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The nonverbal cues, covert dictations and navigation of white privilege in supersede and take precedence over the virtues of the governing language and culture in any economy when the language or culture in that region is still in gestation and insufficiently grounded. A polka dot, black, white, yellow or red President would do, ?however?, so long as we have the requisite universal minimum income support. But, there is something going on. Remember Detective Fanning in the movie "Collateral." In the days and years after a 21st Century Black Presidency, are we seeing the muting of non-racialised human capability as an unofficial, covert compensation reassuring white privilege where we get political participants who are mixed race enough to be any white man's progeny but maybe not qualified enough to be a politician although you dont have to be a graduate to be qualified? What did you have to offer and to whom to get access to your constitutionally protected abilities and freedoms? Click here.

The nonverbal cues, covert dictations and navigation of white privilege in supersede and take precedence over the virtues of the governing language and culture in any economy when the language or culture in that region is still in gestation and insufficiently grounded. A polka dot, black, white, yellow or red President would do, ?however?, so long as we have the requisite universal minimum income support. But, there is something going on. Remember Detective Fanning in the movie "Collateral." In the days and years after a 21st Century Black Presidency, are we seeing the muting of non-racialised human capability as an unofficial, covert compensation reassuring white privilege where we get political participants who are mixed race enough to be any white man's progeny but maybe not qualified enough to be a politician although you dont have to be a graduate to be qualified? What did you have to offer and to whom to get access to your constitutionally protected abilities and freedoms? The final aggregate and cover for white privilege with abuses of power is the joy of seeing the darker complexion in the position and office as a substitute for the actual economic solution that involves the minimum income support and then everybody loses. But, white privilege does not have to be abusive where indirect public apologies are required. I have no doubt that our system works and every politician is freely elected but our consciences are not free and may do the voting when prompted. 2008 was about a domestic solution instead of burning oil wells in Iran in addition to Iraq.
- Cristobal, before WW2, was noted as sailing to the Western hemisphere in 1392 with the assistance of a Chinese explorers map dated in the 1320's; not 1492.
- This could help comprehension of the current technological situation so that we may have life and life more abundantly.
- The more bewildered the leadership is, the lower the rates of universal minimum income support in any country as well as the sales tax rate. The sales tax rate should be no less than 20 percent. It's like health care or food stamps but is provided unconditionally; like health care. Minimum Income Support is a great idea. People will still have jobs; of course. We could still have a sense of white privilege even if every citizen had $30000.00 Universal minimum income support. You could also have overt expressions of hate sent via social media since people make mistakes and short circuit sometimes but not overt expressions of ignorant economic polic wiping out all Americans. We expect neither from our national leaders. The Democrats with Obalma would not have been impeached for such racist and ignorant policies affecting all Americans who were told indirectly not to believe in a bonafide law school graduate or medical graduate. Is the covert message of the government the limitation of our capability if not our dreams? He was rewarded. This is the irony and we look forward to the Constitution breaking out of the shackles put on its universal non-racialised beauty and truth by the Democrats. The world's problems are best addressed by a king of some great culture, maybe England; not a journalist or lowly law graduate and lecturer.
