Amusement Park more than a naturally hegemonic and self defensive population. You need economic defensiveness, a little love for your own struggling population that is not receiving this income support except for the transgender, where you could bring some reality to your anthem in that all of this can be resolved for 6 pence/cents a minute 365 days per year per citizen and per permanent resident paid monthly.  That would be 14 cents a minute on the Canadian side.  If its as crowded as it is and the majority of the population are foreign ex pats, how crowded would it really be if there were just as many UK citizens as there are foreigners in the country? It seems there are people missing as you practice tolerance for religious and cultural diversity. But, this kind of self sacrifice and self effacement is not exactly what Islam teaches you. You could have diversity and immigration at the same rate as at present while you fund your own population in your own economy. The rest of Europe does. It works out.   So, we just wonder why there was any Rabbi around the year 30 BC teaching and talking about the laws around a Cheddar Neanderthal king of Israel named  Herod as  appointed by Rome who was reluctant about legal formalities and seemed to be only just introduced to them and the economic system in that hour in history?  You wonder why you expect the King to be the teacher or to at least sing along with Jesus in harmony since  teaching and enforcing is kind of like a king job and the Rabbi's job as his servant but a Israeli Rabbi might seem out of sync to the Cheddar king authority if the Cheddar king does not know the law or how to work the economic system. We could also take 100% sales tax as pure government revenue and this would keep the people humble; down as we also pay them 7 pence a minute to maintain their decorative daily existence since you need some kind of English people? What is a lake without water or a English king without trees or English people? What is an English library without English books?      But, instead of  a Wenceslas type Sing a Long with the Rabbi, there is tension and conflict and you see the ancient Israeli Cheddar King is new to the world as it then was; too much polemic tension and its not adding; not Wenceslas enough or Aurelius enough or just add water enough to the peoples lives; hot and cold.  Add money this time enough.   Why did I ever have to read about that Jesus guy running from any Cheddar King?  Why are the people of Palestine in England any way  today outnumbering the English with their income support and the English people are not being paid any real support at all except for the transgender? There is a bird on your head for so long that it is laying curried bird droppings; nothing but bird droppings.  You know, I like curry and only know that I must have the money to buy more.  

All European countries and all Asian countries have an income support.  All Russians have an income support.  All African citizens of African countries have an income support.  There is a white kid from Newmarket, Ontario or King City Ontario who is now about 50 years old. He was supposed to receive an income support of $20,000.00 per year when he turned 14 years old. None of the kids, black or white, received an income support in those towns.  His hockey friend who lived in Oshawa received such an income support of $20,000.00 per year like all the other citizens in that town, black, red, yellow and white. All kids and their families, no matter where they live, pay sales tax and all other gasoline taxes. What legal remedy is there to this problem when there is a deficit of $720,000.00 in the lives of the white kids and black kids(white and black adults also) who turned 14 years old 36 years ago who lived in certain regions of the province where illegally this money is not paid to all citizens but only to citizens who live in certain other regions such as Oshawa, Chatham, London, Kitchener, Oshawa, Ottawa, Oakville but not Guelph or Gwillimbury or Brooklin or Kingston?   I am white but we just need to know why the white people have not reacted to solve this in the way you would expect a white woman to clean her house if the boys make a childish mess of it and vacuum it with Tide White Lady soap powder on the carpet?  We just want to know if the white lady noticed. I have no doubt she would have fixed it if she did.  She wrote the syllabus for grades K to 8 about the golden rule.  With the evidence available to us in the bank accounts of the white and Black people who receive this unconditional income support benefit  in Oshawa, Kitchener, Ottawa and elsewhere,  We see that it is benefit inequality and our remedy is before the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. You could sue under section 15(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada also for adverse discrimination.   Isn't it adverse impact discrimination and  the failure to fulfill a treaty obligation? We ask the nice lady to help.  

(Equality Rights)

Marginal note:Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law

  •  (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.)

  • See  Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General), 2020 SCC 28, [2020] 3 S.C.R. 113.

