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Click here. 10 August 2025. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules ( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. . By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports; written by Warren A. Lyon. Lets ask ourselves what happens in a country with full robotic automation for product production but the consumers have low income support of $38000.00 each. What do we see? We see that brand new car sales are low. Used car sales are higher. The sales tax is about 10% and there is low economic activity. People are in financial hardship, they are dying in encampments and suffer from the elements due to insufficient funding necessary for a regular home. Even if they had a little money, the pirate creole harasses his beer and bacon consuming soul so that he cannot access his money. The Card is not working and then when he speaks to the bank on the phone or in person, the bank asks him for his birth certificate but he never used it to open the account; nor is it required. He ends up in a situation. His money is taken as he is declared dead by the Halifax Maritime Bank 16 year old part time bank employee as guided by the Bank emperor and the client is a former soldier. It's a theft, fraud. He is not dead. His money is now used by the 16 year old, the bank emperor, a few other pirates that gamble and all they say is that they were told they would get some. The politicians are always talking about housing, shelter and health funding but this is not provided to people sufficiently. There is crime and lots of guns. In another country where the income support is $70,000.00 per year, consumer and economic activity is high, it is good and the new car sales are high or at "hoped for" and expected levels. The sales tax is 9%; sometimes its 22% and consumer activity remains buoyant. Sometimes, its a 40% sales tax. What if it was 100% sales tax? This sales tax could change from day to day. Crime is low; very few guns. The people are happy and safe. What would you prefer? What works? Charlemagne from Goat Island advocates the economy paying $38000.00 per citizen. Charlemagne from Europe advocates the economy paying $100,000.00 per citizen. What do you want? We do not want the cost of consumer goods to go up at a time when we cannot afford it as we are not receiving the income support in amounts that are commensurate to the cost of dignified survival. This discussion of a 100% sales tax is not to entice food distribution companies and supermarkets to increase the cost of food when the amount of income support has not increased yet. You will find that you have less sales in your region if you attempt this and the human being, in all its tenacity, will just live some where else for as long as possible to avoid this overly expensive cost of basic foods, like milk, eggs, potatoes, bread, chicken, ground beef, cereal and peanut butter. The food will become stale dated on the shelf and thrown out. We also notice that a human might have solved this in the simplest way possible; that life requires money and we are all human, deserving of good treatment and the avoidance of pain in our brief experience so we will ensure in our management of the government that everyone has enough money and if there is any error or fraud in the process that enables them to receive this income support benefit, then we will enable them to connect to the government, provide us new account details as soon as possible since we do not want anyone to suffer moneyless-ness; in our own country or any country. If we see the fraud that prevented them from receiving the income support, then we can solve the problem immediately without the citizens contacting us. We would help a refugee or asylum seeker if we could. So, we help our own people first. We would help a stray dog or stray human if we could.

    Click here.   10 August 2025 . The Global Capitalist System  is  a one world system with one set of rules ( supply  and demand with  necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay.   By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports; written by Warren A. Lyon. Lets ask ourselves what happens in a country with full robotic automation for product production but the consumers have low income support of  $38000.00 each. What do we see? We see that brand new car sales are low. Used car sales are higher. The sales tax is about 10% and there is low economic activity.   People are in financial hardship, they are dying in encampments and suffer from the elements due to insufficient funding necessary for a regular home.   Even if they had a little money, the pirate creole harasses his beer and bacon consuming soul ...

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