- The Asian countries have shown us their faith and belief in economics with the quality and standard of the lives of their people. No group of countries have made a greater commitment to economics and aggressive capitalism with aggressive automation and a full commitment to universal minimum income support in contrast to the absence of commitment by Anglo nations. Your economics is like your religion. You preach it but you do not show your faith by your works. Economies need people with money. You don't understand this. The Asians do. Economies also need the most efficient manufacturing methods that involves full automation. Full automation reduces the number of people with a regular stable cash flow. Turnover, sales and profit will disappear without sufficient citizens already in the economy with some back up minimum income support cash. If not, you need people newly introduced to the economy with cash; maybe foreign citizens with a universal minimum income support when local citizens are required to be given the universal minimum income support. As Anglo manufacturing and products disappear and are less prevalent as replaced by more competitive Asian products made with full automation, the Anglo people all over the world are replaced by Asian people as the Anglos are more susceptible to the attrition occasioned with life outside of a universal minimum income support. The Asians have more money on average pursuant to their Asian universal minimum income support paid to Asian citizens by Asian governments pursuant to the UDHR , OHCHR and the ILO Regulations R202. It follows the belief, programme and purposes of habeas corpus rights in modern democracies and economies eschewed by pirate and scallawag descendant populations. It is their culture to seek and express the power to take human life outside of the authority of a Lawful Court. As such, You don't have any consistent programme to preserve your population, preserve your occupation of territory and extend your influence and occupation of territory in other parts of the world. This Universal minimum income support is based on English economic principles distilled from Sir Thomas More, Adam Smith and Marcus Aurelius. You are trying to fulfil instead of Hesitating or resisting to implement the universal minimum income support policy in full as you say you believe you have several policies that satisfy the guranteed, ensured mandate when summed or in aggregate. Yet, look at the metrics. Your Government and its population is in a self induced biblical famine. But, your own evidence demonstrates that there is a failure and a shortcoming while you enforce the policies in Afghanistan, Libya now also and Iraq. Is it the Afro? It couldnt be the Afro when Afghans and Libyan and Iraqis have Afros. Why don't we make Muslim School mandatory for every West Indian and African North American up to the age of 70. Nobody would tell the Difference. The UN ILO Recommendations 202 state the following; "4. Members should, in accordance with national circumstances, establish as quickly as possible and maintain their social protection floors comprising basic social security guarantees. The guarantees should ensure at a minimum that, over the life cycle, all in need have access to essential health care and to basic income security which together secure effective access to goods and services defined as necessary at the national level. 5. The social protection floors referred to in Paragraph 4 should comprise at least the following basic social security guarantees: (a) access to a nationally defined set of goods and services, constituting essential health care, including maternity care, that meets the criteria of availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality; (b) basic income security for children, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, providing access to nutrition, education, care and any other necessary goods and services; (c) basic income security, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, for persons in active age who are unable to earn sufficient income, in particular in cases of sickness, unemployment, maternity and disability; and (d) basic income security, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, for older persons. 6. Subject to their existing international obligations, Members should provide the basic social security guarantees referred to in this Recommendation to at least all residents and children, as defined in national laws and regulations." The definition of national residency follows the standard criteria. For example, you have residential ties with Canada if you have a Canadian passport; The most important thing to consider when determining your residency status in Canada for is whether or not you maintain, or you establish, residential ties with Canada. Significant residential ties to Canada include: a home in Canada a spouse or common-law partner in Canada dependants in Canada Secondary residential ties that may be relevant include: personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture social ties in Canada, such as memberships in Canadian recreational or religious organizations economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards a Canadian driver's licence a Canadian passport health insurance with a Canadian province or territory To determine residence status, all of the relevant facts in each case must be considered, including residential ties with Canada and length of time, object, intent, and continuity while living inside and outside Canada. The information above