      Per Wagner C.J. and Abella, Moldaver, Karakatsanis, Martin and Kasirer JJ.: Full‑time RCMP members who job‑share must sacrifice pension benefits because of a temporary reduction in working hours. This arrangement has a disproportionate impact on women and perpetuates their historical disadvantage. It is a clear violation of their right to equality under s. 15(1) of the Charter.  To prove a prima facie violation of s. 15(1), a claimant must demonstrate that the impugned law or state action, on its face or in its impact, creates a distinction based on enumerated or analogous grounds, and imposes burdens or denies a benefit in a manner that has the effect of reinforcing, perpetuating, or exacerbating disadvantage.  Adverse impact discrimination occurs when a seemingly neutral law or state action has a disproportionate impact on members of groups protected on the basis of an enumerated or analogous ground. There is no doubt that adverse impact discrimination violates the norm of substantive equality which underpins the Court’s equality jurisprudence. Substantive equality requires attention to the full context of the claimant group’s situation, to the actual impact of state action or the law on that situation, and to the persistent systemic disadvantages that have operated to limit the opportunities available to that group’s members. At the heart of substantive equality is the recognition that identical or facially neutral treatment may frequently produce serious inequality. This is precisely what happens when seemingly neutral laws ignore the true characteristics of a group which act as headwinds to the enjoyment of society’s benefits.

We can find a solution to overcrowding that does not impact the treaty obligation but we are not able to say that overcrowding is the real motive since Orangeville, a rural area, is not paid and nor is Kingston, Ontario; nor is Guelph.    Maybe this is more about someone's mockery of the authority.  In this case, the impugned state action is the payment of some citizens in some locations and the non payment of others in other locations in that province. its also the unequal payment of some citizens based on their sex/TRANSGENDER STATUS AT $50,000.00 PER YEAR REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY LIVE IN THE PROVINCE.  The Charter says the entire population has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. In other words, two white women or two humans should be treated equally regardless of where they live in the province or country or we say all citizens and permanent residents shall be treated equally on the issue of benefit provision.  This is so when all pay the consumer sales tax equally.   The treaty mandate under the UDHR Article 25 is to pay all citizens this income support benefit.    The motivation behind the impugned activity seen in the non payment TO SOME CITIZENS might have been to  ameliorate alleged overcrowding WE THOUGHT in some locations but THAT CANNOT BE IT BASED ON THE EVIDENCE.  The end result is a breach of s.15(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As such, we can and must maintain the mandate to pay all citizens this income support as we all pay the tax that becomes the resources from which the money is paid to some but not all citizens. This does not happen in any other province with such payments in the fulfillment of the Federal government mandate set down by the UDHR article 25 as national domestic law.  We must fulfill this mandate.  To ameliorate concerns about overcrowding, we could provide a home costs(rent/mortgage) tax rebate at  no less than $20,000.00 per year or 50% of your costs(whatever is higher) for people who live in certain regions that are mathematically more than 50 kms in any direction (according to google maps) from the CN Tower. This is fair.  The mandate to pay all citizens an income support is maintained.   

The conclusion of an international treaty is one thing, compliance with it another. The Government of Canada is the only Canadian government that has an international personality and it is accordingly the only one responsible for international treaties in effect in Canada.  As it does not hold all the necessary powers to implement those treaties, however, there are serious weaknesses in its ability to discharge this responsibility. Well, in fact, it does hold all the powers necessary to implement all the treaties and has the ability to discharge the responsibility.   

In Canada, Parliament and the provincial legislative assemblies may pass legislation in areas where they have jurisdiction under the Constitution of Canada.  This division of legislative power is provided for mainly in sections 91 and 92 of the Constitution Act, 1867. As specifically stated in the 1937 Privy Council decision in Labour Conventions, this power also extends to the implementation of international treaties concluded by the Canadian state.(30)  Whenever a treaty or part of a treaty concerns an area of provincial jurisdiction, the relevant provisions may be implemented only by the provincial legislative assemblies.

As noted above, a treaty is implemented when the signatory state adopts legislative or other measures enabling it to comply with the treaty’s provisions.  A state that is already in compliance with the provisions of a treaty will not have to adopt new measures in order to implement it.  Where it wishes to become a party to the treaty, the state need only ratify it and issue the ratification instrument.

