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Showing posts from February, 2020
A man can emerge from a fruit basket put in a river and he is saved by a farmer down stream who turns his hobby for fixing machines into the Hoover vacuum company. The community honors and protects him in the same way they wish to be protected; as a human being. But, the man from the fruit basket has obtained more than a family. He has social authority and a job in the Hoover company as a Director for Sales and Marketing. His children inherit the same social authority and they hire people who have College degrees. They have social authority though but they seem to be missing something as they imagine it; something the graduates have and it could be the experience with fear of consequence for lack of self-denial and some experience with time management and involvement or association. It could not be title though. But, the third generation of the fruit basket people see the college degree as a missing variable in their social crown and who knows why except Don Draper is closer to the Joker than he is to Batman for stealing another man's war medals and his identity in the year 2020 on your television. This Draper is not Al from Happy Days or Richie Cunningham. But, Draper is an unusual variable in new, too frequent behavioural anthropology as evidenced in Criminal Law Courts concerning stolen documents, school transcripts, falsified resumes and joh reference letters. But,anyone can get a college association by donating and joining the Supporter's Club. Your name is entered in a database and you get a Supporter's Club membership card. You have your association to the college and your social authority. You also get special emails with the occasional invitation to attend an alumni function; meet a black graduate or two maybe and a few native graduates*, all kinds of people in addition to some white people of course and some Asians; yes? But, if you are not the student who graduated or who is on the Eve of graduation, then you do not have the education except by what may be obtained in your own personal study. That's okay. You can learn. You made your choice but it does not mean you can use your lack of formal education mixed with false beliefs about a despotic notion of French Royalty or a misguided Hitler to justify your misunderstanding of our laws and the constitution. But, you are not following the French or the Germans as you imagine them in historical glory but notions of a criminal despotism. You seem to think you are helping Louis as you seek a despotism that threatens liberty.* You keep asking what the laws say to stop you in the year 2020. Maybe you have network of people who feel just like you intent on pursuing a mixture of social authority with a totalitarian absolute authority and if Hitler wore designer suits, not a uniform, he could use his appearance to seek our sympathy with the emotions of a serial killer disguised by his favorite movie collection. Bond is a cop to defend civil liberties; not Hitler in a suit. Your need for sympathy and love is understood by most but many people these days have rather strong opinions about the obvious and the evident. We have a community in need of protection. There could be a dna in some foods to "dial back' people's humanity. You cannot be told how to design your engine. Nobody buys your vehicles. You cannot be told how to run your economy. You don't have a market based on home grown consumers. You don't want people to have education, money or work. You want to call Eurkpean people Nazis. But, look at what you do to your own population. No doubt, as an Egyptian who speaks French, I am just part of a replacement population that has arrived to help fill the desolation your economy is suffering under your leadership and resistance to evident solutions. My son, though, has an American accent like his white friends and he is now going to school in Uganda to develop an African accent and when he comes back, he will write "diplomatic foreigner" on a piece of paper ten times. We are thankful for our universal unconditional minimum income support in New York. I like you though. You are a nice man; or woman. But, you have the authority. When that trumpet plays, I know it's him on Green Dolphin Street...just clear, clean and crisp. It puts Georgia on my mind; not Bushwick but maybe the Bronx. The road will be built around you. The economy will be maintained and built around you with a universal unconditional minimum income support. You would not expect us to support your uh...need to be accepted over the needs of the people and the imperatives of the constitution. If you do what is right Cain, you will be accepted. The President of the Confusion corporation, with his job description and the US Constitution in hand, in the last hour of his elected political experience before he moves on to paid government celebrity forever, is trying to give us a logical economic solution as a ransom for many to save us from the ravages of robotic automation. The solution is known as an unconditional universal minimum income support. If he thinks of the people, their needs, the needs of businesses primarily and the constitution, he could win again. However, can a president be impeached more than once in the same year? The answer is yes although time will not permit it when a free and fair election is imminent; just months away and if he lifts a spoon to feed ten people a day whether or not they need the help while he asks God to help, he does whatever he wants for the remainder of the day. It used to work but it does not work now to cover his confused, malevolent motivations. Ignorance or political innocence is no excuse. You were told what to do to save the people. Hezekiah listened. Senacharib interrupted. Saul killed Israel. On a scale from 1-10 with Hezekiah close to 10 for the good and Senacharib close to 1 for the evil, how do we rate this economy and the leadership in comparison to other countries using OECD evidence and the minimum income support metric? As a metric, minimum income support is not unlike water sanitation. Maybe Abel in the bible is dead but some people cannot rest until, today in 2020, they are sure he is dead. This discussion is