is general in nature. Are you asking people in North America to vote in an election before you guarantee and ensure their UDHR and OHCHR rights as they are ensured for citizens in other G20 countries with universal minimum income support? Benjamin Franklin began his life as a captive of the law. But, we are all captives of the law. The Espionage Act 1917 ended the Democratic campaign in 2016 with a legal disqualification of the candidate. Arguing with law and limitations imposed by constitutions may be a part of a covert American temperament. Maybe you would be almost willing to kill or offer half your life to be free of law and never be a captive of it again with some facade of legality called the U.S. Constitution as far as you are concerned. Yet, you were free under Somerset vs. Stewart. This is law. You are also free and financially enabled universally under the UDHR OHCHR and the UN ILO Regulations r202. As and when it is enforced, you would not have to resort to...??? The North American or U.S. national temperament and tendency to resist law may be your undoing when the law is not enslaving you or indenturing you but enabling you to enjoy the robotified age as the producer or consumer of robotically made goods with the enforcement of a universal minimum income support. It's absence is genocide; a very simple legal term that involves a government creating conditions of life that fall below the UDHR and OHCHR standard that call for guranteed, ensured standards of life. Other countries are handsomely, intelligently, efficiently and decisively guaranteeing and ensuring the OHCHR and UDHR with a universal minimum income support with the approach outlined in the UN's ILO Regulations R202. You could think of universal minimum income support as an on-going government bailout for the entire manufacturing sector, reducing the wage and pension burden. Universal minimum income support is the fiscal responsibility that generates significant economic activity and attracts more sales taxable transactions so that there is national revenue to finance more F22's or F-15x's that can fly all day; on hydrogen with a fuel cell. It is a global self esteem race and a people race; not an arms race primarily and for the arms race to be possible, you need the economy that will produce sufficient revenue and for the arms race to be logical, you need a safe,secure people. The Russians won the self esteem race and the Arms race a long time ago with their universal minimum income support of $20,000 00 dating hack to 1940. It is $50,000.00 today but they say it's only $20,000.00. But you must have the real data at one of your think tanks or at the Central Library if no where else. The universal minimum income support is provided to all citizens regardless of complexion. But, you argue. You spend more educating people than you do on the population after graduation when the people are now needed as economic participants. Every person in America or the West Indies who is a casualty of the self esteem war waged against your own population affects the virtue of the entire enterprise when there is a national ODHR obligation and a national OHCHR obligation. But, you are waging the self-esteem war against your own population and it is evident when people from Africa show up or from Asia, Russia or Europe. It is evident when citizens cannot enjoy their freedoms in the age of the former VP or their constitutional pursuit of happiness with whatever education they may have obtained. You lost the debate on virtue and an apple pie for $4.00 at an American supermarket is really not enough to win the virtue war or mask the failure the current office holder is being asked to resolve or that the former VP may work to obscure for his unusual political cadre One more time by dialling back the issue of universal minimum income support to instead microwave cook, reheat and re-serve to the public the issues of race, bussing and integration as a hedge against the discussion on minimum social protection floors. Maybe universal minimum income support will eventually enter the prepared speeches and debates and new discussions centred on the true probability of the Democrats return to the White House if they take over the commitment to fulfil this national obligation for the ultimate political game-set and match if there is no Green Party or Constitution Party to do it. Sadly, the Democrats control and influence of only one or two media outlets has turned politics since 1992 into something that is 90 percent show business and 10 percent reflective of the constitution. What you get is attention grabbing policies that take from the population more than they give. But, the obligation to the North American people in the middle of a robotified future is evident in the early morning of the year 2020. Ontario will be Francophone. They will have a universal minimum income support. You can get those $4.00 Apple pies in Shanghai. Medicaid is universal. Affordable Care is not. Thankfully, Medicaid is not repealed. It is a no frills system. Affordable Care provides chocolates and flowers affordably for a reasonable rate in a Federal program but there seems to be some devil in the detail just as there is