If Canada were to make undertakings that it could not implement because they fell within provincial jurisdiction, it would risk a loss of international credibility and being found in default of its international obligations. 

They, the other economies, who are sending their people to repopulate the U.S. and Canada, do not have the recessionary cyclical problems with automation and the economy like the US or the English when all citizens in European and Asian economies in the modern way are inoculated from moneylessness with regular income support benefit payments that we now call the ATP/the ability to pay. Its an "ability to pay" payment; an ATP payment.  If you give us all an income support, it will help.  We thank you nice acting old guy if you could  add this to the lives of all North Americans. If you an The Black President don't do it, then I will try.  We thank you.   Its not real money; most of it. It is just the electronic ability to pay for things.  We now call this the "E-ATP."   Governments give this electronic ability to pay to their citizens.  Some governments enable a storable version of this ability to pay that is rendered as a balance in a bank account; as a deposit. This is good as it enables credit.  But, if resolving problems with consumer stimulus is your goal and also alleviation of the moneyless-ness caused by automation, it is electronically very easy to solve. You give all citizens the electronic ability to pay and maybe you also give them a storable, withdrawable version of this E-ATP  that would appear in their bank accounts and enable credit and credit loans or credit financing which is also a key facet of economic activity in the economy. Sending  E-ATP to their accounts is what we are doing at no less than $1300.00 ATP per week and this is to be provided equally to all citizens.  If it was not paid equally, why would that be where some white people receive this money and some white people do not receive it; some black people receive it and some black people do not? If we guarantee the ability to pay, we end the threat that money-lessness as occasioned by automation causes the system with instability. If we always ensure ability to pay then when people have loan credit, they can never default.   If they have the ability to pay, as guaranteed,  and can never default then the system is stable. We have taken loan defaulting out of the system. The inability to pay for goods and services usually caused by the moneyless-ness caused by automation is also now over; no matter how much automation there is. As such, recessions and depressions are over. Going forward, we only need to ensure on a yearly basis that the ability to pay does not fall out of sink with the cost of goods.   THE MOD CAN SOLVE IT using the EMERGENCY WAR POWERS ACT.  When we found out, it is not being paid equally to all citizens in any jurisdiction, how many hours did it take to resolve it? If you were at your desk at work and noticed it is not being paid equally when you know the law says it is to be paid equally, would you not see it as a mistake and then solve it? Why would you not just fix it? What if the gas tax was higher on gas pumps in your part of the state or province when it should be equal at all pumps?  When you are white and you know you expect equal treatment under the law and then you find out some black people or Catholics get money just for being Catholic in North York but white people do not, isn't this upsetting every aspect of equality under the law with some evasion of the human rights laws? What if some transgender blacks any where in the province got an income support but a white woman who can have baby does not receive it? The Anglican Church is now suing the Government of Canada for this inequality.  In fact, since it was a system abuse and mismanagement of  our tax dollars to further some religious hegemony or religious hatred agenda, they went into the system and ensured all Ontario citizens receive $50000.00 per year as income support. The architect of this "abusing use" of tax dollars is being brought before the Court. I'm a hockey player and coach.  I'm not to be used or treated unequally.  That mistreatment needs a full body check and a penalty time out. It is supposed to be equal for all players...or citizens.    

 The Ukrainian boy is your ally in your proxy War against Russia as you have People pray all day that the Ukrainian and Russia will destroy itself. The Ukrainian and the Russians know what you are doing.  We say MIR!  Did Joe mug black Christian ladies and Jewish ladies and some how avoid arrest and now he thinks he has the authority to rob the constitution and take any election; rob the vote?   

The personal hegemony is national hegemony so who is Honda to tell Battemon about any fuel injectors in 1976?  By 1776, the English were the majority in America but the Dutch never left. Many went north and just changed language but maintained a resistance against the English. We are  confident the government sits on the Monarch's shoulders with the help of his soldiers. There is an income support benefit inequity, affecting many UK citizens.  

