Concept by Warren A. Lyon, Ordained Pastor and Economist. Things will improve. There is a plan by the Fed to buy back all foreign debts owed by any state independently since the One Tower in Manhattan is a symbolic 1776 Feet tall. The Fed will also institute a Federal environmental sales toll of 7% per transaction. Mars exploration missions are the bum. If we run things, then it should work and that will say it satisfies the Golden rule. ClIck here for more. What if there was such a thing such as mutually assured mass destruction; and then the only way to be defensive concerning your population was to defend their existence was to defend them monetarily, financially, comparably and competitively next to other burgeoning populations in the world; so as to utilize a big, fat plump income support? Income support; it's the only way to fly!!! Is it the last real human, real American, real Canadian, real Jamaican, real Latino, real Cheddar Anglo who would just want to see it all be happy? Is it? If we run things as father Christopher Columbus says, then it should work. The Prince of Peace teaches the Golden rule. It is an important convention in civilization. He also teaches us that money answers all things, all human needs as seen in Ecclesiastes. He also teaches us to treat others as we wish to be treated. That is the Bible. So, who is arguing in his identity crisis? The road stop sign in France is now in English. It says Stop. Could you import a Canadian Identity crisis to Europe and how and when do these Canadians begin to wrestle with French cultural certainty? If the stop sign in France appears in English, a law is broken; something a French crew who is essentially English would work out. The answer is that you should respond to what is necessary for all your human population needs so that you can enjoy your search for your unique human identity. We see the income support problem began in the current era after WW2 in the 1970's. A lot of regal feeling white people with Romanesque Christian names wbo had or more children have been affected. One day there is an income support; then there is none. This was exacerbated by the cashlessness caused by Automation. It has nothing to do with me personally. That is evident. We have politicians shouting about the right to be equal in some LG appliance Scrabble quiz word parade banner-ism but what about funding the right to exist? It would seem that Article 25 of the UDHR where all politics begins after 1945 is not opposed to the LG Appliance parade celebrations. What about funding equally the lives of the people who are encouraged to be equal? Aren't we all given an equal benefit? So, then the income support should be equal. But, it's too bad the Anglo hegemony gained from preaching the gospel is waning since they refuse to just feed their sheep, feed their people and population with a law abiding income support of no less than $300 pounds per day as Income support with inflation being what it is. My faith is that we use our prayer powers to resolve it. ClIck here.
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Concept by Warren A. Lyon, Ordained Pastor and Economist. |
Things will improve.
There is a plan by the Fed to buy back all foreign debts owed by any state independently since the One Tower in Manhattan is a symbolic 1776 Feet tall. The Fed will also institute a Federal environmental sales toll of 7% per transaction.
Mars exploration missions are the bum. If we run things, then it should work and that will say it satisfies the Golden rule. ClIck here for more.
What if there was such a thing such as mutually assured mass destruction; and then the only way to be defensive concerning your population was to defend their existence was to defend them monetarily, financially, comparably and competitively next to other burgeoning populations in the world; so as to utilize a big, fat plump income support? Income support; it's the only way to fly!!!
Is it the last real human, real American, real Canadian, real Jamaican, real Latino, real Cheddar Anglo who would just want to see it all be happy? Is it? If we run things as father Christopher Columbus says, then it should work. The Prince of Peace teaches the Golden rule. It is an important convention in civilization. He also teaches us that money answers all things, all human needs as seen in Ecclesiastes. He also teaches us to treat others as we wish to be treated. That is the Bible. So, who is arguing in his identity crisis? The road stop sign in France is now in English. It says Stop. Could you import a Canadian Identity crisis to Europe and how and when do these Canadians begin to wrestle with French cultural certainty? If the stop sign in France appears in English, a law is broken; something a French crew who is essentially English would work out.
The answer is that you should respond to what is necessary for all your human population needs so that you can enjoy your search for your unique human identity. We see the income support problem began in the current era after WW2 in the 1970's. A lot of regal feeling white people with Romanesque Christian names wbo had or more children have been affected. One day there is an income support; then there is none. This was exacerbated by the cashlessness caused by Automation. It has nothing to do with me personally. That is evident. We have politicians shouting about the right to be equal in some LG appliance Scrabble quiz word parade banner-ism but what about funding the right to exist? It would seem that Article 25 of the UDHR where all politics begins after 1945 is not opposed to the LG Appliance parade celebrations. What about funding equally the lives of the people who are encouraged to be equal? Aren't we all given an equal benefit? So, then the income support should be equal.
But, it's too bad the Anglo hegemony gained from preaching the gospel is waning since they refuse to just feed their sheep, feed their people and population with a law abiding income support of no less than $300 pounds per day as Income support with inflation being what it is. My faith is that we use our prayer powers to resolve it.
