
Showing posts from April, 2024

February 17th, 2020, Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom. This Article is based on research by Warren A. Lyon who is a Canada Research Chair in Law and Economics at the Angel Ronan™ Foundation; War is good for the civic health if the nation.....if you have a pirate element in the population, disrupting the civic order and this is war to cure the disruption within the country and not war with other nations. ClIck here.

January 7th, 2024. Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom. This Article is based on research by Warren A. Lyon who is a Canada Research Chair in Law and Economics at the Angel Ronan™ Foundation; I have ancestry in that Middle Eastern world myself but I have Egyptian Jewish ancestry since there would be no Jewish nation as we know it without Egypt; and we can all cooperate around the world for a safe community. Without a full and sufficient income support, many of your citizens are not able to integrate into the modern world. They are not financially integrated but segregated with a low and insufficient income support or no income support. We will always have a dependent economy so we may as well enjoy our dependency. Maybe we finally agree that we should ensure the government gives us all a good allowance or income support of $80,000.00 or more; all of us. That is the law and we are kind of segregated economically in the international economy with only $28,000.00 per year as income support. If we don't spend too much, we have money and then we agree that having this money is worth an extra 15% sales tax on consumer items; not fuel or vehicles that will stay taxed around 14%. We could afford to do it now without the extra 15% since we are obligated to do it and the Europeans are paying the bill. We only make debt payments but the debt will be less at 28% sales tax and we will pay more per day. The Europeans actually just take the payment. So, for about 28% sales tax we will have twice the tax revenue. In an automated work world there is less income tax revenue and sales tax becomes more important as a source of national revenue. Could you run an economy in such a way to achieve some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity or is it to confirm some motive? Written by Warren A. Lyon, (a brownish Eskimo person), Junior Angel Ronan Economist. Click here. There are certain legal formalities that are requisite in modern economic life. A woman set on resistance with an accent from a certain culture might be the most cunning Trojan in a resistance and struggle against those formalities that includes the value of human life. ClIck here.