
Showing posts from October, 2024

Onitsuka Tiger..... I bought this shoe for my father and a similar pair for my son and I because........ My uncle said, however, that he was a black stage coach driver in his last life and that is all he thinks anyone else as an ethnic person can be in this world full of amazing opportunities. He wants us to understand him. But, what does that have to do with a pair of shoes that you can wear to school or the movies in 1975 or whatever? Choose what and how you would like to feel.





Joe Biden dons Trump hat





Are they now selling milk in cans like this; preserved with isopropyl in its pasteurization and full of milk's goodness? These cans as sold in packs of six will be reminiscent of the old milk bottles but will have a timeless shelf life.

Click here. 10 August 2023. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules ( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. . If there is any Russian who could ever come to America and occupy and invade, why are we starving ourselves and underfunding ourselves before he comes? Those 1929 Americans could speak and preach but they do not seem to read or add and they have had more time in the 21st century than any other political party to solve North America's economic woes but they have chosen to spend more time as unofficial re-drafters of the constitution with the web edits of constitutional provisions that they purport are official but not passed by Congress; instead of watching the economy. If our bellies were full and our children were safe, we would not have noticed. Instead, they or he has broken the neck of our economy as if that would give him authority. But, its an unnecessary abuse of power and we do not need people in civic jobs who abuse power but we need people to use their civic opportunity to serve and help. There is a Jewish scripture that says, if you save one life, you save the world but the truth is, this office of government they seek must have access to all the DSS resources necessary to save all in North America and send payment to all North Americans by debiting the government account (The Canadian, Mexican, American account respectively) and crediting all North Americans with a regular recurring payment that will increase their income support to normal, expected levels. The Power of 1% in the economy. Some are not receiving any income support money at this time. There was mandatory policy in 1980 that made income support requisite. We see how it can work. The computer widget could read like this to ensure every one receives no more than $80,000.00 per year; current benefit + monthly payment shall equal $80,000.00 per year paid monthly at 12 payments per year. So, if the current benefit is $20,000 per year, then they will receive an additional $60,000.00 per year. As the situation is an emergency and people have been underfunded for so long then, we will just send an additional $6700.00 per month until further notice and this will take over the current benefit payment. It would take 27 minutes to pay all North Americans this emergency money and the payments will appear on your statement in the same fashion as your current benefit payment. Are they affected with their 1929 ways, running into a recession instead of extending the favor of the dole or GIS (General Income Supplement) to all citizens? It seems quantitative easing is evidence of their illegal and destructive policies that only dragged America into what is essentially a financial closure although the lights are still on. Maybe it is what we really wanted any way so we could accept the error of all of North America's ways. and its genocidal underfunding; the gun violence in all three countries, the low income support funding and the resulting desperation and indignity followed by over immigration, the covert resistance of the underfunded local backbone population and the theft of the new vehicles bought by foreigners; the skating through the mess with lots of political frustration over legal formalities and the obvious solutions delayed; less guns and more money. Gun policy ought to be the same in all three countries. The highest victims of gun crime per capita in America would be the police officers and other EMS workers. The average promoter of gun ownership would be described as a white American; however. The sales tax at 1% from 15000 restaurants is considerable in one state where all restaurants per capita in this small selected group for our calculation earn per capita no less than $1400.00 per hour. It works out to $ 210,000 in sales tax collected per hour. Multiply that by 24 to get the daily amount that is....$5,040,000.00 and then multiply that by 365 for the year. On 15000 Restaurants alone at 1% sales tax for the year, you are earning ( $1,839,600,000.00) nearly $2,000,000,000.00. Every 30 days, it works out to151,200,000.00. To see 10% or let's say 13%, we multiply the $ 2 Billion by 13 or 10 as $2 Billion represents 1%. So, 13% equals approximately $26 billion. The income support is apportioned monthly; not yearly so then we only have to focus on paying that small monthly amount. We aim for $70,000.00 USD per year or $90,000.00 as we seek to compete where it counts with our imaginary enemies in Russia or China. They are not really our enemies but we play cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians or Martians vs. humans. We would be the Martians since our economy so dry; so dry in how there is just not enough money per citizen or resident and its just not very human. The monthly allotment on $70000.00 per year works out to .... $5753.42($70,000.00/365x30) to be paid every 30 days and this works out to $69041.04 per year. So, 1% sales tax per month on the amountsnoted above will cover 26280 people; per month. It is enough to cover 22567 people at 6700.00 