The real defiant independence in this scenario seems to be the State, the governor FDR and then the Sasquatch American who does not want any thing, not the FED and not any UN to have any authority over him. This might be so. But, what if it is Jesus calling? He says feed thy sheep and thy Sasquatch too. The real issue here is to ask what is to be defended and how? It might seem logically very obvious that money is Sasquatch's problem but Sasquatch seems to have said that even so, he is going to spend billions exploring Mars before he achieves the defence of his population with the use of money paid by the government to all citizens and this is just as other populations have found a way to do this so that his population is on equal comparable footing with other such populations in terms of the odds of survival in the phenomenon of on going work automation. The logic or math here is simple when, what language do you speak?
How many other languages do you speak? What do you call on in locating your identity because if you had a certainty of human identity of any kind, you would know what to defend individually or collectively and you would find the money in your economy to do it. A cave man can help because identity and hegemony in knowing what you are to defend is rather essential. The cave man or the pure essential human before languages and flags and other identifiers is defending his sense of hegemony. In defends himself but takes almost everything as a threat.
The North American today, however, is soo milk shake mixed up genetically that he finds it hard to see the answer that should be synonymous with the flag he bares and the language he speaks. The answer is that you need to defend with money the lives of the people who bare your flag. We acknowledge your multiculturalism, the genetic soup or the genetic milk shakes you are that will now cooperate on how much money per citizen is worthy of the only whole identity for the mass that is carried in your flag. You said it's about $80,000.00 USD per American according to Connecticut and then Illinois will update itself to $80,000.00 per year also. Canada will have $90,000.00 per year. Income support is a right; not a privilege. Jesus is calling and even the Chinese can hear Him in the Arabic or the sometimes Hebrew that he speaks.
We already know you could be part Ukrainian etc or part Belarusian but they don't know who are. You are not very sure and you keep buying a Scandinavian vodka; so who are you and what part of the Eastern Europe do you come from? You do t know. So, be happy as an American. Just be happy as an American and have money in your economy line we told you. Can you at least think like you are family and stop all of your economic bull crapping. New York is the best. My alleged Polish New York cousin says white is not to have any income support. But, you are to hope to be more likely to have a job. In terms of identity, you miss human, Irish, Polish, European, African and the flag as you divide and devalue; white. You can speak impressively for hours you North American but not every citizen can say his life is guaranteed against need, besoin. Why do you hope to be respected? You leave your people naked and afraid as you swing around in Congress on monkey bars like an American Ninja Warrior. But, that looks like Monkees swinging around on those bars. You are civilizational Gweilo. Do you see?
My more genuine Polish Illinois relative has at least $30,000.00 per year as income support. All Illinois citizens have an income support. This is more Saab Gripen psychology. This is good I think. It's not bad at all. It needs to go up yearly on an automatic inflationary increase. So be American, a hyphenated Russian Lackawanna or a Ukrainian Pawnee. There is a US bill on the table to rename America the United States of Prayer because we need A mirica up this way.
Do not imagine that the Russians do not have anp influx of immigrants from all cultures. But the lives of the people under their flag as citizens are defended.
In defending the cave man hegemony, we don't know what cave man you met at a track meet from another school who may hear about your new idea science project such as an electronic garbage can that will turn the garbage into a hydrogen methane gas and then he is threatened and defensive before he is celebrating the idea; before he could take his excitement and just buy the idea. Buying it is how you defend your Hegemony. Isn't it! Is it?
But, it's too bad the Anglo hegemony gained from preaching the gospel is waning since they refuse to just feed their sheep, feed their population with an income support. My faith is that we use our prayer powers to resolve it.
Are you part Maui Hawaiian but born in Timmins or Newmarket yet living in New Market? You would have Income support of $20,000.00 per year if you have gender XY or XX and $50.000.00 per year if you are gender XXY in Timmins but nothing in New Market unless you are gender XXY. Over 10 years or more, this is tremendous gender inequality. All Canadians in Manitoba get $50,000.00 per year. The Pale face teaches us the Golden rule in the school building but then he should also set the example in the society. This is good for helping Kemo Sabae sell more vehicles across the country when the average cost of the Ford is just about equal across the country and the cold is just about equal. But, instead Kemo Sabae is exterminating himself and also closing his economy if he does not have a continuous influx of foreigners who do have an income support who come to help mercifully. We could code all the citizens gender neutral or XXY. Give them all the Dios Amore'. We have a harmonised sales tax and a "just about" harmonised universal health care system across the country so the agenda is to have a "just about" harmonised universal Income support program where everyone gets some, got to get some and it's just about equal. It's just about all the same. Benefits are to be paid equally to all citizens under the BNA ACT 1867 and under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They can buy a vehicle. It's evil though if his transgender relative is not treated in the same way. It fails the House of Lords judgement in Essop.
Mathieson v SSWP [2015], where it was accepted that Article 14 is engaged where there is discrimination between different disabled people who have different needs. Most importantly, the case confirms that all benefits must be paid equally even if we are dealing with people who are not disabled but who may have different genders. It is the little that we ask for all of this "power to disappoint you" excitement in early 21st Century politics and government.