America  is the hamster in the global economy's Capitalist regenerative  treadmill; and nothing more. But they miss their opportunity; for honour when they do not fund their people and citizens sufficiently to be that darling hamster  consumer in capitalism.  The automated global economy has had to find a surrogate Asian population with income support funding from their own government and economy to take the placement of the American in the American economy so  that enough of everything will be sold. The stats, however,  for the American economy  still confirms that US consumer stimulus is low.  Is it too much to ask that every  North American will have an income support as  global capitalism demands? We cannot see that every North American has an income support at present although  they are supposed to.  A 0% loan  interest rate is an ineffective solution when a 0% loan rate is not real money for people with no money and no ability to pay or to repay any loan or card  they cannot qualify for anyway.  An income support equal to what is provided to Americans on Massachusetts at no less than one American dime per minute /10 cents per minute every hour everyday; 355 days per year is the solution.  Then to honor Carter's concerns about over consuming we add a national consumer sales toll/tax  to all consumer sales transactions in the country at 20%. The state tax can still be 10%.  The total effective revenue on all transactions other than gasoline would be 30%. This money is paid to the European and the Chinese government with whom the US and Canada has significant loans. Each citizen is paid a sufficient income support and this is the purpose of the loan.  The societies where this income support is not being paid are at war with simple economic purposefulness and logic.  They argue with their own existence.  It's not logical. They may have some other agenda to cock roach encroach upon and destroy the more logical cultures.  Why is Russia and the Ukraine fighting each other? Did someone suggest this would happen; that you do not fight Russia but you get the Russian speaking peoples to fight themselves and presume the schism is containable; can be limited to small ordnances. The Russian  people are distracted from dealing with the  econonucally unruly Americans who are really in their leadership just Pangea Creoles who do not want you to tell them anything.  Even if the American Creole Angry has no weapons, he has his angry eternal hopes to see you no longer exist with any Logical or Levitical authority or understanding over him. 

Even so, All consumers  essentially are hamsters but America does not fund there own sufficiently.  We make more of the American in his cave man self deletion and self starvation; a potential foe if we don't fund each North American citizen with an income support if their government fails to do so sufficiently with the loan monies provided by Europe and China and funding each citizen is the number one key purpose of the loan monies.  This should be obvious for a well designed, good economy.  Would you build a subway that is not likely to be approved by the monarch if he would ever see it because the station or the system is killing some people?  Would you build an economy that is not likely to be accepted  by the Monarch; an economy that is killing people; in the UK, Canada and the US?  

The orphan DNA that we call Oliver Twist in the books became Scrooge (the butler), and also eventually Scrooge,  the Law partner.  He kills faster and breeds  faster and intended to be the Authority. He takes opportunity  during the wars as a butler  to occupy the vacancy in society left by the good men that had the formal qualifications.  The sons of the boat people who lived in passenger ships take over the civil servant jobs in what they call a days work. They have no education  or schooling.  Now after 50 years, they can match the colours on the left side with the colours on the right side.  They can match system expediency to human expectations. The system finds a total Income support paid to all citizens  and equal amounts expeditious.  It is also our expectation.  But it is not working that way. The American  cave man Pangea leadership has some other subconscious agenda.  But, if you had the power  to fix it but did not fit it, leaving a certain hunger in the economy, why do you do it except but to blackmail the system  with a moral debt to say they should give him what he wants...since they did not apprehend him and make sure the economy catered to all the needs of all the people? What he wants  is the unqualified involvement and position in society...if you could be the national leader and never respect the constitution or the vote.  He is a pangea man and resents the simple answers in the system's logic.  This may have happened in Civil War America when the Southern confederates refused to pay an income support to all Southern whites, All Southern free blacks and all slaves. This is still happening today in IOWA and DAKOTA. An income support is not paid to all citizens. It is still happening in Montana.    The analysis of the war usually focusses on the freedom of the slaves but it was also about the dole/income support culture that was prevalent in the north but not yet established in the south and today the unconditional income support in the Carolinas at $10,000.00 per year is 1/6 the support in Vermont.   He resists and wrestles with formalities.   You appointed  the speaker of the house.  I wonder he was not appointed finance minister. The memo  from the spectators is that we just want our income support and if we had it since we were 14 line others, we would have received $520,000.00 by now at $20,000.00 per year. Some have received $50,000.00 per year.  But, you and your gang mind of just do what you want in the system until you are locked out of the system.    He began his butler rise and created his own gang of butlers during WW2. 