per month or about $80,000.00 per year. The largest sports stadium in North America and possibly the world holds 4000 people. But they exaggerate the numbers. A free people run a free and well financed economy where everyone has enough money that resembles Europe or maybe Massachusetts but you have been running an economy of bondage; financial bondage. So, we see how the economy can work and we can increase income support by $1.15 per hour per citizen at any time for additional consumer stimulus that works out to an additional $10,000.00 per year per citizen. FED RATES OR NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA RATES STAY CONSISTENTLY LOW NEAR 1%. IN 1990, DURING THAT SOFTWARE COMPUTER OFFICE SUITE JOB AUTOMATION THAT INDUCED JOB CLOSURES THAT LED TO Recession AND PROPERTY DEVALUATION WITH TOO MANY PROPERTIES ON SALE OR FORECLOSURE WHEN TOO MANY PEOPLE HAD NO JOB WITH THE RATE INCREASES LOOMING. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN LESS PAINFUL IF ALL NORTH AMERICANS HAD A SUFFICIENT, VIABLE INCOME SUPPORT THAT ENSURED THEIR ATP (ABILITY TO PAY) FOR ALL OF THEIR BASIC NEEDS. THE SOFTWARE OFFICE SUITESAS A MEMORABLE FORM OF WORK AUTOMATION DID NOT LEAD TO RECESSION IN EUROPE BECAUSE THE EUROPEANS HAD A CERTAIN AND CONSISTENT INCOME SUPPORT THAT IS THEIR ATP/ABILITY TO PAY AND WERE STILL ABLE TO MAINTAIN ALL OF THEIR PAYMENTS. YOU CHOSE IN 1990 TO TRY AND CHANGE THE WORLD AND THE POSSIBILITY OF OF PROPERTY MARKET DEVALUATION WITH ANY SUPPLY AND DEMAND IMPACT ON VALUE OR PRICE. THE VALUE ALWAYS GOES UP, USING NEW GOVERNMENT MECHANISMS THAT DICTATE THE PRICE. THE GOVERNMENT MECHANISM WAS DESIGNED TO ALSO INSURE AND INCREASE OUR INCOME SUPPORT SO THAT WE WOULD ALWAYS HAVE THE ABILITY TO PAY(ATP) TO PAY FOR THE PROPERTY, ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY, MAKE PAYMENTS AND ALSO THE GOVERNMENT MECHANISM (MPAC) CAN ENSURE THAT LENDERS, PROPERTY DEVELOPERS WITH MORTGAGE AND PROPERTY FINANCE CORPORATIONS SERVICES ACCEPT OUR INCOME SUPPORT AS SUITABLE INCOME FOR LOAN QUALIFICATION. AT THE PRESENT MOMENT, PROPERTY VALUESAND AVAILABILITY EXCEED DEMAND AND ATP(ABILIT TO PAY). WE COULD IGNORE THIS FACT EXCEPT WE MUST ENSURE ATP/ABILITY TO PAY INCREASES WITH THE SAME CERTAINTY AS PROPERTY VALUE, USING THE SAME GOVERNMENT MECHANISM THAT HAS MADE SECURITY IN PROPERTY VALUE POSSIBLE BUT THE HUMAN TO BUY AND OCCUPY THE PROPERTY HAS TO BE JUST AS SECURE AND INSURED IN TERMS OF THE ABILITY TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY UNIT. We can increase sales tax or lower sales tax BY 1% OR HALF A PERCENT for increased revenue or lower it at times once there is a commitment to pay a standard minimum amount of income support to every North American in all of our national fervor; to ensure a viable population in all of our preparation in national defence. Under nourished people do not make good soldiers. Under funded people do not make good consumers. Is that you need your population to have more money consistently across the North American economy or is it that you need more foreign people to come to North America? But, why would you resent or kill anyone for the association bestowed by the English if you do not want any English around or if you considered them inconsequential; although you must have that English dna as part Anglo Puritan mixed with aboriginal dna in North America or the West Indies? The English, however, are teachers and propagators of the evidence of our civilization; how Stone Henge was built by Druids/Egyptian travelers and the local converts with stones found in the north of England. Those converts were early Cheddar aboriginals. Some say, it was really built by moors and Berbers in the 12th Century. The Western Hemisphere, Culture and DNA. It looks like the crew of the Mayflower did not sale back after finally landing in Jamaica because the Christopher Columbus creoles decided to eat the whole entire crew and feed them to the Jamaica Pangea men. What develops is a new localized culture that we might call Gumbo culture where you want people to know and eat your foods; enjoy your spices but you resist the moneyed culture of Europe that enables people to purchase the foods and this resistance confirms the dna smorgasbord running through the veins of the population. This Pangea Gumbo Anglo Creole population eventually became part the population of North America; and England also it does seem with all kinds of pirate cunning in spite of the rules, laws and sacredness safeguarding life. Culturally in terms of food and music, the Pangea Gumbo Anglo Creole culture is certainly attractive, spicy, with lots of food, often scantily clothed for cultural celebrations and warm. What we notice culturally, however, is a resistance of legal formality that also includes the simplicity in formality of money provision and even when it is provided, they create a stand off in the markets over fresh produce such as grapes or apples by just eating unknown unweighted quantities before they buy but they have the money to pay as if they have a natural right to the produce on sale once weighed in some disrespect for the market, the money and the formality involved in the acquisition. But, there is to be money, income support money, for every member of their populations in sufficient amounts so that the population could focus on family and family settled-ness which is what we see as the simple norm in the older Middle Eastern, European and Asian cultures; many of them Muslim or Coptic Christian, Jewish, Catholic and Anglican ; resembling culturally what we understand of the original English Puritans who were converts of the Druid Moors and Berbers. Clearly teachers and academics are just not celebrities but teachers. In these cultures, including the original Puritan culture, we expect family units with man and woman