In Maui, you would have an income support of $7000.00 per year that fails the global economic and UN agenda. $7000.00 per year as income support is genocide. There has to be a national standard to preserve and safeguard the life of the North American human from all risks of joblessness and moneylessness caused by Automation. Maybe you are part Maui and Part Nova Scotia where you get $20,000.00 per year as Income support if you live in Nova Scotia.
We see that all three world wars were predicated on a failure of Anglo Western countries to comply with the ancient world's plan that all citizens or newly assimilated people wouldn't have an income support. This would have helped the Western economies and all the Western peoples. Barbie is a Pawnee aboriginal; and what if Jesus, himself, wants all the Western hemispherical people to have an income support; that we would have life and life more abundantly? Did you know Jesus went to school in Egypt? The White pastor and the Black pastor, the Asian pastor also say He is with us. He is risen. But, you weren't listening 100 or more years ago. Maybe Jesus is trying to save Barbie from dressing half baked for a job as He saves her posterior. If we pay in the income support, then it will be calm in America and guns will be less subconsciously necessary. People might just say they donate the fast food change when you rip them off instead of going to their vehicle glove box for their 9mm to defend their equality and humanity. In fact, they will call the police for what is robbery and don't make God tell on you.
Money is the key human need for 1000's of years now and the lack of it is the most key human tragedy; solved by all major defence establishment societies and the humane and also the industrial societies. Societies that would tolerate any one of their citizens not having money is militarily a failed society. Ensuring your citizen is defended against the besoin is the most essential priority in all calculations. Societies that fail in this regard should not expect any autonomy or policy independence. For instance, you mentioned the United States for example. Every citizen is to be funded equally as a prime economic priority. Based on current evidence on these issues, what do you mean by that? What do you mean? If you were an automated chess game, you would work out how to defend every pawn as if it was your only modus operandi. There is sufficient money in the economy. This is proved in this article. It is now to ensure the money gets to the citizen. See also the UDHR Article 25 and the UN ILO R202 document. We love all peoples and believe our society should be just as cooperative across all regions. We love our car manufacturing industry and must have a customer base that has the ability to pay for any vehicle offered on the market. What is the point of building the vehicles if, too often without a national and consistent income support in various North American territories there is no income support and therefore there is often no funded buyer? This is not difficult to solve when the desire to solve it is equivalent to the desire to ensure the train system will run; rain or shine, snow, sleet or thunder storm. What about ensuring the passenger can buy the ticket? Are they to rob the bank? The commitment to ensuring the train tracks are clear is the same commitment that must be made to ensuring every citizen is covered with an income support. At the present time, the Anglo may sell chocolate globally and they may produce big movies but they are lowest funded linguistic group in the entire world. The F16 and the F35 are like one engine bi planes launching into the deceit that these F lettered machines give us any global hegemony. Look to a Saab Gripen. Thank your politician. Defend the life of every soul with an income support. This is essential total population defence.
Maybe you will hike the London UK Thames Valley trail or Atlantic trail and step on Granddad's fossilised super Prairie Vespasian settler human poop or the Grendel poop. But if you are an Ewok or not, wouldn't guaranteed money for all citizens be the first priority as you obtain the power to make it work with all your round belly on your desk? This is so when you discover all other European people, black, yellow and white, have an income support or when you find out all Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebecois citizens have $30,000 00, $50,000.00 or $38,000 respectively. Many Ewoks in your lands are recieving nothing. How do you assimilate the GTA to higher cultures if you do not fund the DNA? Once funded, you can motivate them to move to Nova Scotia with job opportunities.
Did you see the number? Is someone a lost ancient warrior ported here Archimedes time machine, turning the world into a spinning "them and us" Disco Volante? If we are designing people where people are grown and certainly also born, then we can design foods and economies that sustain the regeneration. May it be that food and milk is not burning us but if you play with kerosene and matches that is up to you when you play with the temperature of human characters, There is enough money to satisfy the mandate for a "just about equal" income support program for every Anglo on the earth who move, work and travel internationally. It will not affect any other agenda and we can make a whole lot more by adding 6 cents to every consumer transaction or maybe something as simple as 12 cents per transaction.
Did you ever see a punch key cash register without wifi? The cash you earned matches the paper tape and the money earned is in the till or the safe per the last tape. We have an ALUSRA™ anti theft cash register now with product labels with electric Bluetooth radio frequency paper printed on the product from the food production factories. The doors of the shoppe will be able to read the frequency in the paper that is on the items. But, the electronic frequency will be cancelled electronically when paying for the item at the cash register that will clear the items once scanned so that the alarmed doors do not activate. Theft is essentially impossible and it will be tested to ensure it is fail safe. Putting your smart phone to the product and trying to "connect" to the product label will be impossible.