about everything really so that we can agree as community. You think you should have the authority as the official. You have a lot of authority but you thought you could create an emergency context to kill someone. People who apply to be law clerks do not see themselves as evincible. They look forward to work although new technologies may automate work so that the unconditional universal minimum income support helps the average job applicant. Your intention is criminal. Tu besoin a petit comprend et etudier en francais pour travaille en securite'. Quelle est le coute? Combien pour une vie dans le rigoureux terre et le monde? How much are you willing to pay him to answer a phone or catalogue books at the ministry or stand at a door and open it ALL DAY LONG? You are in a world of determined opinion ( le Avis dans de votre monde et les avis de le droit* dans le palais de Justice) as juxtaposed against the law when some people just want to think they can do something to others who have no idea who they may be. As an example, there are some people who think a degree involves a title like citizen but it is not worth anything that you should want to kill anyone for the document or lots of people. This anthropology involving an English serial killer who killed people for their degrees may be fictional; like Obalma running for *office again.* It is a bid. There is an election; no guarantee. There is a job to do. A former governor or former office holder of any kind could do it if eligible. The current office holders could do it. Is your imperative human kind, light or white? In finding your own law of averages in terms of opportunities and general thankfulness, we say God is our father when the word seems to mean etymologically "imitate" and it's not that he's a horrible, bad guy but you don't need to have ten divorces like he did before you say you've learned or you understand a woman now when he had ten wives. When you say God is your father, you find your own law of averages when you let go of your angers and your hate, only bringing peace with you when what you have in that moment of trepidation is what you bring with you. You are a unique creation. Could there really have been for the first time in history, a Pueblo Nazi in 1933 who would say that his bus driver is too black to own his own home or inherit a 1/3 of a property from his Uncle? It helped to cause a war. In one plot from the old Battle Star Galactica series, the leadership is drugged so that even simple equations like 8x+x=9 seems like alien intelligence. You and I know that if I did not have enough education to own a hotel and a record company, I would be a damn fool; you understand! When it comes to an unconditional universal minimum income support, I know what I would do as a business man or as an artful dodger. Every citizen receives the money; every Tom, Dick, Che' and Verona. It means more customers and steady business as a business man and a little financial backing and a buffer when automation is circling the fast food cooks ; not just cashiers, car assembly and food delivery. It means the artful dodger does not have to pick pocket or Rob your vehicle or storage locker. I can also speculate on what I would do as a Business man who hated this world; and the money all people require. I would probably fight the unconditional universal minimum income support. As such, I would not be a good fit for civil administration or politics really but maybe eventually once someone explains it to me and I am so rich anyway and handsome. I am huge. My name is Donnie Brosco. God is the heir we breathe instead of the air of accusation and impeachment of our world and any authority emerging within the current system. Let's count the result three times to satisfy your doubt and forget the double jeopardy principle for a while in your interrupting slip stream noted as of 1993. We have entertained your Black question, family question, the marriage question and the Jewish question one more time. You are a Lordess; we give you the...some sympathy. There are certain Anthropological Amerindian motivations and desires that have survived the wars and there is no need for another except but in our emotions. All kinds of people died in those wars when the world government said that he preferred that you would choose life, life more abundantly and just comply. But, you wanted to see your authority much like your ancestor Hadrian who had a fight with his fellow student, Julius, who you kept telling people about, that he mist have thought he is the king as he was an orphan at the Centurion school but was a good carpenter. Your ancestor was a little taller. Your ancestor challenged him to a fight and got kicked out of Centurion school for civil disobedience although you said you should have had the authority. You were one year ahead. You ran home to Britannia. He was eventually promoted to Governor of Britannia and Burgundy and you did all you could to resist. You were caught and horrible things happened to you with a crown of rose thorns on your head. The war in your emotions shall be to resolve your own determination and prediction to resist where you join a No Name Church group so that "you should have the authority" to rob a bank, a post office, a coffee shop or a burger restaurant or so you hope but then why wouldnt any such organisation that could hope to save you from consequences not just influence the political spectrum with a phone call to ensure everyone has what the stated policy on an unconditional universal minimum income support requires? The answer may be to see the anthropology that led to a certain desperation in the civil order during another generation. It seems the desire to resist the movement of a civilization( the road, the highway, the post box) that threatened a hunter gatherer way of life is redundant but was an emotional preference that continued maybe subconsciously. But, if you want to fish for your dinner, you should agree to the money offered in an unconditional universal minimum income support so you can buy the bait, the fishing rod and the license if you need one in your area; understood? There are also people around who may wish to scalp you, take your hair, losing your shower tap to make you