and at least 3 children per family as people share the same tent, same room, same wash cloth, sink and toilet; that this is the real enduring coitus that is maintained for years; and nothing else. The children will look eerily like mommy and daddy after about five years of such shared habitation. The media, fashion designers and the economy in the North American iteration of our culture must support this. How do we have parents to raise children if the children do not have parents with enough money to be confident in their resources to cover, raise; protect; give birth to those children? Our real goal and passive involvement in society is a contribution to the current and younger generations and how can it happen without the money to contribute not only to our own lives but the lives of those younger and in need of the support. It is not this listlessness and unsettled-ness and the disengagement from purpose due to income support underfunding that they call PRIDE. The more calm and sure English Puritan has been held up since 1664 by the more wild Pangea Pirate input in his blood stream; dancing around a Pangea may poll instead of the economically settled, calm and sure Euro brother in the Nicene Creed of Euro community as an Anglo Puritan with his calm settled economy that works like chamber music(google Chamber music) with a few foreign territories under its influence and sure to follow the Anglo Puritan; where all inhabitants with right to vote and work obtain their income support. This is certainty of legal and economic formalities in the system does not frown on ethnic difference but enables the communal certainty where all are well financed to share, enjoy and delve into their diversity. This certainty includes a certain penchant of system absolute authority in the Government Mechanism. Ensuring that all citizens have the ability to pay/ATP is a priority in the government mechanism. It is the pain if whiteness, that became the hegemony of whiteness with it's presumptuousness and it's evolution into a culture. The first nation was a nation of one man with his 15 or 17 children. Then he ran into another nation of 32 people (a man, his wife and children) and this is where strategy began. One said to the other 2 against 1; just about so maybe we cooperate and put this symbol, acknowledge this symbol by your dwelling as a sign of membership, identity and with this, we confirm the totality of all human history, non racial human capabilities and a culture of Human efficiency, the preservation of Human life and all natural resources that sustain that life; that all humans in our culture and nation will have money...and we cooperate to this What is the point of whiteness, however, without human safety or human efficiency. Let us ask what is the point of whiteness without economic efficiency? It is a question asked directly or indirectly or at least embodied in the production culture that washes over us warmly with its utilitarian, humanly efficient production of products that celebrate nothing more than human efficiency; first and foremost and so therefore it answers humanity globally. Everybody sees it; enjoys it...this human efficiency as the only production quotient and nationally, it is the only economic quotient. There are many products like this from various cultural backgrounds where human efficiency is the only hegemony in expression. You see it in most of what comes out of Asia in the car industry and then in furniture, you see IKEA as examples. From America, there is the happy fast food. There is no point thinking you are fighting other nations that may have more people or less people if you are not feeding your own people; your own babies. Is it possible that we could move into a territory that would ask men to cooperate to build and erect a building before these men in that territory would cooperate to ensure that all basic human needs for human life in that territory or state is assured with money provided on a guaranteed basis; not a lot of money but enough to ensure and secure the life and then there is work for involvement, protection against boredom, for learning and development on every basis. Could whiteness emerge as culture that then denies either work and involvement for most; if not all and then maybe also there is a denial of money for some; if not all? We see that money was guaranteed as intended for all in early America as the economy moved west but maybe the original peoples were not sufficiently, linguistically ready for work and it would have been the Scot Irish English and Italian only & sons. These people were the white. A war came and the war took he Scot, Irish, Italian, English etc only and sons to war...the disappearing white; leaving the aboriginal behind. He recreated what he endured as the original, learning by doing and not by formal education as he took over the desks of the white, their homes for free, the government and the maintenance of the technology in the whiteness. So, a certain pain is recited that is neither humanly efficient and nor is it logical and in taking over some of the government work, maybe the constitution is never read and the laws on the books are rarely followed but it does not seem too bad to passersby in the passenger train rolling by. We could add to all of this as we find other ways to resonate or communicate the pain of cultural absorption such as what we know we need and we can certainly guarantee involvement and learning also. But, we do not want any die hard aboriginal black or white who will say to us "my father says we should always try to have authority over the system or the government" and the reason is we might not see our own detriment as we follow this aboriginal idea in nothing else but aboriginal anger against government over us, the more educated around us and cultural occupation