Buy the idea for one year's worth of salary and also a 40 year half salary with pension. Email We have already contacted NCR with our idea. But, we are open to contract with anyone.
The Lord said be fruitful and multiply as you "plenish" the Canada, "plenish" the English world who have nothing else to worry about now except but to eat, drink, English pray, English Show you thy faith with thy genocide no longer, design vehicles to be built in Asia and be merry. It's V DAY again. The war visited upon us by the Pretender Thatcherly Emperor is over. We have a meaningful global income support of no less than £99.99 per Anglo in all Commonwealth countries across the entire world that includes Africa, the West Indies and North America. The Americans are included and Mexico because they eat Ambrosia's custard and Cadbury's chocolate in high shipments. But, we don't really build the vehicle but we can travel good and look good with our free bible apps that enable us to hear the entire bible as we sleep at night in 8 hours. I hear the Monarch did this over 2 days; the old testament and the new.
I was born on an SR71 Lockheed Martin Blackbird I think in New Brunswick.
Abraham says, "I go to the left and you go to the right. There are no quarrels between us."
He is not the last real African or Asian. We are all Asian, African, Russian and European in whole or in part. We are supposed to have an income support that satisfies all of our daily needs. It's the way of the world. God bless Joe. God bless Don. He says we leave no man behind and ensure all North Americans have an income support; like him.
The old man said his ancestral Aboriginal European cave people or Northern Canadian cave people were gassed and he did not know how to solve the refugee problem any other way except to say if the people feel aboriginal with no ID or just lacking in formal identity, then 1936 to 1941 if they do not stop him. That was his final solution and you know what happened afterwards in that mishap. Our final solution today is to save a soul, give them a debit card and assist them. We save a life. Will they find their German ID to complete their journey home and apply for a passport at their Embassy? You would like to have a little fun with a 48 year old woman. You keep separate addresses and go to church once a week. You raise 10 children over the next 30 years. You received $20,000.00 per year as income support from Nova Scotia. She received $20,000.00 per year from Sudbury. Her last boyfriend was from Guelph and was always looking for a job while he had no income support. His brother had some as a citizen of Oshawa. But, they did not have this Income support in Brooklin. Who is doing this and begging you to bring a motion to resolve it? This divisive non provision of income support is a terrorist act, causing genocide. It is economic sabotage and not the result of any Court motion and order.
The Prince of Peace is who we honour in Church everyday in various congregations. We see the Prince of Peace who is here in our hearts but also certainly coming back who would ask to pay the benefits in a manner that is equal. In ancient Egypt and also early Norway, there is also evidence that they paid a ration to all the citizens that included some beans, salted fish, sausage, wheat and some coins. Maybe they would compare their rations to ensure all were treated equal. The issue here is that there are many vehicles and products for sale in advance anticipation of a funded buyer market with ATP and insufficient numbers of people with the ability to pay/ATP.
If you see vomit on the Jubilee subway line or the Queen Elizabeth subway line, it is cleaned up. You would not see a pool of vomit on the Southern Line train either that runs to Brighton through Welwyn Garden City. There is no test that the Monarch loves us or does not love us if he does not come and clean up what you have failed to correct in your job to correct and solve problems. Even worse, it's your vomit. This type of problem only seems to be happening in the English world. It has created an economic gap and the only solution the decider has found is to ignore the problem while properly funded foreigners, as funded by their governments, have shown up to fill the gap. We enjoy the diversity but we would enjoy it more, buying all the nice, international tasty foods like tasty wheat.
A new program arrived to defeat the shameful illegal scintillation of inequality in the provision of benefits and the phenomenon of genocide. This economy was the only modern economy with a leadership that tolerates this. The program could have been managed nationally but instead they set a standard for the provinces under the Canada Health Act. We never ask how Universal Health Care works or how it is paid but all Canadians have it. All Americans have Medicaid.
As such, the new program pays 11.7 cents per minute per KWh and per kpa of gas billed, water billed and and electricity billed into the lives of every citizen equally across the country, recharging them as the most essential investment in the economies as they fill and occupy the built spaces.
Did you know there is a pregnant female of some kind and an expectant father in all of the Postal code areas in Ontario that are not recieving an income support unusually and illegally? Five minutes down the road, did you know there is a pregnant female of some kind and an expectant father in a Postal code area in Ontario that is recieving an income support?
This 11.7 cents per minute per KWH per citizen is essential; crucial, plugging in and recharging the citizen. It works out to about $61,000.00 per year per citizen approximately and as we receive these monies, we will all make a partial contribution back into the system as we pay our electricity bills and other public utilities bills and our sales Tolls, Highway tolls or Sales taxes. This is THE REGENERATIVE ECONOMY.
As it is soo cooperatively simple, what is the Canadian intending for himself otherwise with this over occupation by other populations during our own evident financially underfunded experience where many Canadians are recieving zero income support unfairly and unusually while we all contribute but we do not all receive the benefits with receipt dependent on what postal code you find yourself in or what gender you have in the case of Ontario.