- The Asian countries have shown us their faith and belief in economics with the quality and standard of the lives of their people. No group of countries have made a greater commitment to economics and aggressive capitalism with aggressive automation and a full commitment to universal minimum income support in contrast to the absence of commitment by Anglo nations. Your economics is like your religion. You preach it but you do not show your faith by your works. Economies need people with money. You don't understand this. Economies also need the most efficient manufacturing methods that involves full automation. Full automation reduces the number of people with a regular stable cash flow. Turnover, sales and profit will disappear without sufficient people being reintroduced to the economy with cash; maybe foreign citizens. As Anglo manufacturing and products disappear and are less prevalent as replaced by more competitive Asian products made with full automation, the Anglo people all over the world are replaced by Asian people as the Anglos are more susceptible to the attrition occasioned with life outside of a universal minimum income support. The Asians have more money on average pursuant to their Asian universal minimum income support paid to Asian citizens by Asian governments pursuant to the UDHR , OHCHR and the ILO Regulations R202. It follows the belief, programme and purposes of habeas corpus rights in modern democracies and economies eschewed by pirate and scallawag descendant populations. It is their culture to seek and express the power to take human life outside of the authority of a Lawful Court. As such, You don't have any consistent programme to preserve your population, preserve your occupation of territory and extend your influence and occupation of territory in other parts of the world. This Universal minimum income support is based on English economic principles distilled from Sir Thomas More, Adam Smith and Marcus Aurelius. Hesitating or resisting to implement the universal minimum income support policy in full as you say you believe you have several policies that satisfy the guranteed, ensured mandate when summed. But, your own evidence demonstrates that there is a failure and a shortcoming while you enforce the policies in Afghanistan, Libya now also and Iraq. Is it the Afro? It couldnt be the Afro when Afghans and Libyan and Iraqis have Afros. Why don't we make Muslim School mandatory for every West Indian and African North American up to the age of 70. Nobody would tell the Difference. The UN ILO Recommendations 202 state the following; "4. Members should, in accordance with national circumstances, establish as quickly as possible and maintain their social protection floors comprising basic social security guarantees. The guarantees should ensure at a minimum that, over the life cycle, all in need have access to essential health care and to basic income security which together secure effective access to goods and services defined as necessary at the national level. 5. The social protection floors referred to in Paragraph 4 should comprise at least the following basic social security guarantees: (a) access to a nationally defined set of goods and services, constituting essential health care, including maternity care, that meets the criteria of availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality; (b) basic income security for children, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, providing access to nutrition, education, care and any other necessary goods and services; (c) basic income security, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, for persons in active age who are unable to earn sufficient income, in particular in cases of sickness, unemployment, maternity and disability; and (d) basic income security, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, for older persons. 6. Subject to their existing international obligations, Members should provide the basic social security guarantees referred to in this Recommendation to at least all residents and children, as defined in national laws and regulations." The definition of national residency follows the standard criteria. For example, you have residential ties with Canada if you have a Canadian passport; The most important thing to consider when determining your residency status in Canada for is whether or not you maintain, or you establish, residential ties with Canada. Significant residential ties to Canada include: a home in Canada a spouse or common-law partner in Canada dependants in Canada Secondary residential ties that may be relevant include: personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture social ties in Canada, such as memberships in Canadian recreational or religious organizations economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards a Canadian driver's licence a Canadian passport health insurance with a Canadian province or territory To determine residence status, all of the relevant facts in each case must be considered, including residential ties with Canada and length of time, object, intent, and continuity while living inside and outside Canada. The information above is general in nature. Are you asking people in North America to vote in an election before you guarantee and ensure their UDHR and OHCHR rights as they are ensured for citizens in other G20 countries with universal minimum income support? Benjamin Franklin began his life as a captive of the law. But, we are all captives of the law. The Espionage Act 1917 ended the Democratic campaign in 2016 with a legal disqualification of the candidate. Arguing with law and limitations imposed by constitutions may be a part of a covert American temperament. Maybe you would be almost willing to kill or offer half your life to be free of law and never be a captive of it again with some facade of legality called the U.S. Constitution as far as you