with these ideas that a family is one man and one woman ( evidently not related and not from the same house or father but now to merge in a public union where any children that manifests between them are now children only of that family coupling). Some aboriginals are very afraid that if this is what you want, you will not accept them as it is a cultural imposition if you think she will live with you separate from her father and share some space; while you might expect her to actually give birth also at near full term and bring your grand mother a baby she can hold and take a photo of( but that would be aboriginally natural) and yet the evidently adulterated aboriginal woman that is stuck following a bikini says she does not know how to do it that way. But, she is never honest about it and seeks your attention and time in any event as she attends church and sings in the choir. At the end of our 19th and 20th Century expectations of work, we see emergency services, travel, hospitality, safety and security are ongoing employers and as such, we might see that shifts of one day per week may also enable us to get back to more well rounded lifestyles; and the one shift a week might not be for all of us but some of us and more of us to help those who will work 8 days a week. This work may also involve access to the Service Canada and DSS system so that the sworn officer can take five minutes in the police station or precinct or border services staff to ameliorate any such funding issue in he life of a North American if it may have arisen and we are sure they will take the time solve it and not feel diminished in their associations to do this social services work since it is the heart of defense just as you see the Russian or Kosovan walk through Chicago O Hare airport or some Canadian airport with his full income support funding right next to a Canadian or American who does not have his funding yet and that Canadian or American could not have come to North America just to be starved out. Then again there might be a department of Canadians or Americans called NORAD in a NORAD protocol, working through DSS and Service Canada systems to ensure that all citizens obtain their income support as and when they need with any arrears paid as soon as possible; as it is just a simple benefit. There is law determining what is paid and legislation governing the payments. It is not just any whim and fancy and it must be paid essentially, approximately and equal amounts across the country when it is Federal legislation that determines this benefit. Can't you find the time to defend your nation in the most ultimate way? It has to work with people hired to achieve the necessary result without the power of bipartisanism or any other ism (racism) getting in the way much like mail delivery and road building in addition to air traffic control. This is Norad. This is essential defense. No one minds the spicy food as we quite like it actually or scantily dressed people during any cultural celebrations in the Mediterranean or in the Caribbean that is not unlike what we witness on beach days; on the weekends but we need to ensure there is enough money for all in these economies. It is not difficult to achieve. Why make it difficult in North America, the West Indies or any where? Why would there be any Canadian or American who is not in receipt of his income support monies today or an immediate payment of the arrears? Who would, woman or man, have interrupted his benefit; and why and who or what are they when its as if they woke up one day and said they need a victim? They say Herod was a Pangea man who connects with other Pangea men that identify themselves in their struggle in the current day with social and legal formalities. Graduation from High School is a social formality. Its not necessary to graduate that you might get a job. But, money is a legal formality. Who would resist his neighbor's receiving and enjoying the benefit? How does the Herodian woman who chose a nephew as her victim somehow; intending to respect what her brothers say about school work and bringing them respect and also bound to graduate; but then she steals the nephew's money at the bank when he has no idea even if she is really female? Herod seeks authority over the formalities of the law and king. He or she cannot kill 10,000 babies being born tomorrow in fear that one of them is the true Aboriginal king of Israel born in Cuba. But, Herod today might have an ancestral, unusual anxiety about people and who they might be. So, he finds other ways to get the attention he seeks. Harass the food and the cannabis only to sell his own interrupted foods with his or her dna. Church is open with new civic and social influence. So, the only question now is how to respond to your woman when she decides to say she cannot help but steal your mail when it arrives and there are three kids in the house or she steals a job offer and gives it to her brother or distant cousin because she says that you are soo job search savvy that you can find another job offer any time; and how and easily although he had been searching for that job for years; to feed three children. Some how, the 3 children are going to have to be more important than this vomit in her soul that she says she does not pray enough to prevent its untimely expression; 3 children. We will practice Proverbs 15 for the 3 children and navigate whatever is bubbling and about to boil over in an untimely way. So, by 14 years old they were told to forget about the one minute man song since that is not it. You are here to help in the adoration of a woman have a baby (not thrills). and she'll also help you in return as she does the good she will do but you don't want any selfish lady. Even if she is a little selfish, you can make your own coffee and wash your own clothing.