So the property development is free of market sale anxiety with the building code that enables the government to finance the whole project and claim no more than 10% of the project as housing with the builder shielded, protected from market sales anxiety and the inactivity caused by the joblessness caused by Automation and also the lack of consumer ability to pay/atp caused by the inequitable income support policy that pays only the transgender an income support of $50,000.00 per year; thereby causing insufficient ability to pay for such consumer purchases. The building is empty in this scenario or half finished. The top 30 floors are unoccupied but if we are shielded from sales anxiety, we address the illegal lack of ATP/ability to pay that is also an illegality affecting our enjoyment of the market value and proper returns on the whole market value.
We offer builder's mortgages then, saving time and money and enjoy the market now enabled with the entire population's new ability to pay made available with a meaningful income support with all citizens receiving the current $50,000.00 per year now available only to some citizens based on gender or by Manitoba Postal code. This is illegal. It is not equal. Your overcrowding concern cannot be justification for breaking Federal Hate Crime laws. You can offer incentives to people to move to Erie Ontario or Windsor Ontario where there will be a property rent rebate or property tax rebate with Erie Condos or Windsor Condos. It's worth an extra $20,000.00 per year if you move to Windsor or Erie. If you are a Windsor or Erie citizen, there is no tax on vehicle leases or purchases. Yet, we can solve the problems. This is good. There is less sadness and more sales for everyone this way and the sadness is over.
All Canadians can participate in resolving the condo debacle by renting a condo or leasing a condo if not actually commit to buying the condo sort of like all Canadians have a parrot or skates or condo on new 50 year amortised Builders mortgage terms. At least he gets more of the money from the actual market value when the market is enabled with all citizens having the ATP/ ability to pay. This is preferred to empty units rented haphazardly by security guards or property managers. The builder will be the financier and the property manager.
Foreign citizens who do not have permanent residency can get ten year lease agreements. Also, there are foreign buyer rules.
If you want a private mortgage, you could still get one. The builders are covered since the building development is totally government financed as some of the units can be claimed by the government as housing under the building codes; about 10% but the the issue of units empty for 10 or 15 years after completion says there is not enough ability to pay per capita in the market even if it is housing. This can be resolved.
Why do we watch Black history videos or commercials that celebrate our presence, pain and dignity of the past but we do not work to pay into our Black presence and future, ensuring an equality for all with our white, mulatto or black people in positions to decide? How can we cooperate? Isn't a hockey goal the continual celebration of cooperation? We can cooperate on a field or rink, but how about the little **11.7 cents per minute of cooperation** in our economy so we can buy our national team jersey? 11.7 cents per minute per hour every day for 365 days a year generates the income support necessary to fund every citizen, permanent resident and refugee. This is a brilliant anti-coup Mr. Lyon.
Well, I will watch the black history videos any way. I like the bit about academic excellence and community cooperation or leave no man or woman behind. This is good. Everything is happy.
You get a pint glass full of Pepsi while at Ponderosa Steak House in a town called Aggressive in a state called Progressive that is a bit extra economical as compared to your wife and then she complains to say the Pepsi is warm and asks that you top it up as the glass was half full. Her glass was half full. She kept rubbing her purple Bible cover after watching the Colour Purple in the hopes that her ex boyfriend who loaded the dishwasher every day during their 12 years together would call or come to her front door. It only takes 30 seconds to load the dishwasher and it gets everything done in 30 seconds. They hug and cuddle for hours though. I think they are Hug addicts. The female pastor has a series on this new problem; Hug Addiction and it's causes. Were you deprived of hugs as a child. Were you exposed to hours of wholesome family TV in America? Did you throw away your wife's Cosmopolitan magazine and she thanked you to the point that she whipped her coat on and said let's sit in bed all day with our coats on and eat chocolate and just hug as we are happy forever. It's interesting that the TV and media is almost promoting family in North America and that is a good thing but the economy is fighting the same. We need the government to underwrite the citizens ability to pay for leases of newly built spaces and property. What if we have more new building works and property than the economy has a funded actual population of its own to sustain it?
We should at least have a totally funded population of our own with the ability to pay(ATP) while the world's population that has been recieving income support since 10 years old in real global Capitalist economies at no less than $60,000.00 per year can come and buy a property with cash on the new foreign buyer rules. However the current ability to pay is surpassed by the current market value of most everything except a parking space due to MPAC market abuses. If no one has any money to generate real market demand, how is the property going up in value? It's not a bad idea but it's out of kilter with the ATP. You are supposed to pay each Canadian in this Icelandic cold about $120,000.00 per year as income support. BUT, as we are in an English global population emergency as a nearly extinct blend, we take on an emergency basic minimum of £99.99 per day per citizen as an income support program that will be converted to the relevant local currency such as CAD, USD or AUD or JMD and then we will be equal and we will have comparable worth. Your country may apply more income support per day.
