November 13th, 2023. The Cruise Ship, Mother Creole and the Creoles of No Nation: By FSJ.
November 13th, 2023.
The Cruise Ship, Mother Creole and the Creoles of No Nation:
We can see that our world has regained much of its previous human intelligence or tolerance that existed in the planet before race was ever a social factor. But, sometimes we run into people or scenarios that place us in some kind of argument with ourselves and the stereotypes we carry that kind of give us a self definitional comfort zone or an assurance, of who we are; and then there are these people or scenarios that defy those comforting, limiting, although wrong, stereotypes where if we hold on to them, we do not expand. We do not grow.
Maybe the black figure skater takes us out of our comfort zone as we watch the spin and the jump and we can either agree or disagree with her and her existence. You feel the tension and the debate to move our minds into the embracing of the fact. But, you have to agree as it's right there on your phone or television and she landed the jump. But, maybe in some other parts of the world she is just the average phenomenon; maybe also in Japan where they have Black Japanese figure skaters that will soon represent Japan in international competitions.
But, what about North Americans who are still stuck in moneyless expressions of identity that do not serve them? They could be the enforcers of stereotypes as in "...I am brer rabbit or Huck Finn, the Daniel Boone and you are Captain Bly or Mary Poppins or Admiral Nelson. Let me show you in my story book how I am supposed to feel and this is how you are suppose to...I don't know if you know this."
All these ethnic diversity questions do not appear on job applications in Europe. You speak the language and you have the right to work in the country and you applied for the job. This is good; yes? But, this kind of mind that gets into "stereotype enforcement" does not appear in the English exam or the math book exams but it might appear unofficially else where after all the school is copied from a black graduate and done when people are getting excited about who is the Prince in the Mother Goose book or the Cinderella in their imagination for the social authority when our media enticements intertwine and mingle with our factual knowledge of social authority and our expectations.
Cinderella is not a law but a story and there is nothing wrong with a black bus driver and white bus driver, black school teacher and a white school teacher. You don't mind if the teacher is the regular home room teacher; whatever the color. This is good; yes?
But the North American economy with low income support per capita does not serve the community. It does not serve the economy as they continue to complain about consumer stimulus like a dog might complain about a lack of water in his bowl. But, if I was Swiss wouldn't I just give my world the moneyed stimulus we need as consumers? We call this money an income support. If I was low on water and had the human mind and human dexterity, wouldn't I just fill my cup or my bowl? If I thought my Swiss or Anglo people were comparatively low on income support money or if we knew the law was broken in that it was not being paid equally to all citizens, then I would fill their accounts, increasing the income support if it was my opportunity to sound the alarm.
The general principles of enforceable Equality are in the Police handbook with all the various Human Rights Codes.
But, you look Swiss or you look like any average European I suppose. If I was Swiss, what would I do? But, you hesitate and you know there is a problem. The donut now costs $2.70. This hesitation makes the European angry when you look like him but you are not finding it, from within, the Swiss human mind or the Swiss human dexterity to just do what the Swiss would do.
You know the answer. You need money. You want to feel more European or Aslam, international; accepted. You see some in your economy have the publicly funded benefit money provided automatically without any applications but in all that we recite from our own jurisprudence and legislation, it should be that all citizens are provided the income support money automatically and in equal amounts.
You are soo good in moving that puck along the ice or flipping those pancakes or hitting the bullseye, getting that hole in one or that 3 point basket or hitting the bullseye with that rifle or preaching that bible. So, if you tell the people in your economy the hot and cold water is dirty, how long does it take to solve when more law is good if you want more police and free and fair elections with enforced constitutionality should mean more police and this is good.