are concerned. Yet, you were free under Somerset vs. Stewart. This is law. You are also free and financially enabled universally under the UDHR OHCHR and the UN ILO Regulations r202. As and when it is enforced, you would not have to resort to...??? The North American or U.S. national temperament and tendency to resist law may be your undoing when the law is not enslaving you or indenturing you but enabling you to enjoy the robotified age as the producer or consumer of robotically made goods with the enforcement of a universal minimum income support. It's absence is genocide; a very simple legal term that involves a government creating conditions of life that fall below the UDHR and OHCHR standard that call for guranteed, ensured standards of life. Other countries are handsomely, intelligently, efficiently and decisively guaranteeing and ensuring the OHCHR and UDHR with a universal minimum income support with the approach outlined in the UN's ILO Regulations R202. You could think of universal minimum income support as an on-going government bailout for the entire manufacturing sector, reducing the wage and pension burden. Universal minimum income support is the fiscal responsibility that generates significant economic activity and attracts more sales taxable transactions so that there is national revenue to finance more F22's or F-15x's that can fly all day; on hydrogen with a fuel cell. It is a global self esteem race and a people race; not an arms race primarily and for the arms race to be possible, you need the economy that will produce sufficient revenue and for the arms race to be logical, you need a safe,secure people. The Russians won the self esteem race and the Arms race a long time ago with their universal minimum income support of $20,000 00 dating hack to 1940. It is $50,000.00 today but they say it's only $20,000.00. But you must have the real data at one of your think tanks or at the Central Library if no where else. The universal minimum income support is provided to all citizens regardless of complexion. But, you argue. You spend more educating people than you do on the population after graduation when the people are now needed as economic participants. Every person in America or the West Indies who is a casualty of the self esteem war waged against your own population affects the virtue of the entire enterprise when there is a national ODHR obligation and a national OHCHR obligation. But, you are waging the self-esteem war against your own population and it is evident when people from Africa show up or from Asia, Russia or Europe. It is evident when citizens cannot enjoy their freedoms in the age of Bidden or their constitutional pursuit of happiness with whatever education they may have obtained. You lost the debate on virtue and an apple pie for $4.00 at an American supermarket is really not enough to win the virtue war or mask the failure Donald Truehelp is being asked to resolve or that Bidden may work to obscure for his unusual political cadre One more time by dialling back the issue of universal minimum income support to instead microwave cook, reheat and re-serve to the public the issues of race, bussing and integration as a hedge against the discussion on minimum social protection floors. Maybe universal minimum income support will eventually enter the prepared speeches and debates and new discussions centred on the true probability of the Democrats return to the White House if they take over the commitment to fulfil this national obligation for the ultimate political game-set and match if there is no Green Party or Constitution Party to do it. Sadly, the Democrats control and influence of only one or two media outlets has turned politics since 1992 into something that is 90 percent show business and 10 percent reflective of the constitution. What you get is attention grabbing policies that take from the population more than they give. But, the obligation to the North American people in the middle of a robotified future is evident in the early morning of the year 2020. Ontario will be Francophone. They will have a universal minimum income support. You can get those $4.00 Apple pies in Shanghai. Medicaid is universal. Affordable Care is not. Thankfully, Medicaid is not repealed. It is a no frills system. Affordable Care provides chocolates and flowers affordably for a reasonable rate in a Federal program but there seems to be some devil in the detail just as there is some devil in the Democratic national stratagem for America and it's future. Now, if you shake hands with people at exciting G8 and G20 summits before and after you sign the UDHR, the OHCHR and the UN ILO Regulations 202, maybe you do respect those people and you will comply for no other reason. You are like a woman who says she needs to be accepted but who cuts the cheek of her children and then blames them for how she feels about herself. Benjamin Franklin was a second generation indentured servant born to people who came me over from Europe. He was a home grown colonial. He actually worked for Anthony Johnson. The former VP and current office holder are descendants of Benjamin Franklin. Fortunately, American socio-economic policy is officially the UDHR and the OHCHR with further amplification provided by the ILO Regulations R202 as signed by the Bidden Obalma government but in spite of official policy, the leadership does not enforce this policy at home. It enforces the policy in Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan as now every African nation has a minimum income support of $15,000.00 