He says in his self reflection that "authority is me.".  He treats the house of his dead former  employer as his own,  the subway system also, the Court, the political system and the economy.  He only wishes to say that there is no rule but his own and wants to wrestle witb legal formalities to say that he is able to do whatever he wants as an informal Judge and  PM; he has no other nationality  but Pangea.  with his last key message  being to appoint his own progeny as the heir of his authority and everything is kind of backward and hurtful as you tell the world this way,  until they acknowledge the deceit and the Hurt as the progeny are not really elected and we would not mind so much; so long as all the citizens have a sufficient income support; all the citizens.  It's also not being paid equal to all citizens but we pay the sales tax equally and the gasoline tax. As fuel tax earnings go down, the sale tax is expected to go up. But, if we do not need a bonafide election to get a new leader, we would at least need a decision and that decision to make that change is for the man in the mirror. This man or this machine  can also decide  to play a game with you where if you don't decide to  implement a sufficient and equal income support, they (The Automated  global Economy) will find other people in the world that have sufficient income support to come and live on your lakeshore, your fishing banks; eat your fish and requisitely stimulate the economy.  Your fish is eatebt in front of you as you are phased out.  You are surrounded; outnumbered.  You want to know why the politician knows there is a problem but he does not human react and just solve the inequality problems where some people get income support cash and some illegally do not. But, what kind of....would see this problem and not "self beneficially" solve it if they could solve it to benefit everyone?  

He could also decide to solve it to save the local population or we will save him the time and make him proud as we save the local economy and the population.    

The butler PM's daughter is also on the wrong  side of the respect for formalities.   She plagiarized the stolen German black boy's essays at a Canadian university and she wants to know what happens to Angel Ronan if maybe he would pass away.  She asked her neanderthal people to hold him and frustrate  the economy to be sure she could see what will happen. 

She presumes she could just transfer it to herself and king herself on it if he might pass away but that is an intent to commit an offence and why not just use him to make money?; instead of own the name on your own and sell candy with it?    All she needs to do is write the company and they will help. They will sign the company over to her but if she is afraid of formalities, they will do as she asks for a small investment.  

It may manifest up north today with the Queen on the money but the sales tax policy is working in opposition to the general European standard, keeping the English led government small  in that country north of the 49th parallel.  It is the subconscious resistance of these people who are not helping the English with a rebellious 13% sales tax; the lowest in the industrial white world.  This 13% is not prescribed by the English.  They advise a 30% sales tax.  I concluded that the Canadians must be more Animal than me, so I got the Canadian PM Hare to send me some cash and I promised to help him even though I was not even on a US government salary then; just my Delaware support.     It is just that the dna that would run a mob seems to have been a super Creole from the West Indies; part Dutch, part Anglo, Part German, part French, part Spanish and part Christopher Columbus.  If there is nothing else to steal and we are all equal legally, then maybe I will steal your natural capabilities and giftings or your beauty with an avengement.  Maybe I will steal your identity and be you. But, you would still have hegemony if I don't know how to read and write or understand the utmost fulcrum importance of efficiency in the economy.  The Dutch may have led an emotional hegemony rebellion against the English to ensure the English did not have hegemony over them in America and worked with the natives, with whom they are already developed a lasting peace in the  New world that was formerly New Amsterdam and then the English called it New England, with every native having to take a corn on the cob with Dutch saliva in their backside and that is why Americans walk funny; most noticeably black people to this day in New York that used to be New Amsterdam.  Those are really original Dutch black American Creoles. So, we took hegemony with the Indians and pretended to do it the European way with only terms of endearments with respect to the constitution  ad all of the various systems but no real submission; only lip service. We would fool the English and the Dutch this way as it would seem we have Euro worthy justice every day but it certainly is Euro worthy at the highest court. It is just that we have some problems lower down in the system on a daily basis and they thought the Highest Court would never find out.  The son of the road paving tycoon bought the file too often to get what he wanted in any Court proceeding and did not really know how the system worked  or when he is innocent or guilty. Why buy the file when it is obvious you are not guilty and you could see that they have to withdraw the file against you? But, then Joe bought the file or the Democrats bought the DOJ with the treasury and also the bought the media; no good!! They have done horrible things and the media never notices.  We told the French to fluff off when we changed cheque to Check in 1787 and the English seem to still run things because I keep my money in a satchel bag; about $10,000.00 and I seem to think a savings account is  an investment. So, the real English who still run things take all my savings or all the Income support I didn't spend yet usually in October when they call to notify of how things have gone this year; usually just the bank manager calls even if I am the lead actress in "Meryl Lynch; the 1929 Beginnings of the Dark Times in America."; coming soon on dvd.   But, everything is Honda or Toyota with a fuel injector now; the hybrid now also.  Grade 8, 9 and 10 will spend time on math involving integers but math will focus on mortgages, mortgage balances and amortization tables as well as appreciation and interest earned on bank accounts, loans and loan payments with interest and simple registered  investments such as Treasury Bills, GICs and ISAS in the UK.  Just to be sure, bank accounts such as savings accounts are not investments. That is your money and no one is to be calling to take your balance. You put that money in the account. It is entirely yours.   