Our expectation is Equality. Equality is the emperor; legislated and enforced legal, legislated equality. But, am aboriginal political party that steals an election and then also the country and all of its processes in response to their belief that an election was stolen in 1980 is now the aboriginal threatening an Imperial upset of democracy as provoked by and tolerated due to an aboriginal resentment of legal formalities. Butz yes we can solves it. We solves it. We fixes it. We would not have noticed if it wasn't for so many zeroes in the economy. Let me go and get Dems some Jimmy Joe candies again.
The problem is not money and it's availability but our purposeful cooperation and utilisation of money.
So, the bar staff tops it up and this is because you just need to be sure you are treated equal. She checks her income support has come in but she finally decided to say it's not right that her husband does not get any money only because he is male. She was from Quebec with a. Quebec address and he was from Markam. So, instead of making a phone call she makes a note of it, decided to have a baby with the DNA from used hockey skates she found at a used sporting goods shop from Quebec and says, "my son will be the saviour and will deliver us" and will be aggressive when it's needed to save us all. Her husband came from a town called Duddley Do Right or was it Duddley Do Little or was it 101 Airborne? I don't remember. He drank energy drinks and store brand taco shells to feel, think and act Californian. They aggressively worked out a way to ask Walmart for cash. But, they cannot use this money in an organised way to make long term plans, finance a vacation. He kept singing a song about hanging on a string, that he is not a play thing!!!!!! He was also told by someone named Mike to just shut up now and stop talking about his Pepsi being unequal although he pays for it just as we pay for public services with our little taxes. It's only six cents a minute whether or not you are shopping for food, gasoline or renting or buying property. It's debited to your Motor vehicle account with the MTO.
We would all get $31,000 back per year as income support at 6 cents per minute per hour. We pay taxes equally. If the tax on us was 11 cents per minute, we get $57,816.00 back per year as income support. We better call Leia. But, instead of making this a tax per minute in our lives directly, we could add 11 cents as a Happy Toll on all sales transactions.
We only need to believe that there will be sufficient transactions from all human consumer activity in the economy at 60 transactions per minute 24 hours per day and 365 days per year to cover all of the citizens equally with an income support benefit.
You are asking to be sure of something. You are sure that the benefits are being paid unequally and this is while we pay our sales taxes equally. This is wrong. There are too many zeroes in the milk shake, melting pot, or the cultural quilt or mosaic. How do I honor a multicultural mosaic? I starve them and make them move if they ever read this stuff in school. Then, I brought 1000's more people from a thousand more diverse cultures every year and every month.. In fact, it's more of a multi colored uni cultural monolith and that would be the Income Support culture. How are you celebrating a mosaic when you don't pay the diverse population you have an income Support to celebrate the diversity, the happy and wonderful diversity?
Some how, with the harmonised sales tax....the Harmonised sales tax....Manitoba is sure it can pay all of it's citizens an income support of $50,000.00 per year. Why is the Ontarian not sure? Why is the Ontarian not committed to equality in the service and payment of benefits? They are sure now. While there is an HST and also an equivalent Federal fuel tax, we do not receive and enjoy the benefits equally as shown in our experience. Nova Scotia is $20,000.00, Quebec is $38,000.00, Ontario is confusing, Manitoba is $50,000.00, Saskatchewan is $30,000.00 , Alberta is mysterious and British Columbia is out there.
There is a mandate to ensure that such benefits have guidelines to satisfy all Maslow human physical needs. With inflation, the necessary amounts to achieve the objectives in Icelandic Canadian cold may change from time to time.
There is enough national revenue generated to pay every citizen equally an income support of $61,000.00 per year; about £99 per day. The sales tax or sales toll is the most unobtrusive, even, fair and equal means of national revenue generation. Who is the emperor? Our mutual expectations, our tolerance for pot holes in the road or tolerance for inequality in the economy or thereby expectations of equality in the economy is the emperor. See, I am not soo dumb. The Trinidadian, the Grenadian etc and the Trinidadians gets USD $30,000.00 per year as income support from their Caribbean countries.
It takes 11 cents per minute paid into the lives of each citizen to finance each citizen with an income support of $57,816.00 per year. Is it that we became too simple during "democracy" that we would half tolerate someone attempting to walk off with the constitutional board game just when he was afraid he would lose some election?
We add an 11 cents sales toll to all transactions in the economy. It will be called the "no more ignorance" sales toll. At 12 cents per minute per KW Hours billed across the country, we get our $63,072.00 per year as income support per citizen; about £99 per day. We will all make a small contribution to the pool of funds when you charge your vehicle or have a light or gas bill of your own.
We find this money on the gas bill or Electricity bill per citizen.
But if it was about Driving a Honda, Volkswagen, BMW to be white accepted in all that we do, why is it that in all of our doing, we run a scavengers' economy where the ATP is not automatically in an MPAC styles kept in pace above the cost of basic home ownership? What is MPAC except like a guy cutting his Oakville income support benefit off?