per year. The West Indian Caricom nations have $10000.00 for every registered citizen who is resident or non-resident as some are overseas in America or Europe operating Jerk Chicken takeout restaurants. The American leadership seems to be intent and fixated on one goal that is to say what they are not; that is to say not Black or not a former indentured servant instead of saying he is an industrialist, business owner and an economically literate person who understands the purpose of the policy and that even if every North American had $40000.00 universal minimum income support, there will still be inequality, class and the rich who will only be richer vs. the humble little American. The goal to say what they are not challenges their expectations of success. They bring 1000's of Africans, East Indians and Asians to America every year. Because of the covert, divisive , subconscious goals or vendettas of the leadership class, certain policies are unusually delayed. The population spends more time dying together in proximity to the constitution instead of living together as a people given the benefit of the mandatory universal minimum income support under the constitution when automation speeds up production and increases economic output while slowing down economic activity as the average worker has less work and less money to spend due to fewer Job opportunities. The universal minimum income support shields the worker and the economy from the slowdown in economic activity caused by automation. The universal minimum income support is simple fiscal responsibility, enabling the economy. $500.00 -$1000.00 per month as a direct cash supplement or as a credit is not enough to satisfy global fiscal responsibility or national budgetary requirements. But, those low figures are what you would quote to win an American election since the goal is not responsibility but bringing attention to the persona that hoped to be recognised finally as having the authority. This is the beltway that keeps America on the periphery of its constitution and unevolved as a nation but determined with the mindset of a housekeeper that never really owned the house they were maintaining but occupied it with a tinge of short Circuiting and disloyalty as seen in the case of the Democrats most pointedly with the owner overseas. But, this is one nation under God. Your mindset seems to be to dissociate yourself fem the people while offering to chastise punish them for the....kings of Asia or Europe maybe...I don't know but you seem to think someone is approving of you if you do. The kings are asking you implement the universal minimum income support so that their economies with your economy will see more car sales and food sales. Who told you to think of yourself as the punisher? Instead of the fiscal responsibility, the leadership class is busy confirming that they are not black and that they are powerful as descendants of Benjamin Franklin so that Benjamin Franklin would be recognised; that he had the authority to make arrangement so that every President would be his descendant although he would not sit as President personally. Benjamin Franklin is acknowledged and recognised as being given the authority and to make it feel hereditary maybe will say cutely that I should feel obligated to do anything under any blessed constitution. This may never change. It is not intended to change. But, there at least needs to be a house for the housekeeper to use as a pedestal for recognition; a nation for the housekeeper,a stage for the court jester to have that sense of kingly ancestral, hereditary right just once and to do that you need to be reasonably fiscally responsible even if you put the owner's property in debt with a reverse mortgage owing the Bank of China or the Bank of Korea. You need people. You need to buy trains that save fuel on a 2 for 1 basis and a universal minimum income support like all other nations so that you have sufficient economic activity. Google and Read the "ILO Regulations r202." Benjamin Franklin had the same complexion as Anthony Johnson but Benjamin's hair was soft. Benjamin was born in Jamaica but was always told to say he was born in America. He may have been born female. The research demonstrates a female pelvic bone. What is the point of education if your dna has the authority? Don't the educated just kiss and touch each other in secret in a big old building with a steeple? According to Benjamin, Shouldn't people offer like Benjamin before they are allowed in the hall ? Do they really write 8 or more exams with Latin terminology like Res Ipsa Loquitur ? Maybe the point is to run from law, constitutions and formality in the same way Benjamin Franklin ran from Anthony Johnson once while maintaining a window dressing of order; a semblance and pretence of normalcy. What is the point of Alexander Hamilton and his concerns about unscrupulous men if my dna has the authority and they should not make it soo obvious though, study a bit more and read the ILO Regulations R202 or else I will be very cross with them ? Did you know a P and O Ferry would only take six hours to sail from New York to Nigeria? If the issue is identity for the leadership classes who tend to be related to some founding fathers who were once owned by a Black man like Anthony Johnson, then we accept this. But, every soul born in America by the year 1865 was part Amerindian. Every American really is part Amerindian. It may be hard to believe, but it's true. It could be Chihuahua people dna or Pueblos people dna or Mohican dna or Mohicanapanese.