The answer is that there are five elements and human need is the fifth. The sixth element is cooperation; multi generational cooperation to answer human need.   Evidence is massive infrastructure projects or income support paid to all citizens.  the average European economy or Latin American economy is evidence of this sixth element. The UK economy is not an example of the sixth element and nor is the economy of Canada or the United States; under performing, unsafe economies with high amounts of theft and financial cannibalism.  The Asian economies and the Russian economies are also examples.  The average African economy is an example of the sixth element.  The first subway with trains in human history was built in Cairo, Egypt. 

What vehicle on the road is not a hybrid?  Conceding  an obvious point like an evident flat tire on Airforce One when it is evidently flat is weakness to Joe if you concede; sort of like what you do in front of a bunch of girls at 9 years old to say the other guy who says its flat  will not be the king but everyone can see the tire is flat and soon everyone calls you an idiot but that is just how Joe is. Doesn't Joe feel wrong and strong?    In his  underdeveloped ego, conceding that the economy is dead is, for Joe, just weakness. Yet, it is evidently weak. K  Mart opened  in spite of Macy's and JC Penney when the economy was strong.  Now, everything is shutting.   Putting money in the economy on the demand side of the equation to balance the trillions spent on the supply side for robots will strengthen and balance the economy.   It will also diffuse the population when people tend to coalesce in urban centres during down turns, hoping to find work.   Bieden told him to, "..shut up man."  These notes were recovered from Joe Bieden's Palm Pilot and from his Blackberry BBM server.  He left one  phone by mistake on top of a  urinal in a Strip Club.  The other phone was left at a Starbucks:  Automation has occasioned a joblessness; a mass joblessness and I am not sure how to address it but the support we get in Delaware would help if given to all Americans and I am not sure how much support is given to people in Minnesota but apparently, it is $60,000.00 per year unconditionally.  That would help all Americans also. Automation solves the joblessness that shuts down the regular consistent sales of goods. The slowdown or shutdown in the regular consistent sales of Goods, occasions a recession and a depression eventually as there is no point in machines running all day if no one is buying goods. They cannot afford them. I robbed the bank or stole the vehicle because I had the authority since they cut my toe when I was 10 years old. I have very little sympathy for an America that is not like me.     Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated.  The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence.  See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the government into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with their celebrity AUTHORITY?  

  If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30.  You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals 30. Then .30 + $1.00 equals 1.30. If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the government or the bond yields .60  cents per cup at $2.00.   There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does "leadership style" take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety?

 We see that 1 penny a minute paid to every North American every day and 365 days per year would have saved the western hemisphere from War in 1939. They were struggling with early automation and the joblessness caused by the electrification of  labor; human labour( vacuums, washing machines and sowing machines that is also known as automation. 