But the fact that the income support is not being paid equally as it ought to be or its not paid in essentially equal amounts across the country with various regional authorities demanding the right to have some autonomy over how much is paid is a slight hick up but how long does it take to solve? We would like to enjoy our .90 cent doughnuts more often and get a box of 12. Even if legal procedures and court processes are lax as we play with emergency powers and absolute authority, we would need a defensive economy, a reasonable economy that provides an income support for every citizen or else our neighbors in the international community and our our enemies ( if we had any ) would call us bad, demeaning names. We don't have any enemies as the English because we are already dead really militarily. Once these economic issues are resolved our allies will sell us the best kit, new subs and Saab jets. But, we are trying and truthfully we rely on Europe and Russia for national defence in any threat from...from whom except but Aliens maybe?
You set a national minimum standard to be paid and guaranteed to all citizens and this amount must satisfy the consumer stimulus national mandate in satisfying all human economic needs with this amount today at $70,000.00 per year in the US and Canada nationally; and you say very well that equality is found in the national minimum standard but maybe some territories or states or provinces may insist on paying more to their population while the national minimum standard is met.
But what if, in the obviousness of "equal" in the overriding policy guidelines, there is this syncopation in the economy where some people are not being paid anything and this is all decided by what you might say are generally good people who aspire to jobs in managing the community and maybe they did not know inequality is a problem and also illegal but they were at least told in training? The hockey family in Kitchener or the police family in Nova Scotia has the income support. The Nova Scotian family all receive $20,000.00 per citizen while the family in Kitchener may have a mother figure who is receiving $50,000.00 per year and a one of two daughters also receive $50,000.00 per year but everyone else gets $20,000.00.
The hockey Family in Guelph and their sons get nothing while the Hockey family in Kitchener and their sons get something consistently and certainly from the government as an income support benefit regularly and happily. Would you engineer an economy in defiance of the law on equality where some "have" and some "have not"? Who would do that?
But, you hope it would be his gut instinct.
Then, now they see the problem as it affects citizens and the economy in Kingston Ontario or Guelph etc and other neighborhoods where citizens are not paid while in other neighboring municipalities like Kitchener, they are paid automatically. This is like a pot hole in a road a bit too often that you would not expect on an English road or a Swiss economy; lets say; a pot hole in the economy. But the pot hole experience happens in the English economies very often. But, who would tolerate it as it is like a prolonged negative chord in your music from a Bela Lugosi movie?
North American socioeconomic progress ended and was no longer in pace with the rest of the post WW2 world and actually initiated the Cold War; the war where you were fighting your own existence as you followed unusual economic North American principles about the "haves and the have nots" where, unlike the Russians who told you in meetings with the President to provide money to every citizen, you did not have comparable money per citizen to survive the cold. This, therefore is your Cold War. It was the frustration of international capitalism that wanted to see more solid buying and selling of consumer items in North America. The socioeconomic progress ended when, in the dawn of near total automation, you did not accept that you did not really have to work any longer and that you could still have money. The Cold War was really a culture war; that you don't know how you really feel about money or you are too busy hoping to get labor for almost free; that you should be able to buy anyone's life for about $6000.00 and the only way to do this is to ensure that people are hungry enough in search of their dignity, you say, on an income support of $17500.00 per year or less. The Russians feel very good about money and while there will always be the wealthy and the very wealthy, their culture defends the life of the Russian so when its war time, they are strong enough to beat you up and they say that all Russians should have enough to enjoy their dignity and have a sense of cover over their life.
But, you would never say there is a "have not" in your economy because that is losing the war when someone on your side is dying for something so solvable such as resolving their current lack of connection to a regular provision of money by their government; sourcing them some money.
This nonsense runs counter to the UDHR as partially drafted by the Americans. You have been fighting this realization. Because of it, the Russians don't really drink your dna in sodas any longer but they make their own versions with their own dna and it will say the American brand on the bottle and we will send some to you too. You take too long to move in the Chess game or the self defense game or to you take to long to move hegemonically or to humanely solve the equation that involved more efficient machine labor replacing human labor cutting across the need to confirm your own existence and ensure consumer stimulus so that there was a confident, safe buyer market.
