Click here. Peogeot car #94 and Ferrari's #51 return to Le Mans.

 Click here.  Peogeot car #94 and Ferrari's #51 return to Le Mans.  


We have heard of it and we have seen it; auto racing at Le Mans.  It is historic, cultural and beautiful automotive pageantry.    Anyone who believes they can  contend is invited but not all will make it or qualify.  

This year, we see the return of automotive greats such as Peogeot and Ferrari at Le Mans with their great European heritage and racing successes.  Audi was not present this year from the VOLKSWAGEN group but Porsche was at the race again from the group; and they also manage a racing school and driving experience at Le Mans.  It is impressive to see this for your self. 

The Ferrari car  fought for the win with Toyota and the Peugeot car suffered a few set backs with a barrier collision; all at speeds over 300 Kms per hour.  

As it is an endurance race, much technology is tested during the race and as such, we see that the origin of the technology has become significantly more hybridised in recent years. 

 Toyota has consulted with Ferrari on automation but they may also build some new Ferrari consumer products.  It is not clear what hand Toyota plays in the racing culture at Ferrari.   The engine seems to be a Ferrari engine with the 500+ thunderous Ferrari horses under the hood, providing 520 break horse power. The engine is light in terms of efficiency with total  effectiveness while utilising some hybrid technology. 

So, now technology is much like the human in some cultures.   Elvis  is an example in that he has a hybrid identity; native first in the case of Elvis but he is  also called White in some parts of the world while he would have had native cousins who would have been described as Mulatto or Black. 

Hybrid identity or technology therefore is indicative of essential humanity where it involves team work in achieving the  goal.  What is your goal? What are you doing? What are you communicating in what you are expressing and doing and are you winning or achieving anything? 

Ferrari wins with more units built and  more vehicles sold. They also win on the track. 

The Peogeot #94 provided some eye catching design with its rear and front lighting fixtures, using cool laser lighting accents although it suffered the crash as a former race winner at Le Mans.  We will see Peogeot's  contending championship cars  again next year with some of their machine's superior technology arriving from Japan. 

Ferrari took the podium this year with the win against Toyota, using a three speed shifter, similar to what was used in the  highly successful Toyota Denso #8, that saves time in the fierce gearing up and down over the 24 hour competition! 

Do you know your times tables up to 12?   Read a times table chart during  your evening football games on TV. Maybe you will win more; spend less or at least more efficiently on fuel and on your next vehicle purchase.   Now, you can calculate faster on the track or when you are buying that new Ferrari, Nissan or Peogeot or will it be the Toyota?  

Godhonseimb Higgler.  





Photo by Warren A. Lyon. 


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