Did someone suggest you set up a separate account for every electronic cash register; including the new automated cashier machines? But, you resist. A Black guy wrote an article on it. It helps the process of ensuring the system is working and then you have other means of security but being able to match the till to an account is critical. One whole till goes to Tory John Angus Boeuf...and you didn't know. You need to understand their perspective. You look European.You look related but you are not. The Europeans are terrified of you since if you were related, you would do what they want you to do. How does a son win the acceptance of his...semen donor or the stolen seed progenitor? He will do what his father asks humbly in the UN ILO Recommendations R202 and if you can't hear then, you will feel; awoh!

Did someone suggest you set up a separate account for every electronic cash register; including the new automated cashier machines?  But, you resist.  A Black guy wrote an article on it.  It helps the process of ensuring the system is working and then you have other means of security but being able to match the till to an account is critical. One whole till goes to  Tory John Angus Boeuf...and you didn't know.   You need to understand their perspective.  You look European.You look related but you are not. The Europeans are terrified of you since if you were related, you would do what they want you  to do. How does a son win the acceptance of his...semen donor or the stolen seed progenitor? He will do what his father asks humbly in the UN ILO Recommendations R202 and if you can't hear then, you will feel; awoh!   


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