We have to be more aggressive. Pay for your Lexus now and the new skates and everything with your Tim's Cash Back on your Tim's account card. The Tim bits are now 11 cents again. This will be to celebrate the rebirth of the nation with an equal income support for every citizen at $63072.00 per Citizen. Maybe we make it 14 cents sales toll per minute. So, we find the monies at 12 pence or 12 cents per minute per citizen in all the transit fares, the gasoline tax and in all KW per hour electricity bills or we add it to the sales receipts as a sales toll. It is just a matter of demonstration to notice that the cost of funding a citizen at $169.00 per day costs 11.7 cents per minute.
The idea is to increase national revenue accordingly if you wish to maybe with an additional 11.7 cents sale stoll per liter or per gallon on all fuel or per kw hour on vehicles that are recharging. But, really you should know that the money is available for funding the citizens when it really costs nothing if you look at the numbers of pizzas, burgers and coffees ordered every day.
Did you know there is a new brand of potato chip coming out that uses HGH? Well, we are not sure where it comes from. Its not human but a Salmon protein from a Salmon farm. It tastes good. It gives you pep. It will be in all the soft drinks; no DDT any longer in the foods or drinks.
A 30% sales tax would be the best answer as we increase our income support. A Federal sales toll of 7% is helpful; going forward. This is not a debate but the deciders should be confident that something can be decided immediately, instantly as in just following the Manitoban income support program that does not suffer the hurtful inequality seen in the Ontario program.
In the alternative, we increase the KW Hours on our electricity bills by 11.7 cents per minute per Kilowatt hour. In fact, we do not have to increase it. We found the 11.7 cents in the current monies paid per kw Hour. But, you get it back as an income support of $61,000.00+ per year per Citizen. We did it!!!!!! Jump up and down!!!! Hug!!!!! It pays in to the income support for all citizens.
Permanent Residency will be provisional and automatic through the Commonwealth world in request but will become final in 24 months after the application so long as the applicant keeps the peace and remains in good behaviour.
Walter Reuther said he did not know how to solve the problem with automation and the joblessness caused by automation.But, he acknowledged the job cancelling power of this technology as a first hand witness as an assembly floor worker, factory manager and Union Representative. He said he was not sure what to do and left the matter as a question. He acknowledged the unemployment and the workers need for money. The worker is a human being.
It is solved in every other part of the world with an income support as automation is a global phenomenon. If you do not have an income support, your population is bound to suffer financial economic stimulus problems. If you do not have antibiotics, your population could suffer other such problems. Why would you not have an income support for every citizen? Why would you not have the antibiotics? We believe Walter Reuther and the America that produced Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker could solve the problem of joblessness caused by Automation. Maybe you would just not only retrain the redundant workers for other economic sectors but if the key problem was their moneylessness, then we would just give them money as money was given regularly to citizens in Eastern seaboard States. In Walter Reuther's Michigan, Illinois and Ohio this did not happen. What is America really???? Many robbed the bank. Many died.
North America is really just a rogue Dutch province that is wrestling with settling down into the expectations of a European economy with this unusual Creole talk about "sufferers and those who do not suffer" or "have and have nots." What is that and are you saying Ohio and Pennsylvania will be the "have nots?"
You cannot continue this way in North America for what amounts to genocide or the risk of civil war for what income support only costs 11.7 cents per minute per citizen. The honor we levy to the myths of America as a land of freedom covers many losses, failures and sins. We can see that for some new arrivals from Asia with their Asian income support of no less than $USD 65,000.00 per year or their equivalent European support. There is a way we cooperate for national honor on every Tennis, basketball or any court where we commit to honor. Washington should be no different. Joe is not cooperating. Whether he broke into the White House or not arguably, he is not cooperating with the solution to what North America needs and he is going to explain it to people on the golf course but not after anyone is dead because it was in Donald's notebook of ideas he found in the Library desk as left there for him to find by Carter. Carter left it for Joe also. It's a funny time but if anyone is in the White House that can ask for coffees to be handed to him, he can also ask that every citizen in North America is paid an income support of a certain minimum amount. God bless Joe.
But, how is it that we have space programs involving a dry, dead space but we did not commit to solving our little problems on earth? Travelling on a viable well watered planet is the only space travel I need.
Right now, what you pay in electrical bills is covering the income support of other citizens who may receive an Ontario income support based on their gender or a partial support based on home address Postal code. But, it seems you are not getting any income support.
Have no doubt there is enough money in the economy being generated to cover the income support to be paid per citizen as the primary and most important objective of any government to be paid to all citizens who are all potential police officers from 10 years old; even if it's just the Federal Works Officer jobs.
Go to Degoba and there you will meet the Income Support Money generator who will teach you the ways of no doubt Equanimity.