bald in a ruthless subconscious war of sub -cultures within the greater culture. For instance, the cereal is good as made out of corn and may stimulate your health generally. After you buy the box three times, it becomes corn with a one micrograms kf disappointment. So, you will probably switch to another brand now that you see his authority*. Do you know Emiliania; Emiliania Huxley ? What if government and democracy was like a pizza? Each politician could be judged on his sauce. But, the essential formula for assessing his or her quality is the recipe that we will call the Magna Carta; in essence. There are more automated variations of this essential formula that we refer to as the UDHR and the UN Ilo Recommendations R202. Does he borrow; that is steal people's book ideas or theses on politics? Does he think only about Jewish questions, black questions and Black Egyptian and Black Jewish questions? Does he suffer from a personality development? Can he write 70 words of his own that coherently discuss a topic in English or French? Does the pizza have cheese? Does it have sauce or proper dough? Do the people have je money like the recipe requires? Would I tolerate a pizza guy or a pizza that does not give me the sauce, the sauce or the dough? Does he seem to resent grade 8 math graduates who could explain how the unconditional universal minimum income support is the logical patch, missing variable and piece or widget to get an automated robotic Labor economy to make sense, to actually work? Combien acheter pour le ego ou le pizza avec deux verre de eau en sel? Now, if I have to read your job description for you, why should we support YOU again? That is our citizens' contribution and it is evident that no one around you was able to really tell you what was up for fear of survival. But, the integrity of the constitution was at stake as it is evident higher powers said you will learn. You will learn how to deal with the pirate former Vice vampire who is on payroll or retirees pension; I dont know. In either case, who ever says we may have to tolerate him or you also says the unconditional universal minimum income support is a now a high priority requisite for all of North America and not just some jurisdictions. A former Vice President or Secretary of State, does he seem to say he is entitled to the office of the "Highest and poorest office in the World?" Does he say he does not care But the laws? Maybe he does. Maybe some people thought this would be more entertaining to have people like this in the office who make bad pizza, who don't follow the formula. But,we never stray too far from the essence. But, we can talk about the quality of his oil, his peppers and his sauce. There will be another national pizzeria maker and delivery..boy after the next election and we can remember how good we ate or maybe not during the last guy. Maybe ot just time to see who can get the formula working faster, more efficiently because I like the way people who think fast to get the formula going do business. I like him. The world government told you to give every citizen a universal unconditional minimum income support for the benefit of the economy. He told you the truth. You have not really listened in the English speaking world. Your compliance is inconsistent. The evidence of this advice is seen in the UDHR and the various articles as written in UN Ilo Recommendations R202. The money is for your benefit and for your health so we can practice social congregation and participation in the market and in the new life of the global community. Have you been to Banff? I have been. I am Chinese. Where are you from? Will you covet 19 of my travel destinations and travel photos as I and others travel with our universal unconditional minimum income support? The same world government has now told you to do some thing. He has told you to clean but what about the money? Why do you do what he says to clean but you dont listen to him when it involves money? The only difference here is that during this time, the Europeans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Brazilians and most Latinos have a universal unconditional minimum income support during their compliance with this crisis. Let's have a beer. Just wash your hands before you hand me the glass. Money is representative of our world government; so is Lysol. All the people need some money to participate and buy the Lysol, the hand sanitizers and the dust cups. By Mr. Real Coroona Bier and Davey Jones.
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Anybody, can read a PowerPoint and a text book that involves law. The whole world is a stage. So, why not hire any law graduate who can do the job?
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Beats By Dr. Dre Studio Wireless Headphone Features
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Commius: By about 30 BC Commius had established himself as king of the Atrebates in Britain, and was issuing coins from Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester). It is possible that Commius and his followers founded this kingdom, although the fact that, when Caesar was unable to bring his cavalry to Britain in 55 BC, Commius was able to provide a small detachment of horsemen from his people, suggests that there were already Atrebates in Britain at this time. Coins marked with his name continued to be issued until about 20 BC, and some have suggested, based on the length of his floruit, that there may have been two kings, father and son, of the same name. However, if Commius was a young man when appointed by Caesar he could very well have lived until 20 BC. Some coins of this period are stamped "COM COMMIOS", which, if interpreted as "Commius son of Commius", would seem to support the two kings theory.[13] Three later kings, Tincomarus, Eppillus and Verica, are named on their coins as sons of Commius. From about 25 BC Commius appears to have ruled in collaboration with Tincomarus. After his death Tincomarus appears to have ruled the northern part of the kingdom from Calleva, while Eppillus ruled the southern part from Noviomagus (Chichester). Eppillus became sole ruler ca. AD 7. Verica succeeded him about 15.
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