The Europeans did not fight this truth and nor did the Asians and many would obviously still choose to work any way they could just to upset the mundane joy of life without hunger. Yet, you in North America are the first set of people usually to go and buy any new robot toy that might contain some of the same technology as what is now used to assemble our American vehicles. The issue is that cheap Asian labor was a cheap robot running 24 hours a day, not 17 year olds on a treadmill, and that is where many of the assembly jobs went; to machines in Asia where the Asian people respected and welcomed the machines. It was not child labor as reported.
So, then we see a man, an Anglo Creole, who sits on the edge of Europe and sits as a Gringo on the edge of Latin America, looking south and then north in search of some kind of guide or place that he can call on for a sense of identity or a hegemony drum beat to adopt,; serve. The Canadian identity and it's preservation or ones own humanity is not enough. What about just being good and growing like Toyota in the good food you provide or the vehicle you build and he fails to see how all of Latin America has an income support for all formally registered citizens. All of Europe has an income support for all citizens. All of Africa has an income support for all citizens; and we don't have economic independence in North America anyway but we are funded with loans from the EU and so our economy must show parity with the EU policies for that reason and then also because of treaty obligations. They would not fund us to commit deliberate or accidental stubborn genocides in failing to pay all citizens an income support. They fund us to comply.
Did you know, as rumored , that all Canadians are scheduled to be virtually trilingual by 2030 speaking French, German and English like the Swiss? The income support might be $150,000 per year by then also as it is to increase by 2% per year.
It's happening anyway by osmosis due to our love for German and French vehicles; French vehicles that will be selling in Canada again very soon according to rumors to be marketed by Stelantis.
The man looking north and south fails to see that his own human need should be enough for this identity issue. He should have the money that will satisfy his survival in that region or in this world. Then, he limits himself in the realm of the black and white identity markers for cultural definition as in white culture and black culture but does not want to really here about a European culture regardless of complexion and what those people do on Friday night in the old alleys and pubs in the old world town and nor does he want to hear about the European who is right beside him and maybe Afrique beside his pale skin European friend or cousin or brother. I don't know. This black white thing in Europe was never really a discussion before the Europeans ate the dna of dead North American soldiers in the sausages after WW1 and WW2. The Europeans are still Ashkenazi and Hassidic but maybe they are half the European they used to be and a little more bewildered by the North American in the European work to stamp their European economic ways over, above and upon the North American for European hegemony; its European hegemony we are working for with a coca cola in my Norwegian Fridge and the North American sales tax is only 13% at the high end; I know....right I remember it should be at least 20% so they can pay back the European debt.
We can add to our Anglo Creole ache for a little informality and syncopation the comparable income support money that is comparable to Europe. We will be more cool and have more fun as we sort ourselves out; rather.
But, when it comes to food he could choose Burritos or Yorkshire pudding if he wants but he will have the money to buy the ingredients; the ingredients( no need to ask how or when we eat or if we have to catch, rob or work or beat, pry, crack an egg, tear or rip up anything with our hands or teeth every day except but just tap the card) and then he cooks to express his identity and his unique hegemony; creole hegemony maybe as he might add some extra salt to that Yorkshire pudding formula or Tabasco sauce. The women, too, are quite often on the bad side of Proverbs 12. If the Asians want to, they can buy their food every day. They only hunt, crack an egg or boil something sometimes for exercise. The Asians automated their breath after they automated their vehicle assembly and then they got into construction and burgers. They have enough to afford the Toyota or the GM Sierra pick up with the professional tail gate anywhere in the world. The materials are American and the the employees are American but its the reliability that people want. It does say GM Sierra on the manual and on the truck's logo. But, right now we need to focus on people and building a North American population with sufficient income support to enjoy this product and ownership of the product without having to think very long how they pay; like all other peoples on the earth that we consider to be in our league; like the Iranian, the Norwegian, the Polish, the Croatian, the Irish and the German or the Bulgarian etc or the Finnish. They raise deer for food like they raise cattle and they release ten deer into the wild every month. We will maintain our debt payments to the Europeans and the Asians, including China, and we will enjoy our present and future; ensure each North American receives $100,000.00 per year as income support. The sales tax might be 15% and the Environmental sales toll in Canada and the US, as proposed might be 15% and this will be used to finance our big, happy Hershey, Snickers, Dr, Pepper, Dominoes and Doritos NFL NBA American lives. We are big but we are small in comparison to these other people financially. So, we make the better deal. This is what we propose.
