Christopher Columbus encountered an English Navy School graduate on his journeys around 1875 near Navy Island and said to him, "You think you will be me. I don't have education like you. I didnt really get a chance to go to school but I know my authority. You will see. I will show you." Christopher got a magnet and sort of walked past a Porsche TUscan Electric vehicle and when the owner came back who was driving the Navy graduate around Kingston, it would not start. ///////// Did you hear about the fire fighter who heard his seven year old son say, "I will be a fire fighter like my Dad" but then said to his son at dinner, "You think you will be me; just a are just a boy but maybe you will understand your bricks must be good..must be smooth and even or else everything will fall down. We will see who you are when I give you the drug...make you my victim...a ha ha ha ha ha and I will always be the master and you are but the servant. This is what I want you to do for me...bring me the de de de de ice, my slippers and my papers...I live here and you live with me...You understand ...You understand. One mord thing...give me a little space in public and pretend to be my cousin's son because I am not sure what I am dealing with sometimes and you will see that everybody is happy(calm,cool and collected). But maybe like the deacon said, you could be his child yet, just as he will preach it, you need to be thankful whether you are his or mine...the orphan or the real and I was never really sure if my family was my family when I wanted them to be the movie star and if you act like you are more related to any family than me, you feel more...more legitimate than me...more than me. So, what do you lose if you are a thankful orphan or thankfully really mine because the only answer is to be thankful every day...see that what your mothah does is good but live and be thankful as if you really could be mine. He does not buy Oreo cookies everyday like I do. He buys Chips a Hoy crap and his kids wear Nikes. /////////////// You have understand!!!!" The son was drugged when the father put poisons and drugs in the family communion wine set aside for the boy and told him to stop making noises like a one year old and speak like a seven year old and then called the boy a drug user and drunkard while chanting "I am only here for, me one" while the mother kept saying, "Read the ten commandments. Honor your mothah, and your fathah so your days on the earth will be good, happy days. and plenty; make America happy again. No man is an island. But you are also the company you keep and it is better to have one woman in your bed and two balls in your pants instead of no balls and two birds in the bush. As to manhood, two is one and one is none so try to have two of everything except a woman; maybe you have two phones also. Never get in between two people or two fools fighting and be careful how any of your capabilities or humble, fearful ways may accidentally encroach upon the imaginations of the illiterate, white or black and honor with your energies the authorities and the monarch. " Click here.

Christopher Columbus encountered an English Navy School graduate on his journeys around 1875 near Navy Island  and said to him, "You think you will be me.   I don't have education like you.  I didnt really get a chance to go to school but I know my authority. You will see. I will show you." Christopher got a magnet and sort of walked past a Porsche TUscan Electric vehicle and when the owner came back who was driving the Navy graduate around Kingston, it would not start. 


  Did you hear about the fire fighter who heard his seven year old son say,  "I will be a fire fighter like my Dad" but then said to his son at dinner, "You think you will be me; just a are just a boy but maybe you will understand your bricks must be good..must be smooth and even or else everything will fall down. We will see who you are when I  give you the drug...make you my victim...a ha ha ha ha ha and I will always be the master and you are but the servant.  This is what I want you to do for me...bring me the de de de de ice, my slippers and my papers...I live here and you live with me...You understand ...You understand.  One mord thing...give me a little space in public and pretend to be my cousin's son because I am not sure what I am dealing with sometimes and you will see that everybody is happy(calm,cool and collected). But maybe like the deacon said, you could be his child yet, just as he will preach it, you need to be thankful whether you are his or mine...the orphan or the real  and I was never really sure if my family was my family when I wanted them to be the movie star and if you act like you are more related to any family than me, you feel more...more legitimate than me...more than me.    So, what do you lose if you are a thankful orphan or thankfully really mine because the only answer is to be thankful every day...see that what your mothah does is good but live and be thankful as if you really could be mine. He does not buy Oreo cookies everyday like I do. He buys Chips a Hoy crap  and his kids wear Nikes.  


You have understand!!!!"   The son was drugged when the father put poisons and drugs in the family  communion wine set aside for the boy and told him to stop making noises like a one year old and speak like a seven year old and  then called the boy a drug user and drunkard while chanting "I am only here for, me one" while the mother kept saying,  "Read the ten commandments.  Honor your mothah, and your fathah so your days on the earth will be good,  happy days.  and plenty; make America happy again.    No man is an island. But you are also the company you keep and it is better to have one woman in your bed  and two balls in your pants instead of no balls and two birds in the bush. As to manhood, two is one and one is none so try to have two of everything except a woman; maybe you have two phones also. Never get in between two people or two fools fighting and be careful how any of your capabilities or humble, fearful ways may accidentally encroach upon the imaginations of the illiterate, white or black and honor with your energies the authorities and the monarch. " 

Did you hear the one about the Maleficent Jamaica church lady (Hyeenah; you going church?)?  She didn't really remember the verse in Romans 7 or that Judas must have had children maybe like her who learned to smile as they are preparing to take your teeth as  she resented deep down Neferrtitti's education and respect for civilization; argh matey.     But right in church, always fearing people may get more than her,  she moved to the front as soon as the pastor prayed for a family that needed help on getting the last five pounds to make their last mortgage payment to own entirely a three bed Greenwich condo after only two years in the UK, she would write on the church bulletin paper that the wife in that property owning family  will ask her husband "Where did he get the money all these years?" and call his job to ask what does he really do while putting a hexagram  star next to it; her only recompense for being a Maleficent at 10 years old although born a boy; the living punishment for calling the police on her pure cane sugar alcohol producing relatives in St. Rios  at ten years old and hopefully the shim would worship.  The only issue is that she calculated a way to tear everyone down to defend her fear of jealousy doing all kinds of things like pretending to be People's mother only forget them to dishonour their family and break the commandment to honor. Then, she asks you to attack her target that could be your daughter or son who is about to go to Law School or get scouted at Purdue or Idaho for an MLS contract; so that you won't get more than her or leave them, be above them socially in the world and shouldn't shim get a chance as her minions her sucked her door nob under duress at 12 years old when she says you will never get out of the house today because you took the cash Aunt Charmfear told you to take; no shit Sherlock!! She offered to burn her own hair off to avoid the pending child abuse charges and the deportation back to Claremont.  But, God is mot finished with her yet. He is still working on her; glory!!!!!!! She is going to Africa on a missions trip in North Hampstead; big tent meeting at Kenwood and she will usher them to the altar and prepare food for the dignitaries.   



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