There's some devil in the Democratic national stratagem for America and it's future. Now, if you shake hands with people at exciting G8 and G20 summits before and after you sign the UDHR, the OHCHR and the UN ILO Regulations 202, maybe you do respect those people and you will comply for no other reason. You are like a woman who says she needs to be accepted but who cuts the cheek of her children and then blames them for how she feels about herself. Benjamin Franklin was a second generation indentured servantborn to people who came over from Europe. He was a home grown colonial. He actually worked for Anthony Johnson. Bidden and Donald Truhelp are descendants of Benjamin Franklin. Fortunately, American socio-economic policy is officially the UDHR and the OHCHR with further amplification provided by the ILO Regulations R202 as signed by the Bidden Obalma government but in spite of official policy, the leadership does not enforce this policy at home. It enforces the policy in Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan as now every African nation has a minimum income support of $15,000.00 per year. The West Indian Caricom nations have $10000.00 for every registered citizen who is resident or non-resident as some are overseas in America or Europe operating Jerk Chicken takeout restaurants. The American leadership seems to be intent and fixated on one goal that is to say what they are not; that is to say not Black or not a former indentured servant instead of saying he is an industrialist, business owner and an economically literate person who understands the purpose of the policy and that even if every North American had $40000.00 universal minimum income support, there will still be inequality, class and the rich who will only be richer vs. the humble little American. The goal to say what they are not challenges their expectations of success. They bring 1000's of Africans, East Indians and Asians to America every year. Because of the covert, divisive , subconscious goals or vendettas of the leadership class, certain policies are unusually delayed. The population spends more time dying together in proximity to the constitution instead of living together as a people given the benefit of the mandatory universal minimum income support under the constitution when automation speeds up production and increases economic output while slowing down economic activity as the average worker has less work and less money to spend due to fewer Job opportunities. The universal minimum income support shields the worker and the economy from the slowdown in economic activity caused by automation. The universal minimum income support is simple fiscal responsibility, enabling the economy. $500.00 -$1000.00 per month as a direct cash supplement or as a credit is not enough to satisfy global fiscal responsibility or national budgetary requirements. But, those low figures are what you would quote to win an American election since the goal is not responsibility but bringing attention to the persona that hoped to be recognised finally as having the authority. This is the beltway that keeps America on the periphery of its constitution and unevolved as a nation but determined with the mindset of a housekeeper that never really owned the house they were maintaining but occupied it with a tinge of short Circuiting and disloyalty as seen in the case of the Democrats most pointedly with the owner overseas. But, this is one nation under God. Your mindset seems to be to dissociate yourself fem the people while offering to chastise punish them for the....kings of Asia or Europe maybe...I don't know but you seem to think someone is approving of you if you do. The kings are asking you implement the universal minimum income support so that their economies with your economy will see more car sales and food sales. Who told you to think of yourself as the punisher? Instead of the fiscal responsibility, the leadership class is busy confirming that they are not black and that they are powerful as descendants of Benjamin Franklin so that Benjamin Franklin would be recognised; that he had the authority to make arrangement so that every President would be his descendant although he would not sit as President personally. Benjamin Franklin is acknowledged and recognised as being given the authority and to make it feel hereditary maybe will say cutely that I should feel obligated to do anything under any blessed constitution. This may never change. It is not intended to change. But, there at least needs to be a house for the housekeeper to use as a pedestal for recognition; a nation for the housekeeper,a stage for the court jester to have that sense of kingly ancestral, hereditary right just once and to do that you need to be reasonably fiscally responsible even if you put the owner's property in debt with a reverse mortgage owing the Bank of China or the Bank of Korea. You need people. You need to buy trains that save fuel on a 2 for 1 basis and a universal minimum income support like all other nations so that you have sufficient economic activity. Google and Read the "ILO Regulations r202." Benjamin Franklin had the same complexion as Anthony Johnson but Benjamin's hair was soft. Benjamin was born in Jamaica but was always told to say he was born in America. He may have been born female. The research demonstrates a female pelvic bone. What is the point of education if your dna has the authority? Don't the educated just kiss and touch each other in secret in a big old building with a steeple? According to Benjamin, Shouldn't people offer like Benjamin before they are allowed in the hall ? Do they really write 8 or more exams with Latin terminology like Res Ipsa Loquitur ? Maybe the point is to run from law, constitutions and formality in the same way Benjamin Franklin ran from Anthony Johnson once while maintaining a window dressing of order; a semblance and pretence of normalcy. What is the point of Alexander Hamilton and his concerns about unscrupulous men if my dna has the authority and they should not make it soo obvious though, study a bit more and read the ILO Regulations R202 or else I will be very cross with them ? Did you know a P and O Ferry would only take six hours to sail from New York to Nigeria? If the issue is identity for the leadership classes who tend to be related to some founding fathers who were once owned by a Black man like Anthony Johnson, then we accept this. But, every soul born in America by the year 1865 was part Amerindian. Every American really is part Amerindian. It may be hard to believe, but it's true. It could be Chihuahua people dna or Pueblos people dna or Mohican dna or Mohicanapanese.
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