We just need to do what is good for us to do as humans when we see our needs are not being met in the current accidental hunger strike economy. We look Swiss anyway; whatever we may be. Your bowl, your cup needs some water. You are not a dog. But, if you were you would need help to refill that bowl. Do you need help when you see that your population, unlike the Russians or the Germans, needs money and money to be provided equally? Even if you would childishly imagine that you were going to get it on(fight) with the Germans although you are probably are 1/4 German and Jewish, how do you begin to prepare? Is it by starving significant numbers of your population with insufficient income support that is below what is paid to all Germans? Just understand that in any war, we are all dead. They create sometimes survivors who are calm enough to help to talk about it. Maybe some do survive but 97% who go do not come back. Match the lists of those sent against those buried in war casualty cemeteries and it's a near perfect match.
The Germans today only want to see you buy and pay for your vehicle and maybe try their quality of food in your supermarket and that you will understand that you are a satellite junior European state indebted to them so you might as well have enough money to travel around Europe or Athabasca more often and there is no Honor or glory in your leaders prayer diary if there are any starving Canadians who are not paid their income support. It's cold and we work just as hard as those students with whom we attended high school that, by luck of the draw, were living in Barrie or Oshawa, Richmond Hill at 14 years old and who started getting $20,000.00 a year Income Support.
You need money. You need water. Turn the water on. You know what to do. Fill your cup. You see other dogs that are thirsty also. Fill their bowls. Fill their cup. We dogs have to stay together. Help each other. Can you imagine an Asian world without income support where they could not fill the consumer gap and the consumer stimulus gap created by the unwitting Anglo Creole's subtle self defeating, underfunded economic arguing? Is it argument, dyslexia or suicide or is it what Judas would do to chasten himself to save his soul or the souls of those in his tribe or end all wars caused by Anglo Creole war mongering; that if we starve ourselves and leave the gate of England open then we will be too overrun to credibly ever think of starting a war that we might think of our story book English hegemony again? It was only story book hegemony when the Latin people had total hegemony in the Western hemisphere in 1664 from Florida to Cuba and from Cuba to Puerto Rico and from Puerto Rico to Panama to Columba and Mexico; right down to Antarctica. The story of the English empire was written by the Spanish in story books and popularized by Anglo Creoles who took on English accents and read the jubilation about the English empire where the sun never sets on what was handed to England to manage by the Dutch and the Spanish just as the story book confirmed it. Maybe they resist the European before they followed; for a sense of English independence but starving and defeated in this Independence and false hegemony where only the story of Oliver Twist would reassure you that you are starving maybe for identity(as Creole Anglo West Indian Pangea men where some of them are the Pangea associates of the Apoleon (A bug or insect or Apollyon, Abaddon; the destroyer); the Napoleon who had to be a foreigner to Europe in his shock about Black ancient African Egypt where he destroyed the nose of the Sphinx when given the chance and they say Napoleon called it a hoax; Do you know anyone who speaks like that? Some say he was black; the Mediterranean people do.