Mamma kept dividing her $38,000 per year Quebec Income support into two and a half people. She had the husband, a Barracuda fish and a cat to feed. She could see the economy said she is being screwed and she could have made them stop it through the Scottish Iroquoisribbean Council but she is not sure if she liked the feeling and emotion every where she goes in everything that she does that she is being screwed.....economically.
Her husband heard of a Quebec family that moved to Ontario where the wife pretended to be transgendered and had cut her gut open to say that is where the baby comes out. She also clenched her...her thing when she went for are examination.
They gave her the $50,000.00 per year as income support because she was willing to pretend something and they knew...they knew because they could smell the fish in her pants. They gave her a free bottle of vagasil...all that odour....peyooh! Hold your nose. It was a town called Agincourt where they had no income support for regular men or women. They heard there was a sin committed by a new politician in 1980 named Thatcherly who got ill watching Star Wars Empire Strikes Back and decided to play Emperor and rebel with the UK economy. Any mention of Thatcher in this site or on any Londinium Media site is not in reference to any British PM in particular. All the writing is a movie script.
Her neighbours found her brother's bank card as stolen from the mail in Estonia where he went to seek asylum in Europe as he did. All Europeans have an income support. It was granted since his experience was evident.
The sandwich shoppes in Quebec have become Sushi shops. The Quebecois in France who are defaming the system of asylum and also defaming France saw this grant of Asylum and tried to help the application but one bad apple said they did not want a Canadian with regular full education to have more than her. She was only a tourist who tried to work at a pub but took the tip float and said that is all she needs seven times.
It's an EU program so the EU enforced the program principles on the real evidence and not this stuff about people chasing him at the Law Society but the chasing would be part of the evidence to support the application. The fact that anyone has sought to interrupt his application from that jurisdiction is evidence of the facts.
They confirmed Asylum is not citizenship. But, it is granted to acknowledge that someone has asked for help and there is evidence of a problem that says he would need help under the laws of the EU and the UN.
Whether people chased him or not in 2017 to steal his law firm files, he is not paid an income support and his Ontario Trillium benefit is being stolen. His mail is stolen also. The cards were on a hotel bulletin board in Estonia where the neighbors had gone to check out the Safe Sleepers Hotel package in Arles.
But, who is my neighbor according to Lord Atkins. Google it....Lord Atkins and Neighbor.
They took the bank cards off the wall and tried to use the cards in the pub in Holland as they left Estonia and travelled to Holland for a little tourism. No passport is required to travel through Europe. They kept saying how do they know the card is for him? But why try to use the card? Mail it to him, email him a photo and ask him if he dropped it when he was in Estonia. Then, send it by mail. What you do when you believe confirms your intentions. They could have mailed the cards back to their neighbour. They had the address. They got an automatic email confirming their criminal record for using the card since we know who it is and where they are with all of this smart technology.
But we are all in a job as Citizens and every government job is a job paid for with sales tax. We could all be offered one but you don't have to sign up. Butz the key job for us all is to represent the nation as a citizen and for this we can also all pay ourselves as Citizens equally that income support so we don't feel like we are showing up at the global Economic competition without money or the skating competition without skates.
All the ethnic minorities in Poland are more White than you in North America Kasinski Truman Marshall because they have an income support from 10 years old.
Her neighbours found out about her plan. They were a couple from Manitoba and both had $50,000.00 per year income support financed by the Canadian government just as Quebec had $38,000.00 per year financed by the Canadian by the Canadian government under the HST program and put a smart phone in front of the baby after he was born and told him to ask for everything to be equal in the economy in terms of the income support benefits and to also say Icky Wallet and then good things shall come to pass. The payments came through right away at $169.00 per day that is about $60,000.00 per year or about £99 pounds per day for all Canadians. Why make a phone call if you could just call Leia to help you? We need not only People Wagons that any human is welcomed to drive regardless of class, colour and social status in North America and more of them, we need also a People economy.
We are still trying to understand Clearly Nasty News as a phenomenon used to project the perpetrators vision, will and intention. He thinks CNN is big but it's not soo big that we would ignore the criminal operation at work contrary to US Code 18 involving Political Activities. These are amicable people that have taken some command of the imagery and nothing more. The military has decided to take this opportunity to implement essential Income support policy. You could have an F22 but what is the point of your population is dying due to an absence of income support or an absence of some regular cough medicine with antibiotics.
In 1980, the general said with orders from Emperor Thatcherly, "Fire when ready; the Ontario population and also the population of England using the FSGC (financial subterfuge genocide catastrophe protocol)."
You never argued with a Northern Germanic Mongol barbarian in any issue. There is no argument. He has the money and might resent how the forest is no longer open to all for settlement. But he buys the VOLKSWAGEN and his wife reminds of the comfort of home when she shows him the blankets he bought. You just give him the income support cash. What if the Northern Germanic barbarian was holding an American flag?
I am sure you would still not argue with him.
As written by Muey Bueno Personas.
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