Today, we see that 15 cents a minute every hour and 365 days every year would ensure the economy has sufficient economic stimulus. It is what the economy wants to match the economy's desire for human-less reliable machine labor where machines builds the machines. This 15 cents is a small sum to pay; and now more money per citizen is what we say to win votes; not lower  taxes. We need some taxes to ensure that we can all get our daily bread.  

Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite  of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort  and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say,  it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!! 
  However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon  into the system of  economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate  and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite  behind in a ditch  on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind.    You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life.   But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system.  The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air.  You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and  the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of  human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original  version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience.  You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP  who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property.  You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help.   In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house  to stop wasting their time.  Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal government revenue  monthly.  Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back.  She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event.  The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticize them and only planning to take back the house. But, the national interest is not a board game.  You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years.  For November, this is what we are thinking about.   You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and  is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now.  But, we must help him.  The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative  vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee,  an attaché of the  Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages, trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon  taking power,  but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when  people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit  was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic  drink  only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation.

In French;  So, maitnant tu comprend,  Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas  prendre mon propriété, mon  agriculture intellectual.

How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French?
If he becomes involved in his  adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of  power so that we would not have a king again.  But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell it for twice as much per litre or quart.    So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason  witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774.  They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter.  There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Bleu.  The world cannot let you jeopardise this requisite consumer demand mission with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while, now, you dismember the economy.     You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday  terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority.  Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality.  It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back?


    Some people have seen their jobs automated.  Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous  religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots"  and this does not mean some are entirely left behind.  In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind  as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my  poorly motivated non-graduate kind?

      It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy.  It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power.    Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics  is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario.  But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts.   Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking",  "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation.   The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers,  are a  valued aspect of the Nation's human resources.

The citizen IS the market.   Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne?  Gracias!!      The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain,  clean national college buildings or work as general airport security.    It gives the citizen something to work with  for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics  needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than  $40,000.00 per year?   This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the  the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century.    He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library.
When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa  shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia  and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia.
     "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored.    All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House.   But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution?  What is the.....?

Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare  and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted.  Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all.     These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today.     Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation.   The market requires a universal minimum income support.     By Mike Pueblo Cochise:   " Chase  Le Americain  Delict" is not a bank.  But, it is a reality. "Run American"  could be a bank someday.  Every governrment is in this fashion.  Transactions generate revenue.    But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side.   The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to.  Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes?
This arguing dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the  younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted?   This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is.   Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money.  They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions.  The agreement we make with government we set up collectively  for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe.  Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of  living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction.  In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents.  The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and  also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax.  See the diagram.  The rate of sales tax revenue the government receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives?  It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic  life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy.  Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust.  See the diagram.   The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally.  Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people.  Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow  is day one in a desert island  economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag  expenditure.    If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books.  Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence.  In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources.  How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet?  Well, it can.  You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him.     
Automation has occasioned a joblessness; a mass joblessness and I am not sure how to address it but the support we get in New York or Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, Delaware or Maine would help if given to all Americans and I am not sure how much support is given to people in Minnesota but apparently, it is $60,000.00 per year unconditionally.  That would help all Americans also. Automation solves the joblessness that shuts down the regular consistent sales of goods. The slowdown or shutdown in the regular consistent sales of Goods, occasions a recession and a depression eventually as there is no point in machines running all day if no one is buying goods.   Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated.  The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence.  See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the government into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY.


   Tu as  votre comprend.  See my sketch below.  I will keep it in my back pocket and show them what I can do with all my experience but I don't really know where I came from; nor do I have any education but I am not dead and have enough feeling to perceive what happened to America. 

"If I maim him or them,   then they will feel like me.  They will need to be accepted."  No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority.  If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics.   The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all.    Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties.  The  elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties.     THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention.  Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war.  You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian  people like you  who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African  with *various complexions and hair textures*  who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome  of pure  Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ? The question is how could W.E B Dubois be my father and I am Joe Bieden. I am Joe Bieden and I am running for President. Now, how do I do this and get out of fearing that side of Mr. White America who says we don't really shop at supermarkets or buy property; not our kind? This is why I don't know when and how to save America. But, I believe we can save her. We can save America.  

January 2012. 


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