NAPOLEON was really just a Creole Pangea West Indian steeped ancestrally in the story books and who knew nothing about anything and they gave him the job in some apology about slavery it seems and asked him to confirm the final death of France in Louisiana and in Europe since France was really already dead. He made French less elitist as any Pangea woman could be the emperor's woman. But, we will at least have the glory; the glory of France. We will borrow an army from our neighbors. But, he seems to resent anyone who uses any formal French language structure in front of him. He resents those who have any formal education in front of him and he closed the University. Is it the glory of France really or the glory of the Apollyon with no real sense of an independent French national hegemony, in the very end, but a hybridized France; hybridized identity and hybridized ownership and certainly very nice hybrid people; very nice or most of them any way and they all receive their income support since what else would I do if I was Swiss but spoke French?; and we all speak some French and we have some French culture. He brought opportunities to the common French man; a hero that said we are all family and should be able to sip from that family's tea cups that he stole to confirm his ancestry and lineage. We are very happy. Il n'est pas difficile avec petit etudier tous les jours dans le vrais monde. Est il Arrete' ou est il "Stop" pour le signalisation de le routière Arrete dans le rou? What if Napoleon was the white Western hemispheric creole boy appointed as French emperor who was a foundling on the topic of the eternal interconnections between Africa and Europe in European history; although actually he is now a part of this great history? He did not murder the vulnerable but helped them and gave them quarters or assylum.
But, he was not White though and the people of Elba and Corsica where he lived in exile know this. We are the commoners asked by NAPOLEON to be diligent in school for good king Wenceslas or else you will not have permisser pour asseyez vous avec grand pere et grand mere ou tu ne fais pas recetter le diner dans noel; delicioux. So, why shut the university when, after automation, there is nothing left to do but study more? We thank NAPOLEON for adopting us and making us work hard.l as guards and soldiers. He said all he needed in his army was a few good men and gave all men from all backgrounds a chance.
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Maybe you are Swiss and you need to accept that possibility. If I was Swiss, what would I do? I would provide my population the money they need if they do not already have it. That would be a normal human thing to do. It is simple enough for a dog to understand. Only in creating an opposite, them and us, do you find some sense of the I or the me for identity and this is the essential tribalism in you and you do this where you can and you would call this order and I suppose it works for people around on the right flip of the coin in your "them and us" dialogue and this might always happen where you break everything down into separable opposites at a certain level of simplification. But, to this we have to add some zero tolerance in our them and us habitat as in a zero tolerance for poor quality milk, poor quality drinking water, poor quality potato chips, poor or low and insufficient income support where there is no support being paid to some citizens no matter what some people might want to think about it. But, if I was Swiss what would I do and how long does it take for any population to just drink Budweiser or Stela Artois and then be the European or German enough in his 'them and us' calculation and you want a Porsche; right? The Germans are part of Norad and Nato now as your allies; right? They finance our economy or much of it now; right? They employ us at BMW in Connecticut and at Audi Volkswagen in Mexico; right? But, if you look at the North American economy in our modern world and its inefficacy as reported in the news, listening further to what it 'sounds out' with some man or men looking north to Finland, Germany or to the North Sea and then South to Latin America or to Asia, it says the economy communicates that it has no other ancestry identifier except but lost in the Oster blender at sea and searching for itself in the mixed whiskey glasses from a Queen Mary Atlantic cruise ship from the 1920's or 1930's that the mother Creole consumed for association and she got pregnant; and this ancestry blend is what we surmise especially when there are too many North Americans that are citizens who are not in receipt of income support. If one citizen is not being paid his income support benefit, the national mandate is not being respected.
The mother might have been an old orphan castaway with no other home but the ship and happy to work and cross back and forth over the seas but never settled on either side and she seems not to have had any papers, address or income support of her own. She drank the cup of the Athletes, Soldiers, Junior Ministers, Barristers, pilots, academics and musicians. The ship captain helped her when the baby came some how in whatever unfinished glasses of beer that she drank and then got pregnant. Some of the people had just left the battlefield, battlefield training centres or Irish War hospitals and were full of sadness and adrenaline. It was a popular brew creating people full of adrenaline and she sold her yoke for a few dollars more to those who asked where she had time to make such handsome orphans but serving no one economically; not even themselves as the Creole clans of no nation; a clan that defies complexion as to identity when the clan identities itself by one's ways and we are all orphans... family!
All complexions on the Creole resistance side are involved in the fight for lax laws and lax election management as they confirm their fear of certain entrenched legal formalities as their mother egg provider gave birth in an informal existence. The irony is that the formality was set to protect against tyranny. But what about the tyranny of the pirate snake oil salesman? The work of the Creole is like that of a pirate scallywag who dressed up in the clothing of Benjamin Franklin and pretends with you that he agrees to all of this constitutional stuff although he is only hoping to keep the sense of iron clad legal decisiveness out of the system and he calls America an idea but my Great Grandfather did not die for an idea in WW2. But, this pirate works with his cadre to keep US Federalism weak so he can get out of his culpability (and he does not want too many real English people around him or the real constitutional type of graduates) for what he has done or is about to do next, do next, do next and then he says he won the card game, he won the election and you are the criminal if you argue with him and his smooth looking cadre, male and female, living on Benjamin Franklin's farm and cooking Benjamin's bacon. They will take their pirate cove gangs in nice suits, move you out of your office illegally, steal the vote bags, call you the loser and try to hold you ransom with Court proceedings that have no purpose. This is serious pre and post colonial American anthropology. But, what if all Americans could have their income support in spite of this anthropology that is slamming an American Creole's legal, systemic inconsistency up people's noses usually around anything involving an election or a vote or economic functionality?
You need to appoint your own head person of the US Treasury Department.
But, he says he inherited because he killed him and his family. He has a few scars in his soul from slavery since if you felt like you were worth more than him after reading the old testament, he would give you poisoned toys or clothing for your children. He would steal your alumni university mail and your job interview letters since you shouldn't feel like you are worth more than him. You send him a copy of Romans 7.
He says inheritance to the pirate is when you kill and take and use the old man's farm as your own to get milk. You don't wait for any formally signed documents as you must take as a pirate and you intercept what is formally signed and intended for the farmer's children. The children are missing too. Then you join an old faith that emerged in Palestine and confuse where it says in their tradition that there is no law against saving life and you said you needed it more than the farmer and he was old now. You never told them in that faith what you did but you want the world to know you felt comforted and you are not sure if you repeatedly continued killing and taking but you confess if not repent like they told you (Catholics Repent and Confess) and maybe you keep the economy desperate and needy to justify your way and your "cat a corner" theology. It is just that we need rest from desperation and global awkwardness and who knows what will happen. Maybe you will still steal a bag of apples to feel your creole pirate authority but you will leave the farmers and his farm alone. You have enough money now from your income support to buy or lease your own farm. You can use your income support money as proof of Income on your mortgage plan application. You also see that we all stand with Israel and even Israel wants us to have the income support cash so that we can stand with Israel and not fall over.
- slanted across a polygon on a diagonal line
- synonyms:cata-cornered, cater-cornered, catercorner, catty-corner, catty-cornered, kitty-corner, kitty-cornered
- obliqueslanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled
- oblique
The vote is sacred or we promise to maintain it this way or did we fail to do it? This only brings uncertainty. Look at the economy and couldn't we run the country so that it feels like a well managed airline, supermarket, department store or shoppe? What are the real ramifications and consequence of the secret health policy (the tyranny) etc of a former governor's wife or a former president in contravention of the 14th amendment of the US Constitution? Did we exchange tyranny of a Lord or English Chancellor for that of pirate scallywags in Benjamin Franklin's knicker bockers.
The indecisive economy; the economy of the Creole clans of no nation; its a problem we cannot hesitate to solve but that only takes moments to patch at 14 cents per minute per citizen paid out yearly with monthly or bi monthly payment and you are embraced by Europe in the hour of resolution; our Fatherland. Europe is our Fatherland. This is what you say. You pay your national debt mostly to Europe and some of it to Asian countries. We cannot pretend that we are not under China in many ways as we are indebted to China nationally but now we have to get our policies in line with modern economic mandates instead of communicating that we are lost in an identity shuffle as the gobs of dna in a mix of left over beer glasses or tea cups found on a cruise ship that sailed as far south as the West Indies on every voyage ( The Queen Mary). This is what you say you are in what you do; and it's no Godly Bonhoeffer, Calvin, Luther, Apostle Peter good. All economies are calculations but for life; not death. You calculated something and it's like the "three Stooges" pie in the European father's face.
But just like the phones and roads with certain qualities, we do build and we design economies for our people so they can work anywhere, like the smart phones, with sufficient income support for international function and acceptance.
We see in New York that someone tried to add racial identity to the income support program where they say you are white if you don't get the income support but you are to hope to expect to get a job if you are white.
But, this means that those hoping to fall on the white side are breathing twice as often to get one breath of life as the other people who are humble enough to just sign up if they could. I know most Polish people in New York noticed that their relatives in Massachusetts or Connecticut get their money automatically. They found a way into the unusual New York program that says you cannot have more than $8000 when signing up so they wrote a draft payable to themselves and withdrew the money from their accounts to divest themselves lets say on Thursday morning before signing up at the DSS on Friday morning, bringing their cash asset total down to $8000.00.
They pay $52000.00 per year; $1000.00 per week with additional EBT debit card purchasing and national defence or economic stimulus is more important than cultural or complexion dis-morphia. We have no time for it. This is the Cold War. You don't have enough money per citizen that you are confident your people can withstand the economic cold occasioned by automation. There is no such $8000.00 asset limitation in any of the other eastern seaboard programs except in Maine maybe where you cannot have more than a $1000.00 but you only get $10,000.00 per year.
In Ontario, they apparently pay some people $50000.00 income support (no moneye or salaries are spent qualifying them ) and others are paid $20,000.00 income support (no money or salaries are spent qualifying them) if they live in certain postal codes and then some other people are not paid anything as they live in certain other postal codes that show no particular marked difference in population neighborhood quality as compared to any of the other postal codes; nice suburban and rural areas but the residents in these areas receive no income support. Then, if you make an application you might receive some financial assistance that could be unilaterally shut off by one of the 100 people hired at $60000 per year to assist maybe 400 citizens who seek to receive $10,000.00 per year. Then some of these malfeasant employees tamper with your account after you qualify, using an alias operator ID, when they say you don't drink. The system contravenes national law and provincial laws. Its a criminal offence; a gender hate crime and if you do not accept it is criminal, you would at least accept that it is mischief when you would hope to say the program designer's logic is to be given unconditional authority in the expression of his personal cultural displacement without censure although your family in Newmarket is not being paid this benefit while the other hockey family in Oakville is paid this benefit at $20,000.00 per family member and some of the families certainly are of any complexion who are in receipt of this income support benefit. The issue is that criminal mischief is meted out on the evidence. There is a legally right and appropriate answer. How would I react to these facts if I was really Swiss or really from the Republic of Ireland? We are tired of the Jar Jar Binks North American Creole economy. Jar Jar Binks is what you say in what you do.
The draft money order in New York would have been for $40,000.00 if the female or male applicant had $48,000.00 in their account. It is open for anyone to apply. She was white and signed up at the DSS in Syracuse that was less crowded than the DSS in Yonkers where she lives; and she was white. Well, she was part Cuban and sometimes pretended to be Celia Cruz Spanish but she learned enough Polish from the Polish side. You understand me; bitte...? Molto Bene Io viorre Bene North America Por favor. Me no como, no gusto stupido; te comprende a' mi? A Wha' happenin mon? Things will improve. We have to have more. How are you doing now sah? Good good!! We see that the Creole is wrestling for his own unique informal cultural survival and he runs the media while wrestling with formal language and formal legal and constitutional ways but he says he has authority and he might have been the Queen Mary cruise ship son adopted by the Captain and he says he needs to be sure he is telling you what to do and finds it hard to take suggestions for National benefit or else you have interrupted his sense of identity. But, the suggestion is just about the only way as the ship is already sunk. We eat big at $80,000.00 Income support for all North Americans and we pay back into the system about 30% Sales tax. In America that is 15% collected state wide and 15% collected federally as an environmental sales toll.
You are human.
Thank you!
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